This one time, at band camp, Kenward Vaughan said:
> My other letter doesn't seem to have made it through to the list, so I'm
> posting a different version...
> I did a recent reboot into my Sid box after the kids played a few Windoze
> games, and found a few bizarre behaviors.
> I cannot fetch mail from my server.  Typical message:
> ---
> daddy:~# fetchmail
> 9 messages for daddy at (28311 octets).
> reading message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 of 9 (2946 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP
> connect
> to localhost failed
> fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
> fetchmail: Query status=10 (SMTP)

Exim is either not running, or something is refusing the connection
(tcpwrappers ?)

> ---
> daddy:~# telnet localhost 25
> Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

tcpwrappers it is, it looks like.

/etc/inetd.conf should have the line (uncommented)
smtp        stream  tcp nowait  mail    /usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

/etc/hosts should have the lines (make sure IP is correct):       localhost
192.168.0.x     daddy

And /etc/hosts.deny:


was the default before, but it will cause tcpwrappers to deny
connections for everything - perhaps this is what's breaking it?  try
commenting it, or adding a localhost line to /etc/hosts.allow

> daddy:~# telnet localhost
> telnet: could not resolve localhost/telnet: Servname not supported for
> ai_socktype

Something wrong with /etc/hosts, perhaps?

> Last, but quite annoying, I get log messages about cron(pam_unix) going
> every 15 minutes.  I didn't realize this was a normal job, but now knoww it
> for sure with the messages and the persistent --MARK-- messages.

exim has a cron job that runs every 15 minutes, so if tcpwrappers is
messing things up, that might explain it.

> Does anyone have ideas on what is wrong with this setup?  I keep up to date
> in Sid... is a package screwed up (pam?) somewhere which would cause this
> mess?

Hopefully that'll point you in the right direction
|  Stephen Gran                  | BOFH excuse #353:  Second-system        |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | effect.                                 |
| |                                         |

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