Re: Pismo, external video

2001-02-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Marc Segelken writes: > Can anybody tell me, what I have to do to use external monitors on my > Pismo under linux (and which is the minimum kernel version for this)? For quite some time, there has been a small program named `mirror' floating around the Linux/PPC community that will mirror th

Re: What kernel to use?

2001-02-09 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Fabian Jakobs writes: > Could anyone point out, which kernel to use and how they differ? As a general rule, The more recent the kernel, The more trouble it invites. The difference between the various kernel trees floating around is usually the frequency at which they are updated, some may a

Re: yaboot/MacOS

2001-02-15 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, > If I press 'l', I boot directly into Linux, but if I choose 'm' I am > sent back to this menu three times; the fourth time I choose 'm' > yaboot loads MacOS without any problems. What do your yaboot.conf file and your partition table say? How did you create them in the first place? Regard


2001-02-15 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Flaig writes: > Although I disable everthing with hdparam the Hard Discs works like > wild only when I close the lid ... strange. > I think this could be an Bug in the used kernel 2.4.1 ... perhaps ... Have you checked your syslog files? IIRC, pmud logs every sleep and wakeup. If

Re: help on yaboot, please

2001-02-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, > [...] boot from /dev/hda17/vmlinux with /dev/hda17 as the root > partition WITHOUT the help of yaboot.conf. My pismo [...] Type `hd:17,/vmlinux root=/dev/hda17 video=aty128fb:vmode:17' at the boot: prompt. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz

Re: Kernel Driver for Apple Cobalt Modem

2001-03-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Bastien Nocera writes: > > Does anybody know which kernel compilation option(s) needed to support > > Apple Cobalt Modem (Internal modem in iBooks and PowerBooks)? > > Just like with every (non-win)modem, serial driver. Dunno if you need > the "mac-serial" (under the Mac devices) or the gene

Re: Power Management et. al.

2001-04-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > someone made an ITP for mol several monthes ago, but i don't think > anything ever came of it.. That's because shortly after said ITP I upgraded to MacOS 9.1, which completely hosed mol on my system. The whole thing only became stable again about two weeks ago, and I

Re: Getting MOL running

2001-04-23 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > the color was screwed up (everything in macos had a yellow tinge > over it, like the gamma was wrong) That's due to different byte-ordering and persists in mol 0.9.57. The only combinations the X video driver handles correctly is 8bit MacOS on a 16bit Xserver. Regard

Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, I've just finished some very preliminary version of the promised Mac-on-Linux packages and put them into incoming. They should appear in sid within hours, and in woody after the usual quarantine period. In the meantime, you can get the packages and source from deb http://samiel.theorie.phys

Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jonas Smedegaard writes: > You don't allow access to the .dsc file - is that on purpose? No, out of stupidity. Should be fixed. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe le djuz tqtaj!

Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Fabian Jakobs writes: > Installation and configuration went fine for me but MacOS won't > boot. Unfortunately, it is still highly unlikely that your system will boot MacOS via Mac-on-Linux right after installation. You have to do a fair amount of configuration by hand, most of which involve

Re: mol comments

2001-04-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jonas Smedegaard writes: > Why put debian-mol-modules-source/ in the root? [...] > debian-mol-modules-source/changelog.blanko lacks a newline in the end. > I was hoping you would have made the module-source hooking into > kernel-package to make building it semi-automatic. [...] Right now,

Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > the mol packages didn't come with a MacOS ROM did they? Of course not. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe le djuz tqtaj!

Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-27 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Geert Uytterhoeven writes: > > IMO the default molrc should look for the rom in > > /usr/local/lib/mol/something > Is that Debian compliant? I'd expect the rom to be in /etc/mol/. If I understand the FHS Section 4.4 correctly, putting the MacOS ROM image under /usr/lib/mol is fine. After a

Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

2001-04-27 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > in this case presuming you ask the user via debconf where thier > macos partition is and you manage to copy the ROM over yourself, and > be sure to remove it on package removal (--purge?) then /usr/lib/mol > would be fine. That's what I had in mind. As for the details

new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-02 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, I've just uploaded new versions of my preliminary Mac-on-Linux packages to incoming. As usual, they can also be found in deb sid main deb-src sid main The most important change is proba

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-03 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > you need to move the nvram file to /var/lib: i keep /usr mounted > read-only, the FHS allows this, and debian policy mandates FHS > compliance. I knew I had forgotten one. Thanks for pointing this out. > you need to save the md5sum of the debconf generated config and

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-03 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, David J. Roundy writes: > I'm using kernel 2.2.19pre17, [...] > I get a mol-modules-2.2.17_0.9.58+Custom.1.00_powerpc.deb, Unless the line above contains a typo, your mol-modules package appears to be compiled with the wrong kernel headers or the wrong kernel source or both. The package sho

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-03 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jens Schmalzing writes: > You should be able to `insmod molsymglue0 mol' successfully if you > are running a 2.2 kernel. `startmol --loadonly', that is. Sorry for the error and for following up on my own post. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > otherwise when the package is later upgraded the config file is > again blown away. It's a feature. If you say `yes' to automatic configuration, you are handing the whole thing to debconf once and for all. Well, at least until you dpkg-reconfigure the package and say

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, David J. Roundy writes: > when I do `startmol --loadonly', I get the following error message: > # startmol --loadonly > [...] > /lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol mc_giveup_altivec > This sounds like code for the G3 (or G4, whenever they introduced > altivec), while I on

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: >Configuration file handling must conform to the following behavior: > * local changes must be preserved during a package upgrade Thanks for pointing me to the relevant section. > see recent rants by joey hess and the lilo debacle for more details... Sorry, I

Re: new preliminary packages for mol in incoming (0.9.58-1)

2001-05-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Branden Robinson writes: > > > Sorry, I tend to ignore wankers who want everything sugar-coated. Aah, the joys of electronic communication. Anyway, I think the original problem should be taken to debian-mentors because it doesn't really relate to the PowerPC architecture. The situation i


2001-06-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, > Like I said, this setup allows me to mount linux directories as > AppleShare Volumes, but it does not allow me to telnet, ftp to > linux. Are you sure you are addressing Linux with its IP address If you want to use the hostname zooey, you indeed have to setup a nameserver for a


2001-06-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michel Daenzer writes: > > iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT --to $IP -s $MOLNET -o $DEVICE > > echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > Just my $0.02: apt-get install ipmasq does this automatically. I'm afraid this is not quite true, ipmasq inserts a general MASQUERADE rule, while a

Re: ybin and NetBSD [Was: GNU/Linux, NetBSD and Mac OS X]

2001-07-17 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ethan Benson writes: > > bsd=/dev/hda10 hd:11,/netbsd > that is a non-trivial change and would require completly rewriting the > config file parsing of ybin. Would it be easier to implement two separate options? I'm thinking of something along the lines of ofwboot=/usr/lib/yaboot/ofw

Re: Mac-on-Linux

2001-07-20 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Rob Latham writes: > recent rsync's of mol have the fixes, but i don't know when such a > version will hit debian. Shortly after it is released by Samuel. In the meantime, you may try your luck with the packages by Jonas Smedegaard at deb sid misc AFAI

Re: FEEDBACK WANTED: What to do about XF86Config-4 BusID?

2001-07-20 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Branden Robinson writes: > A BusID was mandatory, and my debconf questions don't handle that > yet. Having UseFBDev on or off seemed to be harmless either way. On my Pismo, it's the other way round. Contrary to 4.0.3, the 4.1.0 X server works nicely without a BusID. However, it requires t

New packages for Mac-on-Linux

2001-08-09 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, with the semi-official release of version 0.9.60 two days ago, I have built new packages for Mac-on-Linux and uploaded them to klecker. To apt-get them, use deb ~jensen/binary-powerpc/ deb-src ~jensen/source/ Please note that there is no m

Re: New packages for Mac-on-Linux

2001-08-14 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michel Dänzer writes: > The modules-source package doesn't work for me. At first, make > failed because the Makefile contained two instances of $(SMAKE) > instead of $(MAKE). Fixed that Fixed, together with two more occurences of $(SMAKE). > make: *** /usr/src/modules/mol/buildtools: No s


2001-08-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Russell Hires writes: > Not having researched the mailiing lists, I thought I'd just post a > question about Mac On Linux. As in, I'm running a 2.4-pre8ben0 > kernel, and when I issue the make-kpkg modules_image command, it > fails and gives me the message "Module /usr/src/modules/mol failed

Re: boot-floppy-hfs.img

2001-08-28 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Damien Morel writes: > could someone tell me how the image: [...]/boot-floppy-hfs.img is > done? > > Because I can't mount it as a loop device and I would like to modify > things on it... Are you sure you have HFS enabled in your kernel? If not, have you tried the hmount command? Regards,

Re: boot-floppy-hfs.img + boot

2001-08-29 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Damien Morel writes: > and do you know how to make the floppy bootable again if I change > the kernel? You need to bless the root directory of the floppy. The exact syntax for the appropriate hfsutils command is `hattrib -b :'. > where do I specify the kernel arguments (it seems I can't c

New sources.list line for Mac-on-Linux

2002-11-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, since my preliminary Mac-on-Linux packages are in fact getting an appreciable number of hits, I just wanted to tell everybody that the relevant line has been changed from deb ~jensen/binary-powerpc/ to deb sid/ Please update yo

Re: mol runs, but won't boot

2003-06-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michel Dänzer writes: > Depends: mol-drivers-macos | mol-drivers, mol-drivers-macosx | mol-drivers Yuck. Personally, I hate to force packages down people's throats like this. I've already decided that I will not even recommend or suggest iptables and dhcpd, although they are required to get

Re: Mol still thinks I have an old kernel module installed...

2003-06-17 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Mannequin* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The MOL kernel module version 0.9.65 does not match the binary. > Please unload the kernel module (rmmod mol) and try again > I've installed all of the latest available mol packages that have to > do with my kernel (2.4.18), but with nothing changed.

Re: Mol still thinks I have an old kernel module installed...

2003-06-17 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Mannequin* writes: > Anyway, now I've taken the installing mol-modules-source, and I > built my own modules. Now mol is telling me there are unresolved > symbols: Make sure you are using kernel headers matching your running kernel. Where did you get this kernel in the first place? > Should

Re: 2.4.21 on a G3

2003-06-17 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jeroen Roovers writes: > Is there a handy patch out there that gets thing going faster and > more smoothly for specific powerpc systems? Not for 2.4.21, because there is no kernel-source-2.4.21 out yet. You may want to try your luck with kernel-patch-2.4.20-powerpc and kernel-patch-benh, bo

Re: 2.4.21 on a G3

2003-06-18 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jeroen Roovers writes: > 2.4.21 is out, so do you mean its .deb package by "kernel-source- > 2.4.21"? Yes. This *is* a Debian list, after all. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: 2.4.21-ben ?

2003-06-18 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine writes: > So, the 1 million Euro question: when do you estimate the arrival of > kernel-source-2.4.21-powerpc in Sid? :) Never. There will be a general kernel-source-2.4.21 package by Herbert Xu, a kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc package by Dan Jacobowitz, and an updated ker

Re: Mol still thinks I have an old kernel module installed...

2003-06-18 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Mannequin* writes: > If I have a kernel that was installed durning installation, then what > should I know before installing a kernel using a package? (i.e. > kernel-image-2.4.20-powerpc) Make sure you know how to boot your old kernel in case the new one doesn't work as expected. Regards, J

Re: Mol still thinks I have an old kernel module installed...

2003-06-18 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Mannequin* writes: > I now have another question about networking. I can't get it to > work on MOL. Did you consult README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/mol? It contains a few remarks about networking. > The kernel module '/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/tun.o' appears > to be missing. > Alr

Re: PowerBook 400 Mhz under Debian Woody

2003-06-18 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Yuhanes Tjandra writes: > It's not a new one though, It has a G4 400 Mhz processor (I don't > remember the detail specification). [...] I was wondering whether > this laptop is well supported under debian woody. Probably one of the first Titanium Powerbooks. We have one here, and it is run

Re: mol

2003-06-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, David M. Cooke writes: > > if i want to run mol as any user it tells me that the program most > > be suid, so: > # chmod u+x /usr/lib/mol/bin/mol Nah. First, you probably meant u+s, and second, any changes you make to files from Debian packages without telling dpkg will be clobbered on the

Re: powerbook 17" install

2003-06-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Daniel Kobras writes: > Try There have been errors > when copying files to ext2 via the Finder. Not sure whether this has > been fixed by now. If you want to play it safe, use the command line > to copy files over. I would advise against this driver f

Re: powerbook 17" install

2003-06-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Brendan J Simon writes: > I've just purchased a powerbook 17". I've tried (unsuccessfully) > installing debian using various howtos on the Net. I managed to get > the machine to boot and run the installer using the recent > "boot-floppies" in the woody distro, [...] Since you are having pr

Re: powerbook 17" install

2003-06-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Daniel Kobras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I would advise against this driver for serious use; when I tried > > the latest version it crashed Mac OS X and ate the filesystem. > > I've seen corruption as well, but only when using the Finder. > Command-line usage has proven solid so far for

Re: dselect: Where is the kernel?

2003-06-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Wolfgang Pfeiffer writes: > ~$ uname -a > Linux debby 2.4.18-newpmac #1 Thu Mar 14 22:44:49 EST 2002 ppc unknown This was installed by the woody boot-floppies, I believe. > But when I open the dselect window on the same machine, it seems I > haven't installed any kernel. You have no kernel

Re: updated kernel problem

2003-06-23 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine writes: > On PPC, I've been trying to compile my own iMac kernel, but haven't > been able to produce a kernel whose sound support works. I've tried > patching the kernel with kernel-patch-(version)-powerpc, which did > not work cleanly, and then using ALSA drivers, which c

Re: KDE3

2003-06-24 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Curtis Vaughan writes: > Any reason not to move to KDE3? Yes. WindowMaker. SCNR, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: updated kernel problem

2003-06-25 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine wrote: > I used the regular Debian kernel-source-2.4.20 and > kernel-patch-2.4.20-powerpc, not Ben's patches (even though they > are suppose to improve over Debian's), btw. The configuration > file I used to build the kernel was enclosed in that post too. The config file

Re: updated kernel problem

2003-06-25 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > A true bug report is always better though, it is easier to remember them > when wanting to work on packages, or checking when doing a new release. Definitely. It's also better for the submitter, since reportbug gathers most of the relevant information. > BTW, are all

Re: updated kernel problem

2003-06-25 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Testing whether "improved Power Macintosh support by Benjamin > Herrenschmidt" patch for 2.4.20 applies (dry run): > 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file include/asm-ppc/unistd.h.rej > "improved Power Macintosh support by Benjamin

Re: sarge iso

2003-07-01 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Whiterabbit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > How know where I can find a bootable iso sarge??? Nowhere, I'm afraid. There are jigdo descriptions for testing at>, but they are currently marked as unbootable/uninstallable. Their only u

Re: Kernel-headers

2003-07-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Markus Frauenfelder writes: > -> drivers/mods1.mkext: No such file or directory > -> drivers/mods2.mkext: No such file or directory > Fatal error: drivers/bootx is not an ELF image You need to `apt-get install mol-drivers-macosx' for running Mac OS X in mol. > apt-get install mol-o

Re: Kernel-headers

2003-07-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Gaudenz Steinlin writes: > if you compile your kernel with "make-kpkg" you will also get a > kernel-headers package. Install thisone. You can not use another > debian kernel-headers package to build mol-modules. > You can then build mol-modules with "make-kpkg modules". Actually, it's enough

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc packages available for testing.

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > i have new 2.4.21 powerpc kernel packages available for testing at : > > > Please try them out and provide feedback, I've downloaded the kernel headers and built mol-modules against them (which are currently being uplo

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc packages available for testing.

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Schmitz writes: > > I've downloaded the kernel headers and built mol-modules against > > them (which are currently being uploaded BTW, > Fine - I just built mol modules against my old 2.4.20-benh yesterday and > it just hung my machine. Time to try something known working. I'm afra

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc packages available for testing.

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Schmitz writes: > Nope, the kernel was built using 2.95.4. The modules were built > using 3.3 :-) That's the problem, then. Rebuild your kernel (the emulator is built with the new gcc in any case). Just checked the changelog and found half-year-old entries regarding this issue. I

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc packages available for testing.

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Schmitz writes: > what's the reason for gcc 2.95 compiled kernels and gcc 3.3 compiled > modules to not cooperate cleanly? This: #if (__GNUC__ > 2 || __GNUC_MINOR__ > 95) typedef struct { } spinlock_t; #define SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED (spinlock_t) { } #else typedef struct { int gcc_

Re: upgrading to unstable

2003-07-10 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jule Slootbeek writes: > I just installed Debian on another iBook2 and i want to update to > unstable. but after i get all the files using apt-get dist-upgrade > it gives me some error related to libpam, has anyone come up with a > solution for this? Can you post the exact error message, pl

Re: system time

2003-07-14 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ismael Valladolid Torres writes: > # apt-get install ntpdate > > Will be enough. Then, find a reliable time server. I live in Spain > but I use which never lets me down. Not sure if I > am fully authorized to use that. ;) You can find a list of publically available time

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc

2003-07-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ismael Valladolid Torres writes: > I am trying to build a customized kernel using kernel-package. My > currently installed kernel-image-2.4.21-powerpc prays having been > compiled using kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc. But if I download and > install it, I can't guess the means to apply it. Some

Re: kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc

2003-07-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Ismael Valladolid Torres writes: > > make-kpkg --added-patches powerpc kernel-image > > This works for other patches (lowlatency,preempt) but that would look > for a script called powerpc, and de script indeed is called 0powerpc. > > make-kpkg --added-patches 0powerpc kernel-image > > More

Re: 2.6-test1 on ppc?

2003-07-23 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > The benh tree is also packaged for debian, but not by me, and maybe > not as an official package, and contain more pmac specific stuff. To be precise, the differences between the vanilla kernel and Ben's tree are packaged as kernel-patch-benh, with minimal changes to en

Re: powerbook, airport and kismet

2003-07-24 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra writes: > On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 06:22:20 -0700, Dale Harris wrote: > > So has anyone gotten kismet to work on a Powerbook, typical errors > > I get is "monitor mode" is invalid for my card. However, > > MacStumbler seems to work just fine in OS X. I'm u

Re: powerbook, airport and kismet

2003-07-27 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jens Schmalzing writes: > You need an additional patch to enable monitor mode for the airport > card. There are several floating around on the net, I can send you > the one I use if you are interested. In the meantime, a number of people have asked for the patch, so I am postin

Re: XFS enabled Debian 3.0r1 powerpc installer

2003-08-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Stewart Smith writes: > But a word of warning, getting it to patch with the benh kernels can > be a little tricky If you use the Debian packages, there is only one minor glitch, and I am considering a split of the patch in order to take care of this. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fqu

Re: XFree86_4.3.0-0pre1v1 for PowerPC?

2003-08-06 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Wes Morgan writes: > Are there Debian packages for XFree86_4.3.0-0pre1v1 for powerpc > available anywhere? The X Strike Force has announced official, experimental packages which are still sitting in the queue but should become available any day now: [31 July] XFree86 4.3.0-0pre1v1 has be

Re: Mol module molsymglue doesn't load

2003-08-11 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Leandro Noferini writes: > I am using the kernel 2.4.21-ben2-int (-int extension was added by me > because I applied the crypto patches from and the > mol-modules-source from sid. Which version of the Debian package are you using? > Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Sa

Re: Mol module molsymglue doesn't load

2003-08-12 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Leandro Noferini writes: > It comes from building modules from sources: cd /usr/src/modules/mol > and then make install. Make sure you are building against the source of your running kernel, not some cruft you may still have on your system. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbp

Re: MOL fails on bootloader

2003-08-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Lucas Moulin writes: > /dev/sg0 SCSI-<0:0:0> CD/DVD SONY CD-RW CRX820E 3.3b > > CD /dev/cdrom CD-ROM-- > > /dev/hda2 might be a boot-strap partition. > --> /dev/hda5 is linux-mounted with write privileges. > Could not open '/dev/hda5' with read

Re: MOL fails on bootloader

2003-08-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Rogério Brito writes: > Do you have any isolated case when the current HFS+ driver can > corrupt the filesystems? When a filesystem driver is updated, I normally unpack the kernel source and attempt to re-build the running kernel. So far, this has never succeeded with the Linux HFS+ driver,

Re: Debian Installation on PowerBook G4

2003-08-19 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Stewart Smith writes: > In my experience though, the hfsplus driver works really well for > reading, and pretty good for writing. So yeah, it's possible to use > it to play mp3s from. Of course you only need read-only support for playing MP3s. > But I'd advise having a seperate /home for l

Re: MOL fails on bootloader

2003-08-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Lucas Moulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Looks as if mol cannot find a bootable disk. There are several > > reasons why this may happen: > > > > 1. You do not have Mac OS X installed. Insert a Mac OS X installation > >CD and run `startmol --osx --cdboot'. Anyway, it is unlikely tha

Re: firewire drive - problems

2003-08-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Grzesiek Sedek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hi I'm about to install debian on xserve but I have a problem to see > firewire drive ( xserve in target mode) Could anyone tell me exact > steps needed to see firewire drive? 1. Load Firewire modules, `modprobe ohci1394' should be sufficient.

Re: mplayer packages

2003-09-12 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine writes: > Why CPUs with Altivec as a minimum support level? There is a -powerpc package *and* and -altivec package. AFAICS only the latter is optimized. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: mplayer packages

2003-09-12 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Martin-Éric Racine writes: > IMHO, there should be 3 packages (applies to the kernel too): > > 1) Pre-G3 (PPC601, etc.) > 2) G3 > 3) G4 with Altivec and the whole shebang Does the preformance gain from optimizing for G3 warrant the extra package? > G3 and G4 kernels could be optimized wit

Re: kernel-2.6.0-test5-benh available for download

2003-09-16 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Menaka Lashitha Bandara writes: > I've made kernel-2.6.0-test5-benh available for download. There's a > patch and a source deb. The sources have Ben's ide-pmac patch applied. > I've made it avail on the website if you want to test after reversing > the changes. You can get all this at: > > h

Re: Another sarge install problem - inn2

2003-09-25 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Paul Talacko writes: > I have one other problem in the upgrade to sarge. inn2 won't > install. [...] There is probably a simple work around. Can anyone > help?? Yes. A solution is found at>. And next time, please check the BTS right away - this has nothing

Re: in Sid

2003-09-26 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Adam Hewitt writes: > I find it hard to believe that everyone who is running Sid has been > without Oo for the past two weeks (due to no, > can someone tell me what the deal is and what you have done to get > around it?? What I've always done, use LaTeX in the first place

Re: linux-2.4.22-ben2-stew1-xfs available

2003-10-02 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Paul van Tilburg writes: > The patch creates a include/asm/ directory.. but make wants include/asm to be > a symlink to include/asm-. So I let the patch go ahead, did a > 'diff -Naur include/asm include/asm-ppc' and there is no difference. > So I guess it is superfluous in the patch? This is

New kernel-patch-benh package - feedback appreciated

2003-10-04 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, I've just created, tested and uploaded a new version of the official kernel-patch-benh package that corresponds to 2.4.22-ben2. I would appreciate feedback on the package in general, and in particular on its main features over Ben's tree proper, which are: * applies to the tree in kernel-sou

Re: New per subarch 2.4.22 powerpc kernels, please test.

2003-10-05 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > I am searching for testers for the new 2.4.22-2 serie of kernel > packages before uploading them to the archive, and potentially > breaking lot of stuff. Well, the kernel booted fine on all the Newworld Powermacs that I could get a hand on, which is probably not surpris

Re: New per subarch 2.4.22 powerpc kernels, please test.

2003-10-05 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > > Well, the kernel booted fine on all the Newworld Powermacs that I > > could get a hand on, > Ok, nice. Did it work fine with the kernel modules also ? Sorry I don't know, most of these machines are other people's workstations in our department and normally run Mac O

Re: New per subarch 2.4.22 powerpc kernels, please test.

2003-10-05 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Sven Luther writes: > Ok, so the problem may still be existing. Unfortunately, only one of my proper Linux Macs runs sid, and it's using XFS, so I can't test this. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: Upgrade Mac OS X 10.2.8 stops 2.4.21-ben2

2003-10-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Benjamin Herrenschmidt writes: > > > the rsync mirror must have trouble > > Who is responsible for the rsync mirror? Did you already inform him? > No. I don't really know who takes care of those mirrors Well, since I track that tree anyway, I set up a mirror at rsync.theorie.physik.uni-mu

Re: Upgrade Mac OS X 10.2.8 stops 2.4.21-ben2

2003-10-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michel Dänzer writes: > Could you change the name from benh to linuxppc-2.5-benh to match > the BK tree and other mirror(s), and could you exclude BK stuff > (BitKeeper/ and SCCS/ directories AFAICT)? Sure. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz j

Re: Upgrade Mac OS X 10.2.8 stops 2.4.21-ben2

2003-10-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Tom Rini writes: > > linuxppc-2.5-benh is stuck at -test2. > > Bah. And right now I can't connect to from anywhere. Use for the time being :) Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz

Re: change internal hd

2003-10-09 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jean-Christophe Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'd like to change my internal dd on my Pismo (from 20G to 60G, > maybe even one 7200rpm) on which i have debian and two hfs with os9. > What's the good way to proceed to transfer all data on this new 2.5" > hd? I bought a Firewire enclosu

Re: change internal hd

2003-10-10 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Mich Lanners writes: > I've extensively dd'ed in such situations, both ext2 and hfs partitions. > > The key i to make the new partitions exactly the size of the old one. Which may not be completely satisfactory if you are changing to a larger hard disk. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en

Re: change internal hd

2003-10-10 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Jean-Christophe Michel writes: > Thks! My question is: how to transfer kernel and boot things, IIRC you can fill the new bootstrap partition using ybin. > and hfs partitions onto the new disk ? You mean HFS+ partitions. I did this from Mac OS X, using ditto. > simply dd ? That only work

Re: error while compiling 2.6

2003-10-13 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Uwe Steinmann writes: > The copy at misses at least numa.h Not any more. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: share partition between macosx and debian

2003-10-14 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Arnaud Vandyck writes: > I have a friend who did it but he had to make a FAT partition to > share a partition because linux does not write on usf. Is this > statement still true? FAT is still your best bet when it comes to sharing a file system. In principle, Linux can write HFS and HFS+,

Re: cryptopatch for kernel 2.4.21 fails on ibook

2003-10-20 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, > I recently migrated [...]. And now I have problems compiling a > kernel that`s able to decrypt my encrypted (loopback) home > partition. > I have a kernel (2.4.22 Benh) that works fine except for decrypting. Are you using the kernel sources from Debian, or Ben's tree itself? > anybody an

Re: kernel 2.6.0-test8 console

2003-10-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Schmitz writes: > > I've upgraded to sarge, and I've compiled 2.6.0-test8, and when I > > reboot, I've > > Straight or -benh ?? I may be wrong, but it looks as if Ben's tree at bk:// hasn't been updated in more than a week and is therefore

Re: Xfree86 help on PowerBook 17

2003-10-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Brendan J Simon writes: > I did get X going on my PB17 once. I thought I had got to the bottom > of it. Now it wont work and it is the exact same XF86Config-4. Which 17" Powerbook? Among other things, Apple changed the video hardware with the last model upgrade. My 1.33GHz 17" Powerbook i

Re: kernel 2.6.0-test8 console

2003-10-22 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Michael Schmitz writes: > I'd not recommend 2.6.0-test(7,8) for anyone unfamiliar with some > basic kernel hacking. I wouldn't call myself familiar with kernel hacking, but I upgraded painlessly from 2.4 to 2.6 by simply following the instructions at

Re: HOWTO install Debian from another distribution?

2003-10-24 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Arnaud Vandyck writes: > I did build debootstrap from another powerpc and launched it. It > installed some packages but I do not have 'ar'! nor a 'functionnal' > Debian system! :( [...] > is it the good way to install Debian from another distribution? debootstrap is definitely the way to g

Re: kernel 2.6.0-test8 console

2003-10-24 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hi, Adam Done writes: > Where is Ben's tree found.. I tried using rsync and reading over > 5500 emails with 2.6.0 kernel and could not find any location. The original tree is at bk:// And there are rsync mirrors at and rsync.

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