Re: [lang] org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.Locks.Lock

2020-06-26 Thread Miguel Muñoz
something important. Or (since Locker also sounds like a verb form) maybe it could be called a LockBox. That implies that it wraps something, which is what we want. I may come up with better suggestions if I could see the class. It's not in master, and I don't see it on any branch. Can

Re: Creating a Kotlin Commons Lang Package

2020-08-17 Thread Miguel Muñoz
I'd be happy to join you. On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 5:24 AM Adwait Kumar Singh <> wrote: > Hi all, > > I created this issue to > discuss the possibility of creating a Kotlin version of the current project > which would le

Re: Creating a Kotlin Commons Lang Package

2020-08-23 Thread Miguel Muñoz
or giving users a cleaner interface to the standard Apache commons methods that we should take advantage of. I think this is an excellent idea, and I'd be happy to take part in the project. — Miguel Muñoz On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 6:13 PM Hasan Diwan wrote: > Couldn't you follow the

Re: opinions about @NotNull and @Nullable ?

2020-08-26 Thread Miguel Muñoz
lot of people have been using Optional to prevent NullPointerExceptions, and many are now figuring out that it doesn't really help with that. (That's not what Optional was invented for.) But it shows how there's a hunger to address this issue in Java. The annotations suggested by Xeno ar

Re: opinions about @NotNull and @Nullable ?

2020-08-27 Thread Miguel Muñoz
conditions a method will throw an Exception. So if a null input parameter always throws an Exception, you can specify this in a Contract, which helps IntelliJ track nullability problems. I'm not sure we should use it in Apache's code. — Miguel Muñoz On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 6:48

Re: opinions about @NotNull and @Nullable ?

2020-08-27 Thread Miguel Muñoz
retention, and they work fine, so I don't miss that feature. — Miguel Muñoz On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 12:36 PM Jochen Wiedmann wrote: > On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 9:08 PM sebb wrote: > > > AFAIK that means Maven won't download the dependency. > > Surely that makes it harde

Archive Problems?

2020-08-28 Thread Miguel Muñoz
Why do the letters in the archive stop at August 11th? Has something gone wrong? — Miguel Muñoz

Re: opinions about @NotNull and @Nullable ?

2020-08-29 Thread Miguel Muñoz
e null values are allowed will do a lot to clarify how APIs should be used. If this improves the quality of people's code, they will have served their purpose, regardless of what inspections are used. — Miguel Muñoz On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 10:15 AM Xeno Amess wrote: > https://imgur.c

Re: opinions about @NotNull and @Nullable ?

2020-08-29 Thread Miguel Muñoz
Thank you for pointing that out. The IntelliJ annotations used to have Runtime retention, but they now have Class retention. — Miguel Muñoz On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 7:54 AM Xeno Amess wrote: > > IntelliJ specifies Runtime retention so they can interact > with IntelliJ's inter

Re: Volunteering

2023-04-10 Thread Miguel Muñoz
like to pitch in. If Giles has taken up the Commons VFS unit tests, do you know of some other Java task that you'd like to see taken on? — Miguel Muñoz On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 4:27 PM Gary Gregory wrote: > While a thankless task, you could wield a Mournebalde or Stormbringer at > t

Re: Volunteering

2023-04-11 Thread Miguel Muñoz
> > Gary > > On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 13:31 Miguel Muñoz wrote: > > > Elric, > > Did you take up Gary's "thankless" task of updating the tests for > Commons > > VFS? Because I'm looking for a volunteer task, and an opportunity to > > im


2023-04-12 Thread Miguel Muñoz
s the only one that calls Files.isSymbolicLink(). I could fix this, but I don't know which behavior is correct. I'll send you my test code if you want it. — Miguel Muñoz

Re: [IO] SymbolicLinkFileFilter

2023-04-17 Thread Miguel Muñoz
x27;ve made the problem a lot smaller. — Miguel On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 1:10 PM Miguel Muñoz wrote: > "The class per its javadoc filters for symbolic links on files." > > It sounds like it's only supposed to pass files that are symbolic links. > If that's the idea, t

Re: [IO] SymbolicLinkFileFilter

2023-04-17 Thread Miguel Muñoz
's assume this is for IO, not VFS; in the future, please prefix email > > subjects with > > [IO] or [VFS] or whatever Commons component is being discussed. > > > > TY! > > Gary > > > > On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 01:59 Miguel Muñoz wrote: > > > >&

[IO] 2 Patches for SymbolicLinkFileFilter

2023-04-18 Thread Miguel Muñoz
Mac with a simple temporary change to the test for which platform it's running on. (Very little runs differently on Windows.) The patches must be applied in order. The first one changes the class itself, and the second changes the unit test. — Miguel Muñoz Index: src/main/java/org/apache/common

Re: [IO] 2 Patches for SymbolicLinkFileFilter

2023-04-18 Thread Miguel Muñoz
Today I resubmitted both changes as Pull Requests. — Miguel Muñoz On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 3:44 AM Gary Gregory wrote: > Thanks Miguel, > > Please provide changes as PRs on GiHub. This is the best way to go IMO > because it runs code against all tests on all configured OSs and Jav

Re: Volunteering

2023-05-03 Thread Miguel Muñoz
How are you coming with rewriting the unit tests? On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 1:05 PM Elric V wrote: > On 10/04/2023 22:31, Miguel Muñoz wrote: > > Elric, > >Did you take up Gary's "thankless" task of updating the tests for > Commons > > VFS? Because I

Re: [IO] Commons IOIO-552 FilenameUtils.concat fails if second argument (fullFilenameToAdd) starts with '~' (tilde)

2023-05-30 Thread Miguel Muñoz
g the user instantiate a FilenameUtils2 class, and call non-static methods from it? ​My preference would be the first approach. ​ ​-- Miguel Muñoz ​ On May 28 2023, at 9:20 AM, Gary Gregorywrote: > > > Neither approach is what I'd prefer. Instead

Re: [IMAGING] Logging vs Throwing exceptions

2023-05-30 Thread Miguel Muñoz
In addition to logging and swallowing the exception, this method also then returns null. This is also a bad practice. ​ ​The caller has to check for null. One of the reasons exceptions were invented was to free the user from needing to check for null or error codes. — Miguel​

[IO] Suggestion for AbstractFileComparator

2023-12-01 Thread Miguel Muñoz
​What do you think? ​ ​-- Miguel Muñoz

Re: [IO] Suggestion for AbstractFileComparator

2023-12-01 Thread Miguel Muñoz
to blow up and give me an > error, or to silently succeed and tell me (or not tell me) somehow? > > I'd like to hear how these methods play into that (or not) and how (or > not). > > Gary > > > On Fri, Dec 1, 2023, 4:50 AM Miguel Muñozwrote: >

Re: [IO] Suggestion for AbstractFileComparator

2023-12-01 Thread Miguel Muñoz
gorithm is stable or correct when sorting > by external conditions that change asynchronously outside the > program's control while the sort executes. > > > On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 4:50 AM Miguel Muñozwrote: > > > > > > > > In my comments