That sounds like a good approach, and is one that I've taken before on other 
classes. But I want to be clear about something. Are you thinking of private 
builders that are invoked by static methods? This would mean the API wouldn't 
change much. Or were you thinking of having the user instantiate a 
FilenameUtils2 class, and call non-static methods from it?
​My preference would be the first approach.
​-- Miguel Muñoz
On May 28 2023, at 9:20 AM, Gary Gregory  <>  wrote:
> Neither approach is what I'd prefer. Instead I see a new class with a
> builder to let you choose whether or not shell substitution to takes place
> and whatever other setting (maybe case sensitivity for example)
> SomeNewClass.builder()
>      .setShellSubstitution(true) // replace ~
>      .build()
>      .someFunction(someArgs)
> Gary
> On Fri, May 26, 2023, 18:44 Miguel Munoz  <>
> wrote:
> >  Gary D. Gregory,
> >  I've offered two suggestions of how to fix Commons IOIO-552.
> >  One is add a new method called configStrict(), which treats tildes as part
> >  of the file name.The other is to deprecate the class and write a whole new
> >  class (FilenameUtils2 ?) that treats the tilde character as just another
> >  character, instead of using linux shell conventions.
> >
> >  If you're happy with either of these approaches, I'd be happy to take this
> >  on.If you have other priorities you'd like help with, please let me know.
> >  — Miguel Muñoz

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