On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 05:00:15 +0200, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> I've been seeing problems for the past several weeks and I am finally
> beginning to see a pattern. It started about the time I upgraded to a
> GeForce4MX after my GeForce2 died. At first I thought it was being
> caused by Gnome apps,
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:20:12 +0200, Willem.Smit wrote:
> I've got a Microsoft optical USB mouse, but for the sake of linux i plugged
> it into the PS/2 port using a little USB->PS/2 port connector thingie.
> X was configured to use /dev/input/mice but to no avail...
Well... you're using the USB d
On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 20:40:22 +0200, tallison wrote:
> http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2003/08/16/debian_linux_distribution_10_years_old_today.html
> What I late in finding this?
Best Regards, | Hi! I'm a .signature virus. Copy me into
Sebastian | your ~/.signatur
On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 12:40:11 +0200, arief_mulya wrote:
> But I still can get it, Why can't Xine plays avseq*.dat file? It keep
> telling me no plugin found.
> While mplayer plays them nicely. But I like xine better, and hoping this
> issue can be resolved.
> Any enlightment?
Xine is (in my
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 09:00:13 +0200, Willem.Smit wrote:
> > Well... you're using the USB device (/dev/input/mice) and the mouse is
> > plugged into the PS/2 port (/dev/psaux). What do you expect :-)
> Only one question - why the hell does my mouse work through
> /dev/input/mice on 2.6.0 ???
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 04:50:06 +0200, Skippi wrote:
> Greetings. I am trying to add a directory to the list of sources for
> APT to use for installing deb packages.
> It tells me there is an error in line 10 (the line I'm adding).
> I am adding
> deb file:/home/skippi/0data/backup/de
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 04:30:10 +0200, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:08:21PM -0500, Nathan Poznick
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, are you using antialiased fonts? If so, have
>> you tried disabling them? It very well may not give you any difference
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:20:18 +0200, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 19:25, Colin Watson wrote:
>> Any chance of making this signature a bit shorter? Four lines is a
>> common maximum.
> It's in rotation. See how much shorter this one is?
1 --
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 09:10:10 +0200, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
> In other cases, because ext3 is writing it's journal to a disk every few
> seconds, it could be a little slower. Since most systems aren't normally
> under intense I/O, this is usually unnoticable. You do have the option
> of storing the j
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 01:20:09 +0200, Chris McQueeny wrote:
> As Ext/3 has matured a great deal since it was released, my opinion is
> that it is entirely superior to Ext/2 at least. The journalling
> capabilities greatly increase speed and reliability in many cases.
It increases speed in exactly o
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:00:07 +0200, shatam bhattacharya wrote:
> Hi,
>should I burn the .tmp file if some decumentation files are
>missing in the downloaded packages. I am using jigdo to burn CDs
>for woody 3.0r1.
Did you read the message you were replying to? Please do
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:00:22 +0200, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> Tried:
> xf86config: lack of success
> dpkg-reconfigure xcommon-xfree: went through the whole process, tried
> everything, always 'no screens found'
"No screens found", "The X server cannot be started": Those are no proper
error messages. Y
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:00:16 +0200, hotmail wrote:
> Hi
> I'm looking for BIOS drivers and maybe some info for Megastar TI6NL
> 0.00, 3xPCI, 3xISA, 1xAGP, AMIBIOS. Can you please send me the URL where
> I can find some more information.
> OS:WinXP
Why do you think that a Debian ma
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 00:40:12 +0200, A. Novruzi wrote:
> Now, I try to install g++. The system complains different problems
> like the package x requires package y, while y requires x. So it does
> not install g++.
Please show the exact message. Probably it's just some old package which
apt-get do
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 23:00:18 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..putting procmail between these should do this the nice way.
This leaves me with the bandwidth problem. At about 50 messages an hour
and a 8 kB/s internet connection, this is not fun :-(
Best Regards, | Hi! I'm a .signature virus
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 23:40:23 +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 10:31:26PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
>> > Use fetchmail to download your mail and feed it to exim for local
>> > delivery. Exim can run spamassassin for you. If the download volume
>> ..putting procmail between
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 21:20:27 +0200, Jeff Elkins wrote:
> Shri, I'm getting slammed by this crap. I've got SA running
> though...could you clue a SA newbie how to set this up?
> SA is grabbing all "normal" spam, but it's choking on this onslaught.
You can add a "score" line to your ~/.spamassas
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 12:50:12 +0200, Andrew Ingram wrote:
> Hi List,
> I just found out about "apt-get install quake2" :)
> Everything is fine apart from my mouse. It works only horizontally,
Enable the mouse look feature. I don't know if there is a menu setting for
that. If not, try to enter +
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 02:50:14 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
>> > ..putting procmail between these should do this the nice way.
>> This leaves me with the bandwidth problem. At about 50 messages an hour
>> and a 8 kB/s internet connection, this is not fun :-(
> ..huh? GSM? I use 802.11b.
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 19:50:20 +0200, Christine Hawksworth wrote:
> i could use your help that if this is what you deal with - when i print
> out using colour some of the colours are not printing out eg red/yellow
> and when i try to print colour words they are not in the right order -
> it was fine
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 14:30:22 +0200, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
> Hi,
> I just downloaded and installed Macromedia Flash plug-in for Mozilla
> (1.4-4). When browsing to a web location with flash content, the browser
> hangs.
I guess you have some app playing sound in the background. Maybe
Hi. I'm German, but I think I understood what you wanted to say -- next
time please ask in English. This is an international mailing list :-)
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 14:40:16 +0200, marinus wrote:
> beste user.
> kan ik debian instaleren als aternatief voor windows?
Yes, you can install Debian in p
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 18:30:18 +0200, csj wrote:
> Have you tried the cat > /proc trick, something like:
> cat using_dma:1 > /proc/ide/hdX/settings
In the case of a real IDE device, you can use the plain old IDE device
nodes. My ide-scsi-driven CD-ROM drives (one burner, one reader) respond:
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 00:10:08 +0200, Frank Hrebabetzky wrote:
> According to the Debian site there exists a magicfilter version 1.2-55
> in 'testing' state (current stable is 1.2-53).
> My /etc/apt/sources.list contains, among others, the lines
> deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US tes
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 22:40:23 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
>> # hdparm -d /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target?/lun0/generic
> Neither of these approaches will work as the drive is IDE behind the USB
> port. Thus, the system sees USB, then SCSI.
That's why I wrote "In the case of a real IDE device...".
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 04:10:06 +0200, Daniel B. wrote:
> What's the newest packaged kernel that can be used on woody (without
> removing a stable kernel)?
2.4.22 -- just compile your own. The relevant packages:
kernel-source-2.4.22 (you can pilfer that one from Sid), build-essential,
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:30:22 +0200, J Y wrote:
> I re-installed deb3.0 and it looked great only two pkgs broke.
> BUT I screwed up and selected the wrong mouse type. Now I can
> login to a great looking desktop but I can't use it! :(
> There's a dialog box open at start up ( no big deal) bu
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:40:14 +0200, cr wrote:
> ... having just recovered from another screaming encounter with dselect.
One word: aptitude
Best Regards, | Wer Windows-Rechner ins Internet lässt,
Sebastian | braucht nicht über SWEN stänkern!
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 06:30:07 +0200, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Now, if RH wants to admit to the error in it's ways and move to
> dpkg/apt/deb,
Haven't they adopted APT already? Somehow I doubt they'll ever sacrifice
rpm :-)
Best Regards, | Wer Windows-Rechner ins Internet lässt,
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 04:10:20 +0200, Jan Pfeifer wrote:
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
> to include any order (for all key compositions).
> i'd like to send the fix to the proper debian maintainer(s). How do I
> find this out ?
$ dlocate /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:20:18 +0200, Daniel B. wrote:
> When make-kpkg from kernel-package makes a kernel-image-...deb package,
> which packages(and versions) with that .deb depend on? Things on my
> system, or versions from sid?
Things from Woody -- at least if you use Woody's kernel-package.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 00:10:08 +0200, michf wrote:
> I would rather try to detect which interface is mapped to the driver
> instead of assuming the active one is always on eth0. Is there a way to
> do that?
Have a look the nameif utility. It assigns names by MAC addresses, i.e. it
can recognize whi
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:50:16 +0200, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> Why? Your uptime is the amount of time your machine has been running,
> not the output of the uptime command. Just because you overflow a
> 32-bit number with it, it doesn't mean your machine is any less stable.
BTW, wouldn't this wrapar
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 21:10:05 +0200, Sidney Brooks wrote:
> I want to use a usb printer with Debian woody. From what I read, I must
> install the module uhci to do this. I do not know where to find this
> module and how to install it.
Best Regards, | Wer Windows-Rechner ins Internet
Hello list,
I'm trying to set up an Exim4 SMTP daemon which acts as a "proxy" server
for a few PCs. It does local deliveries, and forwards outgoing mail to an
external smarthost. That works pretty good now -- the only problem is the
SSL/TLS feature. I want the connection between my Exim and the s
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 02:40:09 +0200, Daniel B. wrote:
> What exactly do I need to do to build locally for woody a Debian kernel
> package based on a kernel version from testing or unstable?
(1) Get the kernel-image-2.4.22 package that you want to "convert", unpack
it manually (dpkg-deb -x) and gra
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 01:00:21 +0200, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> Not all linux kernels use initrd. RedHat does by default, I think, but
> I don't think debian does.
Most precompiled Debian kernels don't boot without an initrd. bf24 is an
Best Regards, | Wer Windows-Rechner ins Int
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 04:30:15 +0200, Zeeblanc wrote:
> I have a Lexmark z 11 printer.Until I was connected to aol 9.0 optimized
> it worked fine the icon was on my task bar.
Can anyone enlighten me why _Windows_ users keep posting their [CENSORED]
questions to this list?
Best Regards, | Wer
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 03:40:07 +0200, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> Perhaps it's failing because it can't verify a certificate chain from a
> trusted root certificate? You might need to grab the thawte CA cert and
> append it to your tlscerts.out.
You are right. Exim doesn't even care about the server's c
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 23:20:10 +0200, Zakaria wrote:
> Hey I was trying to buy Debian Cd instead of downloading debian...
A very good idea actually :-)
> but they have for different Architectures Alpha ; ARM ; HPPA ; i386 ;
> IA-64 ; m68k ; MIPS ; PowerPC ; S/390 ; Sparc ; source ; Hurd-i386 ;
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 19:00:23 +0200, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> You'll notice that many of these 1- or 2-liners are very general, with
> many possible ways of diagnosing/solving the problem. I believe that
> this is to increase the number of replies from helpful PeeCee users who
> think "finally -
Hello List,
I'm quite desperate with my Samba installation. Samba can resolve
Windows hostnames without any flaw, but I can't get /etc/nsswitch.conf
to cooperate with Samba...
My installation:
* samba & winbind unmodified from Woody, nmbd & winbindd running.
* nmblookup and wbinfo -h _can_ resol
On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:00:12 +0200, Richard Lyons wrote:
> My CD says
>Could not mount device.
>The reported error was:
>mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
/dev/cdrom is a symlink to what? (Hint:
ls -l /dev/cdrom
to find out. It might also be interesting to know w
On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 18:40:06 +0200, Richard Lyons wrote:
> On Sunday 10 August 2003 3:13 pm, Sebastian Kapfer wrote: [...prob
> mounting CD...]
>> /dev/cdrom is a symlink to what?
> ouch. That was simple enough, then. Point it at the right place... OK,
> that works. Pr
On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 22:00:13 +0200, Pigeon wrote:
>> No. You have to delete the original pointer (with the original type).
>> Everything else is undefined behaviour, i.e. it could work, it could
>> leak memory (completely or partly), it could crash, or even print "42".
>> It might even work someti
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 21:00:42 +0200, David Fokkema wrote:
>> Yeah, sure. But SA doesn't protect me from your
>> > --
>> > Best Regards, | Hi! I'm a .signature virus. Copy me into
>> > Sebastian | your ~/.signature to help me spread!
>> signature virus. I had a difficult time not
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 00:00:22 +0200, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote:
[configuring USB HID mouse]
> I'm using the stock 2.4.21 kernel on Sid with separately compiled
> openafs and nvidia modules. The required USB drivers are installed in
> the running kernel (hid, usbcore, usb-uhci, input).
Doesn't one
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 02:30:09 +0200, Jianan Huang wrote:
> Hi folks,
> In an application, say, xterm, certain key will function in a certain
> way e.g. the up arrow key will go back to the previous command. How to
> set or modify key functions of an application?
The shell history is actually a
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 20:00:22 +0200, Niels L. Ellegaard wrote:
> It seems that I miss a file named
> /home/gnalle/.gnome2/debian-upgrade-stage-1
> When I start gnome, I don't get far enough to create a .gnome-errors,
> but here is my .xsession-errors.
> SESSION_MANAGER=local/nissefisken:/t
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:50:06 +0200, Niels L. Ellegaard wrote:
> I upgraded from Woody to Sarge last week, and now I cannot start my
> gnome. Xfree and KDE works. Well actually I had some problems with the
> xserver of sarge, so now I am running xfree from woody. Bug report
> here
> http://lists.de
On Wed, 06 Aug 2003 19:00:11 +0200, MJM wrote:
> I learned last night that there is a 3rd Ed. Evidently things have
> changed and the complex language has gotten more complex -
> trying to be all things to all people. If this continues, C++ will be
> too complex for normal programmers.
On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 13:00:47 +0200, Jeremy Brooks wrote:
> I've looked through the preferences, and played around with the options
> related to the toolbars. Nothing seems to help.
You could try to open the bookmark editor, select the toolbar folder, and
tag it as the toolbar folder. (There is s
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 09:20:07 +0200, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
> Although you can cleary see that the same formatting options are used,
> the look of the printout is much better when done on the unstable
> system. It's easier to look at, less "crowded". The stable system
> produces output that looks l
On Thu, 07 Aug 2003 19:50:13 +0200, techlists wrote:
> What can I do to find out what is causing these programs to freeze like
> they are?
Probably you're running a sound daemon such as ESD, ARTS or JACK (no pun
intended). Those programs block the sound device and prevent other apps
from using it
On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 05:00:12 +0200, MJM wrote:
> Will the free store be properly maintained when the following is
> executed? // a simple object is defined typedef struct {
>uint32_t a;
>uint64_t b;
> } t_my_type;
No typedef needed. This is C++.
struct t_my_type
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 19:50:14 +0200, Jeff Elkins wrote:
> Most of the spam I receive is HTML format. Is there a fairly painless way of
> sending anything formatted HTML to my trash folder?
You could try filtering for phrases like
Content-type: text/html
I don't know kmai
On Wed, 06 Aug 2003 06:00:11 +0200, MJM wrote:
> On Monday 04 August 2003 21:40, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
>> > // change the way it is accessed to prove a point int * p_b = (int
>> >*) p_a;
>> Ouch.
> Try this in /usr/src/linux/kernel
> $ gre
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 08:10:14 +0200, Mihalis I. Tsoukalos wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have the following questions:
> Does the latest gcc/g++ (I think 3.3) exists for Debian woody? If yes,
> where can I find the deb files?
You might try http://www.apt-get.org/. There are no official Debian
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 05:40:09 +0200, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> Option "NoRenderAccel" "on"
> to the device section of XF86Config-4. I did this and thought I had the
> problem licked. But alas, I got bitten again.
> Any other wisdom on how to beat this other than tearing Gnom
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:50:08 +0200, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> It's in there:
> (**) NVIDIA(0): Option "NoRenderAccel" "on"
I'm getting this one:
(**) NVIDIA(0): Option "RenderAccel" "0"
As it seems, both should boil down to the same thing. I was under the
impression that the driver also pri
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:20:17 +0200, Norman Walsh wrote:
> With the (current in unstable) binary incompatibility in libc, I'm
> having trouble getting my old commercial X server running. One
> suggestion was to run it chroot with the old libc libraries. I can see
> how this would theoretically allo
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 07:00:10 +0200, oskar debian lists wrote:
> One of my vaft32 partition are having surface or other kind of trouble
> that make the debian linux go slow in general execution,
I have a hard time believing this, but who knows...
> i modify and erase the respective line in /etc/f
Please don't CC me, I'm reading the list.
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:20:05 +0200, Mihalis I. Tsoukalos wrote:
> I have searched apt-get.org and found gcc 3.2 and gcc 3.3.
> If I install either 3.3 or 3.2 version what else do I have to take care?
You're using inofficial packages, so the quality might
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:40:10 +0200, Antonio Rodr wrote:
> I need to enable agp gart for my radeon 128 mb ati card, according to
> the instructions in the xfree site.
I pity you. Any cash left to buy nVidia?
> However, I can't find the place in the compilation of my image. I am
> using kernel-pac
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 00:20:14 +0200, William Bradley wrote:
> I have just installed Debian (the latest, I forget the number) and got
> it going graphically with Window Maker. Can't get the mouse to work
> though. It is installed on /dev/psaux
That means you have a PS/2 mouse?
> and the pointer is
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 02:00:14 +0200, Alvin Oga wrote:
> - don't buy stuff because somebody said its good or bad..
Very good advice. Different users have different expectations from their
hardware. You often hear that Radeons "work" under Linux. Sure, the 2D
part works fine, but that's not a reason
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 20:40:11 +0200, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
> Hi all,
> I have a debian potato nis server. I have some debian woody desktops
> (nis clients) configured. When I updated these machines do sid, the nis
> stopped to work! :( Only when I do su
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 13:30:08 +0200, usman wrote:
> trident pci audio does not work on windowXP.please send me a driver for
> it so i download from u Transitional//EN">
[X] Wrong mailing list. Ask Microsoft instead.
[X] HTML mail sent to a mailing list.
[ ] Checkboxes are so cool.
Best Reg
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 22:20:14 +0200, M.Forbes wrote:
> I need to know what the name and location would be as for the
> kernel-source in order to get my Ethernet card working.
> I was getting an error in line 27 that the kernel source was not able to
> be found. I was able to find that I have to a
Please, if you hope for any replies:
1. Enter a subject for your message. Something descriptive at best, not "A
Question", "Help", "May I ask something"... you get the idea.
2. Turn HTML off. Posting HTML is considered rude on the Debian mailing
3. Post the complete error message, not on
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 09:00:24 +0200, Loren M Lang wrote:
> 2) C is just faster than C++
This is simply not true. If you know what you're doing, you can write
efficient C++ which is just as fast as C. C++ was designed in a way that
doesn't make you pay for features you don't use.
> Even when I'm w
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:50:11 +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
> While I haven't learned much C yet (I can read it better than I write
> it), I do have to ask this one: It's possible to write non-braindamaged
> code in C++ without learning C first?
Of course it is -- it's just more difficult :-)
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:20:16 +0200, Frank Gevaerts wrote:
> First convince me that object oriented programming results in maintainable
> and debuggable code, then convince me that C++ is a good implementation of
> OO, and then I might consider C++ instead of C. (I know not all the
> features of C+
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 19:00:15 +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:50:11 +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> While I haven't learned much C yet (I can read it better than I write
>> it), I do have to ask this one: It's possible to write
>> no
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 14:00:14 +0200, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> I'm having quite a strange problem with the icons on Gnome menus. When I
> log in using the English language settings everything works just fine.
> When I log in using Serbian language settings however, the icons seem to
> be off-center
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 13:50:07 +0200, Mariano Kamp wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a couple of .bin files, which I believe are svcds, aren't
> they?
It could be anything, .cue+.bin is a common CD-ROM image format. (S)VCD is
very likely though.
> I can play them with kplayer, but it is horrible as t
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 16:20:11 +0200, Klaus Imgrund wrote:
> If it is a vcd or svcd it should work with mplayer if - and thats a big
> if - whoever made it was compliant to the standards.
mplayer is usually my first try (even before Xine), but in this case, it
couldn't play the SVCD. There may weel
On Mon, 01 Sep 2003 12:30:13 +0200, Shashank Ashtikar wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I recently ran an upgrade on my system which is debian sid(most of it)
> during the upgrade I noticed that libc6 version is also being upgraded .
> After the upgrade I noticed that my machine rejects any NIS logi
On Mon, 01 Sep 2003 09:10:12 +0200, vinh ta wrote:
> Could you help me to cancel my email address that is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every mail on debian-user has this footer:
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
You can al
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 21:10:26 +0200, Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
> I'm trying to use a sid iso image as a apt source. I've successfully
> mounted it and added a file entry to sources.list as:
> deb file:/mnt/iso/debian sid main
Try apt-cdrom. The easiest way to use apt-cdrom is the apt-setup
On Fri, 05 Sep 2003 08:20:08 +0200, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
> Well shut my mouth...
> Either this is now standard with the latest update for gdm on Sid, or
> the feature (prompting for the root password on shutdown/reboot/halt) is
> enabled only on the standard greeter.
This change was introduc
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 13:50:10 +0200, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> previously when i made my own kernel, i first made the kernel, then
> followed the instructions in the nvidia package docs to make the modules
> and related debs. Is it possible to do this in 1 go? I mean compiling the
> kernel and the
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 17:50:12 +0200, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> Let me add one more detail: anyone who is about to write a shell script
> should read this page http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/
> Some of it is outdated, but the majority of it still applies. The short
> version: scri
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 00:30:11 +0200, Allan Wind wrote:
> How do you get devfsd (1.3.25-13) to change the group of
> /dev/scsi/.../generic to cdrom after the generic scsi module is loaded?
> /etc/devfs/conf.d/cd:
> REGISTER ^scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/generic PERMISSIONS root.cdrom 0660
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 02:20:07 +0200, george roman wrote:
>hello i have one problem with debian
Who hasn't?
> can't login with other user then root.
> i can create users and they exist in /home and in
> /etc/passwd (but their directory in /home contains no
> files it is empty).
Empty homedi
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003 00:00:21 +0200, lists1 wrote:
> Short of rebooting, is there any other method I can use to kill the process
> which is using over 90% of the cpu time, according to top?
killall enjoympeg
If that doesn't work (really bad hangup), try
killall -KILL enjoympeg
Best Regards
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 23:30:15 +0200, Thomas Krennwallner wrote:
> This code snippet will lookup the PATH environment and search for the
> "ps" executable. It will execute it and will pass "ps" as argv[0] and
> "x" as argv[1]. It is equivalent to:
> $ ps x
Don't you mean
$ exec ps x
If I want to install the build-dependencies of a package (to build my own
copy with a patch), I run apt-get build-dep . That's OK. But
how do I get rid of them?
Is there a convenient way to say "uninstall the build-dependencies of
package xyz, save those which other packages depend on"? Of course
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:50:04 +0200, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> Unfortunately, that's pretty much the only way to go. Personally I
> can't believe there's still no way to view package changelogs on the
> web.
It's not exactly inconvenient, but for big packages, I check
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:20:11 +0200, Josh Metzler wrote:
> I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me as to how to get sound
> working on my new box.
What about loading a sound driver? The module is called snd-via82xx or
Best Regards, | Hi! I'm a .signature virus. Copy me i
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:20:12 +0200, Piero wrote:
> I'm not able to make my wheelmouse work. It's a basic Logitech wheelmouse.
> The corresponding lines in my /etc/X11/XF86Config file are:
> Section "InputDevice"
> # Identifier and driver
> Identifier "Mouse1"
> Driver "mo
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 19:50:09 +0200, john gennard wrote:
> Sometimes I have access to an ADSL line, so I have downloaded an .iso
> image of Gentoo.
So that's why you came here?! This is debian-user...
> Now, I realised that I didn't understand exactly what an .iso image was,
> so I've googled and
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 14:50:11 +0200, Gabriel Meier wrote:
> Am Samstag, 21. Juni 2003 20:26 schrieb Sebastian Kapfer:
>> On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:20:11 +0200, Josh Metzler wrote:
>> > I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me as to how to get
>> > sound working on m
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 10:10:04 +0200, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> The primary issue is performance. Bochs is a hardware-in-software
> emulator. The useful feature is that you can run a virtual x86 box on
> any platform -- x86, MIPS, zSeries, whatever. The downside is it's
> slow. Really, really slow
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 21:20:13 +0200, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> It is in our best interests that the Linux
> version of this and other games be successful. So anyone thinking about
> pirating this, please don't. =)
Eh? I though AA was free (as in beer)? How should I pirate it?
Best Regards, |
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:50:11 +0200, Bijan Soleymani wrote:
> I'm sorry that I offended you by pointing out that this is not
> technically Free Software. Debian aims to be a Free operating system.
> Now I might run a piece of proprietary software if I really have no
> choice (I even use Windows),
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:10:14 +0200, Piero wrote:
> But the answer condained an even more useful suggestion: "read the
> docs". And here is where my thread joins the "debian" thread.
> I have actually choosen Debian because of its reputation of being a
> rather spartiate distribution.
Linux Fro
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 10:40:12 +0200, SYNeR wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the same problem. I changed PS/2 to ImPS/2 in my XF86Config-4 file..
> Still it doesn't work.. Am I missing something?
What doesn't work?
The mouse?
The wheel?
Best Regards, | Hi! I'm a .signature virus. Copy me
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:10:10 +0200, Aryan Ameri wrote:
> How is it different now? I don't know. Other than the fact that maybe in
> 70s, most software was published with source code, but it's the opposite
> now a days.
> The way I view the situation, DoD needed to to develop this game (for
> wh
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:40:09 +0200, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 01:19:34 +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
>> If I want to install the build-dependencies of a package (to build my own
>> copy with a patch), I run apt-get build-dep . That's OK. But
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