
I switched from SuSE to Debian about three hours ago and already run
into a wall.
The only way to install Debian here is by CD-ROM, because our boxes
are not bootable by floppy. So I'm stuck with this Debian 3.0 Preview
CD I have.

The problem is that dbootstrap never offers to configure device
drivers. After step 7.11 (Install Operating System Kernel and Modules)
I get straight to 7.14 (Configure the Network), which cannot find any
NICs and offers only to set the box' name.

I can load the module successfully (well, at least it tells me so)
with modconf, but I don't know how to do the net configuration the
easy way.

Is this a known problem or in some way related to my unapt use of
Woody? I would especially appreciate pointer to documents explaining
this behavior.

When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it.
        - Anatole France

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