Hi, > Iīm searching for that perl script patch-floppy-image.pl which the > installation manual of debian linuxppc mentions but I canīt find it anymore > at the cvs.debian site. Does anyone have this script yet?? If yes, please, > can you send it to me?
Not long ago I was also looking for it, it is attached. I found via www.archive.org. There I searched for the URL where patch-floppy-image.pl was located once and found it! > Thanks!!! > Clovis you're welcome, Holger
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # patches powerpc hfs-boot-floppy.img with desired boot arguments # for example, to create a boot floppy for a /dev/hda8 root: # ./patch-floppy-image.pl 'root=/dev/hda8' boot-floppy-hfs.img > boot-hfs-hda8.img # another example, add video=ofonly to the archive floppy image # ./patch-floppy-image.pl 'root=0200 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1 video=ofonly' boot-floppy-hfs.img > boot-video-ofonly.img # We have 98 characters to work with in the floppy's System CMDL resource # (Always maintain the right number of bytes in the floppy image) my $absolute_max_length = 98; # $current must be the same as what is currently inside # boot-floppies/powerpc-specials/miBoot/System.bin. my $current = "root=0200 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1 adb_buttons=103,111 video=ofonly "; # I think it's a good idea to maintain "adb_buttons=103,111 " # $maintain can be changed as needed; your boot arguments will be appended to it. my $maintain = "adb_buttons=103,111 "; my $pad_len = $absolute_max_length - length( $maintain ); my $new_arguments = shift; if ( length( $new_arguments ) > $pad_len ) { die "arguments longer than $pad_len characters; aborting" } $new_arguments = pack( "A$pad_len" , $new_arguments ); my $subst = $maintain . $new_arguments; while (<>) { s|$current|$subst|; print }