e your login/account requirements, though.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
ping the things I actually want to create.
no, sorry.
but its rather easy to install. php and a database and you are done.
authentication in integration into other tools is a different thing, though.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Develope
oes not
need to be, we should not force them.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
it should be possible to find a way.
- --
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
to do so.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
That sounds more like a self-made police than a team that you trust to
mediate an issue. In my opinion, all kinds of decisions should be done
by a team that has the delegation to do them - DAM. Nobody else.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Li
involved in Debian politics at all.
A view that is not biased at all makes much more sense, especially
when people in the project do not like the outcome...
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
ng that? I think this entire thread is nothing more
> than a stalking horse for Ian's crusade to get everyone to use dgit and we
> should just move on.
Nobody should be forced to use a tool - or not.
Also if you want to send a pull request and don't
t and/or for better cooperation with
> upstream.
Either that or packages are just being removed from Debian and provided
in an external repository.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
ow easy it will be
> (for example) to add some kind of CI/CD for all packages.
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
out for free.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
SP participants
> and similar stuff. As I see it, the next BSP will happen in a month in
> Vaumarcus...
and ack...
There are way more important things to do than to discuss the place of
git repositories.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
o sane things.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
ey are supposed to do or not.
Git is like your favorite car. You can buy one from VW with
maybe-broken-software, it will serve you well until it dies.
Or you can build your own "free" car, it will serve you well until it dies.
Would you like it that various people tell you no
standards, but it's not
reasonable to hold them to superhuman standards.
No, either we have a CoC or not.
If it goes so much against your believes, humanity or whatever else,
that you can't answer in a sane language, ask somebody else to answer
in your name. Especially when you are in a
ew queue sounds like a very good idea to me, if it helps
the ftp team to be faster. At the same time we'll get hints to license
violations from our upstreams...
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
you become a DD would be an extra bonus.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
n creating the best distribution
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
hought police and you
don't know (and actually I don't want to know) whats going on in the brain of
some people. Debian is a large project that attracts people from all over the
world, so there will be always people with opinions and backgrounds that we
personally don't want to supp
if so you might be able to join form whereever you are at that moment :)
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
Debian - which is a community effort mostly - you can get a release
quicker or longer security support for a release, if you pay somebody to do so.
There are several companies and consultants who employ/are Debian developers and
would be willing to do such a job.
Bernd Zeimetz
hould be (probably against their wish)
being published.
And finally I think we should release Squeeze first before doing any work on
this, a (good) release is much more important than bringing the muddy fights of
debian-private to the public.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian
r is too widely used..., even maintainer and 'New
Maintainer' is confusing enough)
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93
gt; and to publicly speak out against it.
I think people should not fight against such a stupid law. Instead they should
spend their time to fight against DRM and any kind of lock which cripples
today's medias.
> Kind regards,
> --Toni++
Bernd Zeimetz
d not be a good change
> of terminology.
Also Debian Developers are able to upload stuff, therefore uploaders. No no,
that just doesn't fit :)
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
> details can be changed going forward without a GR) if that will help.
Better to do that with a general restructuring of all the membership stuff
instead of starting over and over again.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
O. This is *not* okay. The proper way is to contact the MIA team and let them
handle the situation *OR* to get the OK from the maintainer.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
ease being a porter.
> I do think that buildd admins that doesn't care for the architechture
> they are buildd maintaining for should try hard handing over that
> responsibility to someone who does care for the arch.
Or they should work closely with the porters to notify them ab
done automatically, even if it means that we need to spend time to write tools
to do so (yes, I know this is not an easy task).
So my opinion in short words: DEP-5 is a nice idea, but too far away from
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Dev
On 08/12/2010 03:27 PM, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> On to, 2010-08-12 at 14:59 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> On 08/12/2010 02:45 PM, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
>> > It would be good to have DEP-5 done quite early in the squeeze+1
>>> development cycle to give as much ti
like "this package is licensed under
license FOO, but with the following exceptions" - and then add a field which
takes a longish text with the exceptions.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
> +# Acknowledgements
> +
> +Many people have worked on this specification over the years.
> +The following alphabetical list is incomplete,
> +please suggest missing people:
> +Russ Allbery,
> +Ben Finney,
> +Sam Hocevar,
> +Steve Langasek,
> +Charles
t. And private date from db.debian.org should not be published.
Otherwise I really like the idea!
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485
> But you can send your full name and photograph for a more complete profile.
Good idea!
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95
crap - if I remember right that was the reason why I did not install
Etherpad here).
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 43
The first result points to a list of logos by MiriamRuiz, which includes
the women logo, too.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: ECA1 E3F2 8E11
an page, at least for trademark reasons.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
> blessed is mostly a project internal issue.
mentors is a special case here as it might distribute non-distributable
stuff when people upload buggy packages. So there is no real way to run
this as official Debian service imho.
> [...]
Bernd Zeimetz
On 06/25/2012 05:39 PM, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 05:01:11PM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> mentors is a special case here as it might distribute non-distributable
>> stuff when people upload buggy packages. So there is no real way to run
>> th
later - the result is probably that those people who are not able to
attend without being sponsored are not able to come at all because they
can't pay that sum in advance.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
read your mind, and if you don't
reply they obviously try to contact you again.
That's also my experience. Works fine for me.
Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: ECA1
Hash: SHA256
On 01/27/2014 08:39 PM, Guillem Jover wrote:
> This is the revised draft GR proposal (please see below); I'm looking for
> sponsors now.
please stop wasting people's time and let the TC do their work instead.
- --
> 2)One real issue with Debian is a lack of admin tools, (such as yast
> is for
> SuSE). Considering starting a project to develop a range of gui based
> admin
> tools for Debian.
One of the reasons why I am using Debian is that there is no yast. Tools
like yast too often try to know more t
able to ship
the binaries of huge projects I'm sure there's enough disk space to ship
the sources, too.
Bernd Zeimetz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bzed.de/>
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yourself, so
please point us to some scientific paper(s) which support(s) your claim.
Bernd Zeimetz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bzed.de/>
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nor does loadable firmware. Are you confusing it with closed-source
> kernel code like in madwifi?
the last time I took a look into the sources of madwifi it was not
closed source, except for the firmware blob. But I have to admit that i
didn't read the source since it works well on my
>> Sorry, but this is NOT REALY RIGHT!
>> The new german LAW is talking about Software which was build to hack
>> sites. "Security Software like nmap, nessus etc." are not build to
>> do illegal hacking. (Greetings from my Advocat from Offenburg)
> Interpretation of that law differs
site; if not, I'm definitely sure
> that we can draw new blood from the remainder of our 1049-odd developer
> pool :)
I'd be willing to maintain it, but I'm still waiting for an AM :( But If
there's something you can do without beeing DD, please
ed/ and
The debian-med mailinglist, which is probably a better place for your
questions is here: http://lists.debian.org/debian-med/
Hope that helps,
Bernd Zeimetz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bzed.de/>
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
oes not only contain the acceptable licenses, but also a list of
bad licenses, inlucing links to the debian-legal archive.
Taking a look at the recent changes showed me, that the MPL seems to be
acceptable for main now - interesting news.
Bernd Zeimetz
sponsor within minutes.
Bernd Zeimetz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bzed.de/>
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
en if I can see where you're coming from in merging it into the "current" GR,
that's not what was asked for. Do we now need a GR to tell the secretary that a
proposed and seconded GR should not be merged into other GRs?
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/
getting beyond experimental, and
>>> traversing unstable/testing/stable?
>> unstable: within a week after lenny release
>> testing: probably a month later
> Not 10 days?
Do you really think it won't have RC bugs? :P :P
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GN
if there's not a really good reason to do so. If we want Debian
to be used in business ("enterprise" *gasp*) installations, we should at least
be able to tell people when we're about to release, without having them to
fear a delay for months or years due to a GR.
Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 01:50:37AM +0100, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>>> b) Delaying a decision of a Delegate or the DPL [ยง4.2(2.2)],
>>> as well as resolutions against a shortening of discussion/voting
>>> period or to overwrite a TC
b) 4.2.7 is reworded to state:
> Q is half of the square root of the number of current Developers.
>Q need not be an integer and is not rounded.
So we have Q people in case of floor(Q)==Q and floor(Q)+1 otherwise?
Bernd Zeimetz
t; Proposal: hand Robert Millan a nice cup of STFU.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subj
on destroying the project at the moment is *you*.
Please don't continue until somebody asks for a vote to remove your from
all lists or the whole project, I'm sure enough people would second
that. Better go and fix your packages, that would be something useful
you could help
to ensure that new DDs have a common
knowledge, which is needed definitely.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.debian.org
s quite simple too: for any $X.debian.org,
> $X.debian.net should point to $X.debian.org. (A reasonable exception
> could be www.debian.net containing a list of .debian.net names.)
Implementing this rule would be very appreciated.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Deve
oing your
> microblogging.
> I suggest you remove the feed until there is some kind of proper support
> specifically for microblogging as suggested in other replies.
Seconded. Please don't abuse planet for this microbloging stuff.
- --
Bernd Zeimetz
ld block spam
very well there. Its not really possible to use such restrictions on the
mailtainer contact mail, though.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-p
ple will acc=
as NM, but not with the DM process in the current state. But that's anoth=
er theme.
(speaking with his FD hat on)
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF
Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 23/06/09 at 12:06 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> No way. Most reports show that a lot of NMs don't know about a lot of
>> things asked during the NM process. This is true even for those who
>> are DM already.
> Is that really problem? W
M with the comment
"I'm not entirely happy, but its your job to decide..."
Also it is good to have more than one person read the mboxes, sometimes you just
miss important points/words because you're braindead after reading too many
Bernd Zeimetz
out jetring... and so on. I did not yet find the
time to write down all the changes I'd like to have first, but that will happen
some day.
P.S. Anybody willing to re-write the NM page? I have a long list of todos for
Bernd Zeimetz
hat I've witnessed recently).
The NM process should neither be pain for the NM nor for the AM. If it is I'm
happy to hear the facts why it is pain, instead of useless babbling.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EA
opyright. And if somebody is able to download packages from the NEW
queue Debian is distributing them. If this is not allowed, you could end up with
some extra fun with lawyers...
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C B
Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:
> Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
>> On 23/06/09 at 12:55 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>>> Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
>>>> On 23/06/09 at 12:06 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>>>>> No way. Most reports show that a lot of NMs don't kn
Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 23/06/09 at 14:29 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
>>> I'd be perfectly fine with FD being the last review step, and DAM
>>> "just" in charge of creating the account, trusting FD judgement.
Peter Palfrader wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 02:29:20PM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>>> What you miss is that I move all problematic candidates to DAM with
>>> the comment "I'm not entirely happy, bu
NMs first while Nms with one
package only and no other activity will stay there much longer.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 43
ugh in a week or two except in
> rare situations. That never seemed like a difficult wait to me.
Ack. Same for adding debug packages and similar things like soname bumps.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E
d sometimes
forgotten. Would be great if somebody with spare time could write a cronjob
which compares the account names in the NM database with the output of getent
and set the account created field I didn't find the time for it yet...
Bernd Zeimetz
know where FD members are listed so we can get this fixed...
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
AM could provide a summary for that mail, after all, the
> AM should know the applicant enough to be able to write that up,
> right?
No need for that. Read debian-newmaint for a summary if you're interested,
that's why the AM report is posted there. Definitely I'm not goi
you're interested in spending
several (often 10-20) hours *every* week on repeating tasks, or if you want to
rewrite nm.d.o, please contact FrontDesk.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067
be enough to just have a special automated mail
> congratulating new developers on -newmaint (or modify the subject of
> this mail to congratulate them?)
I'd be happy to modify the cronjob to send such mails to -project, if the
interest is large enough. Does anybody want to come up
Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 01:32:14AM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> Don Armstrong wrote:
>>> On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>>> Ok - then I guess my problem is that the list of names included in
>>>> these is so non-notabl
g clearly
going wrong there. Once I'm finished to clean up those candidates which are
assigned to their AM since years and went away, I'll start to keep an eye on the
length of the process.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8
Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:
> Ahh... the old dear bureaucracy!
> "It is not my task, so go away and never come back" ;-)
> Is it so difficult that a cronjob will call two scripts and merge the
> results
> in a single mail?
Bernd Zeimetz
towards becoming DD and knowing all the things a DD needs to know
is a slow but steady one. Your AM is happy with that, so I can't see a problem
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B F
Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Bernd Zeimetz said:
>> Don Armstrong wrote:
>>> On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>>> Ok - then I guess my problem is that the list of names included in
>>>> these is so non-notable (
here is a chance that I have to investigate manually why it
failed again.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
I'll start
to send them automatically soon.
- --
Debian New Maintainer Frontdesk
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: U
mess, the idea is broken by the design and it has numerous RC
bugs. Do you *really* want to have more reasons?
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D4
uld have added another one - breaking apt
completely while removing the ia32 packages is not nice.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB
Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Bernd Zeimetz writes:
>> Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>>>> and it has numerous RC bugs.
>>> Lets see:
>>> http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/ia32-libs-tools.html
>>> RC bugs: 1
>> There were 6 bugs
k out people like translators
> (though that's more of a theoretical concern than a practical one).
There are templates for doc writers, and it should not be too hard to work out
something for translators. I can't see a problem here.
Bernd Zeimetz D
to measure activity is necessary
here probably. But voting is a good thing to look at, definitely.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171
Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 23/07/09 at 10:52 +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
>>> * DDs which are not active for 2 years or more automa
Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:52:20AM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> My opinion in two short comments:
>> - reduce the time to 1 year
> This introduces the possibility that, even if the DD votes in every election
> and uploads their p
ode and from CIA.vc.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-project-requ...@lists.debia
Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:52:11PM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> But I know that there are/will be DDs which do infrastructure stuff only, and
>> rarely upload packages. Such DDs should never be regarded as MIA, of course.
> I am not convinced of
lot of teams where outsiders can help and earn trust
witout being able to break things.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6
Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Bernd Zeimetz (26/07/2009):
>> See above. Also: There're a lot of teams where outsiders can help and
>> earn trust without being able to break things.
> Do you mean people like Simon Paillard? With contributions in l10n,
> i18n,
iving in the mentioned
countries - for example at the embassies - I guess it would make sense to give
them a chance to meet for keysigning, too.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
x, X, GNU
> toolkit, ...).
The only reason for this dream is to make sure that Debian fixes the Ubuntu bugs
for free.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
d a new distribution then... or to start a GR. Not
sure what is better for my nerves.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F
er, dsa,) to find
an appropriate date."
Of course its not easy to find a date which makes all teams completely happy,
but the release team should try to do so at least.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A
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