Hi Patrick,

On Thursday 24 February 2005 02:47, Patrick Bachmann wrote:
> Well, I went to Staples and got me a new set of floppies that even have a
> two year guarantee on them, but it still didn't work.

well, you might use brand new floppies, but the problem could also be your old 
floppy drive...  and even new floppies fail sometimes. 
so: floppies smell+are rotten but sometimes the only choice...

> > Always write floppies with "dd" and compare them with "cmp" after
> > writing.
> That's how I did it for all floppies. cmp can't find any difference. But
> the images just don't get recognized by the Macintosh to be bootable.

might be, that you mac drive has some problems reading floppies written by 
another drive.

> > But they are available at
> > http://people.debian.org/~luther/d-i/images/daily/powerpc/floppy-2.4/
> Hm, I tried those today, but got still no luck.

If you replace "daily" with "2005-02-18" I can assure you, that 
floppy-2.4/boot.img works here on a pmac 7200. 

Current dailys should also work, but as you experience strange floppy problems 
go for a known good source.

Oh, and if you managed to boot and begin your installation with d-i, and this 
fails in a later stage (after loading the root-floppy)- then you might have 
to go for the daily builds as a transition is happening in d-i _now_ and 
2005-02-18 is a little old ;)

> Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be paying the CS-department's cluster a visit and
> try to write the images there. I have only two working floppy-drives in my
> apartment and neither can write bootable images. No written image gets
> recognized but the woody install image with the earlier described result.

Where did you write the woody image ?

I almost got really crazy until I got my way around floppies. I made my first 
oldworld powerpc steps with a Pmac 4400 which would boot from a boot floppy 
just fine but _never_ managed to read the root floppy. Took me some days to 
believe that - fortunatly I had another 4400 at that time, tried this, and it 
read the the boot+root floppy just fine. So, floppies really suck, try to 
avoid if possible. But sometimes it's not ;)

So, in short, have patience & don't give up.


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