On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:10:14 +0200, Piero wrote:

> But the answer condained an even more useful suggestion: "read the
> docs". And here is where my thread joins the "debian" thread.
> I have actually choosen Debian because of its reputation of being a
> rather spartiate distribution.

Linux From Scratch <--- that's funny

[automatic installation]
> (even though I thing it can be useful for people who have to install the
> system in a very repetitive way, and even though I'm certain that Linux
> will not conquer a large share of users unless such authomatic
> installation becomes possible).

This is true for the home market. In the business section, I imagine Linux
has a better chance. First because of the servers, second because usually
all boxes are configured by an admin anyway.

> (An example: which document would have told me that such a protocol like
> ImPS/2 existed? Which basic document would hav led me to such document?)

I honestly don't know where I found out about IMPS/2 (that was before my
Debian time), but a good starting point is the Debian Reference. It is
contained in the package debian-reference and includes a few typical
new-user problems.

> I'm perfectly aware of the voluteer character of the wholeDebian
> enterprise (and this is one of the reasons why I love Debian), and I
> would volunteer myself in this field, If I felt competent enough (which
> is not the case for the moment).

Writing docs is a good contribution :-) Maybe you could turn some of your
experiences into guide documents. The documentation for some OS projects
is in a really sad state.

> Piero.
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