7;s libdvdread3 and see if it works.
| ,''`. Stephen Gran |
| `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer |
newer versions of SA. Frankly, it's just taking longer and longer to
scan messages at every upgrade. I can well imagine that if the hardware
is several years old, it may just take too long, and trip an alarm.
874.html for a
discussion of swap labels.
| ,''`. Stephen Gran |
| `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer |
#x27;m afraid. It looks to
me like what you want is filesystem acl's or SELinux to totally lock
things down, but others are going to be more helpful with those than I
| ,''`.
> Is there a place to report this besides here? Thanks - John
Hi John,
Sorry for the delay repying - work and life got in the way :(
The patch for the read from stdin bug should have been applied (I will
check again and reupload if not), so I am not sure that that's the
problem. What was the previous version, and what are you
| Stephen Gran | No one goes to that restaurant|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | anymore-it's always too crowded.|
| http://www.lo
across upgrades?
| Stephen Gran | "When the going gets weird, the weird |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | turn pro..." -- Hunter S. Thompson |
| http
k out the 'hide' and 'nohide' options. man exports for details.
Known to not work in all situations, but it's a start.
| Stephen Gran | War doesn'
along the lines
'set Outlook_compat' or something - I think that's what you're looking
for. It changes the way that the message is signed so that some broken
mailers can deal better with it. I don't rememebr the details, though,
ilable-old - try copying it over and see how
that goes.
| Stephen Gran | Every man thinks God is on his side.|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | The rich and powerful know that he is. |
| http
-changing the hostname?
man hostname; use `hostname`; edit /etc/hostname
> -changing from dynamic to static ip?
edit /etc/network/interfaces
> -adding alias ips for the interface?
edit /etc/network/interfaces
n specify IP (single or range) or
| Stephen Gran | I bet the human brain is a kludge. -- |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Marvin Minsky |
| http://ww
| $pager`
| Stephen Gran | A friend of mine won't get a divorce, |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | because he hates lawyers more than he |
| http://www.lobefin.net/~st
r history. If it's far enough back, then you can hit Ctrl-r
first, and it will attempt to find the command through pattern matching
on your history as you type.
| Stephen Gran | No man is an isl
| Stephen Gran | Q: Why did the astrophysicist order |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | three hamburgers? A: Because he was |
| http://www.lob
what ?
> here are the files I have in ~/.gnupg :
> mess.txt options pubring.gpg pubring.gpg~ random_seed secring.gpg trustdb.gpg
It goes in options.
| Stephen Gran | Man has never reconci
24 2003-01-29 01:36 /tmp/
| Stephen Gran | Confucius say too much. -- Recent |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Chinese Proverb |
| http:
. There's _always_ more to do, but that's a
good start. Printer sharing is also nice, and easy to set up with samba
and cups.
| Stephen Gran | If you can keep your head when
in" function, or use this relation:
sub asin { atan2($_[0], sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0])) }
steve:~$ dpkg -l perl-doc
ii perl-doc 5.8.0-15 Perl documentation.
Upgrade and try again. If it persists, file a bug.
t is difficult when decisions
are made to move a file from one package to another, but it should be
more transparent to the user.
| Stephen Gran | BOFH excuse #231: We had to t
ugh I'm all for linguistic oddities that come from a
mixed up history of compromises and disparate influences, myself. Kind
of like linux, really.
| Stephen Gran | "I have five dollars for
s, it
> should do!
I would think you could either set up an alias like:
or you could do it as you are now, but call compile with the command
gcc $CFLAGS . . .
Should work, but not tested
a gnome session, rather than default. If it's through
startx, you'll need to specify something in .xsession
Do you have the various parts of GNOME2 installed? Try apt-get install
gnome - it's a meta-package that should install all the necessary bits
for a gnome session to function
ent variables, take a
look at man ld. For a list of common (and some not so common) variables
for the bash shell, take a look at man bash, in the section 'shell
variables' (line 500 or so here, will vary with your term size, though).
as eth1 ne2000 options . . .
| Stephen Gran | Experience is what causes a person to |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | make new mistakes instead of old ones.
ntainer: Bdale Garbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Stephen Gran | "They that can give up essential|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | liberty to obtain a little temporary|
| http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | safety deserve neither liberty nor |
for sound-slot-0-0
and others. alias them to the same module, and in the same file, when
you find out what's failing.
| Stephen Gran | Real programmers don't bring brown-bag |
| [EMA
Well, sorry to be so long winded, but I think that should do it. If I
misremebered, please remind me what you needed.
| Stephen Gran | There appears to be
You'll want to use the gimp-print drivers for cups - they work very
nicely with Epson printers.
| Stephen Gran | Love is never asking why? |
- it's designed to run once and exit,
rather than keep checking ll the time. apt-get install it, and put a
script in either /etc/ppp/ip-up.d or /etc/networking/ip-up.d that calls
| Stephen Gran
preferences with the -x optionif you
don't want them used.
| Stephen Gran | The easiest way to figure the cost of |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | living is to take your income and
It looks like yes.
| Stephen Gran | BOFH excuse #323: Your processor has |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | processed too many instructions. Turn |
| http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | it o
won't reinstall
thm without being explicitly told. dpkg -i --force-confmiss deb should
fix it for you. man dpkg for the gory details.
| Stephen Gran | I hate trolls. Maybe I
, here it is:
Gustavo Noronha has it on his site:
deb http://people.debian.org/~kov/debian woody gnome2
| Stephen Gran | A grammarian's life is always in tense. |
/dev/gpmdata as it's device. It's often difficult to make gpm and X get
along nicely, so if you have no real reason to use gpm, I'd recommend
dumping it.
| Stephen Gran
nts) to see what
mtab says is mounted. It looks like your / partition (hda5) is still
pretty stuffed up - I'd try to delete some stuff out of there. Also,
are you sure you mounted something on /mnt/mikan, or did you copy /home
there from another disk?
h - it may not be a bug per se, but some poorly
documented or unexpected 'feature' instead.
| Stephen Gran | The grave's a fine and private place, |
ed. Then proceed with the normal CUPS web admin -
if the usb subsystem is working, you'll get a list of USB ports, and one
should have the printer on it. I'm using the gimp-print driver, and I'm
pretty pleased with it.
ck, so it's better
to learn the right way early on.
> > After that you should have sound. At least, that works for me.
Unfortunately, so will everyone else )-:
> Thanks Jon, it worked wonderfully
avoid this?
It's just STDOUT and STDERR being displayed there, and it gets logged
for you anyway. So if you find it irritating, just redirect it to
/dev/null (startx > /dev/null 2>&1)
| Stephen Gran
address x.x.x.x
netmask x.x.x.x
gateway x.x.x.x
iface eth0:2 inet dhcp
and so forth. man interfaces for some more inventive things you can do
with your networking.
| Stephen Gran
ot of useful stuff in it.
| Stephen Gran | A man may be so much of everything that |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | he is nothing of anything. -- Samuel |
| http://ww
question coming up over and
over means no one is doing any homework before writingoff to the list,
and it's getting old. I am sorry to pick on you - you're just getting
the brunt of it.
| Stephen Gran
tion is the correct syntax, but I use --to (by itself) on one
of my boxes (maybe that was the syntax in an older incarnation?), and it
works just fine.
| Stephen Gran | Lie, n.: A very poor substit
im/spec.txt.gz - some combination of those ought to do
what you're looking for. It's a long read, but well worth it in the
long run.
| Stephen Gran | "It's not just a comput
problem). What specific error messages are you
getting, if any? What do the logs say? What's the output of route -n
and ifconfig?
| Stephen Gran | Illinois isn't exactly the land that
ut will usually result in getting shown a
whole new place along the way.
Enjoy yourself,
| Stephen Gran | Vests are to suits as seat-belts are to |
tp://marillat.free.fr/ [un]stable main
deb-src http://marillat.free.fr/ [un]stable main
| Stephen Gran | What is the sound of one hand clapping? |
with ncurses in the name . . .
apt-get install libncurses-dev
> and
> make xconfig
> can't find a "wish" script . . . .
apt-get install tk8.x (there's 8.0, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 in sid, not sure
about woody)
the BIOS, you may want to get someone else to help walk
you through it - choosing the wrong thing will really mess things up.
| Stephen Gran | There but for the grace of God, goes|
Autolog terminates connections considered to be idle based on a large
variety of parameters.
| Stephen Gran | You can't carve your way to success |
e error, please post again starting
a little higher.
You may want to check that you have all the Buil-Depends installed for
pine before waiting for another failed compile, and you can do this the
easy way:
apt-get build-dep pine
This one time, at band camp, Russell said:
> Hi,
> After i've modified /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, is there a way to make the
> X system re-read it without having to exit out of X?
.xsession, and startx does The Right Thing here.
| Stephen Gran | One father is more than a hundred |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | schoolmasters. -- George Herbert |
It's a lot of fun.
| Stephen Gran | "Beware of programmers carrying |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | screwdrivers." -- Chip Salzenberg |
d up (pam?) somewhere which would cause this
> mess?
Hopefully that'll point you in the right direction
| Stephen Gran | BOFH excuse #353: Second-system
back to mc from a terminal, I guess.
| Stephen Gran | <<<<< EVACUATION ROUTE <<<<<|
olume groups.
It looks like it supports, and expects, RAID, so it seems natural that
it would hunt for a RAID array at startup.
| Stephen Gran | "Poor man... he was like an employee to |
rk just fine. YMMV
between the two. I have had goos luck with demand dialing, but haven't
used either in some time as (oh happiness) I have DSL.
| Stephen Gran | I went to a Grateful
possible to use the
> server for a dial-up connection without a full-time connection?
Sure, either use diald or use pppd's demand-dialing mode.
| Stephen Gran | Authors are easy to get on with -
I do that in Debian...? :-)
/etc/default/spamassassin - edit the options towards the bottom of the
| Stephen Gran | Most public domain software is free, at |
This one time, at band camp, David P James said:
> Nathan E Norman was roused into action on 2003-01-09 22:22 and wrote:
> >On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:48:41PM -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> >>Then apparently iptables is DROPping connections to that port - fix that
> >&g
he connection timed out. I tried a few other
> ports (21, 80, 22, 110) and got a connection quite quickly.
Then apparently iptables is DROPping connections to that port - fix that
and we'll move from there.
> madmac
If it had been Sapphire, all would have been well . . .
| Stephen Gran | Baseball is a skilled game. It's |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | America's game - it, and
Tree... Done
> E: Unable to find a source package for krb5
> Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Kenneth
How about apt-get update first?
| Stephen Gran
- if the connection times out, it's probably iptables,
if it's refused, it's either iptables or tcpwrappers. If you connect
and get the exim greeting banner, then you know that the problem is your
See what happens there, and if it is exim.conf as I expect, let us have
/proc/filesystems /etc/filesystems ; $EDITOR /etc/filesystems
| Stephen Gran | Absence diminishes mediocre passions|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | and increases great ones, as the wind |
| http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | blows out ca
sed them
> > back on with the help of a vice and a micrometer.
> Just for the record, may we know what brand of soda inspired this? :)
He said Mountain Dew, but it sounds like beer to me (^:
| Stephe
with libxft2, I believe, so I'm not sure this will
translate for Icewm. The browser thing is, I think, a config issue -
most browsers allow you to choose your default fonts for display, and it
looks like you just never have - try setting it to something you like,
and go from there.
2 series, don't rememebr
if it's also in 2.4
| Stephen Gran | It's not easy, being green. -- Kermit |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | the Frog
other architectures as well. Check:
| Stephen Gran | The end of the world will occur at |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | three p.m., this Friday, wit
it myself.
Dreamweaver I'm not familiar with, somebody else will have t jump in
Good luck,
| Stephen Gran | Life is like bein' on a mule team. |
nsmodded at the next boot.
Welcome aboard.
| Stephen Gran | Have you seen the latest Japanese |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | camera? Apparently it is so fast it|
| http://www.lobefin.net/~s
o it later. Or am I just restating the
obvious, and missing the real problem?
| Stephen Gran | "If it's not loud, it doesn't work!" -- |
someone know how to fix this step by step?
> Thanks for all the help
> Regards,
> Willem-Jan Meijer
modprobe emu10k1?
| Stephen Gran | Choose in marriage only a woman whom
make the difference
between being an open relay and being a secure mail hub.
> thanks & Happy New Year
> Raymond
Back at ya,
| Stephen Gran | Where's the man could ease a heart Like |
This one time, at band camp, Ken Thompson said:
> Where does one find a list or a howto for determining the major and
> minor numbers for a device?
| Stephe
t, or
right below it). Let's see . . . try this, it has some attempts to make
keys get along:
The error messages aren't exactly the same, but it looks like it may be
Good luck. Hard drive failure is a ni
XMMS allows you to set the PCM or Master volume with the OSS output
plugin. Not sure if that's what you were looking for, though.
| Stephen Gran | No act of kindness, no matter how
This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said:
> Hello all,
> I'm having an odd problem with cdrecord and a Knoppix iso. Here's the
> output (sorry about the bad wrap):
> steve@gashuffer:~$ cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 -isosize dev=0,3,0
ithout it, and the manpage seemed to imply that while it pads, it pads
less than the -pad option.
Anybody help debug this?
| Stephen Gran | All articles that coruscate with|
sed RedHat 7.3.
> Any Ideas?
> (PS: Off topic, but I need limewire because I badly need to download Harry
> Potter ;-)
> Cheers
> Aryan
apt-get install limewire?
Works great here, just using /usr/bin/limewire
g that mutt does when viewing messages in HTML,
I'm assuming - "Autoview using html2text" or something, right?
You can't look for the word 'Autoview', as mutt puts that in the
displayed message as an informational message. Instead tag these
messages based on 'content-
ching kernel-headers-foo package to get that header.
| Stephen Gran | My cup hath runneth'd over with love. |
y, has an option in it's
configuration to remember the last placement of an application - don't
know about metacity.
| Stephen Gran | Be different: conform.
x to do this?)
> Don't know on this one. I don't allow any HTML mail into my account.
sudo apt-get install html2text
in .muttrc:
set implicit_autoview=yes
| Stephen Gran | "Ain
disk, at /dev/sda4, I think - try mounting that
once the modules are loaded (you'll see recognition of the device in
syslog), and then put an entry in fstab to allow mounting - you can copy
the floppy entry (just remember to change the device name and mount
> Please help !
putting some entries in the right place and not doing the right thing
in others. If you feel like you answered everything right, and it still
fell down, file a bug report.
| Stephen Gra
mber xine's options all that clearly, and I can't check
right now (I'm ssh'ed in in console only mode), but /dev/dsp1 looks
suspicious to me. Do you have two sound cards, or two audio outs? I
would try to force xine to send it's audio out to /dev/dsp, where it
will normally b
, that the problem is likely to be DMA related. Many of
Debian's stock kernels don't seem to turn on DMA by default, and this
can easily make an otherwise wuick box feel sluggish. Try compiling
your own kernel with DMA turned on and see how you do.
t that.
> >
> > Why don't people use the software search facility provided by
> > debian.org?
> >
> > http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages2.pl?keywords=webcam
> or even simply
> http://packages.debian.org//
or, even more quickly:
ver you want - postscript,
pcl, etc - by selecting different printer types in the setup printer
| Stephen Gran | Goodbye, cool world.|
| [E
ust using plugins now. plugger is still easy enough to compile
and install on your own, if you like.
| Stephen Gran | Conceit causes more conversation than |
tes:0 (0.0 b)
And here it is, I think - lo should have an address associated with it.
Not sure why it doesn't - do you have an entry for lo in interfaces?
| Stephen Gran |
latest of these backups to disc. Of course, I don't have
any data that anyody's life depends on - I'm sure if you check Alvin
Olga's site, he'll have a ton of recommendations for backing up data.
Good luck, and hope you have a merrier Christmas.
for it can find it easier.
| Stephen Gran | In war, truth is the first casualty.|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- U Thant |
| ht
uite a lot of
documentation about various things framebuffers are good for, and things
they're bad at. There's also a list of video options that can be passed
at boot - I meant mine as something to be looked up and then
implemented, rather than a literal piece of advice. Sorry about
to your display settings, and it's reset by leaving X and
returning to it, at a guess.
Try disabling it (pass video= options to lilo) to see if that helps.
| Stephen Gran | BOFH excuse #2:
This came to me, but I think he meant it to go the mailing list
- Forwarded message from Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 14:15:10 -0500
Subject: Re: printing files wit
ost ppd's, but docs probably not.
Figure out which ppd you use, and take a look at the file - they're
usually commented enough that you can figure out what file types are
supported without interpreters.
| St
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