Re: flex++ and C++ compliance

2003-02-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
Rob Weir sez: } On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:23:16AM -0500, Gregory Seidman wrote: } > I'm trying to determine whether flex++ produces standards-compliant } > C++. It seems that it very nearly does, except that } > /usr/include/FlexLexer.h refers to std::istream and std::ostream } >

Re: VMWare package

2003-02-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
Andy sez: [...] } I want to try the 30 day trial of VMWare but it won't install. Debian } is not supported by them so I called one of the sales reps at VMWare and } the rep. said "What the heck is Debian?". I explained to him what Debian } was all about and the fact that I can't get VMWare work

Re: Gnome2 in testing - any chances?

2003-02-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
DvB sez: } Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: } > On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 12:11:33AM +0100, René Seindal wrote: } > | Is gnome2 worth the hassle? } > No. (IMO) } } Does this mean that, once gnome2 gets into testing, we're all screwed? Um, well, depends on your point of view. I was

Re: VMWare package

2003-02-18 Thread Gregory Seidman
Jeff Elkins sez: } On Tuesday 18 February 2003 10:00 am, Alex Malinovich wrote: } >Is there some sort of a problem with vmware and 2.4.20? I've been } >running it on 3 systems with 2.4.20 for a little over a month now with } >no problems. } } With the correct patch, yes? Without the patch pointed

Re: Free fonts

2003-02-20 Thread Gregory Seidman
Will Trillich sez: } On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 06:00:17PM +0100, Wim De Smet wrote: } > Could anybody help me out in just how you install a font under X? [...] } ...and i thought all would be lovely. sadly, my font menu didn't } change, even after restarting (and the stopping, cold, and } re-starting

free Bitstream fonts

2003-02-21 Thread Gregory Seidman
At LinuxWorld Expo there was much talk of the fonts Bitstream was making available for free use (mainly for GNOME). It appears that they have been released in a preliminary version at Is anyone planning on packaging them? At the moment, they are available with a restriction

Re: Xterm key mapping

2003-02-23 Thread Gregory Seidman
Russell Shaw sez: } Where can i find a list of key names for use } in vt100 translations? There's a bunch of } things in /etc/X11/xbd, but things like } "BackSpace" aren't there. /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB You can also use xmodmap -pke to find out which keysyms are actually bound on your keyboa

Re: Building a Xinerama kiosk

2003-02-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Enrico Zini sez: } Hello, } } I've been asked to build a nice kiosk with a dual-head machine, and I'm } having difficulties with a couple of issues. } } The kiosk: } } - One head, the normal monitor, will be used by users to browse a website. } - The other head, a TV screen, will continuously

Re: Linux and Threads

2003-02-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Narins, Josh sez: }The boss, rarely one to link, has pointed some developers to this } article, which relates quite a few 'flaws'(features?) of Linux threading. } }The article is dated back a little while, and I was wondering if the } criticism's are still valid, } }and if so, are the

Re: smbmount command w/o password

2003-03-03 Thread Gregory Seidman
Mark Schouten sez: } On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 03:39:02PM +0100, Willem-Jan Meijer wrote: } > Hello, } > } > ATM the line //WILLEM-JAN/muziek /muziek smbfs ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 } > is in fstab, but when I reboot this directory isn't mounted because } > there's asked for a password, but I

Re: Linux Ergonomics

2003-03-04 Thread Gregory Seidman
Subba Rao sez: } I am searching for some software that will lockup my linux system(s) for } every X minutes. For Windows, I found some software called "Oostime" } that does exactly that and forces the user to take a break from the } computer. Is there anything like that for Linux? } } Oostime is

Re: image viewer that refreshes?

2003-03-11 Thread Gregory Seidman
Benjamin Rutt sez: } I have a .jpg image that keeps changing (from a webcam). Is there an } image viewer in debian's packages that will display the image and } automatically refresh the image when it has changed? I've already } tried gqview, xli and display, and qiv. ('display -update 1' doesn't

Re: Lightweight xlock alternatives?

2003-03-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
Remo Inverardi sez: } Is there a lightweight xlock alternative? Actually, I just want to lock } my X session, so I don't have to logoff when I leave my office to get } coffee. Xlock with the "-lock blank" parameter is about what I'm looking } for, but it's *way* to big. A google search for mini

Re: ssh command passing

2003-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 11:00:17AM +0100, Rus Foster wrote: } Hi All, } I'm sure this is something stupid but I'm running the following command } and its not working } } base-2.05a$ ssh remotehost find /home -name .bash_history -exec grep foo } {} \; } find: missing argument to `-exec' } } I've t

Re: vim syntax

2003-10-26 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 05:25:01PM +1300, Paul William wrote: } Hi } } How do I have vim syntax highlighting always on instead of having to } type :syntax on? Add syntax on to your .vimrc } Thanks } Paul --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Tr

Re: Line editors

2003-11-02 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 10:22:24AM +0800, csj wrote: } On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 17:13:01 +, } Pigeon wrote: } } [...] } } > ed is /bin/ed - the *nix equivalent of Edlin... I use it for } > simple/repetitive edits (like sticking "> " at the beginning of } > each line of something I'm going to quote)

backport of ICH4 IDE support

2003-01-28 Thread Gregory Seidman
It is my understanding that the current 2.5 kernel has support for various DMA modes on the Intel ICH4 chipset. I don't really want to be running an experimental kernel, however, so I'd like to find a backport patch for a 2.4-series kernel. I've spent a fair amount of time with Google, but I still

[SOLVED] backport of ICH4 IDE support

2003-01-29 Thread Gregory Seidman
It turns out that 2.4.20 has support for the ICH4 IDE DMA modes. Little did I know. --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SOLVED] backport of ICH4 IDE support

2003-02-03 Thread Gregory Seidman
Daniel Barclay sez: } Gregory Seidman wrote: } > } > It turns out that 2.4.20 has support for the ICH4 IDE DMA modes. Little did } > I know. } } What's ICH4? } } Is there any that that support might be related to avoiding disk } corruption when trying to use IDE DMA on an A7M266

Re: Getting sawfish to remember stacking level

2003-02-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
DvB sez: } I would like to force GCD to always be on top and sticky whenever I run } it. I've tried History->Remember-attributes, which makes it remember to } be sticky whenever I run it. However, the stacking isn't remembered. Is } there a way to do this? Check out the Matched Windows preferences

Re: nvidia drivers conflicting with mesa opengl drivers.

2003-02-09 Thread Gregory Seidman
Wim De Smet sez: } I have on my system the nvidia drivers installed, and these provide the } (propietary) nvidia opengl drivers. But I can't seem to get apt-get to } remove xlibmesa because it seems to need that, while it shouldn't } because I have another openGL version installed. Does anybody kno

Re: vi temporary files remaining in dir

2003-02-10 Thread Gregory Seidman
Joris Huizer sez: } I hope someone can help on this problem I have: each } time I edit a file using VIM, " Vi IMproved 6.1 (2002 } Mar 24, compiled Apr 14 2002 20:41:29)" I get a } "temporary" copy of the original file. } } The naming is as follows: when I edit, say, trash.txt, } the "temporary" c

Re: Bogus emails being sent out by me!

2003-02-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
Ren? Seindal sez: } On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 12:30:34PM +, Anthony Campbell wrote: } > I'm getting notifications of emails having failed which were allegedly } > sent by me to addresses I never heard of. I presume this is some sort of } > attack but I can't figure out where it is coming from or

flex++ and C++ compliance

2003-02-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
I'm trying to determine whether flex++ produces standards-compliant C++. It seems that it very nearly does, except that /usr/include/FlexLexer.h refers to std::istream and std::ostream without the std:: prefix. This is as of 2.5.4a-30 (current unstable), however; 2.5.4a-29 was still using iostream.

Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader deb

2003-02-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sez: } I want to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. Is there any deb file for it? } I have Debian Woody. There is no official deb for it, but shows unofficial archives. I use deb unstable main To get acroread. Note that it is an u

pthread man pages

2003-02-14 Thread Gregory Seidman
I can't find the pthread man pages. The glibc-doc package claims to include them, but it doesn't (dpkg -L glibc-doc | grep pthread only gives me the FAQ). No, the info files (which are, in fact, available) are not sufficient. Are there pthread man pages available somewhere? Is it just an oversight

Re: pthread man pages

2003-02-14 Thread Gregory Seidman
Colin Watson sez: } On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 09:00:05AM -0500, Gregory Seidman wrote: } > I can't find the pthread man pages. The glibc-doc package claims to include } > them, but it doesn't (dpkg -L glibc-doc | grep pthread only gives me the } > FAQ). } } It does in unstable;

Re: VMWare package

2003-02-16 Thread Gregory Seidman
Hugh Saunders sez: } On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 04:57:53PM -0500, John Mitchell wrote: } Content-Description: signed data } > I was wondering if anyone knew of a package of VMWare workstation. I've } > been having trouble making my own and was hoping that someone else on } > this list knew better than

Re: Wheel mouse with mutt

2003-09-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 03:37:43PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote: } Marc Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:09:07:10:54:06-0700] scribed: } > On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 06:26:05PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote: } > >mutt.vt100.translations: #override \n\ } > > None: string(<<) \n\ } > >

Re: Wheel mouse with mutt

2003-09-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 04:13:25PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote: } Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:09:07:16:54:14-0400] scribed: [...] } > Check to see whether you are always using an xterm invoked with the title } > and/or icon set to mutt. It won't pick up the resour

Re: where is netscape 4 in testing?

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 02:17:49AM +0200, Roberto Sanchez wrote: } --- Joerg Rossdeutscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: [...] } > When I fake my browserID with mozilla via Prefbar-extension, one of the } > lines above gives the faked ID, while the other one _always_ says } > "Mozilla". Tested j

Re: What to do with a core dump

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 02:34:59AM +0200, Roberto Sanchez wrote: } I just got home a couple of hours ago, and when I logged in and started } mucking around I noticed a 36MB binary file called core.11377 with a time } stamp of about seven hours ago. I was home at lunch and working on the } computer

Re: simple text formatting

2003-10-06 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 11:37:57PM -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote: } Hi, } } I have a file in this format of words: } } joe jill bill bob frank tom harry } } and want to convert the file to this format: } } joe } jill } bill } bob } frank } tom } harry } } Is there an easy way to this? The file

Re: gui c/c++ programming

2002-10-16 Thread Gregory Seidman
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry sez: [...] } I have one problem with QT -- it is all or nothing. Not only do you } get a UI you also get QTs equivalent of the STL. This means that you } are learning an API which is only good for QT programming. Gah! If I had to give up the STL to use Qt I'd give up C++ ent

Re: Lighter window managers

2002-10-21 Thread Gregory Seidman
Chip Rose sez: } As much as I like Blackbox, I still miss KDE because of the ability to "lock" } the screen by clicking the padlock button at lower right. I never leave my } terminal for a moment without locking it - it's easier than logging } completely out - I use the lockout feature constant

Re: Two Debian 3.0 reviews at Slashdot

2002-10-22 Thread Gregory Seidman
csj sez: } On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 04:56:10 -0700 } Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: } } [snip: about a reviewer's unfavorable comments about Debian] } } > I have to seriously question whether or not he knows what he's } > talking about about RPM. I've used RPM recently. It's still painful

Re: remind starts many many times

2002-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
martin f krafft sez: } i start 'remind' from my .xsession like so: } } /usr/bin/remind '-kxmessage -geometry 300x200 -center %s &' -za \ } ~/etc/remind/remind & } } this works perfectly, and remind reports one running instance. but on } the next day i am surprised to find 7 running instance

Re: Debian, too easy?

2002-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Tom Cook sez: } On 0, Leo Spalteholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...] } > This is all great and thats the main reason I use debian but am I } > actually learning anything? I've been running debian on my desktop } > and server for over a year now and know how to configure it quite } > well but

Re: Debian, too easy?

2002-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Paul Johnson sez: } On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 06:18:52AM -0400, Gregory Seidman wrote: } > configs files alone (e.g. Slackware) or layer it away so thoroughly that } > changing something in a config file may or may not be sufficient to } > change the behavior (e.g. RedHat). Debian is a ni

Re: Debian, too easy?

2002-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Russell sez: } Gregory Seidman wrote: [...] } > A system registry is about having a unified concept of configuration and } > preferences. In general, it is a good thing. I look forward to a solid } > implementation thereof. I'm betting on Apple doing it first. } } IMHO, a registry

[OT] registry implementation (was Re: Debian, too easy?)

2002-10-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
Russell sez: } Gregory Seidman wrote: } > Russell sez: [...] } > } and no applications are forced or required to know about it. } > } > No! For it to be useful, all applications must use it. That's why there } > needs to be a good implementation; good means that it is so soli

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Gregory Seidman
Larry Alkoff sez: } On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:31:12 -0700, Earl F Hampton wrote: [...] } >Try xhost +local:localhost } } Ohh, that works! } Thank you. [...] } However after su I must still } export DISPLAY=:0 } } Then I can load synaptic. } } I'd like to not be required to type the } export DISPLA

Re: Switching between X and consoles with stock kernel?

2002-10-26 Thread Gregory Seidman
Lance Simmons sez: } On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 04:44:02PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: } > > } > > I'm trying to move from compiling my own kernels without initrd to } > > using a stock debian kernel with initrd, and have run into a } > > problem: when I try to swtich from X to the console, X fre

cvs disaster recovery

2002-10-26 Thread Gregory Seidman
Before anyone brings it up, I know there should have been backups of the CVS repository. That said, I am in the following situation: 1) Machine alpha, which had the CVS repository, is temporarily unavailable (in a policy, rather than technical, sense). 2) Machine beta has a completely up-to-da

nvidia driver and flickering

2002-10-28 Thread Gregory Seidman
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but I am experiencing some flickering with the NVidia-provided kernel and GLX drivers. Here's the configuraton: - Dell Dimension 4500 - Two NVidia GeForce 4 MX 420 cards, one AGP and one PCI - two identical Samsung SyncMaster 1200NF monitors - Debian 3


2002-10-29 Thread Gregory Seidman
Is there a policy reason why there is no xv package, or is it just that no one has bothered to package it? --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bc

2002-10-31 Thread Gregory Seidman
Oleg sez: } OK I would like to know how this monstrosity made it into Debian Stable: } } $ whatis bc } bc (1) - An arbitrary precision calculator language } $ bc } bc 1.06 } Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. } This is free software with ABSOLUTELY N

Re: Making a java 1.4.1 deb

2002-11-02 Thread Gregory Seidman
mdevin sez: } Is there some way that I can use the Sun Linux install binary and } convert it to a deb so that when Blackdown releases theirs, my system } will automatically upgrade to their version? Actually, Blackdown has a } binary install version for 1.4.1 beta but no deb package. Is it } poss

testing vs. unstable

2002-11-04 Thread Gregory Seidman
I've been using unstable, but I think I want to downgrade to testing. I (foolishly) went ahead and upgraded to gnome2 when it went into unstable, and I am not happy with it. Having modified my sources.list appropriately, what is the easy way to "upgrade" all of my installed packages (except, crucia

APT pinning and downgrading

2002-11-14 Thread Gregory Seidman
I read (particularly section 3.10), and came up with the following process to downgrade from unstable to testing: 1) in my /etc/apt/preferences (which didn't exist until I created it): Package: * Pin: release a=testing Priority: 1001

Re: gnuplot (lines,background) color

2002-11-20 Thread Gregory Seidman
Antonio Rodriguez sez: } I am trying to figure out what command I need to change the default } color of lines and background in the running session. Can someone indicate? You can use X resources if you are talking about X11 output, though that can't be changed on the fly (editres doesn't seem to

Re: GV & full screen

2002-11-25 Thread Gregory Seidman
Egor Tur sez: } Hi Folk. } I want to use gv with full screen without panel ans menu. } How can I do this? Is it possible? Probably not with gv, exactly, but gv is a wrapper around ghostscript anyway. If you want no-frills Postscript (or PDF) display, use gs directly. With a combination of commandl

mozilla 1.2 and commandline

2002-12-05 Thread Gregory Seidman
With mozilla 1.1 and earlier, running mozilla from the commandline with an URL when mozilla was already open would open a new window with that URL. Now it launches and asks which profile to use (and refuses to use the profile currently in use.) Is there a setting to regain the old behavior? Note t

Re: gpm crazy

2002-12-05 Thread Gregory Seidman
Dominic Iadicicco sez: } Ok I've installed gpm and when I try to use the mouse } the concole goes crazy. It starts printing new line } and the screen jumps from black to white and back to } black again. Sounds like you either have the wrong mouse device or the wrong mouse type. What kind of mouse

non-embedded inbox monitor

2002-12-06 Thread Gregory Seidman
On my machine at work I use gnome2 and have been (mostly) happy with the inbox monitor panel applet that comes with it. I just have an X server on my machine at home, however, and I'd like to be able to run just the inbox monitor remotely displayed on that over ssh from work. I can't just use xbif

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-27 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 12:43:55PM +0200, Frank Gevaerts wrote: } On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 01:11:08AM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote: [...] } First convince me that object oriented programming results in } maintainable and debuggable code, then convince me that C++ is a good } implementation of OO, an

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-27 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 02:27:50PM +0200, Elie De Brauwer wrote: [...] } I agree, but when it comes to documentation c is the absolute top. man } strchr, man strlen, man strcmp, man sin, man cos it's all in the manuals } but try do get a description from some of the functions from the C++ STL } out

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-27 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 12:19:18PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote: } On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 09:53, Gregory Seidman wrote: } > On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 12:43:55PM +0200, Frank Gevaerts wrote: } > } On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 01:11:08AM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote: } > [...] } > } First conv

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-28 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 10:02:44PM +0200, Thomas Krennwallner wrote: } On Wed Aug 27, 2003 at 12:02:23PM -0500, Michael Heironimus wrote: } > It doesn't matter how good or bad Java, C, or any other language might } > be. What counts is who's backing it, what you can do with it, and how } > fast you

Re: FW: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-30 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 11:42:17PM -0600, Jacob Anawalt wrote: [...] } Ok, I'm not arguing pro/con Java here, I just have question. What other } option do I have for web browser enabled client/server communication } without reloading the page* that I can use in Koqueror or other } non-mainstream

Re: gaim & other protocols like msn..

2003-03-31 Thread Gregory Seidman
Joao Clemente sez: } Is there a way to apt-get gaim and get the other protocols enabled? Im } particular I was looking for msn support. } I've once had gaim installed from sources and i had msn, irc and other, } and in this one (debian package) I don't have any of those... The protocol plugins are

retrieving encrypted mozilla stuff

2003-05-27 Thread Gregory Seidman
I like to use Mozilla's "keychain" and form-filling information, and I also like that it is encrypted. Sometimes, though, I just want to know the password I use for a particular site (e.g. if some site starts acting weirdly and I want to check whether it is the difference between Mozilla and IE tha

Re: Q: Pointers to configure SMTP AUTH

2003-06-03 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 03:00:23AM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote: } I want to use SMTP AUTH with my ISP. He offers PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, and } DIGEST-MD5 authentication on his mail servers. I'd like to use either } CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5. I'd also like to use SMTP over SSL so the } entire session is

Re: Sawfish - keybinding funny.

2003-06-03 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 09:24:05PM -0500, Todd Pytel wrote: } I noticed this also with Sarge. Looks like Sawfish is being moved to the } GNOME 2 version, which in my experience has always sucked tremendously. } Somehow, they took a nice, simple window manager that had just the right } options, redu

Re: Sawfish - keybinding funny.

2003-06-04 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 11:22:59PM +1000, Richard Heycock wrote: } On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 21:15, Gregory Seidman wrote: [...] } > How odd. I'm using sawfish from testing (i.e. sarge, i.e. version 1:1.3-2) } > with GNOME2 and it works just fine. A version or two ago they broke the } >

Re: Sawfish - keybinding funny.

2003-06-04 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 12:52:46AM +1000, Richard Heycock wrote: } On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 23:51, Gregory Seidman wrote: } > On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 11:22:59PM +1000, Richard Heycock wrote: } > } On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 21:15, Gregory Seidman wrote: [...] } > I have several shell commands

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 09:48:31AM -0400, Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote: } In what situation does ppl normally use shell script and when } when will ppl use Perl? How about their performance like speed and also } the ease of programming? You probably didn't know it, but this is a good way to sta

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 05:57:05PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: } On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 23:48:47 +0300 } Aryan Ameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: } > If the intended users of the script are likely to use different Unix } > versions, then sh scripting is probably the safe bet. On the other } > hand, if yo

Re: filling the area under a curve in gnuplot

2003-06-15 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 05:13:41PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: } Sorry for asking a gnuplot question here... } } Is it possible to shade the area under a curve in 2D mode (plot)? } How? I don't know of a way of doing it from within gnuplot. If you want the graph in some output format, however,

Re: filling the area under a curve in gnuplot

2003-06-16 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 12:37:23AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: } also sprach Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.06.16.0443 +0200]: } > I don't know of a way of doing it from within gnuplot. If you want the } > graph in some output format, however, I recommend writ

Re: [OT]What is Dynix

2003-06-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 05:50:29PM +0300, Aryan Ameri wrote: [...] } "Specifically, Sontag said IBM moved technology to Linux from AIX and } another version of Unix called Dynix that IBM acquired when it bought } Sequent. " } } I have been trying really hard, to learn as much as possible about

kensington expert mouse pro

2003-06-22 Thread Gregory Seidman
I have a Kensington Expert Mouse Pro (it's a trackball), which has six non-mouse buttons. These are a lot like the multimedia buttons on some keyboards. I'd kind of like them to do something, but the USB driver doesn't seem to register them (cat /dev/input/mice then pressing these buttons gives no

Re: kernel-source-2.4.21

2003-06-22 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 09:53:10PM +0200, Marino Fernandez wrote: } On Sunday 22 June 2003 11:10 am, Colin Watson wrote: } > On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 11:50:57PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote: } > > Anybody know what the holdup is for 2.4.21 hitting Debian? } > } Honestly, is there any advantage on that

Re: kensington expert mouse pro

2003-06-24 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 09:51:39PM -0400, Gregory Seidman wrote: } I have a Kensington Expert Mouse Pro (it's a trackball), which has six } non-mouse buttons. These are a lot like the multimedia buttons on some } keyboards. I'd kind of like them to do something, but the USB driver } do


2002-12-12 Thread Gregory Seidman
I use xterm for all of my X11-based terminal needs. I'm used to a lot of its features. One of the features I'm used to is focus being indicated by whether the block cursor is solid (has focus) or outline (doesn't have focus). For some reason, however, my xterms sometimes just keep the block cursor

broken ligatures in Times with dvips -Ppdf

2002-12-12 Thread Gregory Seidman
This may seem off-topic, but it is specific to Debian's LaTeX installation. In general, I want to use dvips to produce postscript which is suitable for converting to PDF as well as printing, so I use dvips -Ppdf (which uses PostScript Type 1 fonts rather than metafont-generated bitmapped Type 3 fo

Re: xterm copy-n-paste and mouse selection in scroll back

2002-12-12 Thread Gregory Seidman
Bill Moseley sez: [...] } I was just wondering if there was an xterm shortcut to "cut" to the } CLIPBOARD in xterm or xterm clone. [...] You can put what you need in your .Xdefaults or .Xresources or whatever it is that actually gets read. The excerpt below should be instructive, though not suitab

DMA woes

2002-12-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
I'm working on a stock Dell Dimension 4500 running a testing/unstable mix. My disk access is appalling, entirely taking over the host processor for large reads and writes thus causing mouse pointer freezes (which should never occur on an interactive system). I am told that the way to fix this is to

Re: DMA woes

2002-12-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
Antoine Jacoutot sez: } # hdparm -d1 /dev/hda } > } > /dev/hda: } > setting using_dma to 1 (on) } > HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted } > using_dma= 0 (off) } } You need to be root to do this... Thank you, I know. And it was. I even indicated it by including the # prompt inste

Re: USB hot plugging and gpm

2002-12-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
Ink Fox sez: } Simple question, I hope... } } Given that the mouse device isn't always valid with a KVM switch which } effectively unplugs a USB mouse when a machine is deselected, is there } a way to make gmp still work? I assume you mean gpm, not gmp. I am using a USB KVM switch and gpm and a U

Re: DMA woes

2002-12-17 Thread Gregory Seidman
Michael P. Soulier sez: } On 17/12/02 Gregory Seidman did speaketh: } > Thank you, I know. And it was. I even indicated it by including the # } > prompt instead of the % prompt. } } Is this a custom kernel? You need support for your IDE controller } before this will work. See i

Re: problems with NVidia drivers, and strange findings

2002-12-25 Thread Gregory Seidman
Dave W sez: [...] } I'm using 2.4.20, the 4191 drivers and GLX from tar.gz, and a Sid box. } Any ideas? I have had great success using make-kpkg modules_image. Install the apt-gettable nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src packages and unpack the tar files into /usr/src/modules (which it may do

Re: Windows Telnet

2003-01-02 Thread Gregory Seidman
Alan Shutko sez: } Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: } > Fonts in xterms are just plain hard to read. } } Not if you have the right font. xterm has even had Xft support } longer than KDE or GNOME's terminals. There are a few "features" that various other terminal programs (GNOME, KDE, rxvt

Re: kde still sucks and gnome2 rocks why?

2003-01-04 Thread Gregory Seidman
Paul Johnson sez: } On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 03:10:09AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...] } > I hope you're not suggesting that thing that comes } > with OSX? } } That piece of shit can't even do color control or terminal keyboard } emulation properly (ssh from an OSX box to your linux box and

dual-boot redhat/debian

2003-01-09 Thread Gregory Seidman
Ignoring, for the moment, why I would do such a thing, I want to set up a machine (laptop) to dual-boot both Redhat 8.0 and Debian (testing/unstable mix). I'd also like to share as much as possible between them. I can obviously share the entire /home directory. I think I can share /etc/passwd and /

Re: Recommendation for dual head video card

2003-01-09 Thread Gregory Seidman
David Z Maze sez: } Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: } } > Any suggestions? 3D support, too? } } If you already have a reasonable video card, you might find it just as } easy to get a second (PCI) video card. XFree86 supports this } configuration very well these days, and it's how my du

Re: kernel update and nvidia drivers

2003-01-10 Thread Gregory Seidman
Benedict Verheyen sez: } i compiled my own 2.4.20 kernel and it works great. } Then sometime later i compiled the nvidia module via } the 2 nvidia packages in the distribution. } When i upgrade the kernel soemtime in the future and thus compile my own } kernel again, will i have to recompile the n

Re: Kernel help - ICH4 (82801DB) onboard sound

2003-01-12 Thread Gregory Seidman
On a sidenote, has anyone found a way to get DMA working with the ICH4 and a 2.4 kernel? Paul W sez: } I've now found that I may be able to get sound using a kernel 2.5.11 } or above (, is } there a specific version that anyone could recommend?

recommend a shell account provider?

2003-01-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
I'm looking for a shell account provider. My needs are simple: email service (preferably spool rather than imap/pop) some disk space dependable net connection, uptime, and disaster recovery vim, mutt, lynx, w3m, tcsh, bash, sed, awk, grep, (procmail?) Can anyone recommend such a service? An encry

Re: Disable Anti-aliased fonts

2003-01-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
Richard Beri sez: } On January 12, 2003 09:57 am, Ross Burton wrote: } > On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 12:40, Rob Weir wrote: } > > You want to edit /etx/X11/XftConfig and change the minimum AA font } > > size, or disable it completely. } > } > Not always true -- some programs are now using Xft2, which use

Re: Web based IM

2003-01-14 Thread Gregory Seidman
Tim Grogan sez: } Hello all, } } My company has decided to shutdown all IM services on our corporate network. } Does anyone know of a web based IM that doesn't need a client to connect. It } doesn't have to be really fancy. Thanks for your help. } } Tim } } btw I can connect to my home server

Re: Sed or Awk Question

2003-01-14 Thread Gregory Seidman
Jody Grafals sez: } Dose anyone know how to replace a line break with a space using sed or } awk? [...] Wrong tool. Use tr. tr '\012' ' ' } Thanks in advanced } Jody --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

serving debian to redhat boxen

2002-09-08 Thread Gregory Seidman
I am in the unenviable position of having to support a small (8 machines, 4 Linux and 4 WinXP) network. Worse, at least two of the linux boxen are RedHat and will have to stay that way (due to a lack of comprehension on the part of the higher-ups, i.e. policy). Furthermore, it is necessary that al

Re: Suggestions for a window manager to replace Enlightenment

2003-11-18 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:32:56PM -0500, Peter S Galbraith wrote: } After years of running E (without gnome), I might be tempted to use } something else. Any suggestions appreciated. Sawfish. } Here's what I really like about E: } } - minimal screen real estate lost. I don't mind selecting an

Re: Workspace/desktop switching

2003-11-18 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 01:19:41AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote: } I've been seeing a lot of discussions about various WM's lately, and } everyone seems to be extremely concerned about easy workspace switching. } I'm just wondering what exactly everyone uses workspaces for? Every once } in a while,

Re: Setting up debian package server for installation over ethernet

2003-11-28 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 01:03:53PM +0530, Vikas B N wrote: } A couple of colleagues and I are planning } to set up an ftp/http server which hosts } the debian packages, so that people can } install Debian on their machines over the } office intranet. } } What is the best way to go about this

Re: ooh! debian jewelry

2003-12-13 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 02:36:10PM -0600, Terry Hancock wrote: } On Saturday 13 December 2003 12:46 pm, Monique Y. Herman wrote: } > On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 at 03:00 GMT, Greg Madden penned: } > > } > Ooh. I was wondering where to find logos. } > } > Why eps as opposed to pdf

Re: combining mp3s

2004-11-26 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 04:37:17PM -0500, Michael Spang wrote: } Patrick Wiseman wrote: } >On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 16:02:29 -0500, Rick Pasotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: } >>I have serveral mp3s that really should be a single file. What program } >>should I use to combine them? } > } >I've had success

Re: web mail interface

2004-12-08 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 06:49:20AM -0500, Tom Allison wrote: } I'm getting kind of sick of squirrelmail. } } It have a very lame feature that mailboxes in excess of 1500 to 2000 } emails simply don't load or fail to work correctly. That and I am } getting hit with SERVER_RESPONSE errors every t

Re: Question about usbkey lights

2004-12-09 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 04:56:47AM -0600, Stewart Jenkins wrote: } On Friday 03 December 2004 06:35 pm, Brad Sims wrote: } > I have a 512mb Sandisk Cruzer, it works perfectly. However when unmounting } > it the light stays on, it goes off on Windows... Just was wondering if } > anyone had a soluti

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