Sean 'Shaleh' Perry sez: [...] } I have one problem with QT -- it is all or nothing. Not only do you } get a UI you also get QTs equivalent of the STL. This means that you } are learning an API which is only good for QT programming.
Gah! If I had to give up the STL to use Qt I'd give up C++ entirely. I use Qt for my GUI, and the STL for my data structures. On the (astonishingly rare) occasions when I have to use a Qt data structure, it is never in an inner loop (you simply don't have performance-critical stuff that directly interacts with the user) so I just copy it to an STL structure first (or vice versa, as the case may be). My biggest gripe with Qt, actually, is that its generated code can't handle typedefs or using. If I have a slot taking an object of type foo::Bar::Baz and, in class foo::Bar, have a signal sending a Baz, they can't be connected. They have to be string identical, rather than merely the same type. Yes, I understand why. Yes, I know this is much of what libsigc++ attempts to solve. Yes, I know it is unlikely to get any better in Qt. I can still gripe. [...] --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]