ich habe ACPI in 2.4.20 aktiviert.
Folgende ACPI-Zeilen sind in meiner .config:
# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
anybody using one of these notebooks with debian?
Do X work. How is the performance? Are they really without fan? Any
Die Schröder-Dummies
Der Autokanzler hat verstanden.
with a
Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> preconnect "mailfilter"
Mh, my fetchmail hangs when I set this option:
preconnect '/usr/bin/mailfilter -M /home/juh/.mailfilterrc'
It uses 50% CPU for minutes. So I killed it after a while.
But it works if there are no messages to kill on the server.
> preconnect "mailfilter --mailfilterrc=/home/kevin/.mailfilterrc"
> did the trick.
Mine keeps saying:
Sep 25 11:44:34 molly fetchmail[2072]: Vor-Verbindungs-Befehl
scheiterte mit Status 65280
preconnect-command failed with status 65280
Heinrich und Daniel
Jan Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Is the file readable by user 'fetchmail'?
> this file must be writeable for user 'fetchmail'.
Thanks. This is the solution. It now works.
> (I also setup a logrotate for it)
First item on my todo-list
Schlachtet die Unschuldslämmer!
Chris Lale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Joe Nahmias wrote:
>> I am looking for recommendations for software to backup my
>> debian (sarge) machine to my cd burner.
> You might like to consider 'partimage'.
I tried to use mondo, but it does not work on my testing machine.
Does anybody s
damar thapa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> but when I try "mozilla localhost" or "mozilla ipAdress", I get
> connection refused message.
Does apache listen on port 80?
Heinrich und Daniel
Hi Debians!
Gnumeric 0.47 from potato is a little bit buggy, often the cell
formats I made are gone. So I would like to upgrade to woody. Now my
questions. Is this bug fixed in woody and can I risk an upgrade?
apt-get install gnumeric
would make this:
The following extra packages will be instal
Hallo Mário!
Am Fre, 22 Sep 2000, schrieb Mário Jorge Nunes Filipe:
> I wonder if it is possible to set up a per user spam filter, using maybe
> procmail? Can it be done?
I am using spamblock
But alas, the only url I have is this:
> Since posting to this and other news groups, I am being
> spammed to no end by what appears to be "Chinese" and
> "Japanese" sites. Is there a "simple" procmail recipe
> to toss this garbage in /dev/null?
I am using spamblock. It is a collection of procmail recipes.
Am I a newbie? I dont know.
Since 1992 I have been using NEXTSTEP, then since 1998 Linux. The
first install made a friend of mine. It was OpenLinux. When I wanted
to upgrade I tried to install a new OpenLinux by myself. All went
smooth -- but I never managed to install ISDN. So I wiped it out and
Hallo Debs!
Because xemacs is a little bit big, I want to use GNU Emacs instead.
Two days ago I dist-upgraded to potato with no problems, so I now run
emacs 20.7.2 (i386-debian-linux-gnu, X toolkit) and gnus v5.8.3
Starting guns I get to following errormessage:
Symbol's value as variable is voi
I am currently running xfs + xfstt on Potato with xserver-i128. Would
you recommend to change to xfs-xtt? Does it uses less memory? What
advantages are there? Are there problems changing the Font Server?
Heute ist der 3. Oktober! Basta!
Hi Guilherme!
Am Mit, 21 Feb 2001, schrieb Guilherme Barile:
> I think linux is great for servers, but there are still some things
> for which its not prepared yet (ie video.audio editing, graphics,
> layouting, etc).
Hey, this is not Linux' fault. Macromedia and Adobe are not prepared
for the
It is time to buy a new computer. Will I face any problems with this
Board: Socket A GIGABYTE 7ZX Via 133 ATX with Sound Blaster 128
Sound on board
CPU: AMD K7 Thunderbird 900 MHz
RAM: SD-RAM 256 MB PC133
Video: Riva 128 TNT2 Pro AGP 32MB & TV out
Hallo Jason!
Am Don, 01 Mär 2001, schrieb Jason Nord:
> The first place I would look would be the "Linux Hardware Database"
> http://lhd.zdnet.com/
I had a look at it, but there are no ratings for the board and the
Riva 128. I must search for the GeForce 2 MX.
> >Board: Socket A GIGABYTE 7ZX Vi
I am using a cableless Logitech wheelmouse at /dev/psaux with the
imps/2 protocol. Sometimes the mice does not react, but this is
seldom, so generally it works fine.
But I discovered that in some applications, eg. mozilla, the cursor
(arrow) distorts some lines on the monitor when I move it
Hallo f1k!
I have a CT5880 on board and it definitely works with the es1371
driver. I first tried it with passive speakers where I could not hear
anything. So I tried alsa, but could not really understand the
documentation. So I tried it again with es1371 in a 2.2 kernel. And
with aktive speakers
Hallo Keith!
> I have no idea where to even look for a solution. Is it in dvips,
> latex, lprng, magicfilters, printcap?
Try "texconfig" as root and set the offset in the dvips section.
Literaturnobelpreis für Kohl
People on this list wrote about backup-scripts for CD-RWs. I want to
setup such a solution for my 2-Box-Home-Network. Is there any
preconfigured debian-way to do this?
I had a look at some scripts on freahmeat such as
Hallo Victor!
Am Don, 22 Mär 2001, schrieb Victor:
> I've the same problem! Coming from RedHat with its magic "printtool"
> I'm somewhat distressed about setting up a printer under Debian
> (e.g. epson 640 stylus color, which is surely supported). Please
> help the both of us Vittorio
I've done
Hi debian!
I had problems to see truetype fonts on my sparcLX, which I use as a
X-Terminal. The fontserver is xfstt and runs on my Intel-PC. Someone
gave me the hint that sun is bigendian and intel lowendian so that
xfstt will never work.
Will xfs-xtt do the job?
Hi Debians!
I have two problems.
Some days ago I inserted the path of the security-fixes into sources.list
deb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates main contrib non-free
and did
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
After that my Hisax- and ISDN-Modules are not included at boot-time into
"Stephan Kiesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On starting the system and the isdn services, my ippd0
> establishes a connection to my isp nameserver (IP-address:port 53) every 10
> minutes without any user activity. I have configuration files in /etc/isdn
> but no idea which flag to set. Can anyb
flatex just leaves space...) How can I do this?
Try \usepackage{graphicx} in your preamble and include the graphic
file with:
\includegraphics[]{} % without extension!
Convert your eps-files to png or pdf. PDFLaTeX should use the pdf or
png files while latex uses the eps-file.
Jan U
Hi Debians!
I am running potato. Some days ago I removed xdm, and apt-get tried to
remove all the kde-packages with it. Only kdebase was not removed. Now
it is impossible to dist-upgrade new files.
This is the errormessage:
Hi Debians!
> > > After I did the upgrade today to Emacs 20.6-2, this happens whenever I
> > > try to run Gnus:
> >
> > Yes, I got the same thing. A stopgap measure that worked for me
> > was to go into /usr/share/emacs/20.6/lisp/gnus and delete all the
> > .elc files, leaving only the correspon
Are there .debs for xindy?
Rettet das Schaufelmännchen
Is there in potato a igerman-package with the new german
spelling-rules? I just downloaded igerman from potato, to see that it
does not support the new rules.
juh's Sudelbuch --- Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
I have a strange problem. I have an old keyboard with only Strg Alt
Space AltGr Strg beneath the other keys. I thought that I had
correctly set up X because everythin works correctly. Everything?
Sadly not everything. I emacs a cannot hit the alt-key (Alt_L) plus
f.eg. the x-key. When I do it,
Hi Denis!
On Die, 15 Feb 2000, schrieb Denis Zaitsev:
> By the way, why do you use pc102 as XkbModel and assign all
> Xkb... explicitly?
I tried some settings.
Yesterday I found a workaround with the help of a gnu-newsgroup:
I created a file ~/.xmodmaprc:
clear mod1
clear mod
I cannot get gimp via apt-get:
jobs:/home/juh# apt-get install gimp
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some requi
Hi Robert!
> I have a RedHat 6.0 box, my laptop actually. I've converted all my other
> boxes to debian. I'm almost ready to convert it, but I'd rather not nuke
> it out right. Is there a way to "convert" it from RedHat to Debian in a
> clean manner?
Perhaps it is of no use for you, but I was
I get the following error, when I try to patch my netscape
Guten Tag! Joachim!
Am Don, 30 Mär 2000, schrieb Joachim Trinkwitz:
> The newest fortify deb package (1.4.6-0.1 in woody) recognizes this
> one, if I remember right, as well as Navigator 4.72 which I use now.
I have this one installed. And there is no newer one in woody.
> Go to http://www.for
Section "Screen"
Driver "VGA16"
Device "Primary Card"
Monitor "Primary Monitor"
BlankTime 0
SuspendTime 0
OffTime 0
SubSection "Display"
Hallo Bill!
Am Son, 02 Apr 2000, schrieb Bill Alexander:
> When you are in console mode, try Alt-F7 to get back to X.
Sorry I forgot to mention that I tried Ctrl-Alt-F7 and Alt-F7 as
well. I have this problem since I installed slink, before I had
Caldera. I discussed this problem in an X-newsgro
Hallo Joachim!
Am Mon, 03 Apr 2000, schrieb Joachim Trinkwitz:
> Versuch mal als root:
> fortify /usr/lib/netscape/472/navigator/navigator-smotif.real
There is no 2 just 47
and still not recognisable
> Wenn fortify und navigator(communicator)-smotif-4
Hi Debians!
I have a strange problem since yesterday. xdm does not start anymore.
When I boot the system, xdm dies with this errormessage:
Checking for valid XFree86 server
configuration.../usr/sbin/parse-xf86config:D:35: Impossible parser error.
Please contact the maintainer of this program.
I'm using debian 2.1 slink installed from CD. I've installed
fetchmail, procmail and exim.
Trying to get my mail from my ISP I get the following errormessage:
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 16 (2912 octets)
fetchmail: realloc failed
I can do "telnet localhost smtp".
The entries in .procma
Hi Debians!
I want to buy a new computer. My old one is a five year old P100.
I want to set up a little debian network:
The new server -- the old P100 -- a SUN LX as XTerminal -- a not yet
bought notebook -- and a 486 as router for the internet or second
X-Terminal for the kids (games!).
I will
On 10.01.2001 I upgraded mgetty with apt-get. Some days later I
changed my provider and had to change exim.conf. Now I discovered that
incoming faxes are not delivered to me as before. What are the
apropriate variables in exim.conf and/or mgetty relating fax-delivery?
Was there a change in the
Hallo Brian!
Am Don, 01 Feb 2001, schrieb Brian Potkin:
> In /etc/mgetty/new_fax I have the line
> USER="postmaster"
I have no USER in new_fax. Maybe I am using another new_fax-script. I
have an ADMIN set to POSTMASTER. Postmasters mail is sent to root, and
roots mail is sent to me.
> In the
Hi all!
When I start up emacs20 I can see the Mule-menu for some seconds, but
it disappears after start-up. M-x mula-diag is the only command I can
give. Now I tried to install mule-utf support using the
oc-unicode-0.72.2.tar.gz Package of Otfried Cheong. I feared before
that I would not succeed.
Vittorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Where can I find Latex manual and documentation on the Web?
Yesterday I discovered texdoctk. Great!
Vergewaltigungen unbedingt quittieren lassen
I am using testing with gkrellm 1.0.8
Sometimes gkrellm shows 10-20% activity on the cpu, when gtop/top shows none.
Does anybody encountered this?
Es lebe die 43 Stundenwoche!
This message comes using this sources.list
,[ sources.list ]
| # $Id: sources.list,v 1.3 2001/05/24 16:45:07 juh Exp juh $
| # See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
| # Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
| # CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom
I just installed zope via apt-get install zope. But I cannot get a
working tutorial and have problems with an example in the zope-book,
so I think that I am missing something. Which packages I shall install
to have a working base-zope?
Vergewaltigungen unbedingt quittieren lassen
"Eric G. Miller" writes:
> Protest all you like, but I think Adobe probably has a valid claim of
> trademark infringement.
Today KIllustrator, tomorrow M$ sues KWord and KOffice. Every project
can be sued this way, it only a question of ill fantasy. In the end
you can only use numbers for your
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (W. Paul Mills) writes:
> Even the US Postal Service uses Linux ;-)
So that's the secret of Lance Armstrong? Linuxabolica! ;-)
Jan Ulrich
Heute ist der 3. Oktober! Basta!
Sorry for intruding this thread:
"Timo Boewing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Recently found a table telling all those numbers. Well, with
> a custom kernel having vesafb enabled and using a Geforce2Go,
> i am using a simple
> vga=791
> This opens my console to 1024x768 pixels and works ve
doing startx I get this error in .xsession-errors when using the new
wmaker in testing.
/usr/bin/WindowMaker: relocation error: /usr/bin/WindowMaker:
undefined symbol: RReleaseImage
It is not an issue of the new wmaker, but was there before. But when I
saw the new 0.70-package, I tried it ag
Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 09:28:30AM +0100, Gustav Klimt wrote:
> > This morning I've a strange message on my screen (I've installed Woody and
> > Kernel 2.4.13 on a AMD Duron 800 with two Ultra ATA 100 Quantum fireball
> > lct20 and 256 MB Ram) the message
"Greg C. Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Second: For obvious reasons, xserver-svga is upgraded, but
> xserver-xfree86 is not installed. This is expected and easy to
> deal with.
Mh, my upgrade was a nightmare. After using dselect, apt-get and dpkg
to excess I finally
Did you raise the volume in a mixer-app?
ju"who forgot it and fought with a driver that worked"h
"Mätzchen braucht vor allem, wer weder Thema noch Stil hat."
(Michael Charlier auf die Frage: Bin ich Dichter, wenn ich alles
I apt-got lm-sensors-source and lm-sensors.
The sources are in /usr/src/modules
My current kernel-source is /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.18pre21
I do not want to patch my kernel but use it as a module. I've read
that I may want to use kernel-package to install the modules.
I altered the Make
Hallo Jens!
Am Die, 27 Mär 2001, schrieb Jens Gecius:
> > Now what shall I do?
> > Simply type
> > make-kpkg -revision=X.X. modules_image
> > and then
> > dpkg -i ../modules.X.X.deb
Thanks for your message.
I did the following:
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg -revision=custom.1.14 kernel_image
Hallo Jens!
Am Mit, 28 Mär 2001, schrieb Jens Gecius:
> > There are no /dev/i2c files around. How can I create them. Is there a
> > skript?
> Sorry, I forgot: if you want to use the i2c-interface, you also need
> the i2c-source package. These are some additional modules to make
> available the
Hallo Jens!
I ran sensors-detect. It loaded some modules, but there are no
additonal files in /proc and no apropriate device-files. It shows me a
line which already was in /etc/modutils/lm-sensors.
Am Mit, 28 Mär 2001, schrieb Jens Gecius:
> But, first RTFM.
Mh, perhaps I should have looked clo
Hallo Alson!
Am Don, 29 Mär 2001, schrieb Alson van der Meulen:
> i don't have much problems using via apollo chipset, did you build
> both lm-sensors-source and i2c-source?
Mh. I did the following:
apt-get install lm-sensors-source
There was a folder called lm-sensors in /usr/src/modu
I want to use T-DSL with pppoe from stable.
I want to have the ability to change without much configuring from DSL
to ISDN and vice versa.
I set up pppoe as written in README.Debian. So I edited
/etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider and all the other files.
When I do a ping always ippp starts a conn
Hallo Debian!
Sorry for answering my own massage. But yesterday I managed to connect
to my dsl-provider. But today linux hangs on boot-up.
I have this in /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot
,[ ppp_on_boot ]
| ###!/bin/sh
| #
| # Rename this file to ppp_on_boot and pppd will be fired up as
| # soon as t
Hallo Mircea!
Pardon me for intruding your thread.
> /etc/init.d/network was the old script used in slink.You've been
> reading some old docs.Not applicable anymore. Now in potato you
> ahve the daemon /etc/init.d/networking which starts/stops/restarts
> ALL interfaces listed in /etc/network/int
Hallo Bob!
Am Die, 03 Apr 2001, schrieb Bob Nielsen:
> Here's what I have in /etc/network/interfaces:
> [...]
> #home network on eth0
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> network
> broadcast
What do I have to apt-get and set up to use Unicode in emacs20 on
Are there good howtos?
juh's Sudelbuch
Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to know what is it that you like so much about
> Emacs+Gnus?
I used mutt for years. Now I change to gnus, because I want to use my
newsgroups and my mailinglists in the same way. Without the usenet and
without high-traffic mailinglists lik
I want to upgrade to kernel 2.4.3 using the unoffical
potato-debs. During the upgrade apt will install a new version of
ppp. Will this upgrade break my DSL-Konfiguration or will it go
Bücherwahnsinn! Was kann man ohne Angst noch lesen?
I recently upgraded to kernel 2.4.3 with the packages of Adrian
Bunk. BTW: Thanks for this possibility!
With the new kernel I get the following message from my CD-Burner.
Apr 30 08:46:34 debian kernel: sr1: CDROM not ready. Make sure there is a disc
in the drive.
Of course there is no dis
since a recent upgrade in woody I can start x-apps when I su in a
shell. I thought this should be impossible by default. What have I
done? Where can I disable this?
Muss ich, oder läuft die EXPO auch ohne mich?
I've just installed nvidia-kernel 1.0.1541-2 and nvidia-glx 1.0.1541
the debian way.
I am running testing with xfree 4.1.0-8
I have a RIVA TNT2 Card.
With the new drivers I can not exit from gnome. And I cannot shutdown
With 1251 I have no problems.
When I install the drivers th
"Daniel T. Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If either of you have rivafb support compiled into your kernels (or are
> loading them as modules), you might want to avoid that. It's a known issue
> with rivafb and Nvidia's binary-only drivers for X to lock on exit.
> Rumours are that vesafb works
"nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> what happens when you can't exit from gnome? does CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE
> do anything? does the system crash? does it hang?
Complete lockup. Ne keyboard, no remote login possible.
Switch off and fscking. :-(
ILOVEYOU - Ich hab's geöffnet
"Daniel T. Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rumours are that vesafb works just fine, though.
Ok, I compiled a new kernel 2.4.12, disable rivafb and enable
vesafb. All problems with the new nvidia-drivers seems to be gone.
But I cannot get the vesafb to work.
After booting there is no Tux-Log
dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What about bootloader config? Add "vga=0x31A" to your kernel command
> line.
Thanks for that hint. After reading the Kernel-Documentation about
vesafb I finally inserted vga=0x314 for better reading.
Für eine Hand voll Bimbes
I fear this is a faq.
It is said that ssh tunnels the x-connection and that all you have to
do is:
To login with
% ssh -X -l username host
% password
and type
% xterm
Nothing about removing -nolisten tcp in xserverrc and so on.
But when I do it, I get the error
cannot open display
I ha
Jan Ulrich Hasecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I fear this is a faq.
Umpf! Sorry. Its vica versa. I can shh -X from a potato-box to a
woody-box but not from the woody-box to the potato-box.
Sorry for that
Auf die FDP ist Verlass
I get errors while dist-upgrading today
Entpacke kdelibs3 (aus .../kdelibs3_4%3a2.2.1-14_i386.deb) ...
Entpacke kdebase-libs (aus .../kdebase-libs_4%3a2.1.1.0-10_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von
/var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-libs_4%3a2.1.1.0-10_i386.deb (--unpack):
Jan Ulrich Hasecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Hi,
> I get errors while dist-upgrading today
Sorry. I should think before I post.
This is on testing.
And I had a look into the buglist. It was reported and is closed, mh,
perhaps not fully closed. ;-)
I solved it with --
Keith O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now I have to address the absence of sound. Would I be right in thinking
> that I have built in the wrong module when installing?
Have you tried to compile sound into the kernel and not to make a
Wo ist die Million geblieben?
I installed xae to edit xml-files with emacs.
When I try to start the XML Tool Server I get this error message:
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
Process *XML Tool Server* exited abnormally with code 1
I fear this is a java-problem.
What shall I install or c
Thanks for the quick answer!
But ... :-(
Danie Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Wild shot in the dark. Do you have a jdk installed? If not, put a line
> like this in your sources.list
> # Blackdown Java
> deb http://www.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.blackdown.org/java-linux/debian woody
> non-fre
Hi Hamma,
I think j2sdk1.3 is correctly installed.
% java -version
java version "1.3.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.3.1-FCS)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.3.1-FCS, mixed mode)
But I've discovered some strange pathes in xae.el
For example i
After the last dist-upgrade of woody to XFree 4.1.0 I discovered
randomly keyboard lockups with my logitech cordless keyboard. No
problems with the mouse, but the keyboard hangs. No input possible.
When I eject the batteries and put them in again, it sometimes works
I am not sure, wh
I recently discovered amaya again and installed it on current
woody. It could be a nice tool, but it crashes often and had a weird
bug in the filebrowser.
When I try to open a file not all folders are displayed in the
Is amaya 5.1 still kind of beta or do I miss something.
Timeboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wednesday Sep 19 19:44 Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> Try bluefish.
Nice tool. But then I would prefer emacs with psgml. ;-)
I really like the wysiwyg-way of amaya for some tasks. It's a pity
that amaya isn't more stable.
when I try to remove cocoon-lib I get this errormessage
(Lese Datenbank ... 122806 Dateien und Verzeichnisse sind derzeit installiert.)
Entferne cocoon-lib ...
dpkg (Unterprozess): pre-removal script kann nicht gestartet werden: Keine
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von cocoon-lib
Sorry for this fullquote followup to my own message. Maybe a hint.
I moved /var/lib to an other partition and made a symlink to /var
Did I something wrong? Maybe this screwed up permissions in the
Jan Ulrich Hasecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> when
Martin Fluch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What does
>ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/cocoon-lib.prerm
> show for an output?
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/cocoon-lib.prerm
| -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 198 13. Apr 2001
Ross Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am trying to get the Euro key to work on my debian unstable system.
> However, there is no [EMAIL PROTECTED] alias which uses the ISO-8859-15
> charset. I consider this a bug, but is it really or is it just me being
> dumb? :)
This is the well known
I used wmaker for years. But I always tried out other
windowmanagers. So I apt-get this one and that one. While doing this
wmaker suddenly stopped working for a while, then worked again, now crashes
again. At the moment I am very happy with blackbox but I am curious
what could be the reason.
Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > /usr/bin/WindowMaker: relocation error: /usr/bin/WindowMaker: undefined
> > symbol: RReleaseImage
> One of the libraries on your system that WindowMaker uses must be
> incompatible or something. 'ldd /usr/bin/WindowMaker' will show which
> librarie
> Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > /usr/bin/WindowMaker: relocation error: /usr/bin/WindowMaker: undefined
> > > symbol: RReleaseImage
> >
> ldd /usr/bin/WindowMaker
> libwraster.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libwraster.so.2 (0x40023000)
Benjamin Pharr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there a Linux product that offers the template feature of
> Dreamweaver? Thanks in advance.
Try emacs with psgml-mode, Quanta (KDE) or Bluefish.
All available in woody.
Ally for president
I think I am going to solve a weird problem. I never managed to run
emacs20 with utf-8 encoded files. Now I know the reason. I am using
emacs20 and had the package user-de installed. This contains the file
which contains the line
Timeboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> I have a great running 4.0.3 on potato. Needet only to
> update to libc6_2.2.
Mh, I added this line to my sources.list
deb http://people.debian.org/~branden/ woody/i386/
But there were too many hold packages. And a warning AFAIR about
Is it safe to
Timeboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> But i don't know wheter libc6_2.2 is stable anough for all
> programs of the debian pool.
Yes, that's the question. ;-)
Schlachtet die Unschuldslämmer!
Hi all!
Today I made my weekly apt-get dist-upgrade to track security fixes
and proposed upgrades.
I get this error-message from a package from Adrian Bunks
Kernel-2.4.3-Packages for Potato.
(Reading database ... 75096 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace isdnutils
Today I tried kdm, but i cannot login at the kdm prompt. I've heard
about this problem, but I cannot find the message in my archive.
Debian 2.2
Kernel 2.4.3
"Das Wort "Verben" schreibt man nicht mit W sondern mit Vogel-F."
Tristan Hasecke.
Frank Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > Today I tried kdm, but i cannot login at the kdm prompt. I've heard
> > about this problem, but I cannot find the message in my archive.
> >
> > Debian 2.2
> > Kernel 2.4.3
> > KDE2
> >
> > Ciao!
> > juh
> What happens when you try?? Can you s
I am a little confused.
I inserted this in my sources.list
deb http://non-US.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US main contrib non-free
deb http://sunsite.tut.fi/ftp/Mirror/debian/kde.tdyc.com/pub potato main
optional crypto qt1apps
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contr
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