Dear DPDK Community,
We hope this message finds each of you well. The Call for Proposals to speak at the upcoming in personal and virtual Userspace event in Arcachon, France (Sep. 6-8, 2022) is now live and ends at midnight eastern time on Friday, July 22nd: You can submit at the following online registration form: We’re seeking speakers for 30-40 minutes each to address the following topics as listed on this page: - End user applications and usage of DPDK for real world deployed solutions (such as cloud, edge, IoT, or networking applications) - Developer stories, technical challenges when integrating or developing with DPDK - Enhancements and additions to the DPDK libraries, functional or performance-wise - New networking technologies and their applicability to DPDK - Hardware NIC capabilities and offloads - Hardware datapath accelerators (compression, crypto, baseband, GPU, regex, etc.) - Virtualization and container networking - Debug tooling (logging, tracing, telemetry, monitoring) - DPDK consumability (API/ABI compatibility, OS integration, packaging) - Project infrastructure, security, testing - Feedback from usage and deployment of DPDK applications (OSS or proprietary) - End user and DPDK adopter suggestions for improvements or feature enhancement All speaker applicants should also go through the Userspace registration process beforehand, and will be granted Early Bird Admission fees ($100) prior to August 8th. We are open to virtual presenters if absolutely required, but prefer in-person participation. Those who are approved by our Tech Board to speak at the event will have this $100 refunded per Linux Foundation policy. The main registration page for the event is located here: We appreciate your time, consideration and investment and look forward to reviewing your proposals. Many thanks Nathan Southern Project Coordinator, DPDK The Linux Foundation