I got irritated enough at the assorted problems from my dirty, inherited
installation to wipe the disk and do a clean install.
Installing hamm with X and a few more packages required about 10 (at least)
passess through install/configure in deselect, and even so, i had to manually
install perl
> But when it runs out of inetd, there is nothing for it to do on startup.
> There is nothing running all the time.
OK, so what should I be doing so that smail automatically starts/starts
Currently, once i start it from init.d, it stays going until shutdown.
I tried to send this earlier, but i don't think anything got out.
After reinstalling, my .xsession file isn't run. I've looked in the man
pages for x and xdm, but they don't say anything about permissions other than
to be executable. I've tried 700, but this doesn't seem to do it.
> Other than not being executable, all I can think of is that you may not
> have allow-user-xsession in /etc/X11/config.
that's it. I wonder why i didn't get one of those to start; I think i used to.
These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 1997
> > It responds, but I've manually started smail. The problem is that the
> > init.d file doesn't seem to be run automatically.
> But when it runs out of inetd, there is nothing for it to do on startup.
> There is nothing running all the time.
It's not that there's noti
I located the problem with the root login without password with the help of
Mark Ciciretti.
passwd and shadow were out of sync; they had different entries. This caused
errors that were not reported until trying to turn shadow off. It was
necessary to delete all of the users, and remove all o
> However, something bad seems to have happened to the smail postinst
> script, resulting in the smail entry getting commented out in
> /etc/inetd.conf.
> Uncomment the smtp line and it will work again (maybe you
> need to give inetd a HUP signal before it notices the change, not sure.)
yep; t
Has anyone gotten this working? I have it happily playing local files, and it
happily launches from netscape, but doesn't get any data from the broadcast
I tried the suggestions for use behind a firewall, but no dice. I believe
that there is a firewall here; mail cannot go out from ne
Try running gpmconfig as root. It will create the appropriate configuration.
But before you do that, make a symlink for /dev/mouse:
ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/mouse
[assuming the mouse is on ttys0]
Tell gpm to use /dev/mouse, and then tell XF86Setup to use /dev/mouse.
WHile it workes with the
I'm sure there's a simple answer somewhere to this, but after scouring the
spots I could think of, I can't find it.
Access to eyry.econ.iastate.edu is no problem; it happily brings up the
default page.
I then created /home/hawk/www, copied the index.html to it, and created
> Hi Debian world,
> Thank you for helping me about XF86Setup, Xserver_svga,x86config,xbase.
> I had installed Debian Linux 1.3.1.r6 and X-windows package completely
> without a CD rom and a CD. I am using FTP installation.
> X-windows is now working for me. Well done Thank you, all Debian user
> Take a look at your directive(s) for the directories you wish
> to access. It should contain "FollowSymLinks" if you wish symlinks to
> work. (www.apache.org has all the docs; take a look at "Options").
I had this
> As far as using the ~hawk URL, wh
oh, and thank you. hit the wrong key and sent it off.
These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
This version was *a lot* easier to install. download it, move it to a user
directory, untar it (for some silly reason, it's jsut a tar rather than .tgz),
and it creates a directory. Then run the setup in this directory, but from
your home directory, and it creates an Office40 directory. the
OK, I've found the problem. It's how I configured netscape. rather than
"rvplayer", the correct entry is "rvplayer %s"
However, i then stumbled across a site that wanted a plugin, and haven't
cracked that one yet.
These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
I have had no problem in getting trn to work with the university newserver.
The problem is that I can't post. I get messages to the effect of "no valid
newsgroups found in header".
How/where do I set the newsgroup list for this?
These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays
> If I wanted to connect 2 debian machines together with ethernet cards ...
> How would I set it up so that the 2 computers can share files and
> printers...
use NFS to export home directories and the like from one of the machines.
Eithr use the print-server software (i forget the name), or pu
> I have a SB 16 PnP, and I am using Debian 1.3.1 "stable". I have
> installed the isapnp package. Do I need to do anything special to
> generate a voxware kernel module appropriate for my system? I just
> looked at the output of pnpdump, and I think that I can figure
> out how to set the card
>Does anyone have a set of instructions for hand upgrading a working bo
> system to the present hamm? I saw some such instructions posted a month or
> so ago, but didn't have the foresight to save the message. Any assistance
> would be greatly appreciated; thanks in advance.
You can find the
I'm stumped again. I've lost my ability to control xhost for more than a
minute or so. This is fairly recent.
my "xhost + . . . " line in .xsession used to let me specify my common hosts,
including localhost. No longer.
It is necessary to do an xhost + immediately before a program tries to
Martin wrote,
> From: "Christian Hudon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 21 Jun 1997 14:48:19 +
> Subject: "xauth +", not a good idea...
> If you don't trust every user on your machine, you'll need to learn a bit
> about xauth. "xauth list $DISPLAY" will list the key for the display
> $DI
george bonser wrote,
> > 1) Ultra ATA 33 (UATA) hard drives
> No linux supports ATA33 as far as I know. If you can put the drives in
> EIDE mode (as most will), Linux will work fine.
There is a patch (I forget where, but it's out there) for the kernel to
support them. I tried it, but my maxto
This shouldn't be possible . . .
After it's first use in a session, ghostview tends to give me the following
Exec of /afs/iastate.edu/public/ghost/bin333/gs-axp failed: No such file or
Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main window.
This is the path on our university's
IBM had an add a couple of weeks ago in the wall street journal which said "It
understands unix." However, when I looked at the website, all I saw were
windows versions. I've been meaning to look into this, but perhaps it menat
that "ls" and "cp" are in the vocabulary . . .
These opinio
I currently have my floppy set up so that users can mount ms floppies with the
/dev/fd0/floppy msdos user,rw 0 0
in /etc/fstab
I tried changing "msdos" to "auto", but no dice. Is there a change so that it
can automount both msdos and ext2 disks?
rick, wh
> Dear Fellow Debian Users:
> (let me know if I've posted this to the wrong place; I don't think
> it's a Debian bug per-se, but a local installation problem I can't
> solve).
> I'm running Debian-1.3 on two machines, my home computer and my
> work computer. My home computer runs man just
I. Does anyone know how to get a IIP to talk to
ghostsrcript? Will Bad Things (tm) happen if I try to use the drivers
for a III?
ANd has anyone ever seen a printer feed tray that has been repaired
with *both* rivets and duct tape before? :)
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Sm
om/harddrives, then off to
It then tries to link to http://www.ontrack.com/dataadvisor/, but the
domain doesn't seem to exist . . .
I sent a comment, but who knows when they'll get back to me.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq
nning magicfilterconfig
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.
>I don't like gnome-apt as one has to use the cursed mouse.
err, isn't that enough to file it as a critical bug? :)
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.
ut that the printer had chosen this week to roll
over and die :) It can't even get through it's self-test without
jamming paper, among other thins [this is the one that was held
together by rivets & duct tap--I was impressed to see such a thing work
at all :) ].
I plugged in anot
e current move is to
toolkint independence, and someone is working on an ncurses version in
this regard. As I still need to resubscribe (again) to the developers'
list, I can't tell you any more off the cuff.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4
before they calculated
properly. It also lost all of the protection information.
Is there some secret I'm missing? I thought StarOffice was supposed to
do better than excel at these conversions.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
7;t remember who is working on it, but the
ncurses version will eventually make it to he light of day. There
might even be an alpha-level port already; i don't know.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be t
act of paranoia, I first created a user soffice, a directory /usr/
local/soffice, and set it to 755 (world read/execute). I then ran the
install script as that user (hey, the damned thing has java. No root
for it!)
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
I've never tried to install over ppp before. In fact, my one round of
ppp with a working installation was a nightmare. However, I've trying
to face it for my home machine (and will need to do so again for the
I made the resc1440 and root disks, and copied these and the base and
and read the output at my
> leisure,
> send it to the printer, paste in an email
hmm, I should have thought of that :)
Will ncurses and the like run under script? (particularly, pppconfig?)
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
daved declared,
> Quoting hawk (hawk@fac13.ds.psu.edu):
> > Unfortunately, pppconfig doesn't seem to like me. After changing an
> > irq, it now finds my modem. It takes all the information from me that
> > it thinks it should need, and then tells me that it failed
things that take so long to load that they
hold up page rendering (generally ads from overwhelmed servers).
It's also great for dealing with cookies. You can specifiy which
domains *are* allowed to set cookies.
ay up five
seconds). It's also necessary, about once a day, to power off the machine to
reset something on hte network card, as even force-reload won't recover.
The card is a eepro, and when the connection dies, the tcpdump report is:
fac13:/home/hawk# tcpdump
tcpdump: listening on
nate nibbled
> hawk wrote:
> > My network goes down quite regularly, especially under load.
> > The card is a eepro,
> i had a similar problem a couple years ago using eepro100 cards in old
> machines(p100-p133) my solution was to rip out hte cards and install $12
> give w3m a go! It is far better than lynx IMHO. And it renders both
> frame/table nicely.
I've heard this a few times, and just tried it. So far, I prefer lynx:
easier to navigate, I can spawn extra instances of lynx on a link,
and better frame handling: lynx uses the entire screeen, and lets
string that causes animation to
something that will never be encountered.
easiest if it's possible). I just need those tarballs (actually, just
the first) back.
Is my best bet going to be to feed the output of dd to tar? Or is
there a better way to do this?
hawk, master of damaging partitions
- -
David Wroght,
> Quoting hawk (hawk@fac13.ds.psu.edu):
The original partition table was:
Primary1 Primary2 Primary3 Extended
That is, there was plenty of unused space in the extended partition.
However, FreeBSD can'
keystrokes and popping windows .
. .)
has anyone solved this?
Any suggestions on how to recover these?
partitions that I"ve used on a previous problem; I suppose I can look
there. But once I start madly searching, what am I searching for? I
expect I can come reasonaby close by looking for the first textual
appearance of home/hawk (or I suppose there would first be home, then
home/hawk . .),
hey'll generally be fully nextstepized
(although the beta compilers I've seen are temporarily using MPW)>
s to the following AT.
ANd now that I think ofit, why should it send a simple AT??? SHouldn't
it send a command that *does* something instead? :)
hawk, still perplexed
hen I select the Xfree tasks, I end up with parts of 3.3 and
nothing working. I don't see anything in the archives for the last
month or so, so could someone kindly pass me a clue?
hawk, who actually downloaded it all over a 28k modem
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq. Smeal 1
Since switcing to potato, fvwm is behavng much differently. Most
annoying of the changes is that for some programs (netscape), it is
requiring me to manually place the windows, a la twm. For others, the
winows happily appear themselve (xterm, exmh). And occasionally
(exmh), programs that us
(my problem with windows needing to be manually placed).
Yep, that did it--I edited out the ActivePlacement and replaced it with
SmartPlacement in the system.fvwmrc. In the process of restarting
fvwm, I lost the digest with the message. SO thank you, even though I
can't send this to you dire
I can't seem toget user cron jobs to run on my system. As I'm reading
man 1 and 5 for crontab, I should be able to have the line
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * ch1quiz /usr/local/bin/updatehw 2>>& $HOME/tmp.quizlog
in /etc/crontab, and every ten minutes user ch1quiz will run
OK, i admit it, the FM's are daunting on this one, and I failed
the last time I tried. But someone else must have tried this.
I want to set up lynx as its own external viewer for html. Thatis,
I want it to launch a new xterm with a new instance of lynx when I
type period on a link.
This should
Hmm, I would have *sworn* that this stuff wasn't in /etc/lynx.cfg
lasttime I looked. Once I had the source, I read debian/README.debian,
and found the answer to my problems :)
The color answer: These settings look nice on the crummy screen,
but they have an interesting idea of what "white" mean
I have the crontab file "mycron" with the contents
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ crontab -l
1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /usr/local/bin/updatehw >> $HOME/tmp.quizlog
which results in the crontab entry of
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.4hHwFM installed on Tue F
. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
As shipped with debian, lynx defaults to "display" for it's
image viewer--taking about 20 ofmy 24 mbfor itself, causing massive
I've eded lynx.cfg to include
VIEWER:application/postscript:ghostview %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/gif:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/x-xbm:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
tles innocently*], now *I* would never do something just to
annoy anyone [*glances around for the lightning*]
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
without having to make up fonts
on the fly :(
The good news is, that if you are teaching and your book uses Thompson
Publishing's software for the test bank, it runs just as well under
wine as windows. The bad news is, aside from that, it's crummy
software :)
based on X Windows and isn't a full Unix
> > > despite its Mach core).
> > But on top of the mach core there is a full unix as I understand it,
> > including an Xserver that coexists with the mac display
> More info?
i'm sure it's out there :)
More seriously, though I don't have links to back it up, my understanding
is that X apps can display under MacOs X, and that the whole unix stuff
is there, just hidden from view of those that don't have a reason to
go looking. Assuming that a high-end fortran 90/95/00 compiler is
avaialble, it's entirely possible that I'll ask for one of these
at my next university for my desk machine.
an the unix itself. It does point to screenshots of tcsh running
on macos . . .
No, because BeOS isn't unix underneath; it's its own thing that can use
some unix pieces. MacOS X is unix with a mac display. My understanding is
that X apps will display on the MacOS display.
Due to the difficulties that many of my students have had installing
ghostview (I didn't know that it *could* be done wrong), I have
had to distribute assignments in html form as well.
It seems that latex2html is producing grey square boxes rather than
the proper references for figures and tables
[original below]
I've got a little more information now. All of the students who have
problems have netscape (and don't know their version number). latex2html
is using links on the figure numbers--so a reference to figure 2 should
show as an underlined (or whatever) 2, with a hyperlink to that
hing like "patch -p1 < patchfile"), then do a ./configure which
defaults to installation in /usr/local, a make, and a make install.
If tghe version you wants ever comes out as a .deb, you can then remove
lyx and reLyX from /usr/local/bin, the man pages in /usr/local/man,
and /usr/local/share/lyx
autobounces html email with a "you moron"
message . . .
OK, i got a bit farther: more grepping led to a trail ending
at /usr/lib/mime/packages/, and lowered netscape's priorities while
increasing lynx's, but when lynx opens the message, there's a
blank line at the beginning, followed by all of the html.
achine to display. Jobs on this machine
can display remotely. I've tried displaying on my own box with FreeBSD,
and on a redhat box. I get the same errors with each:
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't co
to find it.
> >
> > Whether by passing xauthority, ssh, or plain old "xhost +", I can't get
> > anything from a remote machine to display. Jobs on this machine
> > can display remot
Potato seems determined to kill off my system piece by
Now it's ncpfs, which simply hangs. Has anyonw found
the cuase of this yet?
ransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 61
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 61
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 61
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: hawkins.cba.uni.edu:0.0
Then, going for broke, I try using xhost from the local machine
I'm trying not to use any bad words here . . .
They found another drive to try again at replacing my failing drive.
I can't get a good image out of the old one with dd; it ends too soon
and I get an unusable file system (mounting panics the kernel).
I finally gave in, and reinstalled on the new
aff reports
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114 http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
choice here. The good news is that I'll get a
hand-me-down machine at the beginning of next semester.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of UNI until it pays my retainer.
this, but no joy. What's *really* bothering me is
that i used find on /usr on a working machine and can't find the
offending file anywhere . . .
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114
Or was this a debian quirk--the slightly older packages on that other
debian box weren't bothered and still worked.
Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(319) 266-7114http://eyry.econ.iastat
Before I do something *really* stupid . . .
I need both 3.0 and 4.5+ of netscape installed. I need 3.0 for my
regular use (both for features & size on this crippled machine), and I
need 4.5 or later for some of the materials on the classes I teach.
What's my best bet here? My inclination is
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am trying to run wine for a very simple application (I can probably =
use a browser once it installs itself) but I have no windows =
I've tried to follow the wine howto, which gives an example for debian, =
but when using that (or nea
I'm using the ncpfs to use space on networked novell drives. It works
most of the time with most applications, but it has a tendency to
halfway dismount itself on errors. Some I can reproduce, but they all
involve manually dismounting then remounting.
This time, though, it wrongly concluded
aphro added,
> did u check lsof? it would show if something is using that partition..i
> just checked one of my machines and saw that one partition was in use,
> just because i started a program on which forked to the
> backgroupd(vpnd) it is not"using" the partition at all but lsof shows it
> as
I need to keep netscape 3 for my own use, both due to processing power
and because later versions removed features I use. However, I need 4.5
or later for materials for the classes I teach. (I'm not trying to run
them both at once; dragons be there . . .)
I'm considering using
dpkg -i --in
also make sure that you caches are turned on in the bios. I ran into
sluggish performance a couple of months ago after a bios reset, and this
was it.
Of course, this gateway p120 is still about the same speed as my 486/50
thinkpad with 4m less memory (ok, except when rendering postscript or
> I was browsing with my windows box when I got the email with happy,
> which made me very sad.
> What is the best way to get ridd of it?
[this is too easy :) ]
Since you're reading this list, you already know the *best* way . . . :)
rick, who can run the one set of darkside progams he needs und
I "upgraded" to potato since it was easier than a package-by-package
upgrade to get the newer version of wine (OK, that was stupid).
Two problems
1) fvwm is, uhh, bad. It's behavior has changed a *couple* of times
over the last couple of days. Initially, the wine windows behaved
normally, r
> i have a problem posting news with the above mentioned Programs.
> Reading news is no problem, but when i try to post something slrn
> hangs with "posting...".
check /etc/news/inn.conf
Switching to potato, it replaced this file without asking me, and there
are two lines that the man page says
hash database /etc/mail/aliases.db: Invalid argument
WARNING: cannot open alias database /etc/mail/aliases
Cannot create database for alias file /etc/mail/aliases
hmm. it seems that the aliases work, and the error messages are
extraneous. I can live with that :)
Hey, my name is jen and I'm new to this online dating thing.
I've just my profile up, you should come check it out it's interesting.
I just want to get to know you a little better if you don't mind, come check my
profile out at:
I also got a videocam so we can make it
93 matches
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