Provides Best Quality Support and Services Of Web Hosting

2011-11-11 Thread john john
Provides Best Quality Support and Services Of Web Hosting Reseller Hosting *Would you like to start a web hosting company, or take your current hosting business to the next level? Our reseller hosting account puts YOU in control! With **WebHostMaker** you can sell unlimited plans to your customer

[no subject]

2001-05-22 Thread John
Hey there, I found a great retail site with all kinds of products. Home decor, office decor, travel, outdoors, kitchen, etc... Take a look around at just click on the images of the product to enlarge it for a better view. Sincerely, John

Bug#776492: wiki system swallows shebang when rendering to HTML

2015-01-28 Thread john
Package: Severity: important Dear Maintainer, posting a (shell) script inside "{{{" / "}}}" tags onto a wiki page makes the wiki system omit a shebang from the beginning of the script when rendering to HTML. This can lead to people not being able to follow instructions from the wik

2002-11-28 Thread John
The above page says there are some Debian books published by NewRiders. I went to the NewRiders website and did a search on Linux. Got a few hits, decided to try Debian instead. None. So, I conclude that they have Linux boox but none current specific to Debian. is down

2008-02-12 Thread john
, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Apache Server at Port 80 Thanks! John -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"

I thought you might like this

2009-01-04 Thread john
Hello! John Here, I got my newest website up and running finally! So I thought I would share it with everyone

Re: stop software patents help

2009-04-20 Thread John
can get lots of > signatures. > > Franklin Totally agreed - hiding from the world will not help your cause. Open source is just that - open ;) Good luck John > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to > with a subject of "unsubscribe&qu

Re: language settings

2009-04-28 Thread John
ree more - language/alphabet selection should be possible per-page. It is accepted that it's convenient for the IP to determine the initial language being served, but please let me have a clickable selection of language, even in other alphabets (I use English, Spanish, Bulgarian and Arabic, a

Re: need help

2009-06-13 Thread John
On 13/06/2009, anand babu wrote: > i have downloded debian in various ways but i did not find install exc file You can use if that suits you better. Cheers, John. > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to >

Re: Information on who to contact for a copy of Debian 3.0 - Woody

2009-06-13 Thread John
Hola Shane -- here's the page you need to find some one to sell you CD's Good luck John On 13/06/2009, Shane de Montigny wrote: > Hello, > > I know this is not the place to ask, but the truth of the matter is I could > not find any other

Re: Debian CDs

2010-06-19 Thread john
On 19/06/2010, Simon Paillard wrote: > Hi, > > On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 02:18:17PM +1200, Baillie Browne wrote: >> I have had 2 failed net installs > I used these guys a while ago with no issues - good service > The debian-user mailing list may help you in u

2004-05-15 Thread John
Hi Martin There are some things, sadly, that Debian doesn't do well. I filed a bug report, and the maintainer closed it, disagreeing with my assessment of the problem. He courteously suggested I follow up with the technical committee. Good idea, I thought, so off to, click on

Broken link

2004-05-15 Thread John to Please, on every web page's footer place a mailto: link to facilitate reporting a problem with that page. Presetting the subject will go far to filter out spammers using the address (or passing

Re: Web page comparing Slink and Hamm

1998-11-30 Thread John Lapeyre
ell at: > Someone on debian-www is working on something like this I think... can you > post what you have/are planning there as well please? > > Thanks, Nils. > > > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Bialasinski write

Re: Note about Comparison of Packages page

1999-03-24 Thread John Lapeyre
ed $debian_org_base_unst = $debian_org_base . "stable/"; and leave $debian_org_base_st undefined. This will look under "stable" for slink descriptions and will not make a link for hamm descriptions. John -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Translation of release notes

1999-03-25 Thread John Lapeyre
kernel. WWW: FTP: Mirrors: Vendors: CD Images: -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ ht

Re: Translation Efforts

1999-03-27 Thread John Lapeyre
; technical terminologies, but I can pick it up) and lived in Brasil for a few > years. If the project needs this type of service, I would love to help. > > ~Brandon Gresham -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: Where is the press release?

1999-04-05 Thread John Lapeyre
HTTP 404) > > > The releases directory was not mentioned in spanish/Makefile . It has been > updated and committed to CVS. -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: New Look (logo)

1999-06-25 Thread John Lapeyre
et/ > The two reds don't match. But I didn't notice at first. I don't like the bottle at all. sample4 with just the swirl looks fine. -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: New Look (logo)

1999-06-25 Thread John Lapeyre
*Darren O. Benham wrote: > On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 06:30:56PM -0700, John Lapeyre wrote: > > The two reds don't match. But I didn't notice at first. I don't > > like the bottle at all. sample4 with just the swirl looks fine. > Which two reds? The re

new comparison pages

1999-07-25 Thread John Lapeyre
I regenerated the distribution comparison page. They are updated for potato, and include pages for four architectures. You can find them at ~/lapeyre/public_html/reports on master. They should be a drop in replacement for those currently installed. John -- John Lapeyre <[EM

Re: new comparison pages

1999-07-26 Thread John Lapeyre
on master. > > >They should be a drop in replacement for those currently installed. I don't know anything about wml. What does it mean ? -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: new comparison pages

1999-07-26 Thread John Lapeyre
ts on master. > > >They should be a drop in replacement for those currently installed. > > I don't know anything about wml. Is it some kind of markup language? (last message was non delivered, apparantly) -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: new comparison pages

1999-07-26 Thread John Lapeyre
irectory, and I can update it manually every week. John -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

spelling error on main page

1999-07-27 Thread John Lapeyre
ner page, which currently has the apostrophe before the s. Thanks, John -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson,AZ

Re: new comparison pages

1999-07-28 Thread John Lapeyre
*James A. Treacy wrote: > Is it ok if we give John CVS access? He can then check in all the > files he wants under the releases directory. I'll even create the > Makefile(s) needed to install the files. Sounds OK. But, which Makefiles. If I install them via CVS, that

Re: new comparison pages

1999-08-07 Thread John Lapeyre
ms rather complicated. I doubt I will have time to do it in the near future. Still, I saw some perl scripts wrapped up in wml, so maybe I can do this to my scripts. Or probably better, get them to write wml. John -- John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuc

Re: new comparison pages

1999-08-07 Thread John Lapeyre
*James A. Treacy wrote: > We suggested doing it this way to make your life easier, not > harder. :) Please trust us. I am sure the intent is to make it easier. At any rate, for the sake of uniformity, its a good idea. I'll give it a try. John -- John Lapeyre <[E

Re: new developer's corner

1999-09-19 Thread John Lapeyre
The web form says the format should be DDMMSS. Should this not be DDDMMSS ? Looks fun... John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tucson,AZ

Download Pages Broken

1999-11-23 Thread John Goerzen
Hi, With the online packages area, the download pages only allow downloading of i386 packages. This is in rather poor taste since Debian officially supports several others as well. Can someone please fix this? Thanks, John -- John Goerzen Linux, Unix consulting & programming [E

Bug#76003: DMUP lacking guidelines section

2000-10-31 Thread John Leuner
Package: Version: 2000-11-01 Severity: normal The DMUP (at says that "This document contains two parts: policies and guidelines." There is no guidelines section. John Leuner --

Bug#76004: Bug reporting "howto" page has bad URL to pseudo-package list

2000-10-31 Thread John Leuner
Gives a 404 Not Found error). John Leuner --

Bug#80389: FAQ-o-matic not working

2000-12-23 Thread John Leuner
Package: The FAQ-o-matic at does not work. Error message: Warnings: FAQ::OMatic::Log::logEvent: The access logging system is not working. The file (1) doesn't exist. John Leuner

Bug#82366: Typo in /security/2001/dsa-011

2001-01-14 Thread John Dalbec
Package: Version: 20010115 Severity: normal There's no "tech" in architecture, at least not in the US. I looked at some websites on British-American equivalents and could find no evidence for this spelling in the UK. -- System Information Debian Release: 2.2 Kernel Version: Linux

failed to allocate buffer hash table

2001-06-12 Thread John Klinger
This is the error on start up that I get:   failed to allocate buffer hash table In swapper task -not syncing

mailing-list testing/woody

2001-07-24 Thread John Beining
Is there a mailing-list of debian-testing/woody-changes? Why not?   Thank You in advance,   John Beining

An old should-be-dead list.

2001-07-29 Thread John Jensen
irony, that. Regardless, I think you should just kill the list. John Jensen (of what was the mpTOOLS project) -- 33° 47' 37N 117° 54' 52W

Bug#120848: missing

2001-11-23 Thread John Dalbec
Package: Version: 20011124 Severity: normal Mozilla defaults to en-us as the only language for content negotiation. In the absence of this page, I was getting the Indonesian version instead! I've added 'en' to my language settings as a workaround. -- System Information Debian Rel

Bug#120848: missing

2001-11-24 Thread John Dalbec
On Saturday November 24 2001 12:22 am, James A. Treacy wrote: > You may find the following link useful to understand why I feel that way: > Even better is to read the http spec. :) IMO the "What should I set the [language] variable to?" section needs to have a link

Bug#120848: missing

2001-11-24 Thread John Dalbec
rowsers that lead > > users to make the wrong decision about what language preference to send. > > This was a bug that was fixed in Mozilla 0.9.5. What happened to the fix, > Takuo? I'm running potato and I'm only at 0.9.2 (not from a .deb). Does the 0.9.5 .deb install on potato? John

Bug#120848: missing

2001-11-24 Thread John Dalbec
On Saturday November 24 2001 09:06 am, John Dalbec wrote: > IMO the "What should I set the [language] variable to?" section needs to > have a link to it from the top of the intro/cn page. As it is I linked to > "Setting the preferred language in a browser", saw the li

used wrong email address

2002-01-24 Thread John Ineson
below? I'm really sorry to trouble you with this, I'm sure you've got better things to do, but I would be very grateful. Best wishes, J -- John Ineson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#134471: listarchives: list filter is not in alphabetical order

2002-02-17 Thread John Ericson
Package: listarchives Version: N/A; reported 2002-02-17 Severity: normal I was looking for "deity" in "List filter" and didnt found it when I went through all the lists starting with d I was supprised to find almost at the bottom below "www" and "x". Down a

Bug#155548: Searching for debian packages...

2002-08-06 Thread John Belmonte
This query for "webdav" is another example of the problem: The search fails to return the libneon packages, etc.

Re: Removal of Email Address

2002-09-01 Thread John Goerzen
ted by someone else and CC'd to the Debian list. He may well have never wished his e-mail address to appear on the list. -- John

Re: Removal of Email Address

2002-09-01 Thread John Goerzen
On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 02:08:55PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote: > I don't think that's "unusual" or any kind of exception. Short of > things like libel, anything I say on the Debian lists should get > archived, whether it's something someone else doesn't want published > or not. We're no

Link error

2002-09-05 Thread John Plate
Hi On ""; the links refers to the English text - not the translated. Ciao John

[no subject]

2002-11-01 Thread John Manlapaz
Removal information at bottom of message.How does $20,000 in two weeks sound? It IS possible...Maybe you have seen an older version of this $5 letter going around, but WHAT IF you haven't seen this NEWEST version?? WHAT IF you don't SAVE THIS LETTER...then the idea has time to sink in and y

I AM SELLING EXCELLENT SOFTWARE FOR $5. You can use its power to attract $$$ to you.There are no tricks here.

2002-11-01 Thread John Manlapaz
Removal information at bottom of message.How does a great program for $5 sound? And…How does $20,000 in two weeks sound? It IS possible...Maybe you have seen an older version of this $5 letter going around, but WHAT IF you haven't seen this NEWEST version?? WHAT IF you don't SAVE THIS LETTE

I AM SELLING EXCELLENT SOFTWARE FOR $5. You can use its power to attract $$$ to you.There are no tricks here.

2002-11-01 Thread John Manlapaz
Removal information at bottom of message.How does a great program for $5 sound? And…How does $20,000 in two weeks sound? It IS possible...Maybe you have seen an older version of this $5 letter going around, but WHAT IF you haven't seen this NEWEST version?? WHAT IF you don't SAVE THIS LETTE

hardware support

2002-11-08 Thread John Shen
Do you know which laptop supports your OS? thanks Best regards! John Fine Tec Computer Company 408-943-9193 X220 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Recovering a account

2018-02-04 Thread John Wright
any way to get this account assigned to so I can get a recovery email? I promise this actually was my account...see e.g -- John Wright signature.asc Description: PGP signature


2019-02-02 Thread john thuo
hello guys am new to linux and i installed the debian linux os well it cant connect to wifi and am finding a hard time go about it installing other programmes and generally i dont know its treminal commands i need help asap plzz.

High Quality Guest and Gambling post sale do follow links;

2019-03-05 Thread Broiska John
Hi Sir,Mam, I find your email ID on Google. I am selling Guest and casino post. Hope you are interested buy links! Kindly check my these are all High Quality site. http://mybe

Internal Server Error on p.d.o/source/buster-backports/...

2019-12-04 Thread John Brooks
See for example this URL: This seems to happen for any source package that I try to view in buster-backports.

Developer locations map broken?

2019-12-07 Thread John Scott
Hello, At the map doesn't seem to have any points on it. The link to the coordinates file is also blank: signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

My computer

2020-05-18 Thread John Dacosta need help boot recovering laptop Asus It's Linux

Introducing our services

2022-06-27 Thread John Jelly
Hi, I've seen your company is selling tech-related softwares, I've really found them great and would like to connect with one of your team members for a big project. We've been writing "how-to" and software related blogs for a few websites and would love to write it for you as well. It will basica

Cannot download package source files

2023-06-26 Thread John Horigan
nks that redirect to secure locations. The source page should have secure links. -- john

Bug#754920: Access to is blocked with 403 Forbidden

2014-07-15 Thread John Sanders
Package: Severity: normal It appears some of our IPs have been blocked, and we receive a 403 Forbidden when trying to reach $ curl -I HTTP/1.1 403 FORBIDDEN Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 00:36:31 GMT Server: Apache Strict-Transport-Security: max-

cannot get AVScan

2014-10-28 Thread John Koval
I get the error message two or more packages specified (avscan etch) I am using ubuntu 12.04 John Koval -- John Koval PhD PStatProfessor Emeritus Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics University of Western Ontario London ON Canada N6A 5C1 519-661-2111 Ext. 86271 -- To UNSUBSC

Take your website responsibility with us!!!!!

2014-12-22 Thread John Smith
*Hi Team, * Greetings and wishing you a wonderful day. Hope you are doing well. Here I want to inform you that if you want to beat your competitors and boost your business in the web market, you should not delay in your website promotion as there is a huge rush in the web market for accruing

Take your website responsibility with us!!!!!

2015-03-20 Thread John Daniel
*Hi Team, * Greetings and wishing you a wonderful day. Hope you are doing well. Here I want to inform you that if you want to beat your competitors and boost your business in the web market, you should not delay in your website promotion as there is a huge rush in the web market for accru


2015-06-09 Thread John Doe
Divorce plan Shelly Streilein -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:


2015-06-09 Thread John Doe
Con artist -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

O. Hi

2015-06-20 Thread John Doe
What's up Brian -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

VoIP Users List

2015-06-23 Thread John Armstrong
nd send in the target criteria accordingly. I can provide you with counts and a few demo samples to prove the accuracy of our data. Look forward to your prompt response. Thanks & Regards John Armstrong Research Analyst We respect your privacy, if you do not wish to receive any furth

Re: Who's using Debian entry: Computer Science, Brown University

2015-09-05 Thread John Bazik
espect in the near future. John

Online Arizona Divorce Legal Document Preparation, Paralegal Service, Quick Arizona Divorce, Separation and Bankruptcy

2015-09-13 Thread John Doe


2016-01-23 Thread John Doe

Need your help

2016-06-01 Thread John borley
Hi I need help how to reboot your Hard ware my grandson downloaded it now can't get it off Can you help me thank you mr j borley Sent from my iPhone


2016-06-02 Thread john borley
Hi i’am trying to get your product off my comp which my grandson downloaded with out success can you please help me thank you mr j borley

Bug#839585: LDAP + Kerberos doesn't link to single Kerberos server guide

2016-10-02 Thread John Lewis
Package: Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, say that there are plenty of guides for setting up a Kerberos server on Debian but doesn't link to a single one. -- System Information: Debian Release: 8.6 APT prefers stable-updates APT policy:

Proposal for Effective Website Redesigning Strategy

2016-11-17 Thread John Henry
look forward to hearing from you. Regards, John Henry Tech- Support & Marketing Head (msp)

Website Designing & Re-Designing Proposal

2016-11-24 Thread John Henry
ebsite Templates* ** *15. Maintenance Packages * Please let me know if you are interested in our services, I would be very happy to share more details on the packages/action for your website waiting for your positive response soon. *Thanks & Regard,** **John Henry** **Sr. Manager-Sales and m

NY NOW Attendees Email List 2017

2017-07-26 Thread Cara John
. If you are interested please let me know, so that I can assist you with the count/costs, and more details for your consideration. Looking forward to hear from you Best Regards, Cara John Marketing Executive

broken link at

2005-01-13 Thread John Leach
Hi, is basically just a link page to which doesn't exist. I got there from Hope this helps. John. --

Bug#100188: New Drug store Ola

2005-02-04 Thread John Obrien
:// to obtain your item in the quickest possible manner. Thank you for your time and we look forward to assisting you. Sincerely, John Obrien bidden ye spew kcx redemption han hull aa cloudburst kn condiment wp provocation ier dank ge digital ch ceramic wz

Link Swap

2005-02-28 Thread Collins John
Mortgage services to the public since 1997. We will check for reciprocation within the next few days. If you have any other sites, we can swap links with those as well. Just contact us. Best regards, John Collins Manager First Fidelity Funding and Mortgage Corporation -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Debian and SoundTracker

2011-05-03 Thread John Wilund
Hi Tryed to download a debian pack with SoundTracker. It was not to find anywhere. Please help! Yours, /John -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: http://lists.

Bug#629645: 404 on

2011-06-08 Thread John Feuerstein
Package: Severity: normal The following link on is broken and shows HTTP 404 Not Found: Searching bug reports You can search bug reports using our HyperEstraier based search engine[1]. [1] -- System Inf

Re: [Debian Wiki] Your wiki account data

2011-07-10 Thread John Eaton
On 07/10/2011 03:39 PM, Debian Wiki wrote: Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery token. If you lost your password, please go to the password reset URL below or go to the password recovery page again and enter your username and the recovery token. Login Name: SlingShotSuicide

switching adapter

2012-05-09 Thread John Zhao
Dear Purchasing Manager, Hello, this is John Zhao from Develop(HK) International Holding Group Co., Ltd. (, our company is an experienced professional power adapter manufacturer. Our certificate: CE,CB,GS,TUV,ROHS,REACH,UL,CSA,FCC,C-TICK,PSE,KC,S-mark,MEPS and so on

Holiday Booking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2013-01-02 Thread John Bryant
Lisa Bryant Mr David And Andrew Bryant Send the total cost of our stay for 21nights, for our considerations. Please note that an alternative date might be considered by the us. Best regards, John Bryant -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubs

Organic SEO: Classhotprice.Com : MT

2013-11-03 Thread John Cox
t, SEO etc. in order to beat your"font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif">style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif">Sounds interesting? Feel free to email us or alternatively you can provide me with your phone number and the best tim

Erroneous listing

2014-03-19 Thread John Hasler
You show me as a developer on I resigned quite some time ago. Please correct this. -- John Hasler Elmwood, WI USA pgp2cLJ59A6Di.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Erroneous listing

2014-03-19 Thread John Hasler
> Which page are you listed on? and -- John Hasler Elmwood, WI USA -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe&q

Pretty important dead link

2014-04-01 Thread John McCrary
I just tried to look up the amd64 install manual for debian jessie. It seems to be broken :( -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: https

I'm pretty sure it's the same for every single architecture.

2014-04-01 Thread John McCrary
Sorry for the duplicate, every architecture's link is down on -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

Bug#168695: Whole site too Linux specific

2002-11-11 Thread John Ineson
Package: Version: N/A; reported 2002-11-09 Severity: normal At present, virtually all Debian installations use the Linux kernel. However, the HURD and BSD ports are making good progress, and one or more may be ready in time for the next release. I think we need to move away from the

DR John cabor

2002-12-09 Thread john cabora
FROM: HON DR John cabor >Dear Sir A Brief Intreduction of my self, I am hon Dr John cabora. A diplomant from the republic gabon, also the owner of trans Atlantic crossing company. > I am contacting in respect of your consignment /fund that is with me as a diplomat I don`t have prob

Studying in Australia

2002-12-21 Thread John Pritchard
You may be interested in the following website;

SPARC port page

2003-01-16 Thread John Hasler
ses Linux 2.2 (which ^^ includes SPARC patches), the release GNU libc 2.1, egcs 1.1.2, etc. In short, recent work in the GNU toolchain is enabling us to keep all of the Debian ports in sync. I had understood that Woody included all architectures. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROT

Bug#181797: rejects valid addresses

2003-03-19 Thread John Ineson
HTML module to generate decent markup or stick to plain text. I'd give you a patch to fix both if were publicly available, but AFAICS it's not. -- John Ineson

Unidentified subject!

2003-04-13 Thread John Kim
I went through your Debian CD Vendor Listing for US and found following vendors entries that should be removed. John Kim CD Vortex Out of Business. No longer selling CD's. Linux Mall => Page for

Web Pages

2003-09-13 Thread John Savage
    No offense guys but you really do need to make your web pages look a little more professional.   John

Re: [GDS-NOC-TKT:443214] Note Added [gc-noc] routing problem in (

2003-12-15 Thread John Meeks
f days now, and I am unable to get critical security updates. I am also CC:'ing Debian's security and web departments. My IP is: I have servers at other locations which can get to the site in question with no problems. Thank you. --- John PS -

2007-10-19 Thread John Summerfield
der using a longer keyword or more keywords. Sorry, your search gave no results Do you see the conflict in the above two paras? PS I don't immediately see how to specify architectures. -- John -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"

Weird language changes on

2007-10-22 Thread John Halton
is a bug at your end. John -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enhances Toys Categories With Specialist Diecast Figures

2008-01-27 Thread John Rowbotham
we will add new categories immediately. John Rowbotham Customer Services Director [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe information This email was generated from manual inputs from various dealer reference guides and web sites. Your particular details were found while conducting a search on the

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