Hi! It is time to buy a new computer. Will I face any problems with this hardware?
Board: Socket A GIGABYTE 7ZX Via 133 ATX with Sound Blaster 128 Sound on board CPU: AMD K7 Thunderbird 900 MHz RAM: SD-RAM 256 MB PC133 Video: Riva 128 TNT2 Pro AGP 32MB & TV out or GeForce 2 MX AGP 32MB DDR Creative Labs I will install Debian 2.2 or woody of course. Any problems with this hardware? Do I have to look for NVidia-Drivers on their homepage or will X run out-of-the-potato-box? The on-board-sound-chip is an original SoundBlaster. It can be deaktivated. Would you recommend to use X4.0.2 and the newest Kernel 2.4.2? I've heard about those minimal requirements compiling Kernel 2.4.2. TIA juh -- Der dornige Zweig der Abderiten-Familie http://www.sudelbuch.de/2001/20010221.html