Richard Beri sez:
} On January 12, 2003 09:57 am, Ross Burton wrote:
} > On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 12:40, Rob Weir wrote:
} > > You want to edit /etx/X11/XftConfig and change the minimum AA font
} > > size, or disable it completely.
} >
} > Not always true -- some programs are now using Xft2, which uses
} > /etc/fonts/fonts.conf.
} >
} > (some include all GTK+ 2 programs and mozilla)
} I noticed this use of AA fonts in gtk2 programs after my last upgrade.  
} Is there any way to disable these AA fonts?  I'm not a fan of them, 
} they make me feel my eyesight is blurred.  I took a look at the 
} /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file but its not an easy read and couldn't figure 
} it out.

On easy way is to make sure the environment variable GDK_USE_XFT is set
to 0 instead of 1. I think it defaults to AA if it is unset.


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