On 21/04/2009, Frank Lin PIAT <fp...@klabs.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 18:14 +0200, Ivan F. Villanueva B. wrote:
>> Hello Steve and debian-www@,
>> shorty (I don't want to disturb you much):
>> I wonder if Debian could help getting signatures for
>>     http://StopSoftwarePatents.eu
> Speaking for myself, I find it really disappointing not to be able to
> identify the owner of the website:
> - The whois record is hidden.
> - The SSL certificate is revoked (and Django is down).
> Thank you for your excellent effort, I hope we can get lots of
> signatures.
> Franklin

Totally agreed - hiding from the world will not help your cause. Open
source is just that - open ;)

Good luck

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