ever submited upstream?
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
names escape me right
now, has a working CDAudio plugin which supports IDE transfers of audio data.
--Nelson Abramson
hat the unit cdrom use the digital output.
> There is a way to hear cdrom and control all sound section of my iMac?
Yes. See previous.
This is extremely well documented. Please check the list archives.
--Nelson Abramson
the Fn key, then while still holding Cmd+Ctrl press an F key. You might need
to play
around with the timing, but those are the keys (at least for my Pismo running
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
) your kernel config
If you rsync or use bk to get Paulus' or BenH's tree it should come with a
compilable kernel.
> c) tell me how to compile my own 2.4 kernel - I fetched kernel-2.4.3 and it
> broke during compiling
You might have to get a PPC maintainer's tree. Check the archives and
linuxppc.org or penguinppc.org's site (one of them has more information than the
other, I can't remember which).
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
ings play at half
> speed and pop.
What version of esd are you running? And the version of AudioCD Reader?
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
"Jason E. Stewart" wrote:
> "Nelson Abramson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Jason E. Stewart" wrote:
> >
> > > I use enlightenment, so I'm using Eterms, but yes I have two Eters,
> > > one I've su'ed to
ous file compression type is .sit on the Mac.
BootX is a Mac application and is compressed for the Mac. If you have an
install of MacOS, chances are it comes with Stuffit Expander; if not,
download it for free.
--Nelson Abramson
ing to update the console-data
package on the ftp servers..?
--Nelson Abramson
nother part of the source I was supposed to patch but forgot to...?
I just pasted in the
code you posted into the "sub guess_arch{}" function (replacing the other
--Nelson Abramson
pace at the end. But when I stick
it in console-data.config, it
just gives me the same error... When it prints out the error, it doesn't look
like there is more than one
space between "powerpc/mac" and the next word
--Nelson Abramson
"Every time you get a dialog box
of the line, e.g. "Arch ist: powerppc/mac $" means there's a
> space in there. ":q!" will quit vi without saving, just in case you don't
> normally use vi.
yeah, there's an endline, but there is definatly a space at the end...i get
"Arch ist: powerpc/mac $
of the line, e.g. "Arch ist: powerppc/mac $" means there's a
> space in there. ":q!" will quit vi without saving, just in case you don't
> normally use vi.
okay, there's a space, but I think that had to do w/ the formating of the
last command: "print
What is the status on the console-data fix..? I don't mean to be
pushy, but dselect won't finish installing the X packages (including
netscape, enlightenment, etc) so I'm stuck running afterstep and
Is there something I could test..?
--Nelson Abramson
hink I might have figured it out (or atleast just half assed it :-) )
I put the code into the "guess_arch" function, and it spit out the same error
code. I then modified
line 638 (well, after trying a few others w/o success) from "'powerpc/pmac' =>
[ 'mac' ], " to
"'powerpc/mac' => [ 'mac' ]" and it finished the configuration.
--Nelson Abramson
Obviously this (or atleast
like) a dependency error. I have libelf installed (I rpmed a new copy jik), but
the file definately does NOT exist on my hard drive. What package should this
file be part of..? I checked libelf, it doesn't supply it...
--Nelson Abramson
It is no
ting History state for the key
Hmm...maybe you should get the new libstdc++ instead of faking the link? :-)
--Nelson Abramson
It is not enough, as the communist systems have assumed, merely to provide
people with food, shelter, and clothing ... [without freedom and liberty]
we are onl
--Nelson Abramson
I thought I saw some traffic on this earlier, but no one seemed to
mention that they weren't required
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ode (you have to boot w/
a video driver though) or by a command line to the X server, like startx --
17 -depth 16...something like that (check out startx --help for all the
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
p your modules (and sysmap if you
are using it) around, because you are going to need it (lots of annoying error
messages and errors if you don't install it)....that was my biggest problem
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
aren't going to format (a zip disk is a great resource), or just a small (like
100mb) partition, hfs, to put stuff on...
Permenantly they should be in /lib/modules.....
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
the correct name? If it is the first device, it
should be /dev/sda... What happens? What is the error it spits out?
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ue, AFAIK is greatly attributed to the OS9 IDE drivers. It is also
possible to "update hard disk drivers" of the IDE drive w/ an older version of
apple drive setup, although some people have reported that only upgarding to the
newer bootX works...
--Nelson Abramson
ection), and have of course since lost the
email from the maintainer...
> w3m really rocks, it would be nice it somebody could find a solution since
> it's doubtful the i386 maintainer will solve this powerpc specific bug.
Ahh, if only I was half a capable programer :-)
--Nelson A
S X server? Will it be
> included with MacOS X Client do you think?
You could probably use tome viewer (or whatever mosX version it would be) to
extract those files...
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
just need the of drivers for my card.
NFC. I also don't know if Darwin comes in the standard tome format. Since
Darwin is
supposed to be not platform dependent, I can't imagine Apple endcoding the
in a MacOS specific format
--Nelson Abramson
disks and install them manually later...
For your modem, I might try searching linuxppc's user list for info...(unless
someone w/ that modem wants to help...)
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ernet and sound chipset are supported by BenH's new kernels
(http://ppclinux.apple.com/~benh). I think I was told that the iBooks still use
the sound cable interface off of the cd, so you can still play cds (unlike the
sawtooth g4s)...
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't peopl
which is required if you wnat it to remian bootable
> without screwing with OF, if Macos is allows to mount it, it will
> procede to make it unbootable. (reminds me of win95 overwriting
> lilo...)
Hmm, okay. I only used yaboot, which works fine off of an hfs partition.
> precompiled kernel that he has there.
The site seems to be down right now, but it definately exists...
If you really want the g4 kernel, I can post it or send it to you (unless you
want to wait for BenH's site to come back up...)
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people b
"David P. Reese Jr." wrote:
> anyone out there who has managed to boot linux on a g4, what
> kernel arguments work? someone has to have booted on a
> newworld g4!
You can try checking the instructions at
--Nelson Abra
> contains a MX, but that's all. I had to use a Japanese mirror to get pdisk.
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
g. It will be much
easier, as you have control over when X starts, and you can see the error
outputing on the screen, rather than having to root through logs (no pun
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ac, you should bypass whatever XF86Config weirdness you are
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
th my beige g3 tower and sawtooth
g4 work extremely well under linux...
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ng something wrong, but I don't know what.
If you rsync from Paul's tree, (something like rsync -rvz
linuxcare.com.au::linux-pmac-stable /usr/src/linux-pmac-stable ) the config file
that is included *should* boot all pmacs... that should give you a starting
point from which to conf
e, which would be okay for the installer
(you would later want to move it to a bootstrap partition so you could use ybin)
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ernel, and get the necessary
install files (ramdisk, etc...)
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
lot of yaboot/OF instruction and example yaboot.conf files on the
archives (linuxppc-user is probably the one w/ the most...but that's just a
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
How did you setup the write access for the DVD-RAM drive? I have one, and am
trying to get it to work...
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
need XFree86 installed
(it uses libraries and fonts..)
I think that the fbdev that comes with xf4 is slightly faster than Xpmac... You
can use Xpmac with xf4 though
--Nelson Abramson
Shouldn't people be arrested and persecuted for engaging in their
constitutional rights? http://www.opendvd.org
ting it (I already formated one side of the disc hfs
in macos ) and it told me that it was ro (both as root and as a user).
I then tried to mke2fs it, and it said that it was a ro system (both as
root and as a user)...
Am I going to have similar issues to the ide cd-r issues...?
--Nelson A
ppc install page on the debian site. You will also need the other files listed
(basefile, etc). Install bootX, select the kernel and the ramdisk, and tell it
to boot linux.
--Nelson Abramson
"Apparently if you play the Windows NT CD backwards you hear satanic messages"
Alexander wrote:
> IIRC, the X server is trying to 0 out the colormap. I got around this
> by just setting an enormous BlankTime (and I got paranoid w/ StandbyTime and
> SuspendTime as well):
Why not just set the timeout to 0, which disables the mode?
--Nelson Abramso
ong time. Just remember (if you get
it from a linuxppc/redhat directory tree) to specify the PREFIX= in the
./configure script so that it complies with the debian directory tree....
--Nelson Abramson
"Apparently if you play the Windows NT CD backwards you hear satanic messages"
as some weird quirks (can't change resolutions, no dpms,
etc)--understandable as it has to work with basically every ppc out there.
If you are using XFree <4, then the fbdev is probably slower than Xpmac for a
relatively recent ATI card. The newer XFree, 4, is, I find, faster than Xpmac.
=noautotune" as a kernel argument? If you are booting from
yaboot and not bootX, this may be necessary (or atleast a quick fix).
--Nelson Abramson
"Apparently if you play the Windows NT CD backwards you hear satanic messages"
"You think that's bad, if you play it forwards it installs Windows NT!"
a version earlier than 4, you need to play with Xconfigurator
Xautoconfig, check the list archives for a lot of information.
If version 4, then it will be more complicated (depending on how you look at
it); but
it shouldn't be happening (as the vmodes are automagically dete
reens found
Have you tried setting it to what XFree4 probes as the rage card, 0:16:0? That
seems the be the issue...
--Nelson Abramson
"Apparently if you play the Windows NT CD backwards you hear satanic messages"
"You think that's bad, if you play it forwards it installs Windows NT!"
. No probs, and am finishing the
rest of the install.
--Nelson Abramson
"Apparently if you play the Windows NT CD backwards you hear satanic messages"
"You think that's bad, if you play it forwards it installs Windows NT!"
although it may be easier than using MacOS.
If you have access to a USB or internal zip, you could probably use the
MacOS bootable cd to partition the drive, and then place the necessary files on
the machine w/o actually installing MacOS.
--Nelson Abramson
You can then make the cdrom link yourself by doing "ln -s /dev/hdX
/dev/cdrom" where hdX is whatever your cdrom is.
--Nelson Abramson
new), and I hear/hope that support for the rest of the ATI
family is on the way.
--Nelson Abramson
o make sure that you have gcc,
binutils, and many other developement packages installed. (of course, make sure
that they are in your PATH, as that will produce the same effect of them not
being installed).
--Nelson Abramson
gt; exist.
Hmm.something is definately odd with the paths somewhere in the make
If you don't feel comfortable checking out and finding where the problem is, I
get a new tarballs of the source.
--Nelson Abramson
e), or
> > copy them into your source tree.
> Copy what from where?
Not copy, install. Install the libc6-header rpm (the name is something like
> Sorry, I'm a little lost...
No problem. That's what this is here for (well, of course you should be reading
as much documentation as you can find...)
--Nelson Abramson
Josh wrote:
> > Not copy, install. Install the libc6-header rpm (the name is something like
> > that).
> rpm, so its not a debian package? or is it on the debian ftp site?
Erp...sorry about that, mental hiccup :-) There are .debs too for the same
package, I forgot which list I was posting to
hero :) But let's just say I'm not catching on
> to something cause I simply lack the skillz atm :)
Erm...what? It's not a question of not knowing how to use BootX, it's a
question of BootX being unable to function properly. Check out the yaboot
FAQ: http://www.linuxppc.org/ybin/doc/yaboot-faq.html
--Nelson Abramson
Config look like? If you
are using Xpmac, are you running gpm successfully?
--Nelson Abramson
then using "novideo" but I never tried.
Wasn't someone reporting that you could just hook up an external monitor before
boot, and that OF would decide to make the video out the default monitor?
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
Just specify devices, and the
resolution. The log file should tell you what resolutions are out of range.
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
Cameron wrote:
> I'm using XFree 3.3.6 (I "apt-got" it).
Oh, sorry about that :-) In that case, try Xconfigurator or Xautoconfig
(former is
a better choice). Is your video card being recognized at boot? If you are
using the
OF driver, you aren't going to get anythin
almost no configuration. If you can get a console video mode, you can get it to
work with Xpmac (it takes it's configuration from your current console video
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
all of
the X stuff before installing the source for XFree86 v4, which might help out
apt trying to "upgrade" your system...but I'm not sure of the best way to
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
create the /dev/dsp
> 2. What is a useable web-browser at the moment? I couldn't find a
> working netscape.
Mozilla, Netscape does work, it is a beast though, and sometimes doesn't like to
cooperate. Lynx, etc.
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
e to
yaboot and ybin as ways to have LILO like functionality with PPC
machines (newworld only) that allows them to be totally MacOS free.
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org/
launching Xpmc.
> Another question... what can I use to configure the X in Debian PPC?
> I couldn't find XF86Setup nor xf86config.
Nothing as of now :\ XF86Config makes Redhat fs assumptions. Hopefully the
config script in v4 will support Debian's filestructure. Get a working
hat sounds like a click or some sound is getting cut off.
the easiest way to check might be to boot up off of a cd (esp a MacOS cd) and
see if the sound persists
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
e they don't feel like paying their programers to bother
to test any platform besides ia32. For a very similar theoretical reason as to
why when companies generally talk about release a "Linux Version" what they
really want to say is an "ia32 Redhat Compatible Version".
ped to alt, control is control and
the function keys are mapped correctly (I'm using that terrible mini-usb
keyboard). I'm out of ideas. I also can't force kill the Xserver with
the ctrl+alt+delete, which would atleast let me work a little bit....
--Nelson Abramson
rver with
> > the ctrl+alt+delete, which would atleast let me work a little bit
> It should actually be ctrl-alt-backspace, tried that (if there is some kind of
> backspace :)?
Well, I mapped that oh-so-useful "help" key on the keypad to "backspace"; so the
answer is it's sorta there, and I have tried
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
Michel Dänzer wrote:
> Nelson Abramson wrote:
> > > Are you using the new input layer?
> >
> > No, I'm using 2.2.15 w/ the "old" input layer right now; should I be using
> > the new input layer with X4? I can't remember if I had it working
"Björn Johansson" wrote:
> I'm currently sitting with Netscape 4.73, but I know there is a newer
> version, for Intel and many other platforms that is. Do anyone know
> where I can find a newer ppc-version? I downloaded 4.73 from
> www.linuxppc.com some time ago. When I used Alien to make it a deb
quot; which is also just
And the last one is "task-gnome-desktop depends on gnome-applets which
is unavailable".
I'm using KDE2 instead of GNOME, so it's not a big deal, but I figured
someone would want to.
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
#x27;m writing
this email from w/in the -2 emailer it seems a whole lot faster
(and the gui is a lot nicer too) than 17 to me... You could always try
deleting ~/.mozilla just in case (I didn't, but apparently there can be
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
ing ~/.mozilla just in case (I didn't, but apparently there can be
> > issues)
> If you don't do that, mozilla 18 will crash at launch time i think.
That's what I heard too, but I didn't delete the ~/.mozilla directory, and it
works fine for me...
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
ty of
instructions in the debian
archives and connected with the yaboot and ybin web pages that describe how to
do this.
--Nelson Abramson
Make your vote count! http://www.votenader.org
Gjermund Thorsen wrote:
> Well? when I use yaboot? it skips loading from the CD? then it boots from my
> ordinary MacOS partition?
What commands do you use in yaboot? Do you mean yaboot or OF? If you can get
yaboot loaded, it
shouldn't boot MacOS
--Nelson Abramson
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