Hello there! Can some one recomend me a good WYSIWYG editor that will
work with debian testing? I would like to find something that will let
me create tables and forms with all the possible html controls...
Hi there, I need help... Trying to get my printer to work... I have an
Epson Action Laser, it's HP4 compatible
I don't thing the lp0 is even working...
I recompiled the kernel with support for all the parallel stuf (as
modules) and loaded parport_pc...
But if I run printtool it says that th
Hello there! I would like to be an SMTP server for some friends that are
in different domains, and prefferably with authentication required...
What do I need to do??? Thanks! I already have SMTP server working for
local users, the standard one installed by woody
Thanks in advance!
Thank you! That was it, the change in /etc/login.defs, It worked!
I really apreciate your help!
Take care!
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 04:03:05PM -0600, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Using mesg y fixes the problem... Now, how do I make a mesg y
ll have to shut this down to replace it...
Thanks again!
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 09:47:06AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > I see no etrys for talkd in /etc/inetd.conf, there are lines for talk and
> > ntalk,
> Yes, I mea
Hello there, I hope you can forgive my ignorance in this issues, I'm very
new to debian and linux/unix in general...
I installed potato in this ibm pc 325 i got from ebay, everything is
working great, I love it!
I want to work with my partner developing some software, I would like to
have acommon
Wow! Great! Thanks, That linux conf is very nice!
Thanks for your answears, I'll give all that stuff a try!
Take care!
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Kurt Lieber wrote:
> > I want to work with my partner developing some software, I would like to
> > have acommon place in which we put our stuff. Like a c
Thank you! I think I'll follow your suggestion...
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> Actually, according to FHS, anything that might be modified in the
> course of using (as opposed to doing maintenance on) the system
> should not be placed under /usr. This enables admins to mount /
If you want to get the version 4 that is in debian.org
apt-get install pine-docs pine4-src pine 4-difs (or so, if the names are
wrong check package names in debian.org
also apt-get install all the recomended packages shown in the page for
Once you do that, check /usr/src/pine4 an
Hello there! What do I need to apt-get to be a pop server?
of off the top of my head.
> hth
> --kurt
> On Monday 15 October 2001 h:05 am, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! What do I need to apt-get to be a pop server?
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I checked the link below that so kindly Alvin Oga (Thanks!) sugested to
check out and it has several names of secure pop servers, one that I saw
both there, and on the apt-cache list was qpopper so I installed that
Hope that helps!
On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, R. Alexander wrote:
> Could you advi
Hello there!
I apt-got linuxconf and it all went ok, and it works ok, but I'm looking
at some strange things, they may be more strange to me becouse I'm not
very knowledgable on groups and users But, If I create a new user
using linuxconf and then login with that username and mkdir public_html
Hello there, is there an alternative to regular ftp server? does it
require special client? Any sugestions???
Hello there, I hope you can excuse my ignorance in these matters...
In order to protect certain html dirs with a password, I was told by a
good member of this list to make sure that I had the mod_auth enabled in
httpd.conf. Which I do.
Thend I was told that I need an .htaccess file which I create
AllowOverride says None
Options says Indexes SynlinksIfOwnerMatch
What should they say?
On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:
> Check your /etc/apache/access.conf file and see what Options and the
> AllowOverride have after them...
> At 07:06 AM 10/16/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hel
> ...
> crypted just with crypt (use mkpasswd).
> Anyway i can always use the 'htpasswd' application which go with apache and
> create password files asking for for a user, a passwd etc...
> Seeya.
> Note: sorry, i must learn so much englis
create password files asking for for a user, a passwd etc...
> Seeya.
> Note: sorry, i must learn so much english yet.
> At 07:06 16/10/2001 -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> >Hello there, I hope you can excuse my ignorance in these matters...
> >
> &g
I don't have my machine here but I think I use gtksee for what you are
talking about...
do apt-get isntall gtksee
That should do it...
On 16 Oct 2001, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> I've got a series of still captures of some scientific data that I'd
> like to string together to form an animation, pic
Hello there! I've done it this time... I had a nice potato system on my
IBM PC 325 which had 1 processor, I found another 266 PII for 15 bucks in
ebay so I decided to add it and add smp
So I went and got the latest stable kernel (1.4.12) at www.kernel.org and
ran all
the good stuff:
make menu
I can boot from, open a shell, mount
whatever... It does have scsi support 'couse I can mount /dev/sda and all
What can I do now? Thanks!
On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > So I went and got the
Thanks! I think that is what I need...
On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Rob VanFleet wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 12:17:40PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 06:58:35AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > > Hello there, is there an alternative to regular f
This is exactly my situation, so I join the question... What do I do???
On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> I have a kernel panic:
> VFS: Cannot open root device "hda6" or 03:06
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06.
> Now I've
apt-get install mozilla
como root
On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, André Muniz Costa wrote:
> Como faço para instalar um navegador no Debian 2.2 r3?
> Já tentei instalar o Netscape pelo apt do próprio cd do Debian, mas dá erro.
Sorry, I had to shut off my server and I'm not getting emails... please
mget *, there are some options to make it not ask you but I don't remember
now... Sorry..,
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Rohan Deshpande wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if there was a way to download full directories and their
> contents from remote places in the program 'ftp'. In the directory
> co
To do it automatically just run
apt-cdrom add
and that will put the necesary stuff in sources.list
On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Reza wrote:
> Hi guys..
> I just burned extra unofficial cd for debian potato.
> What should I put in /etc/apt/sources.list so when I
> want to apt-get install it will search
I'm just curious... If i mount a directory over the internet using samba,
is the connection encripted in any way? is the password used to establish
the mount encripted?
Hello there...
I just recompiled the kernel with sound support for maestro3, which is the
card I have. The kernel starts up ok, it says it detects the card. But I
get no sound from gnome or enlightenment... If I type esd as root I hear
the sounds (you know, the little scale it plays) but even unde
Hello there!
I apt-got linuxconf, It runs and all that, but so far, whatever I've
tryed, it doesn't seem to affect my system, except on creating groups and
users... Last night I tryed to configure the network using it and although
it saves (somewhere) the changes I made, it never reflected them in
Thank! It's working now, It was only the user's permissions...
Since you use the same drivers, do you also get bad quality in xmms if you
use the esound plugin???
On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Sunny Dubey wrote:
> ummm, not too sure, but use a mixer application like aumix and turn up the
> volu
tion method you're using.
> IMHO, SMB-over-Internet is an extremely silly idea. If you need to
> transfer files, that's what sftp is for.
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 10:47:00AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > I'm just curious... If i mount a directory over
oot adduser
> audio. With the maestro3 on my laptop I also had to
> make sure that the ac97_core.o driver was available.
> The way that I did it was add maestro3 and ac97_core
> to my /etc/modules .
> Don
> --- Alexander Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
Hello there! When debian is installed with the network options, it sets
up several things for the network SInce I didn't have a network
adapter when I set this machine up I guess it didn't set those things...
Now, i got the network working but there are a couple of things that I did
not set u
This is more of a linux question... Is there a way to change recursivly
the mode to directories only?
PHP Nuke requires me to change all files to 666 (chmod -R 666 *) and to
777 all direcotories in order to use the file manager... Can this be done
in a sinle operation?
Hello there! I have a 2 gb dat drive and I would like to backup my server
periodicaly. It works, it's /dev/st0... I know I can use mt to do stuff
with the drive and tar to backup stuff... But is there a better way???
Thanks! That's what i needed!
On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 08:46:00AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > This is more of a linux question... Is there a way to change recursivly
> > the mode to directories only?
> >
> > PH
Thanks, but the one with the find should work right?
On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 02:42:09PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> > $ chmod a+rwx /basedir
> > $ chmod -R a+rwX /basedir
> If I could type I'd be dangerous. The first command is not needed.
; --kurt
> On Wednesday 24 October 2001 08:01, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! I have a 2 gb dat drive and I would like to backup my server
> > periodicaly. It works, it's /dev/st0... I know I can use mt to do stuff
> > with the drive and tar to backup stuff... But i
Well, that's scary... Anyone knows of more secure alternatives?
On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Damon Muller wrote:
> Quoth Alexander Wallace,
> > This is more of a linux question... Is there a way to change recursivly
> > the mode to directories only?
> >
> > PHP Nuke re
Hello there... I installed Gimp1.2 Is thera a package I need to get to
have more filetypes? It currently only works with gimp's oun file
format... I apt-got gimp1.2-nonfree but I still can't get any gif files to
open... Or should I just get gimp without the 1.2?
It's not grayed out, the only file type available in the combo in the file
open dialog is gimp's... I did restart gimp after apt-getting the nonfree
On Fri, 26 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> what did you mean can't open? is it "grayed" out or something? try rerunning
> the
Hi there.. I have task-imap installed using apt-get... Is there anything I
need to do to be able to use it? I'm trying to get my email using
evolution from another machine, and nothing happens, not even an error,
but If i use pop it does work and retrieve my email... Is there something
extra I need
Hi there... I know I can change the network settings by modifying
/etc/networ/interfaces, but, can someone tell me how to re run the network
setup program that runs when you install debian? is this possible?
Hello there! Could someone tell me what needs to be in /etc/X11/XF86Config
to enable the mouse wheel in the X that comes with potato?
Hello there!
What is the package I need to apt-get to be able to connect to my server
using SSL?
it... Will fetchmail-ssl do that to?
On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Stephen Gran wrote:
> Thus spake Alexander Wallace:
> > Hello there!
> >
> > What is the package I need to apt-get to be able to connect to my server
> > using SSL?
> >
> > Thanks!
> ap
Thanks! That worked, but needed to remove the emulate3buttons to get it to
Thanks to everyoune who offered help!
On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Rafael Sasaki wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 08:13:03AM -0600, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! Could someone tell me what needs
> for the rest of the secure pop3 servers and clients
> http://www.Linux-Sec.net/Mail/secure_pop3.txt
> have fun
> alvin
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there!
> >
> > What is the package I need t
THank you! I'll check it out.
On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, martin f krafft wrote:
> * Alexander Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.11.09 09:12:20-0600]:
> > I guess I should have been more specific, I have a debian server that is
> > my pop server, and a debian desktop in whic
Hi there? is there an easy way to mount samba shares in a linux desktop,
kind of what you do in windoze like \\\userdir?
Gnomba doesn't see the shared user directories as shares and I don't know
how to specify them in it...
I know you can put a line in /etc/fstab, but sometimes i ne
Thanks! That works great!
On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Tim Moss wrote:
> Apparently, on Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 06:15:05AM -0600, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hi there? is there an easy way to mount samba shares in a linux desktop,
> > kind of what you do in windoze like \\10.100.
Hello there! I'm fairly new to linux and debian, and would like to know a
few things...
I have a couple of redhat internet servers, but I like debian concept and
package management so much that I would like to start using debian for
servers... I have used debian distro (libranet) for quite a while
Thanks a lot for the tips, I'll check it out!
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 11:27:01AM -0500, Alexander Wallace ([EMAIL
> PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > My questions: Will I be in the safe side if I decide to use debian for
> > an in
I have an HP Omnibook EX3, and installed a debian distro in it (libranet)
with no problems, everything worked, I needed an easy recompile of a
modifyed tulip driver for the integrated nic which i found in
linux-laptop.net. I got everything to work, sound, nic, dvd, apm, except
for the modem that is
Hello there! I don't want to start any controversy here or anything like
that But I was reading the newbiezided help files at
and found out that in the reviews they make about several distros, they
don't have a very good one for debian
You need to add APM in the kernel... That worked for me...
Hope that helps...
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Alex Hunsley wrote:
> The motherboard I am running my debian setup on is quite modern (ABit BP7) and
> has capabilities to auto-power off at shutdown - windows does this ok. The
> default behaviour
bell wrote:
> On 28 Sep 2001, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! I don't want to start any controversy here or anything like
> > that But I was reading the newbiezided help files at
> > http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/distros/distronhf.html
> > and fou
Hello there! I just did apt-get install ssh and enabled ssh server... I'm
trying to connect to the debian machine from a win box using tera term, it
connects fine, but if i do a clear, or try to run mc or pine or mutt i get
'vt320': unknown terminal type. and other errors related to that...
I've t
Hello there... I just bought a server that has 2 4gb hd... I want to
install debian to make it a server, and probably add a 20 gb hd... My
question is, what partition should I put in the big hd (the 20 gb) if I
expect to host several websites and forums, I know I shouls put home
there, but, if I wa
Thanks! I'll take that into consideration...
Thanks again!
On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, P Kirk wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 01:41:41PM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> >Hello there... I just bought a server that has 2 4gb hd... I want to
> >install debian to make it a server, a
> and use the 20Gb for data for your db server
> have fun
> alvin
> On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there... I just bought a server that has 2 4gb hd... I want to
> > install debian to make it a server, and probably add a 20 gb hd
Hello there, excuse my ignorance here... How's the SMP implementation in
current kernel in potato? Is it pretty efficient? Stable? Reliable?
I have an IBM PC 325 with 1 P II 266 and I just saw a P II 266 for 20
bucks in an auction... Is it a good thing to do?
A windoze user told me once that he d
Hi there! I have a lapotp I want to install debian in, it has a nic that
needs a modifyed version of tulip To be able to use it I need to copy
the modifyed version and recompile the kernel to recompile the module...
The instalation cd I have for debian doesn't have any packages, It get's
Well isnt the ReiserFS NetInst just that? I downloaded an iso and burned a
On 4 Oct 2001, csj wrote:
> On Thu, 2001-10-04 at 03:49, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> > * kumar suresh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011003 07:13]:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > We tried to download debian cdimages as instructed by
> >
try apt-get remove lgtoclnt --purge
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Jose Manuel Perez wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've installed a package in my Potato but it crashed during
> installation and I'd like to uninstall it. I've tried
> dpkg --purge , with and without --force-??? option, but
> I've not found the way to re
this already but with a tulip.o copiled using Libranet, and it
didn't work, if it is becouse of the distro (although is debian based)
I'll try it with debian today...
On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 03-Oct-2001 Alexander Wallace wrote:
I am, but I thought it was a problem on my side, now I know it may be
On 4 Oct 2001, hmike wrote:
> The stuff I'm seeing seems to always be coming through:
> X-Envelope-Sender:
> and seems to have been received from the list server and then resent?
> Anyone else g
Bueno, es poco el espacio disponible, sin embargo, debian te permite hacer
instalaciones basadas en la seleccion de paqueterias. Si no seleccionas
muchas, podras instalar sin ningun problema. Una instalacion basica te
ocupara menos de 50 megas, pero no tiene mucho... Tendras que jugar con
apt-get p
Hello there! I need to compile scsi emulation for ide devices, but I don't
know how to recompile the kernel... I checked the Faq but it's a little
bit confusing to me Can someone give me a setp by step instruction on
how to do this? like:
1 apt-get whatever
2 go to directory /usr...
3 Type wha
Hello there... My laptop needs a modifyed version of tulip... I found it
in www.linuxlaptop.net its tulip_core.c
I'm supposed to copy it to /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/tulip and recompile
the module (tulip.o)
But there is nothing in the /usr/src directory since I installed from the
net, and I gues
Thanks a lot! I'll check that out!
On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Greg Wiley wrote:
> On: Monday, October 08, 2001 1:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > But there is nothing in the /usr/src directory since I installed from the
> > net, and I guess I didn't install any sources...
> > Coan someone tell me
Hello there! I apt-got ytalk, but don't know how to make users accept a
ytalk request... Can someone help me? Thanks!
Hello! I apt-got php4 and it all went right... What do I need to do in
order to make apache executi it instead of showing the contents of files
with php4 termination? Thanks!
ce, I'm just starting with all this
cool linux stuff...
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:58:12AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! I apt-got ytalk, but don't know how to make users accept a
> > ytalk request... Can someon
x27;t even get promted) a ytalk request Where do I change
that??? Thanks!
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:58:12AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> > Hello there! I apt-got ytalk, but don't know how to make users accept a
> > ytalk reque
Thanks for the response...
I checked the /etc/default/devpts and it has 620 as the mode and indeed
the guid is 5... So that is ok...
I don't know much about the contents of all the .bashrc and all those
files in users directories and /etc/default and /etc/skel/*, I couldn't
see anything that ex
Using mesg y fixes the problem... Now, how do I make a mesg y permanent
for each user? Is there a way to make that change automatic for every new
user that I create from now on?
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 10:13:11AM -0500, Alexander Wallace wr
Well, I have installed and used Libranet for a while and I think it is a
great distro, it is focused on the deskto, easy to install and very easy
to configure... It has a lot of winwow managers, it has Gnome and KDE
preconfigured, lots of apps... I think it is great for a newcomer... I
would not us
Thanks, That was it... Also needed to add the php extensions to
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, francisco m neto wrote:
> » Alexander Wallace disse isso e eu digo aquilo:
> > Hello! I apt-got php4 and it all went right... What do I need to do in
> > or
Hello there! I just installed woody on one of my servers, and everytime
i do something like with apt-get or restarting a service or almost any
other thing i get the following message:
shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
parent directories: No such file or directory
Hello there! I'm having problems getting php4 to work in woody... It all
installs good, the httpd.conf file has the line to load the module,
etc... But php files don't run, thet get downloaded when looked at with
a browser... Mime types has an entry for php, so... Can anyone help me
Thanks nate Well, I'm not trying to use virtual hosts... I'm trying
to run php from users directories (ie ~username), and instead of
executing the php files, the browser asks what to do with the files and
let's you download them... This same files work fine with apache and
php4 under potato, bu
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