* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-19 11:48]:
>I know 'date' gives me exactly what I want but I cant figure out how to get
>tar to write a file with the value of date as its file name ...
tar czf myFiles.`date`.tar.gz myfiles
though that gets you whitespaces in the file
* Roland Wegmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-26 11:21]:
>How can I control number of lines per 'page'? For example when I use the
>command 'aptitude search gnome' the output is a huge list, that 'runs
>over' my 'bash window' and I can only read the last search results.
Scroll back using
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-31 15:17]:
> I know this is slightly off-topic but it's definitely related to
>virtually all Un*xen I've ever come across. I have a colleague who has
>never used a *real* OS but now as part of his job he has to. A few times
>I've come across
* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-04 23:34]:
>1. Is there a downloader for debian that will handle broken downloads ? If
>not can anyone recommend one ?
The thing usually recommended is wget(1).
>2. How do I sent an 'ATZ' reset string to my modem from the command line ?
Just guess
* Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-05 00:08]:
>>2. How do I sent an 'ATZ' reset string to my modem from the command line ?
>Just guessing, untested:
>cat 'ATZ' > /dev/modem
Doh. Not cat(1), it's echo(1).
* Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-05 18:27]:
>Have a read at what a horrible nightmare cut&paste is under X.
I can't find any thing horrible in this text.
A smoking section in a restaurant is like a peeing section in a swim
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-06 02:29]:
>- double-click a URL in some text in xterm
>- move to mozilla
>- click in the Location box
>- move hand keyboard to type ^U to clear
>- move hand back
>- middle click to paste
>I'm sure someone will point out an easier way.
- double-cl
* Calber Chainy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-08 11:32]:
>I have example.tar.gz, and I know in it there is a file named
>document.text, a plain text file that I want to edit.
>So I wondered if there is such an application that I can edit
>document.text without having to untar and decompress t
please don't use tofu mails. http://www.vranx.de/mail/tofu.html
* Calber Chainy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-08 12:54]:
>Mmmm, I cannot find it in my sources, is it a command line program?
No, it's an editor written in Java. I don't know whether there is a
debian package available.
* Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-08 21:46]:
>Colin Watson wrote:
>> ...
>> You could always follow his Mail-Followup-To: header, which is designed
>> for exactly this purpose:
>> Mail-Followup-To: Debian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>But how would you propose I do that? Do a "View
* Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-09 17:27]:
>is there a way i can tell mutt to automatically use the different
>address when i'm writing to that list? or do i have to remember
send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 'my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
* Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-09 19:02]:
>Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> However, I think the better
>> approach is to lean back a moment and think about it: Why would anyone
>> want to have the reply twice?
>Well, someone could want list messages
* Radek Zajkowski [Deb] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-09 22:42]:
>I'm using the bash shell, but in the package list in dselect it lists korn
>and zsh as loaded as well. Can I just unistall them or does my system needs
>them anyway?
I doubt you would need either one, but I recommend Zsh over th
* Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-10 03:44]:
>If I use Netscape Communicator's Reply function (which I think
>implements the standard Reply-to-author function), it only goes to the
>author and doesn't get back to the mailing list.
>So instead I use its Reply All function (which I
* Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-10 03:47]:
>Is there any chance that elimination of duplicate messages can be
>done (relatively easily) with procmail?
Procmail can even delete spam; that's no reason to send some.
The best leaders are those barely known to their fo
* Fred Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-10 08:13]:
>On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 01:46, Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> I'm not intimate with the datails of Netscape's usage; you arbitrary
>> send the mail to two addresses where one is enough to do the work.
* Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-10 22:10]:
>In any case now I am deleting the author's e-mail address from the
>To:/Cc: list (unless I forget).
Thanks. I have rarely a problem with things happening accidently on
mailing lists, so this is fine by me.
He who receive
* Paul Mackinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-11 11:22]:
>I've been learning emacs (gone to far to go back to vi at this point)
>and kind of sneering at all-in-one IDE's, but Jedit is worth a
>look. Auto-formats nicely, prints nicely (better than emacs, IMO),
>sophisticated plugin manager (you
* David Turetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-16 22:33]:
[mutt and exim]
>Now that I'm up in a graphical environment, do these two still make the
>same sense? Is mutt available for my notebook, running under Windows XP?
I think that Mutt makes a lot of sense in a graphical environment. Mut
* Hooman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-29 08:12]:
>The first problem that I have is that the my computer's native
>resoloution is 1280x854, but Xserver boots the system with 1024x780.
>How can I fix this problem. The graphic card is NVidia GeForce420
>32MB and the driver in XF86Config is "nv".
* lameth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-06 18:51]:
>I just upgraded to a cable modem at home. Is it necessary to set up a
>firewall under linux to protect my computer and if so is there a
>firewall packaged for debian?
Firewalling is a complex thing and would require some time to plan and
I just got a really sweet Notebook meeting most of your requirements.
There are a lot of people running Linux on it, some BSD is also
* Walter Tautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-07 21:20]:
>built in cdrom and floppy, no stupid docking stations...sony vaio...yikes
>better yet a built i
* Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-07 21:56]:
>-- Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>(on Monday, 07 October 2002, 09:43 PM +0200):
>> I just got a really sweet Notebook meeting most of your requirements.
>> There are a lot of peop
* Matt Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-07 23:44]:
>I have a webstie which I manage both from home (mac) and work
>(woody). I use sitecopy at work but my access is only via ftp, so
>sitecopy can't identify newer files on the website. So after I
>upsdate the site form home, I usually log in
* Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-08 22:01]:
>In bash I can do this:
>js-21:57:41-~$dpkg -l zsh*
>|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
* Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-08 23:06]:
>Traditional Bourne shell behavior specifies that if a globbing
>expression matches no files, then the globbing expression itself is
>passed to the program as an argument.
Didn't know that. I still like zsh's behaviour for this very reason:
* Lars Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-09 00:28]:
>Are any XML editors included in the debian dostribution? If not, are
>there any good freeware XML editors out there?
What features are you looking for? If I would have to edit XML, I
would use my bread-and-butter editor NEdit.
* Lonnie Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-11 00:46]:
>I am using woody, and as you can see from this mailing, I can send
>mail from Balsa, no problem.
How do you send mail with Balsa? Do you use your MTA or any function
from within Balsa?
>When I fetchmail, if comes in OK, and of course I
* Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-11 20:24]:
>I'm on a number of internal distribution lists where I work and they
>are all terrible for format and netiquette, but one goes so far as to
>add a bunch of stuff to the subject line which messes up my
>threading. Actually, it could be the outlook
* Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-13 21:23]:
>Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-13 11:49:26 +0200]:
>> Thanks for the info. I actually could see the image usign xv, but it
>> was quite distorted, and I couldn't find the asterisk.
* Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-10-14 00:33]:
>Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-13 21:48:08 +0200]:
>> Mine is a SuSE 7.2.
>Hmm... You know, somehow when someone has a reply address of debian@
>and the discussion is in a debian user list I d
please don't sign your mails unless your keys are on the keyservers.
In dem Augenblick, wo wir anfangen unsere Freiheitsrechte
einzuschränken, besorgen wir das Geschäft der Terroristen.
- Günter Grass
with a subject of "u
* Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-01 18:13]:
>Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> please don't sign your mails unless your keys are on the keyservers.
>Mark's key was, at least on the ones I use.
>keyserver keyring.debian.or
* Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-01 19:49]:
>>> > please don't sign your mails unless your keys are on the keyservers.
>Which keyservers would that be, then? Which keep in sync with which?
The privacy of correspondence, posts and telecommunications shall
* Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-01 23:44]:
>On Fri, 01 Nov 2002 19:37:14 GMT, Colin Watson writes:
>>On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 07:49:09PM +0100, Robert Waldner wrote:
>To which keyserver is one expected to upload ones key, so that everyone
> on this (and near every other, for that m
* Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-02 00:19]:
>On Sat, 02 Nov 2002 00:08:08 +0100, Thorsten Haude writes:
>>Well, yours is the first signature I was not able to get from
>>wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net. There are those that don't know about keyservers,
I use xscreensaver to lock my notebook's screen after it resumes. For
this, I start xscreensaver in ~/.xinitrc and call xscreensaver-command
from apmd_proxy:
xscreensaver-command -lock
However, everytime the notebook wakes up and the lock is activated, I
get the following error:
* Shri Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 13:25]:
>1. How easy is it to set something up so a group of packages get
>automatically compiled (with some preset flags for optimization).
With Gentoo - easy. With Debian it would take probably much longer
than you can ever hope to save later.
I want to get my caps lock key a new purpose (because I absolutely
despise the current one) and want to hear your opinion about it.
There are several options:
- a second ctrl key
- make a Modn key from the OS key, another Modn key from caps lock
- make the same Modn key form OS key and caps l
* Glyn Kennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 17:36]:
>> So what are your thoughts about this? Is there another good use I
>> could put caps lock to? Experiences?
>If you're a vi user, you may find it useful to swap it with Escape.
Good thought! I'm not, however.
Alles ist
* Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 17:55]:
>> >> So what are your thoughts about this? Is there another good use I
>> >> could put caps lock to? Experiences?
>One of my favs is to just set it to nothing. You can accidently hit it all
>day and it won't change a thing.
I thin
* sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 19:13]:
>On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 05:36:18PM +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> So what are your thoughts about this? Is there another good use I
>> could put caps lock to? Experiences?
>well, if someone ever spills coke al
* Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 21:04]:
>Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-10 19:42:10 +0100]:
>> >> So what are your thoughts about this? Is there another good use I
>> >> could put caps lock to? Experiences?
>Out of the
* Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-10 17:36]:
>I want to get my caps lock key a new purpose (because I absolutely
>despise the current one) and want to hear your opinion about it.
Thanks to all who answered!
Necessity is the plea for every infringem
* stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-17 15:14]:
>I'm reading a bunch of records inot myy system using the great gramofile
>package. I'm converting these .wav files to .mp3's (or maybe .ogg's) but I
>wonder if it's possible to go the other way?
Sure. The first thing that comes to mind is xmms, wh
I want to lock my notebook's screen on resume, so I added a short
script in /etc/apm/resume.d. However, I get the resume event twice and
I wonder why this happens.
Do you have any idea why this happens or what I can do to avoid it?
Getting a thrill out of some stupid quote is a
* fLokNo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 13:56]:
>how do i enable special (german) characters in openoffice like äöü.
>i have an english keyboard that works fine with evolution/mozilla etc.
>there i press " and then a which gives me ä.
>in oo this procedure doesnt work, how to enable it.
I en
* Gregg & Monica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 17:56]:
>I need to know if my computer can support debianand I need to knwo if it
>will support the gui...here are my computers info...
>[Information about system]
There is no way somebody can garuantee that Debian will work. Just get
it an
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 19:05]:
> I'm fooling around with cfdisk and wanted to ask the superiors about
>something. I plan to dual boot this with windows 2000. On the first
>partition because I've had disatrous results when windows is NOT on the
>first partition. Anyhow,
* Mark L. Kahnt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 19:06]:
>Maybe I've just read past this several times in the package list without
>my brain catching what was being said, but what is a good program for
>cloning bootable data CDs? I want to make a couple extra copies of the
>Woody CDs, and with bo
* John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-01 05:17]:
>Thorsten Haude wrote:
>>* Gregg & Monica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 17:56]:
>>>I need to know if my computer can support debianand I need to knwo if
>>>it will support the gui...here a
I cannot see Umlauts (äöÜ) and other special characters (æß) in my GTK
applications (Gimp, EasyTAG, Gedit, GKrellM).
I use a US keyboard layout and a modified keymap to enter these
special characters. This works fine for KDE, LessTif and Tk, but GTK
does not display them, all I get is a zero-
* Johan Ehnberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-01 14:15]:
>Edit /etc/environment or apt-get install localeconf so that the result
>is (replace fi_FI@euro with your own locale: de_DE@euro):
* Matthew Daubenspeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-01 20:57]:
>folder-hook . source ~/.muttrc
>folder-hook =INBOX.NWLSDsource ~/.mutt/nwlsd_muttrc
>For testing purposes, the NWLSD setup has a different set of headers
>and a different signature. This seems to work when
* Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-07 04:55]:
>I've recently been trying to give spamassassin a go, so naturally I ended
>up looking at procmail. Then I tried to build procmail, wow it sure does
>take me back. Trouble is, I don't want to go back. Can anyone recommend
>a more modern progra
* Walt Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-07 05:33]:
>On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 05:23:53AM +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> I used Mail::Audit for quite some time, but it probably has a serious
>> bug which makes it impossible to verify some signed mails.
* Walt Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-12-07 15:23]:
>On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 12:04:20PM +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> Duh. Now that I think of it, what is the reason to use MIME anyway?
>The person who added that code wanted to do filtering based on MIME
you should put your key on the public server.
* Robert L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-17 20:09]:
> I know with "Eterm -T 'foo'" I can set the title for my Eterm, but is it
>possible to have it set to whatever is going on in my Term? A co-worker
>using xterm has it set up so the titl
* Robert L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-17 21:02]:
>Thus spake Thorsten Haude ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> you should put your key on the public server.
>Should be on keyring.debian.org in the minimum. Uploaded it a month or
>more ago.
It seems that ww
* Joyce, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-20 01:46]:
>Can someone tell, is there a way of running the bit of the install procedure
>which sets up the sources.list ?
I think, you should check this yourself.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a littl
* p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-20 02:18]:
>my .muttrc is "read-only." i need to
>modify it, as i've been able to do
>in the past. i don't know what i
>did to make it r/o.
>(permissions = 666)
>$ ls -la .muttrc
>-rw-rw-rw-1 bt bt 8503 Oct 31 00:13 .muttrc
Your lines are too long.
* Robert Storey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-20 08:46]:
>1) The prompt. Under Debian, the Xterm prompt is: sh-2.05a$
>How can it make it obey this setting: PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
You should set this in ~/.bashrc. Don't forget to export it, though
I'm not even positive th
* Larry Hunsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-01 18:16]:
>I have looked through the enlightenment stuff and I can't find anything
>about an automatic log-off for inactivity. Of course, I suppose that
>this might come from the login manager rather than from the windowing
>system. In any case
* Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-01 22:06]:
>Also, I'd love to have a way to have a regular text console on one
>screen with X on another, but I don't really know if that's possible nor
>where I would possibly begin to look for info. Any info is greatly
Well, what
I just was reminded that I have still a problem to access the key
servers. When I try to send my updated key to one of the servers, I
get the following error:
- - - Schnipp - - -
yooden@eumel> gpg --send-key 4065A1DA
* Michael Naumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-02 00:33]:
>I want my bash to obey eof (^D) only if there are no jobs in the background.
I can't help you with the Bash, but I recommend the Zsh. The Zsh warns
you if you have running jobs, and only exits if you give the command a
second time. Yo
* Michael Naumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-02 12:12]:
>02.01.2003 00:52:05, Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanx for your tip,
>But this would not help me. As I stated, the warning is also issued by bash
>and disowning jobs is also po
* Qian Gong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-03 12:50]:
>I want to configure mutt not to fcc the attachments of outgoing mails.
>Usually it's not necessary and sometimes the attachments are huge. Under
>pine there is a option for this purpose. Any idea how to configure this in
>mutt? Thanks.
* Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-04 18:57]:
>I can't believe this is still not solved. I boot the system. I see
>some ominous warnings. They scroll by so fast and are gone.
Scroll back.
It is exactly because markets are amoral that we canno
* Egor Tur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-07 00:23]:
>I start X from xdm. But I have any programme which I run on session of X that I
>start form startx from X (use `anybody' parameter for
>start X). Question: can I start this X session (from startx) on another computer? How
>can I possibly
* Robert L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-12 16:35]:
> Recently my machine started popping up a window that I don't remember
>telling it to do. When I select a URL in my konqueror or mozilla windows
>this pops up asking how I want to open the URL. When I double click a
>URL in an Ete
* Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-15 01:32]:
>Why don't these images compress well? Specifically, I took the
>Knoppix V3.1-2002-12-12-EN iso and gzipped it, but only got 1%
I guess the Knoppix guys already try very hard to compress what's on
the CD. I hear they have 1.
* Vittorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-11-23 14:22]:
>I'm using mutt to deal with the lists I've subscribed to.
>I'd like to have the folder folder I receive my personal mail
>($HOME/IN.personale) to be automatically opened when I start Mutt.
>What should I do?
mutt -f
They t
I switched from SuSE to Debian about three hours ago and already run
into a wall.
The only way to install Debian here is by CD-ROM, because our boxes
are not bootable by floppy. So I'm stuck with this Debian 3.0 Preview
CD I have.
The problem is that dbootstrap never offers to configure devic
* Marcelo Chiapparini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-03 16:59]:
>In order to use networking in a LAN do I need the IPv4 protocol?
Most definitely.
Denn ein Tyrann ist nicht, wenn die Masse nicht geduldig stillhält.
- Kurt Tucholsky
* Petre Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-06 15:09]:
>i'm wondering if there is a software that would log everything a user
>types,does,accesses,somewhere in a safe location..
Yup, it's called Carnivore.
There is no drug known
* Deva Seetharam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-04 19:59]:
>i did export DISPLAY=`hostname`:0.0 as user and xhost +`hostname` as root.
>when i run netscape, i get the error message
>Error: Can't open display:...
>then i tried export DISPLAY=:0.0 and tried to run netscape.
>i get the error mess
* martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-07 11:10]:
>does anyone know of a mail delivery agent that's capable of the
> (3) finally, respect ~/.forward, but if that doesn't exist, deliver to
> a Maildir? if it can't deliver to Maildirs, that should not be too
> mu
* martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-07 12:02]:
>also sprach Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.07.1136 +0100]:
>> I may be wrong, but wouldn't this break some expectations? I know only
>> of MDAs that are called via ~/.forward, so t
I want to build this mail chain for my workstation:
Fetchmail -> Postfix -> Mail::Audit -> Mutt -> Postfix
(Mail::Audit is inactive for now.)
The packages are installed, the services running. However, I cannot
receive mail. A look in the logs showed no errors per se, but a lot of
* Penguin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-09 13:01]:
>Do they use Debian?
The site www.xpays.com is running Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) on FreeBSD.
Unterschätze nie die Macht dummer Leute, die einer Meinung sind.
- Kurt Tuchol
* Jeremy Nickurak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-01-15 00:10]:
>Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
My mailer does this for me, you might consider to use another one.
When the government fears the people, it is liberty.
When the people fear the government, it is tyranny
I just installed Sarge and made a new Kernel (2.6.0) for it. However,
the new Kernel cannot find the root file system:
- - - Schnipp - - -
VFS: Cannot open root device "2246" or hdh6
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on hdh6
- - - Schnapp -
* Björn Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-06 01:36]:
>I had the same problem.
>You must do: make mrproper
>Then: make menuconfig
I see, so that one worked for you!
Someone just gave me the tip that I forgot something which was always
included in previous kernel: The MS-DOS partition t
* Mike Bentzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-11 00:57]:
>I'd like to host my & my dad's web page on a server. I would like it to be a linux
>box with debian as the OS.
>It will handle the internet connection won't it?
Sure, as long as you don't have especially exotic hardware for this.
* Yan Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-18 21:28]:
>I am new to debian and linux. I installed Debian last week. Now, I have
>a problem. If I press Ctrl - s in a terminal or in Emacs, the s key will
>not reponse anymore no matter how I press it. That's annoying. I have to
>reboot the machine t
Please send me every mail only once.
* Yan Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-18 21:48]:
>Thorsten Haude wrote:
>>I don't know about EmacsOS, but the terminal is locked with Ctrl-s.
>>Just press Ctrl-q to unlock it.
>Many thanks for the reply. However, i
* Roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-19 18:08]:
>I always used to use ssh with a command line like this:
>$ ssh -l user hostname.domain.name
>If I do it now, it tells me that file /usr/bin/ssh-askpass is missing.
Dou you use a key to log into that host? I only use ssh-askpass to
enter my ke
* John G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-19 20:12]:
>I am about to put up my first server. I hope to make it dual boot to
>get experience on both linux and windows 2003.
That would be a workstation then, not a server?
>1. Which os do I load first. Everything I have read so far assumes I
* Pär Lidén <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-21 01:06]:
>Hello! Anyone there knows how change your default language on the system?
>I want all my other setting (sorting,date format and such things) to be my
>native language (swedish) but I want all messages to be in english. Is
>this possible to
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-22 23:04]:
>Why doesn't someone develop a similar protocol to Microsoft's network
>neighborhood and smb for Linux. So when you join a NIS like system that
>it will automatically authenticate you on your Linux network with your
>currently lo
* Nathan Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-24 03:11]:
>In the Reference code: #14715, are all files, that we found on your
My guess is that it's a worm, and something stripped off its dangerous
content. Something working like that was pretty successful in Germany.
* Haines Brown wrote (2004-01-25 13:21):
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 10:43:56PM -0800, Day Brown wrote:
>> > Linux comes from Unix, which was designed for mainframes.
>> > windows comes from dos, which was designed for personal desktops.
>> Well technically Unix was designed for mid-sized c
* Dr Gavin Seddon wrote (2004-01-25 13:21):
>Recently I have been troubled with missing libs. Is there a repository
>for Debian libs?
What's wrong with Apt? What are you missing?
I fear that Digital Rights Management today is Political Rights Management
tomorrow. That embedd
Please don't disturb the threading.
* Dr Gavin Seddon wrote (2004-01-25 14:32):
>The prob. is, it may not find a so file that I apt-get.
What are you trying to do?
There is no drug known to man which becomes safer when its
production and distribution are handed over to crimina
Could you please stop using tofu?
* Dr Gavin Seddon wrote (2004-01-25 14:59):
>Can you tell me of a repository that contains lbs, since apt-get finds
You are asking all the wrong questions. What repository you are
looking for? What packages do you
* Nick Kirchner wrote (2004-01-25 17:58):
>During install I partition the 6GB hard drive into a 100 MB swap at the end
>of the disk the rest as the Linux partition.
I would've put it at the beginning to gain a little extra speed, but
that shouldn't matter much.
>When I try to install kerne
* Curtis Vaughan wrote (2004-01-28 06:44):
>I know this is not a windows list and I have never yet asked a question
>like this on here before, but perhaps there is someone who knows the
>answer to this question.
How about asking Microsoft support about it?
Jede Glorifizierung
* Nano Nano wrote (2004-01-30 07:01):
>My first test message to the outside world bounced with:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: host smtp.comcast.net[] said:
>[PERMFAIL] comcast.net requires valid sender (in reply to RCPT TO
>exim always added my "Sender" header f
* Nano Nano wrote (2004-01-30 08:52):
>On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 08:19:36AM +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote:
>> What's in the log for this message?
>from /var/log/mail.log:
>Jan 29 23:42:00 desk postfix/smtp[4117]: 8AEF514756:
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