nson wrote:
On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 07:43:35AM -0800, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
- I debianized (using alien) the dev rpm that made a device called
adbmouse. Then I edited /etc/X11/XF86Config so that the mouse device was
DO NOT use the dev rpm, aliened or not, IT WILL RUIN YOUR SYSTE
I ran MAKEDEV generic-powerpc after rpm -e'ing the dev RPM. This created
the devices I needed to run X and use the mouse, which is /dev/adbmouse.
/etc/X11/XFree86Config looks like:
Section "Pointer"
Protocol "BusMouse"
Device "/dev/adbmouse"
Michael Schmitz wrote:
adbmouse. T
Nick Henderson wrote:
Ok, I got X to work. I reinstalled the
xserver-xfree86 package and selected [EMAIL PROTECTED],
rather then 60.
So X is now working and I would like to install KDE or
gnome. Using apt-get for task-kde or
task-gnome-desktop does not work. It says that some
of the packages
Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:
I like debian the best of the linux distros... mainly because it does not taste
like a beta, I know however that YDL is aimed at the beginner and to recrute
MacOS users to linux.
...but on the ppc platform I find debian the hardest to reach the start of
I am using Potato 2.2r2 and am having problems sending email with mutt. Has
anyone experienced this? It seems that I can send email directly to myself,
but other emails fail (there is no error message, the recipients just never
receive it).
Thank you for any suggestions,
Ill check mailq and mail -v tonight.
This problem just happened suddenly; mutt was working fine until this week.
The only thing I've done this week that may have caused this was I installed
apache. I have not touched exim's rc file for a while and it looks
unchanged. But even after uninstalling ap
mailq reveals unsent messages.
There is an entry in /etc/inetd.conf for exim. This is how exim must be
started, instead of the rc scripts. So why isn't email working?
It says:
smtp stream tcp nowait mail /usr/sbin/exim exim -bs
--Original Message--
From: Taro Fuk
24, 2001 10:03:14 AM GMT
Subject: Re: mutt problems sending email
On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 02:15:05AM -0500, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
> mailq reveals unsent messages.
> There is an entry in /etc/inetd.conf for exim. This is how exim must be
> started, instead of the rc scripts. So why isn
--Original Message--
From: Daryl DuLong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
Sent: February 25, 2001 12:05:48 AM GMT
Subject: Re: mutt problems sending email
on 2/24/01 6:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is so frustrating. I had like 20 emails in my spool directo
Finally I fixed this by regenerating exim.conf and editing it. Thanks
(Bto all who replied to this thread. I am not sure what was exactly wrong
(Bwith my original configuration, but the smarthost entry is definitely
(BTaro Fukunaga
I haven't been following this thread, but I also had problems with my
(Badb mouse when I upgraded to Potato 2.2r2.
(BMy suggestion is to run the /dev/MAKEDEV script. Unlike LinuxPPC, there
(Bis no separate package to setup the devices in /dev. Instead, there is
(Bthe shell script called MAK
(BWhat kind of partitions do you have on sda? You need one root and one
(Bswap at least.
(BOn Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 09:11:46PM +, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
(B> Hi,
(B> Thanks to help from this list, I now have my Mac booting
(B> and starting the installer (via BootX).
I am currently working at Borland as intern for the Developer Support
(BGroup for VisiBroker, which is separate from the JBuilder group, so I don't
(Bknow very much about compatibility issues of JBuilder.
(BIf I have time I will try to ask someone on the JBuilder support team
(Btomorrow or
(B # cd /mnt/backup
(B # ./install_linux LAX_VM /usr/local/j2sdk1.3.0/bin/java
(B-- Taro
(BOn Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 05:58:20PM -0800, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
(B> I am currently working at Borland as intern for the Developer Support
(B> Group for VisiBroker, which is separate from t
(BForte for Java installed and works *fine* with JDK 1.3 from
(Bblackdown.org. However, I find it extremely slow. I am not sure why. So
(BFore for Java 2.0 will work fine with Debian PPC but for now I think
(BI'll stick to vi until I have more time to tinker around with these
I am using Potato with kernel 2.2.18 on a PowerCenter. For some time this has
(Bbeen a
(Bstable combination, but once in a while my computer freezes and I have
(Bto hit the power switch. I can't find any clues on the cause of this in
(B/var/log/messages. I think this occurs when I'm downloadin
Potato has manpages for individual pthread functions such as
(Bpthread_create() and pthread_destroy(), but there is no manpage for just
(BDoes anyone have any comments about this?
(BTaro Fukunaga
I don't have the technical background to follow a lot of this thread,
(Bbut I've been studying pthreads, and it seems that whether a certain
(Bprocess gets executed more quickly on a multiprocessor computer depends
(Bon how well the process uses threads for concurrency. So in a
(Bcompilation sc
Hi, I am using Debian 2.2 on a PowerCenter.
(BI don't know anything about installing Debian on iMacs, but...
(BOn Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 12:26:50AM +0200, Riccardo Gusso wrote:
(B> First of all, I am new here and so I say hello to everybody.
(B> Then the question(s): in the past I instal
Use the JDK from here:
I built mozilla 0.9.1 myself and put a symlink to
/usr/local/j2sdk1.3.0/jre/plugin/ppc/javaplugin.so in
As for Flash, I'm not sure...
-- Taro
Artur Gorniak wrote:
is there java-vm for mozill
Has anyone been able to get j2sdkee 1.3.0 to work? I downloaded the i386
Linux version and tried to run j2eetutorial/examples/build/ejb/bank's
client, but I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/EJBObject
I cannot find the this class anywhere in m
Hi, I am planning to install Debian PPC soon, but I've noticed that the
(Bwebsite says that many machines have not yet been tested. Is this
(Bwebsite really up-to-date? My configuration:
(BPowerCenter 120 + Newer 300Mhz G3
(BATI XClaim 3D (8MB)
(BAdaptec 2930 Ultra-SCSI card
(B104MB RAM.
I've succeeded in installing the base system. Why doesn't the installer
(Blet me specify a non-anonymous ftp server for install? Is there a way to
(Bset this up?
Well I gave up on this one and set up anon ftp. But for some reason I
(Bcannot go beyond my ethernet. pon dials and ifconfig reports that I am
(Bconnected. But all attempts to ping outside go towards my ethernet. So
(Bapt-config can't use an outside ftp server. The other computer I am
I ignored the network setup and now ppp works. Ethernet won't. (The
(Binstallation manual says that to use ppp, don't configure the network.
(BIntuitive!) Somehow I missed the profiles section, forcing me to install
(Beverything by hand. I'll have to retry the whole install again.
What's the best way to set up X? I tried anXious, got the error messages
(BProtocol: "<>"
(BMouse type not supported by this OS
(BSo I looked at the archives and tried hacking XF86Config. Now I can
(Balmost start X, but it fails with
(BFatal server error:
(BNo valid modes found.
I tried your suggestions and it still doesn't work. I still get the same
(Berror message.
(BThere is a lot more to the error messages, but its so long I didn't want
(Bto send everyone the output. Has to do with the monitor resolution settings.
(BOlaf Grewe wrote:
ds hsync freq of 96.15 kHz. Deleted.
(B(--) FBDev: Mode "1800X1440" needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
(B(--) FBDev: Mode "512x384" needs hsync freq of 31.50 kHz. Deleted.
(B(--) FBDev: Mode "512x384" needs hsync freq of 34.38 kHz. Deleted.
(B(--) FBDev: Mode &quo
Here is XF86Config. The manual for$B!!(Bmy monitor says:
(BHorizontal 24.8-94.0kHz
(BVertical: 50-160Hz
(BMaximum Resolution: 1600x1200 (Non interlaced)
(BOn MacOS I usually use thousands of colors and 1280x1024, 75Hz.
(BThanks, and if its better to wait for XFre86 4 package, I'l
Here is the error message I get when I startx:
(BXFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
(B(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
(BRelease Date: January 8 2000
(BIf the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
(Bthan the above date
I fixed it. X and mouse are working and fvwm2 is useable. Thanks to all
(Bwho gave me advice, and to Will Dukes for his excellent guide on setting
(Bup X (I found this in the mailing list archives).
(BMike Armour wrote:
(B> i had the same problem as you, and despite others a
I'm running on a PowerCenter. I gave up on the floppies and I also gave
(Bup putting the files on a HFS volume. I put the stuff on a ext2
(Bpartition on an old hard disk that I had, and it works every time. Of
(Bcourse I had copied the stuff to ext2 from a previous installation of
(BLinuxPPC, w
I broke wdm. It won't let me log in and i think its because of missing
configuration files. Neither will xdm. i've tried to uninstall wdm, but
I can't do that either when I issue the command dpkg --purge wdm. What
can I do to fix this? I've tried to get the files from the source, but I
have to
I fixed this. The solution was to put the line "exit 0" on the second
line of /var/lib/dpkg/info/wdm.prerm and then run dpkg --purge wdm, and
then remove /var/state/wdm.
Sergio Brandano wrote:
(B> Hi,
(B> two days ago, irda-common had a new package to download. When
(B> installing it, the removal of the previous one failed.
(B> The messages are included below. I tried forcing the removal with no
(B> reinstallation, but it failed too.
Michael Schmitz wrote:
(B> > It's working great and right now I'm struggling with X configuration.
(B> > Mouse is not working. My mouse fits into the keyboard and has 4 pins.
(B> That would be an ADB mouse. Additional mouse buttons can be emulated by
(B> keys using the adb_buttons=1,x,
My XServer crashes a lot (about once every 3 hours) forcing me to hit
(Bctrl-opt-delete and restarting X from the console. My mouse ends up in
(Bthe lower right-hand corner and I can move a window somewhat for a short
(Bwhile until it really locks up. I'm not sure what the problem is
> I get the same problem, turning off the the screensaver should
prevent it, of course you'll be wanting your > screensaver though.
It may be just one of the savers, not all. Try running different savers
to see which one > might be causing it.
I removed xscreensaver but I still have thi
(BTaro Fukunaga wrote:
(B> > I get the same problem, turning off the the screensaver should
(B> prevent it, of course you'll be wanting your > screensaver though.
(B> It may be just one of the savers, not all. Try running different savers
(B> to see which one > might be cau
Hi Michael and all,
I thought I sent email out last night regarding this issue but somehow
it never made it.
Michel Dänzer wrote:
Taro Fukunaga wrote:
> > I removed xscreensaver but I still have this problem. Seems to be a
> > problem when I'm moving mozilla 17 or netsca
Taro Fukunaga wrote:
Hi Michael and all,
The problem occurs when I use WindowMaker. Resizing/moving windows in
WindowMaker causes it to crash and this is documented as being a bug
in WindowMaker 0.61, which is used in Potato. It has been fixed in the
current version of WindowMaker although I
Garry Roseman wrote:
I lurked here for a while and read about Debian until I finally made
the decision to replace Linuxppc 2000 with Debian GNU/Linux (Potato).
I first put it on my PowerMac 7600/ Powerlogix G3 system while the
PowerComputing 150 continues to run Linuxppc 2000 (for a little whil
I tried compiling M18 on potato but I got error messages about
incompatible gtk+. I have 1.0.x, but M18 requries 1.2.x. But gtk+ 1.2.x
is only available for woody, am I right?
I *do* have gtk 1.2, but apparently gtk-config reports 1.0 since that is
what /usr/lib/libgtk.so is. I tried hacking gtk-cofnig but without much
success.Maybe there was some upward compatibility problem so 1.0 is the
Hadess wrote:
And gtk 1.2.8 is on my site (see .sig).
Sven LUTHER wrote:
On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 06:56:38PM -0700, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
> I tried compiling M18 on potato but I got error messages about
> incompatible gtk+. I have 1.0.x, but M18 requries 1.2.x. But gtk+ 1.2.x
> is only available for woody, am I right?
False, gtk+1.2
Even thought I had libgtk-1.2 installed, somehow the package wasn't
(perhaps because I uninstalled all my X packages before this). After
installing libgtk1.2-dev (which was purged according to dselect)
configure recognized the right library.
Sorry for all the fuss.
-- Taro
I do have gtk+1.2,
(BEthan Benson wrote:
(B> On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 10:27:18AM +0100, Chris Mueller wrote:
(B> > Hi Linux Friends,
(B> >
(B> > Does DebianPPC work on old MacPPC 6100?
(B> > 24 MB RAM,
(B> > 160 MB harddisk.
(B> >
(B> > Or does another Linux solution work with such a veteran?
I compiled and regularly use Mozillia M18 on potato. When I click on a
web page to get the context-sensitive menu (which somehow maps to my
"end" key) I get a menu but there is no text. Does anyone know how to
fix this or should I search for a bug list on mozilla.org? There seems
to be nothing
C.M. Connelly wrote:
"PAN" == Pål Are Nordal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"CMC" == C.M. Connelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CMC> I'm really looking forward to a stable Mozilla
PAN> Well, I haven't got my iMac up and running with Debian
PAN> yet, but on my AMD K6-2, Mozilla Milestone 18 is as
How do I fix my keyboard settings if xkeycaps is broken? I can't scroll
the window to select a keyboard. I have a PowerComputing keyboard and
whenever I press Caps-Lock in X I get an A and an a if I depress it. I
would appreciate any pointers on how to fix this.
-- Taro
Andre Berger wrote:
Taro Fukunaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
How do I fix my keyboard settings if xkeycaps is broken? I can't scroll the
window to select a keyboard. I have a PowerComputing keyboard and whenever I
press Caps-Lock in X I get an A and an a if I depress it. I would
Adam C Powell IV wrote:
Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:education
On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 05:11:23PM +0100, Alain Schroeder wrote:
There is no netscape-base-47, so that the packages netscape and
communicator are broken.
I compiled mozilla 18 out of M18 tarballs from mozilla.org and am using
it o
I am running Potato 2.2r1. I had trouble compiling mico example programs
and I fixed the problem by making a simple link:
ln -s libbsd-compat.a libbsd.a
I am not at all familiar with how debian bugs get filed and fixed, but I
hope this gets fixed in the future.
Taro Fukunaga wrote:
Also I found that several source files in the examples directory are
gzipped which caused Make to fail until I ungzippped the files myself.
The files are:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/mico/examples$ pwd
/usr/doc/mico/examples [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/mico
Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 09:48:35PM -0800, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
Taro Fukunaga wrote:
Also I found that several source files in the examples directory are
gzipped which caused Make to fail until I ungzippped the files myself.
The files are:
Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 07:35:36PM -0800, Taro Fukunaga wrote:
As I'm still relatively new to Debian, I'm not sure how to find the
maintainer of a package. How do I find the maintainer?
Only these files were gzipped. The other directories don't h
I am trying to get my PowerCenter 120 with OF 1.0.5 to boot Potato from
(Ba floppy disk. I already have Debian installed on this machine and it
(Bworks fine with BootX. I have successfully accessed OF via a second
(Bcomputer through a printer cable (ttyb) and I use the output device as
> Howdy all,
(B> I've been fighting for a few months now to get Debian PowerPC (Potato)
(B> onto a donated PowerComputing PowerCenter 120.
(B> I've managed to have the install disks boot and run all the way through
(B> the install menus, putting the system on the hard drive. Howeve
I reinstalled Potato on the following machine and can't start the mouse
(Bin X:
(BMachine: PowerComputing PowerCenter 120
(BVideo:XClaim3D 8MB
(BOF: Old World
(BReading an older post, I experimented with various Devices. Only
(B/dev/adb and /dev/mouse allow me to boot int
Thank you. I am using 2.2.18, compiled from sources from kernel.org. I guess
I'll work on it tonight.
-- Taro
--Original Message--
From: Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Taro Fukunaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: January 2, 2001 4:13:27 PM GMT
Subject: Re: XFree86
ou. I am using 2.2.18, compiled from sources from kernel.org. I guess
(B> I'll work on it tonight.
(B> -- Taro
(B> --Original Message--
(B> From: Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(B> To: Taro Fukunaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(B> Sen
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