Re: ISP connect doc.

1997-06-02 Thread Kevin Traas
ld, ircii, lynx, Netscape, a news reader, a mail client, etc. etc. etc. (Check out everything in the mail, net, and news sections of the distribution.) Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "u

Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-04 Thread Kevin Traas
hers newbies > like me to that. See the HOWTO I mentioned above. Someone's already done this for you ;-) Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Connecting terminals

1997-06-04 Thread Kevin Traas
f you're thinking of connecting modems as well as standard terminals. > How can I configure Linux for this? Check out the Serial HOWTO for more info on all of the above. You can find that as /usr/doc/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO.gz or on the Web at:

Re: orphan packages?

1997-06-04 Thread Kevin Traas
s for Pine and Pico from non-free Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Connecting terminals

1997-06-05 Thread Kevin Traas
el-cheapo" used PC's, drop a BB2016 into them, install Linux, and spend less money than the PS2's If you ask me, the Boca boards are a good deal all around But, if you want to buy Digiboard PS2's, I've got two "like new" one's sitting right here that I&

Re: Stupid Question: Striping Dos ^M From Texts

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
ersions) sed -e ' s-^M--g t s+$+^M+ t ' < infile > outfile One caveat -- infile and outfile **can't** be the same. Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubsc

Re: Network setup question again

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
back and watch the output for clues. (No output means a problem on the local box. No input might mean a problem on the other box.) If the other box is Linux too, install tcpdump there as well Good luck! Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA

Re: gated file

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
S"), or is it a kernel > feature I need to explicitly turn on? Have you tried asking the gurus on the gated mailing list? Their mailing list is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] More info at: Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSC

EXT2-fs warning....

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device 03:01): ext2_free_blocks: bit already cleared for block 83580 TIA, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Boot question

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
uld be in the rc.* files, or etc/init.d, but grepping for > insmod and grepping -i for 3c turned up nothing. Check /etc/modules and /etc/conf.modules. later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Edmondson Roper CA -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word &q

Re: EXT2-fs warning....

1997-06-06 Thread Kevin Traas
2.57gig drive. what kind of > drive do you have and any other information would be useful to help you out. > Paul > > > On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Kevin Traas wrote: > > > This is a first for me > > > > This has just started showing up on the console and in /

Re: Network setup question again

1997-06-07 Thread Kevin Traas
" number is how many packets were detected going "across" the interface. The "packets dropped by kernel" indicates how many packets the kernel dropped because it was unable to allocate processor time to analyze the packet - this should be 0 unless you're on a really slow

MajorDomo Config

1997-09-09 Thread Kevin Traas
which_hits $no_true_x400 $no_x400at $return_subject $sendmail_command $whoami $whoami_owner Have you configured where Majordomo is? $whereami is Good: yup! ------- end of tests --- 1 bad thing was found. Pl

Re: DHCP Server

1997-09-11 Thread Kevin Traas
ovide some type of authentication and logging product for you. Get Linux to do it all for you for free! Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 --- > Linux is not user-frie

Repost: MajorDomo Config

1997-09-11 Thread Kevin Traas
I haven't received any responses on this since I posted it a few days ago, so thought I'd try again. If you've got MajorDomo running, I'd like to "talk" further with you. Please help if you can. Thanks, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langle

Re: DHCP Server

1997-09-12 Thread Kevin Traas
ial" world - doesn't feel the same way I still spend much more time administrating Win95/WinNT every day than I do Linux :-( Anyway, let's get back to discussing a real OS, eh? later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMA

Incoming PPP question - subnetting

1997-09-17 Thread Kevin Traas
nts have netmasks of Could this be a problem with the client, or is it the server? Anyone else doing this? Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 ---

Re: Many questions (mostly Network)

1997-09-17 Thread Kevin Traas
et the "create mode = xxx" for the share. Refer to the docs. >4) I can't for the life of me figure out what the startup files are defined as > or where they are defined (say, .login and .startup.x11 from my old dec > days) System startup is in /etc/init.d User startup

Re: Incoming PPP question - subnetting

1997-09-17 Thread Kevin Traas
an manually configuring the routing tables on the NT box, I'd like to configure things automatically - thus my message about setting netmasks Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169

Re: Incoming PPP question - subnetting

1997-09-18 Thread Kevin Traas
ime the NT box dials in? (I could set up a script running in the background with a sleep 60 or so that looks to see who's logged in and configures the routing table based on that, but this would be quite a "hack" - there's got to be a better way) Thanks for your he

Re: How many modems ?

1997-09-19 Thread Kevin Traas
king for quite a number of dialin lines, a modem server such as the Livingston PortMaster III might be more what you're looking for. It's a much better option than a whole "swack" of modems sitting on a shelf. See for more info.) Later, Kevin T

Interesting Networking Problem...

1997-10-28 Thread Kevin Traas
etwork behind it without any problems   So, at first, I thought it might be just a routing problem - timout's somewhere - but that doesn't explain why systems behind the router are still accessible normally.   Any ideas on what might be happening here?   TIA for any suggestions,  

Repost: Interesting Networking Problem

1997-10-29 Thread Kevin Traas
plain why systems behind the router are still accessible normally. Any ideas on what might be happening here? TIA for any suggestions, Kevin TraasBaan Business Systems Systems AnalystLangley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 http://www.baan-bb

Fw: Fuck the script... I want him gone now....

1997-10-30 Thread Kevin Traas
Can anyone tell me what the following permission means? >drwx-T 2 bong admin1024 Oct 29 21:27 private Thanks, Kevin -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Fw: XXXX the script... I want him gone now....

1997-10-30 Thread Kevin Traas
. Later, Kevin -Original Message- From: David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Kevin Traas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thursday, October 30, 1997 5:59 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Fuck the script... I want him gone now.... >On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Kevin Traas wrote: > >> Can anyone tell

Linux as a Firewall

1997-10-31 Thread Kevin Traas
;s features to include basic firewalling capabilities. So, I'd like to begin some discussion in this list on the merits of using Debian as a firewall - something beyond just IP Masquerading, etc. Later, Kevin Traas -Original Message- From: john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Greg Whalin

Intranet Web Site

1997-10-31 Thread Kevin Traas
SL Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. (BTW, I went to various Apache web sites and haven't been able to find any of this information or mailing lists pertaining to the Apache Web Server. Do you know of any?) Later, Kevin TraasBaan Business Systems Sy

Re: Apache mod_actions enabled by default?

1997-10-31 Thread Kevin Traas
Run `/usr/sbin/apache -l | more` to find out which modules are loaded and active. Later, Kevin Traas -Original Message- From: R Chris Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Date: Friday, October 31, 1997 2:51 PM Subject: Apache mod_actions enabled by default?

Re: default Debian smail-fetchmail

1997-11-02 Thread Kevin Traas
ou'll get it the next time. (Useful for debugging...) I'm using fetchmail on a number of systems. If you have any further questions about config files, etc, just let me know - I'll do what I can to help. Later, Kevin TraasBaan Business Systems Systems Anal

Easy Samba Question

1997-11-03 Thread Kevin Traas
Will Samba work across a router? The Internet? i.e. I'm about 8000KM away from the Linux system I'd like to connect to via SMB. Am I dreaming? Is there a way to do this? If so, any pointers? The HOWTO didn't deal with this issue at all. later, Kevin Traas

K56Flex Modems

1997-11-13 Thread Kevin Traas
Can anyone make any recommendations for K56Flex modems (preferably external) that work well under Linux? I'm looking to possibly configure two using EQL to get roughly 100Kbps performance from my ISP. TIA, Kevin TraasBaan Business Systems Systems AnalystLa

Re: K56Flex Modems

1997-11-13 Thread Kevin Traas
>> Can anyone make any recommendations for K56Flex modems (preferably >> external) that work well under Linux? > >This isn't a Linux issue. Any modem, whether K56Flex or x2 will work under >Linux. Sorry, but I "beg to differ" "Winmodem" products are really a PITA in Linux - unless something'

Re: /etc/init.d/network

1997-11-13 Thread Kevin Traas
Did you try sticking an "ifconfig" in at the end of /etc/init.d/network to see if the interface is up at that particular moment? Maybe something else is shutting it down somewhere else ??? Later, Kevin -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: debian-user@li

Pentium Bug Fix for Linux?

1997-11-14 Thread Kevin Traas
I just heard on BugTraq that there's now a bugfix available for Linux Anyone heard of it or where it might be obtained? For those that are wondering what I'm talking about Regards, Kevin Traas

No PPP kernel support....

1997-11-17 Thread Kevin Traas
I've got a friend that I'm trying to support over the phone He's getting the above error when trying to run "pon". I've gone through all the obvious things, but have had no success. Does anyone have any ideas? - Running lsmod showed ppp loaded. - Rebuilding kernel with static ppp support d

Re: change IP

1997-11-20 Thread Kevin Traas
-- #!/bin/sh /path/to/ircd /path/to/eggdrop ---snip here Just a few additional comments: - make sure the "#!/bin/sh" is the *first* line in the file. - adjust the path entries as required... obviously. - "chmod 755 /etc/rc.boot/irc-startup" to make it executable G

Re: Eth0

1997-11-24 Thread Kevin Traas
his driver as a module? What error messages (if any) are displayed when you run "dmesg"? If you have all configs setup properly, then it might be an IRQ or I/O conflict, but you haven't provided enough info... yet. Give us what dmesg outputs and we'll go from there. Later,

Re: YANQ (Yet another newbie question...)

1997-11-24 Thread Kevin Traas
, and use "ae" as your editor.) >2) I'm using Fvwm2 and FvwmButtons...and I must be doing somehting Sorry, can't answer this one... I've never used X. ***Long live the Shell Prompt*** Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: linux distribution poll - vote for debian

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
nd added percentages Caldera 9 2% Debian 245 42% RedHat 223 38% Slackware 93 16% Other 9 2% Total number of votes 579 Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: PPP Dialup

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
timeout, DialD drops the link (to save you money... ...). It's really slick and many people use it. As for an X config for PPP, I've never used it (I'm shell-prompt driven...), but you're probably looking for XISP. Both XISP and DialD are Debian packages Good Luck! Kevin Tr

Re: Rebuilding the kernel

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
>Basically, I'm considering rebuilding the kernel to add in some things >I'm missing (sound) and removing some things that I don't need (SCSI >support, for one). Good call ! >I've read all the howtos and got all the files, so I'm pretty sure I >have a good idea of how to do it (but I'm open to s

Re: linux distribution poll - vote for debian

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
>> At, there is a poll of favorite linux >> distributions. I encourage you all to go vote for debian, which >> is currently trailing redhat by about 50 votes. > >Has anyone advertized this on whatever Redhat (and the other >distributions) have as user lists? While it mig

Re: PPP Dialup

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
>> You might want to look into DialD (Dial-on-Demand). This package >> automatically makes and breaks connections to the Internet as needed. You >> just start up NetScape, etc. and the modem dials... After an inactivity >> timeout, DialD drops the link (to save you money... ...). It's really >>

Re: REDHAT 4.1 && SONY CDU-33A

1997-11-25 Thread Kevin Traas
You're asking this on a *Debian* Linux mailing list? Sorry, buddy, but there aren't too many people here that are going to be able to help you out I've never used RedHat. You're going to want to check out for RedHat support. They've got mailing lists too - and you'll be

MB without VGA card?

1997-11-26 Thread Kevin Traas
I'm sure you're thinking, "why not just try it?" ... well, I'm looking for a quick/lazy answer TIA, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

FileSystem Sizes

1997-11-26 Thread Kevin Traas
If I remember (off the top) correctly, lseek() is/was the limiting factor on filesystem sizes... At one time, this was 32bit, so max addressable filesystem size was 2GB. Has this changed? i.e. what is the max ext2 filesystem size? Regards, Kevin -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mai

Re: Laptop computers

1997-11-26 Thread Kevin Traas
y welcome (Acer ...). Well, I've got a Tecra 510, but I haven't found an XServer other than VGA that works with the video in this thing So, X isn't much of an option Unless anyone else can help - I'd be much appreciative! (Chipset is CL65550.) Regards, Kevin Traas

Re: simple questions

1997-11-26 Thread Kevin Traas
picked the *best* OS to replace it with! Long live Linux! Regards, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: crypting a whole filesystem or directory?

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
> > There's also: The Transparent CryptoGraphic File System Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Ultra SCSI

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
Can anyone recommend an Ultra SCSI controller that works under Linux? I'm looking to hang several of the new 18GB Barracuda/Cheetah Seagate drives off of one... I'm currently looking at the BusLogic Flashpoint BT-950. Is anyone using this card? Any comments? TIA, Kevin Tra

Re: Ultra SCSI

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
I should also ask about the Mylex DAC960PD. Or, are there any other Ultra-SCSI RAID controllers supported in Linux? >Can anyone recommend an Ultra SCSI controller that works under Linux? > >I'm looking to hang several of the new 18GB Barracuda/Cheetah Seagate drives >off of one... > >I'm currentl

Re: Ultra SCSI

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
>Have you looked at the software RAID? Is it more flexible because you >can run it with hard disks with different geometry. !!! ??? I've never heard of this under Linux? Can anyone provide more info? Regards, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-ma

Re: crypting a whole filesystem or directory?

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
. However this does not >help if someone will takeoff the hard-disk from your server. Or, just short the jumper to clear the CMOS out. Then, just re-autodetect everything and you're set to go. Short of encrypting the filesystem itself, I have yet to find a way to secure things under Linu

Re: Compiling land.c

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
>> > I'm trying to compile land.c (as in the exploit) ... >> Why you need to compile this program? >BTW, linux is NOT vulnerable to this attack. Even version 1.2.13. Kudos to Linux!!! Makes me proud! Later, Kevin -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe

Re: Compiling land.c

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
>> > I'm trying to compile land.c (as in the exploit) ... >> Why you need to compile this program? >BTW, linux is NOT vulnerable to this attack. Even version 1.2.13. Kudos to Linux!!! Makes me proud to be a Linux user/supporter Later, Kevin -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING L

10/100Base-T Question

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
chipset do this or does the speed have to be set manually in a config file somewhere? If this chipset/driver can't do it, do you know of one that can? Regards, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: (off topic)Re: crypting a whole filesystem or directory?

1997-11-27 Thread Kevin Traas
>Of course anyone can also just delete the whole partition and destory >everything.. but usually isn't as useful. When deciding to encrypt the filesystem, the above is the *very* least of your worries.The whole point of encrypting it is to keep it's contents "secret". Nuking the partition is

Re: Linux, a MicroSoft product? (fwd)

1997-11-28 Thread Kevin Traas
>Where is the original article?? Someone posted to a NewsGroup about 2 weeks ago. Not sure which one Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

IP Masq Resource

1997-11-29 Thread Kevin Traas
I haven't been able to reach today at all - and, of course, the list of mirrors is on that site as well So much for fault tolerance Anyone know of an available mirror of this site? Thanks, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the

Re: diald & cached webpages

1997-11-29 Thread Kevin Traas
Another option for Linux is Squid: Later, Kevin >> Isn't there some kind of cache software, though? I don't know what >> it's called, but it caches webpages locally, and won't querry the >> remote server unless the page isn't in the cache? What is it

Re: Mirror?

1997-12-01 Thread Kevin Traas
> Does anybody know of any reliable mirorrs? . I use exclusively or Either of them always have very reasonable rates - and I'm on T1. Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" t

DNS Problem

1997-12-02 Thread Kevin Traas
external to ISP nameserver.   All's been working fine for months.  They say nothing's changed.   Any ideas?   TIA, Kevin Traas

Re: DNS Problem

1997-12-02 Thread Kevin Traas Oh, and is *not* their DN. Later, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: DNS Problem

1997-12-02 Thread Kevin Traas
>> If you've got a suggestion, I'd love to hear it. > >Okay, first suggestion is to turn off rich text or HTML email in your mail >client. Email does NOT have pretty colors or centering and I usually just >delete any message I see which looks like a webpage. Yeah, apologies to everyone about tha

QPopper "warning"

1997-12-02 Thread Kevin Traas
;mail mail." in /etc/hosts. Now, no more log entries Can anyone tell me why qpopper couldn't resolve the mail. name via DNS and requires an entry in /etc/hosts? Design limitation? Regards, Kevin Traas -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubsc

Re: DNS Problem

1997-12-02 Thread Kevin Traas
ciate being left out of it even though I started it.. Later, Kevin Traas -Original Message- From: Scott Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Tommy Lakofski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Kevin Traas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Debian Date: Tuesday, December 02, 1997 10:04 PM Subject:

Problem with chat, diald, & pppd

1997-06-24 Thread Kevin Traas
docs covering this would be very welcome. Other than that, I can't think of what my problem might be. Why would chat have a problem communicating with my "modem" when minicom, etc, doesn't? Any ideas, suggestions, and/or pointers welcome! TIA, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Busi

Re: USR Modem Hangs Intermittantly

1997-06-29 Thread Kevin Traas
; work-around that helps the problem in some/many cases. Well, what's the init string "fix"? I'd like to know it too because I'm experiencing the same problem with my USR Sportsters that I'm using for remote dial-in - currently 6 of them Thanks, Kevin Tr

Re: Majordomo & anonymous ftp

1997-06-29 Thread Kevin Traas
nt created. > Thanks again for all your help! No problem! > This list is invaluable in setting up the system. How true! I've found it to be the same! Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Business Systems Langley, BC, Canada -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the wo


1997-07-03 Thread Kevin Traas
I'm just in the process of trying to put a Linux box onto the Fast Ethernet network here at work. My only choice for a NIC is a 3COM 3C905-TX. Has anyone successfully configured this card under Debian Linux? (Note, this is a 905, not a 509.) Thanks, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Bus


1997-07-03 Thread Kevin Traas
Oops!!! Never mind! I did a little RTFM'ing and found what I needed! Thanks anyway, Kevin Traas -- > From: Kevin Traas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: > Subject: 3COM 3C905-TX PCI NIC > Date: July 3, 1997 10:42 AM > > > I'm j


1997-07-04 Thread Kevin Traas
Media MII is has no indication, 8802. Jul 4 10:25:33 inetgw kernel: eth0: Media selection timer finished, MII. The only "funny" thing is that `ifconfig` reports eth0 as being "10Mbps Ethernet"; however, it *is* operating at 100Mbps. Anyway, that's my "success&qu


1997-07-04 Thread Kevin Traas
new driver you got fixes this. I'm running 2.0.30. I didn't follow and of the "tricks" you mentioned. I pulled the card out of the box/static bag, plugged it in, and went from there. No DOS config was required Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Business Systems -- TO


1997-07-05 Thread Kevin Traas
gt; I'd assumed the same. I guess ifconfig or something needs to add support for 100Mbps. (I don't know, but I'd assume it supports various ArcNet, TokenRing speeds, but not Ethernet, ATM, FDDI, etc. yet.) On that point, I didn't know Linux supported FDDI (or ATM?) La

IRQTune Problem

1997-07-06 Thread Kevin Traas
n the module was compile for HwTools Version: 0.2-5 Debian Version: 1.3.0 Kernel Version: 2.0.30 Any ideas on what I can try? I've got some real problems on my 16450 UART running PPP - many errors. I'd really like to try IRQTune to see if it helps. TIA for any help, Kevin Traas Syste

Re: CD Installation

1997-07-07 Thread Kevin Traas
the modular 2.0.30 kennel, is the kernel in Debian 1.3 comparable to this > > kernel. If not could you please list the major differences. Debian 1.3.x currently "installs" 2.0.29, which is very comparable to 2.0.30. However, you can easily "upgrade" to 2.0.30 at any time

Re: CD Installation

1997-07-08 Thread Kevin Traas
gt; you install Debian Linux. (This can also be viewed online at: Oops! I should clarify that this will only be installed on your local system after installing the doc-linux package. > Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Business System

Re: XF86 3.3-3

1997-07-09 Thread Kevin Traas
affecting the system. No log messages, no X startup, nothing However, I can startx from the prompt and everything works fine Go figure. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. TIA. Video - S3 Trio64 Debian - 1.3.1 Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Business Systems

Re: logon message

1997-07-15 Thread Kevin Traas
At 01:54 AM 7/15/97 -0400, Paul Miller wrote: >how do I change the logon message? > >-Paul Pre-login is in /etc/issue and /etc/ Post-login is in /etc/motd /etc/ is sent to incoming telnet sessions. /etc/issue is sent to console and tty (serial) connections. Later, Ke

Re: Dialup server setup HOWTO?

1997-07-18 Thread Kevin Traas
alout. Now I want to dialin and do proxy ARP and > all that good stuff. What do I need to read to accomplish this? Look at mgetty. It'll auto-detect incoming terminal and/or PPP connections. Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Business Systems -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILIN

Re: Dialup PPP config

1997-07-21 Thread Kevin Traas
onfigured to the subnet that your dial-in clients are using. Another possibility is that the default route isn't configured properly on your Linux box. i.e. Can you access/ping hosts outside of your LAN from your Linux box? For more info, please provide the output from the following comma


1997-07-21 Thread Kevin Traas
I've run into the same thing. Using IP addresses vice-versa to the suggestion in the options.ttyXX file works for me. The options.ttyXX suggestion is wrong - I just never got around to finding out whether this has been reported as a bug Later, Kevin Traas Systems Analyst Baan Bus

Re: How Linux (and Debian) compare?

1997-07-22 Thread Kevin Traas
an GNU/Linux 1.2.x - 1.3.x and all are connected to the Internet. All are acting as dial-on-demand "routers", mail servers, etc. for roughly 200 users or so (I've never actually counted...). Not bad for less than a year.... Oh, and I've only ever "registered" one of th

Re: samba and windows NT

1997-07-23 Thread Kevin Traas
et. Now, fortunately, with your information, hopefully, I've found the answer before I even began looking for it Thanks again, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- > Fro

Re: Gcc errors while compiling 3com updated driver 3c59x.c

1997-07-23 Thread Kevin Traas
total RX packets which is pretty high. I'm new to fast ethernet; however, I've never experienced this many errors across 10BT or serial interfaces Any comments? Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: anonymous ftp/wu-ftp/addftpuser

1997-07-23 Thread Kevin Traas
I even tried deinstalling and reinstalling the ftpd packages, but that didn't help either. Anyway, good luck. Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: modem

1997-07-24 Thread Kevin Traas
hear my modem make an attempt at dialing. Am I missing some thing?<< Did you also modify /etc/ppp.options_out ? Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM TH

Re: samba newbie help request

1997-07-24 Thread Kevin Traas
o public = yes --- Note1: You'll need to enable a guest account for browsing to work from the Win clients. Note2: This same Howto suggests using the "ftp" user for guest access instead of "nobody"; however, I've used "nobody" and it&#

Re: why kernel 2.0.29 in Debian 1.3.1?

1997-07-28 Thread Kevin Traas
hout difficulty Therefore, I've never investigated further as to what problems were present in this newer version. 2.0.31 is supposed to be available within days. This is supposed to resolve the 2.0.30 problems. Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst

Re: IP forwarding

1997-07-28 Thread Kevin Traas
of `route -n` - output of `ifconfig` - general idea of what you're trying to accomplish Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: PPP: PAP Problems

1997-07-28 Thread Kevin Traas
e DialD connect script. (/etc/diald/connect). It is configured to use multiple numbers. It will "roll-over" to another number if the current one fails for any reason. I've used this feature and it works well. It would probably be pretty easy to adapt the code from this scr

Mail Config

1997-07-28 Thread Kevin Traas
Everything's great. Except for one little thing. I'd like to know how my ISP dumps all e-mail destined for one domain into one e-mail account. Is this just an aliasing issue? A DNS issue? An MTA issue? Thanks for any pointers or help you can provide. Later, Kevin Traas

Need Help on Pkg: mirror

1997-07-29 Thread Kevin Traas
ving this issue? TIA for any help, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 NEED TO unlink /mirror/debian/hamm/contrib/binary-all/x11/metrox_3.1.2-1.deb NEED TO unlink /mirror/debian/hamm/contrib/b

Re: We should help this guy...

1997-07-30 Thread Kevin Traas
were valid unless stored in MSDOS format. i.e. DialD.DEB, etc. This was all quite frustrating as I had a full mirror of all the binaries which I wanted to write to CD; however, it wasn't possible. (I couldn't use this CDR under Linux, so that wasn't an option.) later, Kevin Traas

Re: We should help this guy...

1997-07-30 Thread Kevin Traas
binary-i386 directory tree I decided against my two available options: - download the whole msdos-i386 directory tree (via 33.6Kbps) - rename all the files in binary-i386 to their msdos equivalents Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTE

QPopper Problem

1997-07-30 Thread Kevin Traas
stem running the POP client. Things seem to be working okay; however, the message is a little disconcerting. Any ideas? Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word &qu

Another QPopper Problem....

1997-07-30 Thread Kevin Traas
Oops! Forgot to include another message I'm getting as well: Jul 29 15:31:11 inetgw in.qpopper[20205]: (v2.2) Unable to get canonical name of client, err = 0 Any ideas what this means? TIA, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROT

Re: On the BOCA 2016 and ttySx

1997-08-02 Thread Kevin Traas
these cables for you and send them to you. If you're interested, e-mail me and I'll let you know pricing, etc. I found building my own was cheaper than the adapter that is mentioned in the Howto - which I couldn't find a source for anyway. Well, like I said, Good Luck Later,

Re: splitting up the debian-user mailing list

1997-08-04 Thread Kevin Traas
ose responses were (and continue to be) and I want to continue to contribute whatever time I can to provide some of that value to someone else. Later, Kevin Traas Baan Business Systems Systems Analyst Langley, BC, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] (604) 882-8169 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING

Re: splitting up the debian-user mailing list

1997-08-04 Thread Kevin Traas
>> It's getting kind of loud here. I've been thinking of splitting the >> debian-user list into several lists: >> >> I am afraid that I am no longer capable of reading every article in >> the debian lists. I guess it's the price of success. > >I've resisted this for a while, but the time may have

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