just to nit a pick before someone else does in my little trojan...
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 06:58:41PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
> do you always type /usr/bin/sudo instead of just sudo?
> #! /bin/sh
> ## this is a fake sudo
stty -echo
> printf 1>&2 "Password: "
stty echo
> read password
I installed tkdvi but - does not execute, basically nothing happens
At installation time(via dselect) no dependencies were asked for.
I assume that some dependencies are missing .
Any ideeas please?
Thanks ,
Ted Nackad wrote:
> Dear friend:
Well, I like your book very much, but it has more to offer than I was
looking for. So I have concluded 'to do it my way'.
I have been using Linux exclusively for three years, but in a very
restricted manner. Mainly LyX, XFig and scilab for my
I finally found the great monitor on so many screnshots and find that
whatever theme I use I still have the same basic default green panel
backgrounds (where teh text is). My dl Bluesteel theme had blue panels like
the original, but the rest is green. I read what little there is for FAQ and
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:07:28PM -0400, Casey Henderson wrote:
> Hi all, it's me again!
> I did something rather silly and now I don't know how to undo it. I
> was using Gnome as root to do some adminstrative tasks, and I decided
> that I wanted to copy my Gnome settings and customizations to
Hi there.
I've been strugling with my null modem-ppp-configuration, and last night I
gained some progress: I found pppd option 'local', and with that I managed
to make pppd's on both machines to send ConfReq packets. They didn't do that
without 'local', they propably just waited for 'carried detect
Its not exactly a Debian/Linux question, but does anyone know how many
email addresses are on the world's largest mailing list, and the OS/HW
it runs on? Average messages per day?
John ConoverTel. 408.370.2688 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
631 Lamont Ct. Cel.
Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> not sure it helps, but I understood that it was frowned upon to use
> the BIOS for apm, better let linux take care of it, so specify BlankTime
> SuspendTime and OffTime in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
Oh I do. Apm is in my hands.. well, except for the sc
kmself@ix.netcom.com writes:
> I use a fairly liberal sudoers setting for my personal account. Yes,
> this means that I'm usually only a few keystrokes away from being
> root -- but that's what I'm after. And a password is still required.
If you need a password, then why not just su?
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> > > I become root about a hundred million times a day.
> So why not just log on to VC1 (Alt+Ctrl+F1) as root; and VC2
> (Alt+Ctrl+F2) as user? Then just hot-key between them, as required.
I'd like to know if Bastille-Linux (which was intended for Red Hat
6.x-Systems) works fine on Debian, too, if anyone has experiences with it
and / or if there's an equivalent for Debian aswell.
What do you think/know?
Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net
Please check the mailing list archives. If i don't remember wrong i've
heard about a package that breaks after a certain time, a bug that is
resolved now. I don't remember which package it was but you could at
least try to find something about it.
I know this reply is very vague but maybe i
make -n install doesn't install a program, only shows what it is about
to do. Use this to find out what files to remove if there are no
uninstall target in the Makefile.
On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:43:00AM -0400, Jason Hammerschmidt wrote:
> So let's say you did a make insta
Good morning!
I've tried Gnome and KDE 2 but am utterly hooked on Windowmaker. But in
these dark damp English autumn days it would be nice to have something
brighter on the desktop than the tasteful and elegant but quiet themes that
came with my Potato CD's - but I don't want to mess up my tastefu
Björn Elwhagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Please check the mailing list archives. If i don't remember wrong
> i've heard about a package that breaks after a certain time, a bug
> that is resolved now. I don't remember which package it was but you
> could at least try to find something about it.
>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 08:57:59AM +0200, Jean Orloff wrote:
>> > I have happily used debian since 1995 (0.93R6 if I recall?). But
>> > since I installed 2.1 on my new PC at work, about a year ago, that
>> > machine undergoes about a crash per month in average. Nothing to
>> > scare a windblows
On 01 Nov 2000, Johann Spies wrote:
> There is a slrnpull script in my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d directory, but it
> does not work. I have to do a "sudo slrnpull" every time I want to
> download news while online.
> It seems that the other ip-up scripts are working.
> How can reconfigure slrnpull to d
I think what you need to do is upgrade the perl-base that you alredy have
installed. Had the same problem when instaling, read the different
versionnumbers very carefully.
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Jesper Abrahamsen wrote:
> I am trying to instal the perl-base package, but it
> gives me the fol
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:29:11AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> Is anyone doing anything with voice recognition under Debian?
> I purchased ViaVoice Dictation for Redhat and I've tried to install it
> under Debian with no success. If anyone's succeeded at this I'd be
> interested in hearing fro
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 09:26:27AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'd like to know if Bastille-Linux (which was intended for Red Hat
> 6.x-Systems) works fine on Debian, too, if anyone has experiences with it
> already
> and / or if there's an equivalent for Debian aswell.
> What do you think/k
I would like to run Mozilla M18 on my Pentium 100 MHz potato box. I've
just downloaded the M18 binary build from mozilla.org, but I realized it
was compiled for Pentium II processors.
I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18
package either .deb or tgz which can run
Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 06:04:52PM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller
> wrote:
> > That depends on whether you consider you can trust helixcode or
> > not. "arbitrary" to me means "selected at random", but that might
> > just be my bad English, I suppose.
> Actually, 'arbi
I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was
mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to
switch to Red Hat as many experts advises can be used to secure it.
There are a few remarks I want to make as a sign off:
Let me paraphrase a chap called Wi
Damian Gerow wrote:
> I'm having some problems creating databases with Oracle 8i (8.1.6) on a
> freshly-installed woody box.
Oracle works fine on Potato!!! but you can turn it running on Woody by 2 ways:
A. (tested) On a mixed potato-woody box, it will work!
you should install following package
Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete bollocks?
On Thursday, November 2, 2000, at 12:05 PM, guran remberg wrote:
> Hi
> I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was
> mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:48:19AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
> Perhaps a better description of how to use go-gnome might look a bit
> like this (just guessing - please don't try this unless Ethan says
> it is OK!):
> $ lynx -source http://go-gnome.com/ > /usr/bin/go-gnome
don't put
> Hi!
Hi, Tibor...
> I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18
> package either .deb or tgz which can run on Pentium and potato?
In this case I recommend downloading the standard Mozilla build directly from
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:12:44AM +0100, Jason Quigley wrote:
> Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete
> bollocks?
its a troll, don't feed it or it will never go away.
> On Thursday, November 2, 2000, at 12:05 PM, guran remberg wrote:
Ethan Benso
Dear users
I have asked the following to the KDE user mailing too. I have
updgraded to KDE2 (which is very good) and found that there are
global keybinding in KDE that prohibit the use of the ALT key in
emacs and bash. This is very inconvenient.
I have gone into global keybinding of the KDE
On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Kristian Rink wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> Hi, Tibor...
> > I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18
> > package either .deb or tgz which can run on Pentium and potato?
> In this case I recommend downloading the standard Mozilla build directly from
I know I said it's time to close this thread, but Ethan came up with
some good points, so I'll just answer them, and (hopefully) be done.
Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:48:19AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller
> wrote:
> > Perhaps a better description of how to use go-gnome might
([<> On 2 Nov 2000, some witty mortal wrote: <>])
> Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete
> bollocks?
I guess someone was just exercising their keyboard... as you do... ;o)
Ard Righ
S' Rioghal Mo Dhream!
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:53:48AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
> > > $ lynx -source http://go-gnome.com/ > /usr/bin/go-gnome
> > but then again you should not run lynx as root!
> Actually, the root login comes later down in my suggestion ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ls -l /usr
> Hi
> I installed tkdvi but - does not execute, basically nothing happens
What exit code is reported (echo $? from the shell prompt)?
Any reports in ~/.xsession-errors?
> At installation time(via dselect) no dependencies were asked for.
Probably all dependencies that are required by the pac
> Hi there.
> I've been strugling with my null modem-ppp-configuration, and last night I
> gained some progress: I found pppd option 'local', and with that I managed
> to make pppd's on both machines to send ConfReq packets. They didn't do that
> without 'local', they propably just waited for 'carr
I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for
additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was
wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as
what is checked installed?
Right now I have a dual boot system setup on a 5Gig drive. I gave W98SE
2Gig, then set up Linux in the extended partitions with:
/boot 15MB
/ 2gig
/home 500MB
The question I have is when I finally pull off Windows, how do I partition,
especially bearing in mind the present lilo's
> I started programming in C and I would like to know whether there is an
> editor which is especially good for writing and editing source code. At
> the moment I am using vi at the command line.
> Besides I would like to know where to start reading about using the
> shellvariables, e.g. PATH .
> On that page I've found Linux-i686 binaries only! This is the case, or
> I've missed something? I suppose so that i686 binary won't run on simple
> old pentium.
as far as i know, it's merely aligned for that architecture - meaning it runs
fastest on a ppro/II++ etc - but it can be run on somethi
> I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for
> additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was
> wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as
> what is checked installed?
they use the same backend. what problem are
I've read the threat on Junkbuster, and decided to try it. It works
fine with Netscape 4.75 here, but Netscape began to crash a lot since
then. Not that it didn't crash before... But that didn't happen often.
Actually, I can't remember any occasion in which Netscape crashed in
the last 2 m
Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute
/usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure
my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard.
But then I'll get back:
./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout:
cannot execute binary file and exec format error
Does somebody knows, which
"Jonathan Gift" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for
>additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was
>wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as
>what is checked installed?
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 12:37:21PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
> Hi,
> Right now I have a dual boot system setup on a 5Gig drive. I gave W98SE
> 2Gig, then set up Linux in the extended partitions with:
> /boot 15MB
> /swap/100MB
> / 2gig
> /home 500MB
> The question I have is when I finall
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:32:01AM -0200, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> Hello.
> I've read the threat on Junkbuster, and decided to try it. It works
> fine with Netscape 4.75 here, but Netscape began to crash a lot since
> then. Not that it didn't crash before... But that didn't happen often.
Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute
/usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure
my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard.
But then I'll get back:
./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout:
cannot execute binary file and exec format error
Does somebody knows, which
"Walther, Christoph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute
>/usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure
>my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard.
>But then I'll get back:
>./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout:
>cannot execute binary file
Pap Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would like to run Mozilla M18 on my Pentium 100 MHz potato box. I've
>just downloaded the M18 binary build from mozilla.org, but I realized it
>was compiled for Pentium II processors.
>I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18
Damien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>as far as i know, it's merely aligned for that architecture - meaning it runs
>fastest on a ppro/II++ etc - but it can be run on something below. debian
>still compiles everything on m486 iirc.
i386, I think. You can use the pentium-builder package to help build
I just installed the latest version of xmms on my potato box & everytime
I play some music while working gdm Midnight Commander stops working and
hangs in the end.
Someone who knows what's going on?
Helgi Örn
*** Helgi Örn ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:43:24PM +1100, Damien wrote:
> by my extremely rough estimates, emacs is more popular than vi - they being
> the most popular of the editors.
> having said that, there's a saying: 'for any given large body of people, the
> majority are stupid'
> can you tell i'm a
Why not give us a link to this 'article'?
Helgi Örn
guran remberg wrote:
> Hi
> I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was
> mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to
> switch to Red Hat as many experts advises can be used to secure it.
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 05:46:55PM +0100, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
> Sawfish (as it is called by now) is configurable in GCC itself (look a
> little bit further down ...), so I guess, the config tool is disabled
> there.
Well, I upgraded to sawfish-gnome; the config tool came up in Gnome
CC. But
I just installed the task-sgml package for learning and using sgml. But
where do I start? There is no hint from where I should start learning
the sgml syntax and so on.
Any tips for me?
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~bond/
Helgi =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D6rn?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>guran remberg wrote:
>> I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was
>> mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to
>> switch to Red Hat as many experts advises can be used to secure it.
Debian users
I am having intermitent luck connecting with my ISP. I know that my
chat script is ok, but sometimes after the pppd starts the serial
connection my isp does not give my my dynamic IP address. sometimes
it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Q> is there a way to get the pppd to ask
On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Kai Weber wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed the task-sgml package for learning and using sgml. But
> where do I start? There is no hint from where I should start learning
> the sgml syntax and so on.
> Any tips for me?
Well, a popular DTD (document type declaration, i be
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:49:02PM -0500, Will Day wrote:
> On the previous linux version I had installed (redhat 6.x I believe), I
> swear I remember ping having an option "-w" to set the timeout value, ie
> how long to wait for a reply before failing. However, in the debian woody
> I just instal
Dear Colin Watson,
Thank you for this tip;
meanwhile I've installed the oldlibs packet "libc5 5.4.46-3" for running this
Now, during executing /usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup,
the system answered:
can't load library 'libtermcap.so.2'
It seems
I downloaded the Debian CD yesterday, and proceeded to install... I think it
only did a base install with very few other libs or the such. I have a view
While talking on irc.debian.org pthree was helping me setup my dsl... I
followed the following format:
Well, I guess grabbing the latest unstable often proves it's word. I'm
using licq with the qt plug-ins, and...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ Licq Segmentation Violation Detected.
licq(licq_handle_sigsegv+0x79) [0x808fb69]
/lib/libpthread.so.0(pthread_kill+0x167) [0x40029a7b]
My apologies if this is blindingly obvious, but what's the best way to
find out what packages are using a given package? If I want to yank some
libraries, and I need to know what that is going to break, for example?
I really have to learn the inner workings of dpkg and friends. Installing
Aside from this, Bastille also sets up a default ipchains firewall for
your system to prevent users to set up services on their own on your
machine, I think.
Robert Varga
On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 09:26:27AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:25:53PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote:
> Aside from this, Bastille also sets up a default ipchains firewall for
> your system to prevent users to set up services on their own on your
> machine, I think.
i would be interested in seeing how this can be done without breaking
On Wed, 01 Nov 2000, Casey Henderson wrote:
> Hello all,
>I am looking for a good command-line mail client that I can use from
> a shell script. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Have a look at a small perl script called SendEmail.
Placing below a clip of the README file from the package.
It probably examines your current ports via something similar to netstat,
to know what services on what ports are needed and creates a firewall
script that creates the rules according to actual ip, that is good for
that state of the system, as it was in upon running the build script. It
probably k
"Michael P. Soulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>My apologies if this is blindingly obvious, but what's the best way
>to find out what packages are using a given package? If I want to yank
>some libraries, and I need to know what that is going to break, for
If you try to uninstall so
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:39:46PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote:
> It probably examines your current ports via something similar to netstat,
> to know what services on what ports are needed and creates a firewall
> script that creates the rules according to actual ip, that is good for
> that state
"Walther, Christoph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thank you for this tip;
No problem.
>meanwhile I've installed the oldlibs packet "libc5 5.4.46-3" for running
>this a.out-binary.
>Now, during executing /usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup,
>the system answered:
Could anybody please clarify for me,
Should I use proposed-updates/ or security.debian.org in apt-get for
security updates ?
Are there any mirrors for security.debian.org ?
Whats the difference between proposed-updates/ and security.debian.org ?
On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:39:46PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote:
> >
> > It probably examines your current ports via something similar to netstat,
> > to know what services on what ports are needed and creates a firewall
> > script that creates the rules a
I recently decided to take the plunge and upgrade to libc6, but my attempts
to do so have consistently ended with apt-get downloading the necessary
packages, then complaining
E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration
What would cause this and how do I fix (or work around) it?
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 01:36:45PM +0100, Kai Weber wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed the task-sgml package for learning and using sgml. But
> where do I start? There is no hint from where I should start learning
> the sgml syntax and so on.
> Any tips for me?
Start learning XML, SGML is old a
how would the sources-lines for woody be?
i don't need source-code, so I suppose updates / non-us and non-free would
be sufficiently. Just writing woody instead of potato doesn't seem to
> ## security updates
> deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security/ potato/updates main
> cont
Hi everybody,
Stupid me, I inadvertently changed the permissions for all of the device
files on my potato box to 660. How do I get them back to their initial
state? I didn't find any documentation on the default file permissions
for device files...
For now, I took the permissions from my old Su
>what would you suggest Gnome oder KDE2 ?
>It would be great if you also could comment why the one you suggest is
>better =)
I can't believe this hasn't caused a flame-war yet. Anyway, here's my take...
For GNOME, I'd suggest getting Helix's GNOME packages. There usually up-to-
i like the bsd-ported ftpd because it's fast, but i do need the
ftpwho-feature. However, on FreeBSD this is available for that daemon aswell i
heard... so is there a way I can use it with Debian, too?
Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net
On 01-Nov-2000 Mark Phillips wrote:
> Is anyone using InterMezzo with Debian? It looks like quite a good
> system --- especially for connecting laptops with desktops.
> Are there plans to provide a Debian package for InterMezzo?
as soon as it is usable and sane, I suspect it will be packag
For months now I've been trying to understand software compiling and
each time I think I've 'cracked it' something happens to make me think
I'm back to square one.
Trying to install libmng_0.9.2-3.deb (from the command line)
to satisfy a dependency of libqt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2_i386.deb
and progre
I have used Slink and now use Potato. As I seem to be getting
problems installing KDE on Potato and many people say they
are running Woody successfully, I wonder if I shall go to Woody.
Normally, I install from CD but of course there is none for Woody.
I've just realised that I don't know what it
:: Ethan Benson writes:
> i found that if i edit the junkbuster blockfile while netscape is
> running it will usually crash on the next network access. also
> restarting junkbuster will usually kill netscape too. so long as i
> leave the junkbuster files alone netscape seems fine. its only when
Pico is the only way to go. No messy interfaces, just clean, easy.
> -Original Message-
> From: Stephan Kulka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:00 PM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Which editor for programming?
> I started progr
> Anthony Towns was working on creating a new `testing' distribution to
> be inbetween unstable and frozen. its similar to what your
> proprosing, im not sure what happened with it, i think mirror space is
> a problem.
it became a bigger idea. Look for more news after the r1 release of pot
This seems to be solved by Joey Hess's debconf which Debian is moving towards.
You will see pieces of it in a potato install, woody will support it even more.
I have a Tekram DC390F SCSI adapter Bios 3.20 and an ASUS K7V Mainboard,
which supports suspend to RAM. I have a 9GB IBM SCSI HD and a DVD ROM on
the SCSI Adapter and use Kernel 2.2.17 and Potato with apm support
Now my question. How can I have the System go into suspend? When I iss
On 02-Nov-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'd like to know if Bastille-Linux (which was intended for Red Hat
> 6.x-Systems) works fine on Debian, too, if anyone has experiences with it
> already
> and / or if there's an equivalent for Debian aswell.
I have read the bastille perl scripts and I am
On 02-Nov-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> how would the sources-lines for woody be?
> i don't need source-code, so I suppose updates / non-us and non-free would
> be sufficiently. Just writing woody instead of potato doesn't seem to
> work...
>> ## security updates
>> deb http://security
How can I have Netscape use external apps for certain files? I did add
them in the Preferences and they get started, but they are not passed
the file to display. I tried " %f" and ... %d but nothing
The help system does not even mention that aspect. At least I can't find
it. Any ideas?
Jason Stechschulte
-Original Message-
From: Brooks R. Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 10:35 AM
To: Stephan Kulka; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Which editor for programming?
Pico is the only way to go. No messy
i've just downloaded debian potato but only potato/main/binary-i386 and
Well now i could install the very base system. But now i don't get along
with installing the binaries.
I started dselect and modified the access file that i want to install from
I am not a newbie (using Debian for 3 years now, programming with pico for
5), I prefer clean interfaces, and to remain outside of the jihad of
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Stechschulte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:53 AM
> To: Brook
HI All,
I have a question on the go-gnome debate. Is there
any advantage to using:
as opposed to:
#apt-get install task-helix-gnome
I tried out helix-gnome using apt-get, setting up the
sources.list file as described on helix-code's website
and found it to work well this way
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 04:46:01PM +0100, Manegold wrote:
> Hi! How can I have Netscape use external apps for certain files? I
> did add them in the Preferences and they get started, but they are not
> passed the file to display. I tried " %f" and ... %d but
> nothing works. The help system does
does somebody know, which packet of the Debian 2.2 -distribution containes the
wellknown UNIX-commands
compress and uncompress ?
They seem not be installed by the default-installation,
so I couldn't find these commands in the /usr/bin-directory !
Christoph Walther
Email: mailto
Andrew Dixon wrote:
> HI All,
> I have a question on the go-gnome debate. Is there
> any advantage to using:
> #go-gnome
> as opposed to:
> #apt-get install task-helix-gnome
The advantage with go-gnome is only for _real_ newbies, who haven't
yet learned how to use an editor, or
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:06:09PM -, mr matsui wrote:
> Could anybody please clarify for me,
> Should I use proposed-updates/ or security.debian.org in apt-get for
> security updates ?
> Are there any mirrors for security.debian.org ?
> Whats the difference between p
Did this make sense to anyone? Cause I sure as hell did not get it.
-- Original Message --
From: guran remberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 11:05:25 +
>I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was
>mainly abo
Since installing a theme just consists of copying files into the right spots
there is no need to have .debs just go to www.themes.org and find something you
like and do what it says.
-- Original Message --
From: Glyn Millington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* "Daniel" == Daniel Freedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Daniel> You can find more info (including free online copy of an
Daniel> O'reilly book on the subject) at:
Daniel> http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/
Also, a guide how to use emacs with psgml mode is available at
First, changing the NS IPs in resolv.conf might help your machine think that
it's IP address maps to your FQDN but it doesn't help anyone else. The change
in dynamic dns will take a few seconds to take effect. I realize though that
for things like apache it's helpful/necessary to have the FQDN-d
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