Good morning,

Please apply the attached patch to
english/events/2003/1018-lit-dresden-report.wml, since it contains some
small errors and one wrong name (Sorry Erik).

Yours sincerely,
--- 1018-lit-dresden-report.wml	2004-02-25 00:29:07.000000000 +0100
+++ 1018-lit-dresden-report.wml-new	2004-02-25 00:28:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 time, there where many people who didn't even know what Linux is (and
 therefore hadn't even heard of Debian either). So we had to explain what
 GNU/Linux and free software is in general quite often, also what
-Debian is in particular, and ...</p>
+Debian is in particular, and ... well... <a href="";>what to read</a> to start with that unknown Linux thingy.</p>
 <p>I think the explanation for this is, that they promoted the LinuxInfoTag
-very good at the localuniversity - I heard in every lecture they invited the
+very good at the local university - I heard in every lecture they invited the
 students at least one time.</p>
 <p>There was even a student, who had a problem to install Debian on his
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
 had a woody-chroot environment prepared.</p>
 <p>Of course we had a good time in a student pub after the event, and in the
-morning we had a guided tour through Dresden, too. All in all it was a very
+next morning we had a guided tour through Dresden, too. All in all it was a very
 nice event, and I'm looking forward to travel there next year as well.</p>
-<p>Last not least I would like to thank Erik Tews, who volunteered to man
+<p>Last not least I would like to thank Erik Schanze, who volunteered to man
 the Debian booth in Dresden. He did a good job, brought his Computer as
 well as some other useful equipment (including breakfast and thermos of

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