* Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050405 14:34]:
> Könnten sie einen Link schicken ?
I think he is refering to [1], found via google when searching for his
e-mail adress and site:debian.org.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Moritz,
[ short translation: He asks, why we published his e-Mail and asks us
to delete it. I'll point him to our list policy, and explain him how
useless it is, because of all the other archives ]
* Moritz Thiele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050405 13:45]:
> Könnten sie mir bitte erklären,
* Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050405 12:15]:
> > Hi I'm unable to access packages.debian.org
> The machine that hosts packages.debian.org is currently experiencing
> unplanned downtime - see
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/04/msg6.html for
> further details.
* Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050405 16:36]:
> I've restored packages.debian.org on a different host this morning and
> it is working again. The changelogs are not yet accessible, but that's
> only a minor glitch.
Yours sincerely,
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: wishlist
Could you please add the size of all sources to
www.debian.org/mirror/size ?
Currently it just states the overall size, and the size of the different
architectures. I just learned via trial and error, that the partition I
wanted to use was to smal
Hi Paul!
* Paul Stockwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050130 08:42]:
> I seem to be unable to access the packages.debian.org website. Is
> there a problem or is there something wrong on my end?
The server hosting packages.debian.org (and a couple of other services)
is down due to maintainance. If eve
Hi Phillipp!
[ he asked, why packages.debian.org is not available. Telling him about
the downtime and that this is an english speaking list ]
* Philipp Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050130 13:16]:
> ich habe seit gestern Abend Probleme beim Zugriff auf
> http://packages.debian.org. Der Serve
Good Morning,
> and i don't speak bulgarian that well and would prefer the pages i load
> from your site to stick to english. is this possible and how do i do
> this???
Yes it is possible, since you get bulgarian pages because your browser
Lieber Christian,
* Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030706 21:13]:
> ich habe gehört, dass ihr auf dem LinuxTag in Karlsruhe einen eigenen Stand
> habt. Kann man dort auch die Debian CD#s kaufen?
Du hast dich in der Mailingliste vertan, denn über diese Liste
koordinieren sich die Leute, die d
Good morning,
* Stellwag Philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030903 10:59]:
> Leider schaut es mit Sponsoren dieses Jahr ziemlich schlecht aus. Vielleicht
> kann mir jemand nur EIN orginal Package von Debian zuschicken, dass wir
> wenigstens vom "king of linux" ein "farbiges" Package mit CDs/DVDs habe
Guten Morgen Christian,
* Christian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031104 23:54]:
> ich versuche verzweifelt seit 24 Stunden per apt-get auf
> ftp2.de.debian.org zuzugreifen.
> Leider keine Verbindung und somit kann ich auch die Pakete, die ich
> installieren möchte nicht einrichten.
> Gibts
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
I got some news over the mailing list, but the last one on
www.debian.org/News/ is from the 2nd of december.
And while testing some mirrors, I saw that
http://www.br.debian.org/News/index.en.html is still stuck on the 10th
of November.
-- System Info
Good morning,
* Peter Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040202 13:28]:
[ cc to admin, since they might know, whats going on
cc to security, since its "their" server, on they might react faster ]
> > Aptitude got stuck timing out on security.debian.org,
> Yeah, it's down. Please see
> http://lists.
- Forwarded message from Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 22:35:48 +0100
From: Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: German translation for the 20040202 News
Good evening,
I had nothing to do, so I translated
* Ken Chilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040202 23:08]:
> I arrive at:
> http://people.debian.org/~blade/install/preload/
> The zips in this directory are password protected, and nothing nearby
> hints as to what they are!
Please see http://people.debian.org/~blade/, why Eduard password
protectet t
* Debian Bug Tracking System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040110 00:49]:
> On www.debian.org/News/ are typically only news posted that were sent to
> debian-announce, too. I can't see any mails from debian-announce missing
> on the web pages.
Ah, sorry. Thought there should be all news from the -news lis
Good morning,
Please apply the attached patch to
english/events/2003/1018-lit-dresden-report.wml, since it contains some
small errors and one wrong name (Sorry Erik).
Yours sincerely,
--- 1018-lit-dresden-report.wml 2004-02-25 00:29:07.0 +0100
+++ 1018-lit-dresden-report.wml
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
Could you pleas apply tha attached patch? I made some errors in my
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (990, 'testing'), (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.3
-cebit.wml 2004-03-03 17:02:43.0 +0100
@@ -16,10 +16,23 @@
-Das Debian-Projekt am Stand von
-http://www.linuxland.de/";>LinuxLand präsent sein, einem
-Debian GNU/Linux Distributor. Alexander Schmehl, Andreas Tille und
-eventuell Michael Bramer werden den Stand besetzen.
Package: www.debian.org
Version: N/A; reported 2004-03-06
Severity: normal
Tags: patch patch
We now know our booth and the dates of some Debian related talks during
I applied patches for the english (en-0318-cebit.wml.patch) and the german
(de-0318-cebit.wml.patch) pages.
-- System Info
NU/Linux Distributor. Alexander Schmehl, Andreas Tille und
-eventuell Michael Bramer werden den Stand besetzen.
+Das Debian-Projekt wird am Stand von
+http://www.linuxland.de/";>LinuxLand (Halle 6, Stand B52
+(LinuxPark), Unterstand 469) präsent sein, einem Debian GNU/Linux Vendor.
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
When opening the german version of http://www.debian.org/vote/ I get the
current DPL vote listed as "Wir warten auf Sponsoren" ("waiting for
Beside that "Wir warten auf Sponsoren" is IMHO a bad translation (it's more
like "We wait for spo
* Johannes Mahlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080326 15:20]:
> sehr geehrte damen und herren,
> gerne würden wir eine spende in höhe von 300$ an sie überreichen. als
> vorraussetzung dafür, wollten wir allerdings auf ihrer spendenseite
> http://www.debian.org/donations als spender mit verweis auf un
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080327 14:29]:
> Any objections in telling him, we only list regular donators (who show
> real interest in Debian)?
Done by Gerfried.
Yours sincerely,
Description: Digital signature
I forwarded your request to our Listmasters, who have done so, since
it's cleary a SPAM-Mail.
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Schmehl,
Debian Developer
Yours sincerely,
It seems, that the create of the RDF feed for the weekly news is somehow
broken (that's why I disabled it for now in the Makefile).
I get the following error message:
~/debian/webwml/english/News/weekly$ make
Invalid format for date! at
* Simon Paillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080422 23:15]:
> I think it should not be related, but the only differences I see are :
> * 2008/index.wml is missing
Thanks for the hint; was present localy but forgot to add that. Done
Yours sincerely,
Description: Di
* Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080422 23:20]:
> > Anyone has an idea? Or can tell me, how to get more verbose output?
> Fix committed.
Yours sincerely,
Description: Digital signature
As you might know, when I started to resurrect our newsletter, I decided
to rename it to "Debian Project News" instead of the old "Debian Weekly
News". The idea behind that was, that since the DPN is send out on a
bi-weekly basis, the old name seemed to not fit in very well.
But when I start
Alexander Schmehl schrieb:
> So I'm wondering what to do; if I change the templates, all old issues
> of the DWN will be renamed, too, won't they? I'm not sure, that would
> be a nice idea. And the URL would still contain the name "weekly".
Frans Pop schrieb:
> The obvious thing to do would seem to me to create new templates and use
> those for DPN. I'd keep the path the same for now.
Ah! Good idea, worked. RDF feed picked up the new name, too. Many thanks!
Yours sincerely,
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [
Gerfried Fuchs schrieb:
> Frans suggested the template change already so that it won't affect old
> weekly items. May I suggest just adding a symlink from News/project/ to
> News/weekly/ and use the /project/ URL for the new issues, then? It
> won't break back issues, it won't break the feed
Frans Pop schrieb:
> You/we may want to make a few additional changes:
Didn't had the time for that, yet. If no one else volunteers, I'll do
in the next weeks, after my wedding ;)
Yours sincerely,
with a subject of "unsubsc
* Florian Ludwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060123 16:05]:
> >http://packages.debian.org/
> >"at the moment" is funny, it is since a week or so.
> arent there enough local tools for pkg searching?
> apt-cach
> apt-file
> etc ?
Couldn't we add a link to
Hi John!
* John Bennetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060308 00:01]:
> My computers home page has disappeared and replaced with apache debian..I
> have never heard of it and I want my home page back and this one to go.
> Please advise asap
Don't worry. This just means, that your webspace provider is usi
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: wishlist
IMHO it would be nice to list the year when the book was published /
last edited, not only to which distribution they apply, too.
e.g. the "Debian Anwender Handbuch" by Frank Ronneburg has been
re-edited and expanded at least one time since sarge h
* Matt Kraai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060531 06:32]:
> I don't think this is true anymore. Based on the CVS logs, it looks
> like a variety of people have been working on the list, so I think it
> should be safe for anyone to update it.
Well, I think the other editing the file might haven't see
* Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060531 22:17]:
> > If no one else volunteers (or has a good idea on how to automate checking
> > the contents for up-to-dateness), I'll try to do that as my time permits
> > to keep that data in good shape.
> That would be very cool!
Ugh, that's reall
* Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060601 00:28]:
> > Currently we don't have all the data available for that; some vendors
> > sell for example alpha and ia-64 on CD, but i386 only on DVD. And for
> > some vendors Debian got to big: They sell parts of the officla disc sets.
> I think
* ping zorro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060823 15:13]:
> hello,I'm a student in china,and I'm using debian on my machine.My English
> is not good enough to express my idea,so I apologize for wasting your time
> to understand my ugly words.
No problem; my english isn't very well either, and I think
[ adding -release to ask for an ETA of the images ]
* andrey i. mavlyanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060903 18:39]:
> > On the page http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/debian-installer/
> > the test say's:
> > To install Debian GNU/Linux 3.1r3 (sarge), download any of the following
> > images:
Often when discussing possible impovements of our website a major
argument during consideration is the requirement of only static pages to
make it as easy as possible for our mirrors.
I spend quite some time today surfing our webpages, and you know what?
I used www.debian.org, although I know
* Anthony Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070307 07:54]:
> I'm curious which parts of our website are being considered to switched from
> static pages to dynamically generated?
Actually none (I know of).
But I remeber to have read the "everything must be static" argument a
couple of times on this
* Kaare Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070325 20:47]:
> Next time please make sure someone on debian-www is ready to add the
> submission when you expect it to be added; this could easily have been
> worked out.
So it would be okay with you, if someone from us adds something to the
user page?
* Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070406 13:55]:
> Etch will not include an official amd64 DVD, although unofficial images
> will be available.
Uh? There must be a missunderstanding; why should we not release amd64
on DVD? It's a common architecture nowadays (and weekly DVDs images
PROTECTED]>, Miroslav Kure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mohammed Adnène Trojette
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Recai Oktas <[EMAIL
PROTECTED]>, Ruslan Batdalov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tapio Lehtonen <[EMA
* Johan Haggi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070408 10:06]:
> The italian translation is in revision on ML debian-l10n-italian,
> I post it at 11.50 (GMT+0200)
Very good, thanks! That should be okay time wise :)
> Where do I send it? In debian-www? at you?
Preferably both; my spamfilter seems to
Hi again!
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070407 19:10]:
> [..] http://people.debian.org/~tolimar/release.txt [..]
> It would be great if you could translate it in time so the anouncement
> would be in all kind of languages in place.
> Talking about "in t
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070408 12:33]:
> You might have noticed: Everything is going well. So the announcement
> will be sent out in a one, maybe two hours.
Many thanks for the translations I received so far; the announcements
has been send out to the prope
* Jens Seidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070408 19:59]:
> Translators, do not forget to add version check headers similar to:
> #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.4"
> I added the missing ones ...
Sorry, my fault; was too hasty when I comitted the announcements.
Yours sincerely,
* Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070426 15:33]:
> >>* I don't believe we should favor XML(-ish stuff) above simplified
> >> markup when the target audience are humans. XML is good for many things
> >> but definitely not for being edited by the casual user. BTW there are
> > XML is at
* Jens Seidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070427 15:07]:
> > > Frontpage of the web site now contains "... it comes with over 18733
> > > packages ...". That value used to be rounded IIRC, so it was easier to
> > > translate this (no need to handle plural forms for such values, at least
> > > in Ukr
* Moray Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070522 16:49]:
> http://www.debian.org/events/ says to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
> event info, but that address seems to be a black hole.
> It would be nice if we could get Debian Day / DebConf listed there
> before the events actually happen.
> I'm looking for Xcas/Giac package in Debian
> I see the following page
> http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages
> but I don't see how to ask for a new package
The procedure is described at [1]; it basically boils down to: "Please
* Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070531 12:40]:
> - post to d-a that the license is going to change in X months and that
> contributors are going to be contacted. Provide pointers to anyone feels he
> should be contacted and isn't
d-a? d-a as in debian-announce?
* Jens Seidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070618 15:29]:
> > i had trouble to find out to get the right packages for sarge. Today I
> > found your site ???Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 updated??? and an explanation
> please be more specific, which page?
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/?
I think he i
* Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070618 10:36]:
> > Is Debian Live in a workable and usable state already?
> Yes. The plan is to have etch builds in place in one week, and announce
> them in two weeks.
Cool! Please keep us publicity folk in the loop, so we can draft
something for debia
* Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070630 19:08]:
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 03:01:01PM +0200, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> > As the "we're working on it" text has been there for as long as I can
> > rememeber, I wonder is actually somebody is working on it. If not,
> > would anyone object to
* Holger Wansing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070719 23:10]:
> I noticed that content negotiation is not working (or not working
> correctly) at least for german on www.debian.de, while on
> www.debian.org it works fine: www.debian.de is displayed in english,
> while www.debian.org is shown in german
* Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070723 09:06]:
> Am Sonntag, den 22.07.2007, 03:13 -0500 schrieb René Sánchez Maqueo:
> > I can't install some packages in the gestor Synaptic and don't know why?
> >
> > The truth there is some problems with my disc, I don't understand the
> > error. If
* Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070804 17:18]:
> > Without clustering the map is too slow to be usable.
> Speaking of unusable, I'd appreciate if a png version of the map is created
> too, as I usually have javascript disabled.
... and you can't embed google maps into your slides for a pres
* MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040410 11:54]:
> If you are involved with FFII, ask them to stop encouraging web sites
> to "close" and "strike". That makes our users victims of swpat before
> the battle is lost. Protest is fine, taking sites offline is not.
Most sites I visited changed their mai
* Ryan Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040421 19:23]:
> Thank you for looking into this for me. Is the 8 GB for i386 the total for
> stable? If so, do you have the breakdown for unstable? (I should've mentioned
> this before.) If its not too much trouble, are there figures for binary and
> source as w
* Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040422 00:06]:
> > Are you sure stable takes 8GB? I thought woody came with 7 CDs, 7*650MB
> > = 4.5 GB ?
> I never said that stable takes 8 GB... stable+testing+unstable takes
> 8 GB (plus 8 GB for the all packages). Makes the 15 GB you have.
> (Yeah, I kn
* Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040427 18:28]:
> > Instead of the accpeted translation "Debian Gesellschaftsvertrag"
> > (cf. http://www.debian.org/social_contract.de.html),
> > securing-debian-howto-de says "Debian Gesellschafter Vertrag"
Well... sorry. This was my fault, since
[ cc: debian-www, soory for the tofu ]
IIRC there is somewhere a webpage, where such stuff is linked. I
definitly think, your artwork should be linked there.
Yours sincerely,
* Jonny Blair Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040504 18:24]:
> Hi Folks,
> I've just put together some artwor
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040504 23:54]:
> IIRC there is somewhere a webpage, where such stuff is linked. I
> definitly think, your artwork should be linked there.
> > http://www.jonnyblair.co.uk/debian/
I meant http://www.debian.org/CD/artwork/ .
Yours sinc
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
Please apply the attached patches (in english and german) to
events/2004/0623-linuxtag.wml to add more information and fix some
smaller errors ("Die Distribution wird auf wahrscheinlich verschiedenen
Hardware-Plattformen laufen und viele Entwickler werden
Sorry, forgot something to mention; attached you will find new patches
for the english and german version. Well, perhaps someone should
proofreed the first one.
Yours sincerely,
--- 0623-linuxtag.wml.de-org2004-05-25 02:00:51.0 +0200
+++ 0623-linuxtag.wml 2004-05
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040525 21:24]:
> Sorry, forgot something to mention; attached you will find new patches
> for the english and german version. Well, perhaps someone should
> proofreed the first one.
And now the same, just with a working patch. Sorry,
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040527 00:48]:
> And now the same, just with a working patch. Sorry, again.
And now with the patches attached. Sigh.
--- 0623-linuxtag.wml-de-org2004-05-27 00:34:36.0 +0200
+++ 0623-linuxtag.wml 2004-05-27 00:37:32.0 +0200
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: minor
The link of the first enty in the merchandising list at
www.debian.org/misc/merchandise is http://melix.com.mx/promocion.html,
but it leeds to a 404. Surfing a bit through their main site, I didn't
find any merchandising stuff at all (but I don't sp
* Matt Kraai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040929 01:13]:
> > Also, DebianShop
> > URL: http://www.debianshop.com/
> > only showed a blank page for me (Mozilla 1.6), after clicking the
> > link shown.
> It appears to work in Internet Explorer (*shudder*).
Works fine for me using firefox 0.9.3, too.
t mit
Debian GNU/Linux,
+Frank Ronneburg
+ http://www.berlinux.de/vortraege.htm?45";>Neuer, schöner,
bunter: Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 "Sarge", Alexander Schmehl
+ http://www.berlinux.de/vortraege.htm?55";>Erstellung von
Debian-GNU/Linux-Paketen, Nico Golde
--- 10
Hi there!
> i just thought, we may make a nice web site
> like the other distros site. I just wanted to help.
> sorry if i am wrong.
Well, perhaps it is a good idea, if you could start your work by telling
us, what you miss and what you thi
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: minor
In second item of the numbered list of section 6.1 of the german
consitution (http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution.de.html) you can
"In Fällen, bei denen Entwickler miteinander vereinbare technische
Richtlinien oder Standpunkte erfüllen müsse
76 matches
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