On Friday 18 August 2006 22:49, Aurélien GÉRÔME wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 02:56:52PM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > Do you think it will be ready for inclusion in etch at release time?
> Hard to say, since Piotr and I have no deadline... :)
I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you mea
On Friday 11 August 2006 09:33, Simon Stapleton wrote:
> On 10 Aug 2006, at 22:19, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Yes, just using video=atyfb causes the same issue. There is a
> difference somewhere in the way quik configures stuff and the way
> BootX/miBoot do it, using video=atyf
Hi Aurélien,
please don't cc: me - I'm subscribed to both lists, it's against the mailing
lists code of conduct (something you agree on when joining debian..) and it's
annoying. Thanks.
On Saturday 19 August 2006 14:05, Aurélien GÉRÔME wrote:
> > I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you mean,
On Saturday 19 August 2006 16:17, Aurélien GÉRÔME wrote:
> Sure, no problem and I apologise, which leads me to: how would I know
> you are subscribed? ;)
Thanks for caring! :)
Of course you cannot know if someone is subscribed. But you can know that the
default is not to cc: people and assu
as I'm away from powerpc machines for the next two weeks I would be happy for
testers, too...
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: Debian Edu for powerpc ready for testing
Date: Thursday 21 September 2006 00:51
From: Petter Reinholdtsen <[EMAIL PROTEC
On Tuesday 26 September 2006 12:27, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 11:42:13AM +1000, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> > It's to be noted that the miboot images generated by the kernel are
> > busted and have been so for a lng time (possibly most of 2.6.x). We
> > found that on
this didn't make it to the lists, but it's in the bts as #394209, please reply
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - thanks.
Package: installation-reports
severity: important
Boot method: netinstall-cd and netboot-cd images
Image version: 2006-10-19 from
On Sunday 22 October 2006 10:20, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> What is the exact problem ? I'm pretty sure I had 2.6.18 booting fine on
> a couple of oldworld boxes here before relase. (A fix for IDE on some
> performa went in later on, I think in
The problem I see here (even on n
On Monday 23 October 2006 12:01, Brian Morris wrote:
> well i tried again, still same result as ever trying
> to boot 2.6.18 on my old powerbook.
how much memory do you have?
Description: PGP signature
On Sunday 22 October 2006 13:54, Sven Luther wrote:
> 1) using yaird instead of initramfs-tools, or initramfs-tools with the
> modules=dep option.
initramfs-tools with the dep option didnt help.
I now added more memory and that helped :)
From experiementing with "mem=xM" append paramete
On Monday 30 October 2006 17:16, you wrote:
> Mmm, are you able to boot d-i with 32MB on this box ?
Description: PGP signature
On Tuesday 07 November 2006 14:01, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> > What can you do with acroread that would not work with kdpf for example ?
> Form templates.
Can you please point out a pdf (or create one), so that we can open bugs
against the pdf-viewers in debian?
Hi Wolfram,
On Tuesday 07 November 2006 17:27, Wolfram Quester wrote:
> In this case there is a bug report:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=317984
Ah, thanks. I also filed a bug against poppler now (#397590), so that this is
on the radar of other pdf viewers as well.
> It was
summary for powerpc-users: _if_ you have serious problems with debian-powerpc
working on your machine(s), please report them to the bug tracking system, so
we can fix them. If you don't know how (or need a bit help), I'm glad to help
on this. http://bugs.debian.org is a good starting point
summary for powerpc-users: _if_ you have serious problems with debian-powerpc
working on your machine(s), please report them to the bug tracking system, so
we can fix them. If you don't know how (or need a bit help), I'm glad to help
on this. http://bugs.debian.org is a good starting point :)
On Saturday 25 November 2006 23:08, Sven Luther wrote:
> Thank you for this, why could you not at least leave me alone ?
Because you spread FUD about the debian-powerpc port and claim it's so broken
it needs to be removed from etch?!
> joeyh accused me of delaying single-handledly the relea
On Sunday 26 November 2006 11:39, Johannes Berg wrote:
> > And really, loud fans are an issue, but they don't make the installer
> > completly usuable (play some louder music during the 30mins of
> > installations, whatever) for the minority of powerpc users with such a
> > hardware, while the
On Sunday 26 November 2006 19:25, Johannes Berg wrote:
> > During installation. How often does one install?
> Well, it does take a while :) Though when I installed mine, the
So you have such a machine :)
Could you please test, if those noisy fans are made silent with d-i RC1 and
with the cu
On Sunday 26 November 2006 15:09, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > currently shiping powerpc hardware are :
> > > IBM pseries : not really supported, patch sitting without comment
> > > since months, early work lost because of svn commit conflicts.
> > raise the bug severity? which bug#, btw?
On Sunday 26 November 2006 15:45, Alex Fernandez wrote:
> One of the selling points of Free Software in general, and Debian in
> particular, is that the people doing the coding are the people in
> charge.
Right. The people doing the vast majority of work on the debian-installer,
which runs o
On Monday 27 November 2006 18:38, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> I see. Is the installer smart enough to pull packages from more than one
> archive?
Yes. During build time it looks for local udebs which will be included in the
Description: P
On Thursday 30 November 2006 15:49, you wrote:
> That's not what I was asking - during run (install) time, there is no way
> to pull udebs off the net then, I gather?
If you use your own mirror and modify that, you can. It's even explained in
the d-i developer documentation how to do this, a
On Thursday 30 November 2006 12:20, Charles Plessy wrote:
> No need to test, they are not:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2006/11/msg00789.html
Ok. I will add info about this in the errata then.
> On the other hand, I recommend to test wether they also stay silent on
> the installed s
On Thursday 30 November 2006 15:30, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > #394970: finish-install: [powerpc64] Add support for IBM serial
> I didn't, because
[1, 2 & 3 - basically no time]
And then you complain, that other people don't find the time to reply to the
bugreport. Can't you imagine, that t
this bug was originally about building certain windfarm drivers into the
kernel instead of modules, but it seems, that this was a red herring and the
current kernel in sid now includes working modules to turn the G5 fans
If this is correct, this bug can be closed. Is it correct?
On Thursday 30 November 2006 18:21, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> * Holger, Frans and who others involved, could you please stop to reply
> to Sven's non-technical e-mail messages? It surely do not help anybody.
Indeed, I did regret sending the previous mail in this thread to the list and
On Thursday 30 November 2006 23:04, Étienne Bersac wrote:
> Beware not to confuse iMac G5 rev A&B and rev C (among PowerMac G5).
> iMac G5 rev C (chip PowerMac 12,1) do not have yet their windfarm
> driver. Benh told that he began the work on this driver but has
> difficulties to get access to
On Thursday 30 November 2006 18:06, Sven Luther wrote:
> > If this is correct, this bug can be closed. Is it correct?
> The bug should be retitled and reassigned to initramfs-tools, if it is not
> already.
It only makes sense to do this, if its confirmed, that initramfs-tools doesn'
On Friday 01 December 2006 15:33, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > Thanks for the information! Are those the latest G5 imacs? or the first
> > ones?
> I think that it is the latest. For the moment, the windfarm drivers are
> available for powermacs 8,1 ; 9,1 ; and 11,2. (grep FARM
> /boot/config-2.
The miboot enabled d-i sarge floppies for oldworld powerpc are now
available again, you can find them at http://layer-acht.org/d-i-miboot/
When/if :) I become a DD, I'll move them to people.d.o and leave a note on
my webserver..
I'll keep them available until lenny (!) is released at l
Hi Lucas,
On Friday 15 December 2006 13:30, Lucas Rossi wrote:
>Unfortunately the images didn't work, man...I just tested here...
:-( Thanks for telling though.
Can you say what didn't work / where it failed how? Would probably help to fix
it :)
Hi Lucas,
On Friday 15 December 2006 15:32, you wrote:
>As I said,
you didn't (until now) ;)
>the computer just spits out the disks,
you tried the 2.4 and 2.6 ones?
> I would think that it's a problem with my
> computer, but I was able to boot from an old Debian disk, I think it
> wa
On Friday 15 December 2006 21:37, Sven Luther wrote:
> Notice that the 2.6 sarge d-i image had a bug which was later fixed in the
> etch/sid version. It has to do with calling mkvmlinuz i think, instead of
> simply gzipping it by hand.
> Holger, can you backport the little change from the s
On Saturday 16 December 2006 00:52, Sven Luther wrote:
> > But why? People can install with 2.4 just fine and then later upgrade to
> > 2.6, so why do the work and backport it?
> Because even when using 2.4 floppies, they will install the 2.6.8 kernels,
> so it is best to have the same kernel
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 04:09, John Schmidt wrote:
> I have an oldworld ppc that can't boot from cdrom that would benefit from
> sarge miboot floppies.
download them from http://layer-acht.org/d-i-miboot/
Description: PGP signature
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 00:25, Rick Thomas wrote:
> There are plenty of OldWorld Macs out there (I own 6 of them) that
> would benefit from a kernel 2.6 bootable Sarge floppy-set.
How?`Are you really sure the 2.4 floppies don't work with them?
What I forgot to say in my mail yesterday,
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 07:43, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Not to put words into his mouth, but I think that is what Holger is
> saying. For the purpose the Sarge floppyset serves, it's enough to
> have just a 2.4 kernel for the installer.
> Holger seems to reply "Why bother?"
I rather
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 21:05, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > listing the working reports and not working ones, or something.
> > Then give out
> > a call for testers of the last daily-builds.
> That would be a good idea. Unfortunately I don't have the time or
> the HTML skills to do such a t
On Monday 25 December 2006 06:40, Christian Müller wrote:
> I've just successfully tested the --boot d-i set of files-- @
> http://people.debian.org/~wouter/d-i/powerpc/20061224-03:00/powerpc/cdrom/
> method: BootX under MacOS9, video=ofonly
> machine: Beige G3 desktop model, openfirmware ve
://wiki.debian.org/powerpcEtchReleaseRecertification lists the following
people for powerpc (Bastian is missing there):
Roger Leigh
Alexander Wirt
Sven Luther
Michel Daenzer
Colin Watson
Mark Brown
Holger Levsen
Given the rumors powerpc would be dead, I suggest to name them all :)
On Tuesday 26 December 2006 12:52, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 11:20:50AM +0100, Holger Levsen a écrit :
> > http://wiki.debian.org/powerpcEtchReleaseRecertification lists the
> > following people for powerpc (Bastian is missing there):
> I would
On Tuesday 26 December 2006 12:37, Aurélien GÉRÔME wrote:
> The Debian's Organizational Structure page only lists DD. At least,
> one of them in the previous list is not DD; find the intruder. :)
Funnily I claimed "I'm no DD" on that wiki page, and that other page lists my
name :-D
On Sunday 31 December 2006 04:02, Eduardo Trápani wrote:
> I just wrote to debian-users because I need to move a whole debian box
> from a powerpc iMac to an intel pc. The problem is that there seems to
> be platform specific files in use and that means that simply
> reinstalling packages and
On Saturday 30 December 2006 07:33, Rick Thomas wrote:
> your machine won't boot til you re-key the options. I find this
> prospect enough of a potential PITA that I strongly recommend the
> fourth option.
> The fourth and final boot loader option is MacOS-9 with a simple
> little extension
On Friday 05 January 2007 14:36, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 19:46 +0100, Herman Robak wrote:
> > > DV video playback in Kino is unusably slow on Debian Sid for PowerPC.
> > > I get only 1-2 frames per second on a Mac mini, whereas Mplayer and
> > > Vlc both give smooth pl
On Sunday 07 January 2007 16:59, Guido Guenther wrote:
> The ffmpeg and mplayer packages I provided were based on the packages
> from Christian Marillat (debian-multimedia.org). I sent all the
> necessary modifications back to him. I no longer build the packages
> myself - Christian autobuilds
On Saturday 13 January 2007 08:47, Joey Hess wrote:
> Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> > Yes, I've seen various mails/rants etc... and haven't wanted to take
> > part of it neither in the past, but it looks like this has gone too far,
> > and it's more and more looking like even perfectly good
On Tuesday 23 January 2007 10:13, Ananda Samaddar wrote:
> Must have been something with the buggy graphical installer or my messing
> with the partitions. I used OSX partitioning tool to partition the HDD
> (it's piece of crap by the way) and everything is working dual-boot wise
> now.
On Friday 19 January 2007 17:01, brian wrote:
> this is nice, however the last time i tried it
> a few weeks ago, it deblesses my macosx system,
> which is a pain to correct, especially for a novice.
Could you try again please and submit an error, so this issue can be fixed and
others wont h
Hi rob,
sorry for my late reply I was too busy the last two weeks...
On Sunday 14 January 2007 10:00, rob rob wrote:
> 1.At one point you're asked if you want to install stable, unstable or
> testing. Won't this be a problem when sarge becomes old stable. I image the
> installation will fail here
On Tuesday 13 February 2007 05:30, Rick Thomas wrote:
> I'd suggest that pcilynx be disabled in the Debian PPC kernels, and a
> note to that effect be put in the release documents.
> To what package should I send a bug report with that payload?
package "release-notes" for documentation and
Hi Daniel,
On Wednesday 09 May 2007 22:49, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> voltaire.debian.org, our venerable but still reliable build daemon,
> has been living in my apartment for a number of years. I'm moving
> house shortly, though, and won't be able to host it in my new home.
> So it needs a new g
On Thursday 10 May 2007 12:56, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> > When do you move? (As in, until when the machine needs to be moved?)
> By the beginning of June.
Adding to the request tracker. If nothing happens within ten days or so I'll
ping DSA again, to make sure you can happily move and we k
On Friday 11 May 2007 09:50, Ralf Saalmüller wrote:
> it's 20 day to go until the buildd for the debian powerpc port gets
> disconnected.
Yes, we know. But this has nothing to do with those powerpc64 machines
discussed in this thread.
On Thursday 10 May 2007 14:32, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Adding to the request tracker. If nothing happens within ten days or so
> I'll ping DSA again, to make sure you can happily move and we keep our
> powerpc buildd :)
voltaire.d.o will be relocated this weekend :)
On Tuesday 22 May 2007 10:06, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> computer running SimplyMEPIS version 6.0 i386, just yesterday I had the
> same problem with a new install of Skolelinux RC1 and copied the
did you try the new powerpc etch based version of Skolelinux? I would love to
hear about powerpc use
I'm giving away my fully working oldworld powermacs: a g3 beige, a 7200 and a
4400, fully working with RAM and (most probably) harddrives. These machine
are older than ten years and probably only interesting if you want to work on
oldworld powerpc.
Then I'm giving away my broken pegasos2 p
On Thursday 27 July 2006 03:35, Tomasz Grzegurzko wrote:
> > > http://people.debian.org/~wouter/d-i/powerpc-miboot/daily/
> > > I tried this image today (27-Jul-2006) and suffered the same fate..
The image from there from the 23rd of July worked for me on a g3 oldworld, so
give it a try.
On Thursday 10 August 2006 00:30, Torsten Zirzlaff wrote:
> I'm still fighting with my RS/6000 to get a Debian Etch on it. The
> problem is, at least in my case, that I'm unable to use the stock
> install images.
Where did you download them?
>Any idea where to ask for further help?
On Saturday 15 July 2006 17:17, Ben Racher wrote:
> So my Powerbook G3 266mhz Wallstreet is now successfully running Debian,
> however its a little slow. And I suspect the culprit is the video
> acceleration that is issued by quik when you first load the kernel. I've
> been using:
> video=atyf
Hi Russel,
cc:ed cause I'm not sure wether you read the list...
On Monday 10 January 2005 03:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> I've got a 9600/MP running yellow dog linux, that I'd like to upgrade
> to sarge. But I had some trouble with the sarge install cd, which I
> have so far been unable to resol
On Monday 10 January 2005 17:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Monday 10 January 2005 03:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> >> I've got a 9600/MP running yellow dog linux, that I'd like to upgrade
> >> to sa
On Monday 24 January 2005 09:15, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Hem, i've just tried sarge rc2, but as i've just stated, the floppy
> image seems not bootable, and the documentation still speak about the
> woody image (boot-floppy-hfs.img), so seems not updated.
Try the floppy-images from
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 13:02, Hans Ekbrand wrote:
> > This was a common problem with previous, non-initrd enabled quik
> > versions-- are you sure you've got the latest quik from sarge ?
> Yes,
> pc236:~# apt-cache policy quik
> quik:
> Installed: 2.1-3
> Candidate: 2.1-3
> Ve
On Thursday 17 February 2005 04:08, teefour wrote:
> The 4400 should work. Some time ago I had one running linux. No Idea
> about the others.
the 4400 does work (also with the new debian-installer) for sure.
it even boots from a 160gb ide-harddrive :-)
Hi Patrick,
On Tuesday 22 February 2005 18:02, Patrick Bachmann wrote:
> This OldWorld-maschine doesn't want to boot the floppies, I'm trying to
> feed it with.
> There are various floppies I have tried, e.g. the woody and sarge boot
> floppies and the floppies of the rc2 of the debian installer.
Hi Patrick,
On Thursday 24 February 2005 02:47, Patrick Bachmann wrote:
> Well, I went to Staples and got me a new set of floppies that even have a
> two year guarantee on them, but it still didn't work.
well, you might use brand new floppies, but the problem could also be your old
floppy drive.
Hi Tormod,
On Thursday 07 April 2005 15:33, Tormod Volden wrote:
> I want to get rid of my Power Macintosh G3 (beige desktop), since I am
> gonna move. It would be nice if it could be used by (and/or):
> 1) someone developing, testing or using Debian (or some other free OS)
> 2) someone who can'
On Monday 25 April 2005 20:18, Johannes Mockenhaupt wrote:
> > Hence two questions, the first is who would like to take over the
> > maintenance of this configuration and hosting of the web pages (you
> > could source forge it).
> Creating a sourceforge project might be a bit overkill and ther
http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ports-status is IMHO a bit
confusing and missing some infos:
- for oldworld cd- and net-booting a note should be added: "needs booting from
OpenFirmware" (this is currently not described in the manual - if it's added
(it's on my list for today t
I have an ibook2.2, which is running sarge with kernel-image-2.6.8-powerpc
(2.6.8-3) and devfsd now.
processor : 0
cpu : 750FX
temperature : 19-21 C (uncalibrated)
clock : 800MHz
revision: 2.2 (pvr 7000 0202)
bogomips: 1585.15
I was busy with lots of "real life stuff", so I was away from debian-boot a
while... I'm sorry for that ;-)
> > So I'm no longer so sure as I once was that the parameters after "boot"
> > in Open Firmware are getting passed to the kernel. Is it possible to
> > modify the boot-parameters tha
ng to fast, some
- i still _believe_ that i should switch to alsa if possible
On Monday 13 September 2004 10:50, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an ibook2.2, which is running sarge with kernel-image-2.6.8-powerpc
> (2.6.8-3) and dev
On Saturday 18 September 2004 10:03, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> The resource is called CMDL. More detailed instructions are here:
> http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2000/06/olh_ppc_miboot.html>
ok, this is cool for everybody who as macos. but i would really like to see a
linux-only solution.
miboot is used on them as well.
On Sunday 19 September 2004 17:26, Christian Leimer wrote:
> I found that website
> http://mike.quintero.staff.noctrl.edu/slackintosh/
> which offers two boot disks. I dont test them but they are for Linux. If
> they dont use miboot it
> This is not true anymore i have no problem burning CDs and DVDs with the
> current 2.6.8 and cdrecord in sid.
thanx - with 2.6.8-3 (from sarge) and cdrecord from sid (with or without
recompilation with dvd-patch) i can burn CD-RWs as root and as user.
but still, k3b doesnt find a cd-write
for power management of ibooks
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 02:41:05 +0200
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On Saturday 25 September 2004 20:01, Brad Boyer wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 07:41:15PM -0500, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > I believe the following devices are missing
> > from /etc/udev/permissions.d/udev.permissions (udev, Version: 0.031-2,
> > sarge install with kerne
> > However... There is one important thing missing from the boot
> > disks. Specifically, the "System" file is zero length. This is
> > true of both boot and ofonlyboot for both 2.4 and 2.6. It won't
> > boot that way.
> Arg, again. I have to checkup and see what is missing in the build pr
Hash: SHA1
cc:s added to gain more attention, reply-to: set.
On Friday 26 November 2004 10:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i'm the current maintainer of quik, the oldworld PPC bootloader. i'm
> currently sponsored by Jakko Niemi. there have been many code ch
Hash: SHA1
each time my ibook g3 enters sleep mode, the displays switches from graphics
to text console and displays some kernel stufff, which is pretty useful for
debugging etc.
But this doesn't look really pretty in everyday operations - especially for
Hash: SHA1
Peter 'p2' De Schrijver has made some new updates to the quik - you can get it
(.deb and source) at the http://www.ulyssis.org/~p2/debjes/
changes include:
- manpage tells about initrd
- compiles with gcc3
- sprintf bug fixed
- ANS raid supp
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 03 December 2004 08:30, Colin Leroy wrote:
> You can add fblevel 0 and fblevel 15 in /etc/power/pmcs-pbbuttonsd
> script, in suspend and resume case... It should work.
Thanks! It does work nicely indeed ;-) Only X still looks a little b
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 06 December 2004 15:22, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > Attached is "sleep-quiet", which I put into /etc/power/scripts.d/ and
> > made a link to /etc/power/event.d/sleep-quiet. As I didn't find a way to
> > determine the current fblevel easil
Hash: SHA1
On Sunday 12 December 2004 15:53, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to set up a sid changeroot on my ibook. I use the command
> provided in the manual page of debootstrap:
> env LANG=C debootstrap sid /scr/build/chroot-sid/
> http://ftp.
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 13 December 2004 10:56, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> ok, I solved it: I mounted the partition with nodev, hence no
> /dev/null and friends.
good that you found the reason... ;)
> Now it misses a dependency of pppoeconf on gettext, but thi
Guillaume, at most I can confirm your reports. Unfortunatly I think that's
On Monday 13 December 2004 19:16, Guillaume Florey wrote:
> Thanks for the help, but I cant find any gtkpbbuttons with ps -ax nor pid
> in /var/run/ ...
I can confirm this. It's so strange and it even has vanish
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 13 December 2004 22:29, Matthias Grimm wrote:
> This is _not_ gtkpbbuttons! What you saw is the KDE laptoptool 'kmilo'. It
> gets its informations also from pbbuttonsd but kmilo is not my project.
Thanks. I was using kde before, and i'm
Hi Russel,
cc:ed cause I'm not sure wether you read the list...
On Monday 10 January 2005 03:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> I've got a 9600/MP running yellow dog linux, that I'd like to upgrade
> to sarge. But I had some trouble with the sarge install cd, which I
> have so far been unable to resol
On Monday 10 January 2005 17:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Monday 10 January 2005 03:17, Russell McManus wrote:
> >> I've got a 9600/MP running yellow dog linux, that I'd like to upgrade
> >> to sa
On Wednesday 10 August 2005 17:56, Magnus Sandberg wrote:
> I have some problems installing Debian Sarge on my OldWorld PowerMac.
> I sent a bug report to the bugtracking system;
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2005/08/msg00288.html
> Does any one has any ideas regarding thies problems
On Thursday 07 October 2004 06:35, Duane Cottle wrote:
> > Perhaps someone will step up and provide evidence to the contrary,
> > but I'm pretty sure that quik doesn't support loading a ramdisk. I've
> > never tried it myself, but I don't remember ever hearing about anyone
> > doing it.
> man
[no debian 2.6 kernel packages with quik]
> Well, actually, the only reason is the initrd. We could make a 2.6
> non-initrd kernel flavour for powerpc, which would solve those problems. I
> bet Jens would be vetoing any such moves though.
Why would Jens be vetoing ?
I got an Apple Powermac 4400 and want to create a bootfloppy with a custom
kernel for it but I fail.
I manage to build a debian kernel package on another ppc machine with
make-kpgg, but the vmlinux which is built is to big for a floppy:
3218566 2004-02-20 23:12:32 ./boot/vmlinux-2.4
Am Dienstag, 24. Februar 2004 19:18 schrieb Holger Levsen:
> Hello,
> I got an Apple Powermac 4400 and want to create a bootfloppy with a custom
> kernel for it but I fail.
> I manage to build a debian kernel package on another ppc machine with
> make-kpgg, but the vmlinux
> I´m searching for that perl script patch-floppy-image.pl which the
> installation manual of debian linuxppc mentions but I can´t find it anymore
> at the cvs.debian site. Does anyone have this script yet?? If yes, please,
> can you send it to me?
Not long ago I was also looking for it, it i
is it still "mandatory" to use Benjamins 2.4 repository or have all (or mostly
all) patches been applied to 2.4.26/27 ?
As I can see from this list, most of the effort is going into 2.6 now, which
is good, but I still want to use 2.4 on my ibook for a while. (And for
various reasons I w
On Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 01:26:39PM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> ppc64:
> This architecture is basically on par with the release architectures. We have
> over
> 11.000 packages installed
> sparc64:
> We are close to 11.000 installed packages.
I'm not sure whether you are tal
thanks to everyone explaining arch:any to me :)
Description: Digital signature
On Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2013, Stewart Smith wrote:
> Jenkins can have slaves on remote hosts, via SSH. It runs a small java
> app there, so as long as the arch has a JVM then you're pretty right.
that JVM is not even needed, just schedule jobs via ssh and be done.
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