> Hi!
Hi, Tibor...

> I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18
> package either .deb or tgz which can run on Pentium and potato?

In this case I recommend downloading the standard Mozilla build directly from 


where You will find several packages for Linux-x86 as generic Linux binaries 
which I found out to run pretty stable on most of the Linux distributions I've 
checked so far. But, honestly, be aware that M18 will not run pretty fast on 
Your machine (as a matter of fact, it's slow on my PII-350 on potato), so if 
You want to do faster browsing You should consider using some more 
light-weighted browsers like "skipstone" (www.muhri.net/skipstone) or "galeon" 
(galeon.sourceforge.net) which are both based on the HTML-rendering system of 
Mozilla ('gecko') and need to have M18 installed on Your system, but they're 
much faster when it comes to web browsing. :)))

HTH, have a nice day. :)

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