I have been trying to fix my sound problems on my
zt1130 Pavilion notebook. the solution found was to hack the ACPI code and then
compile the kernel.
I have hacked the code correctly, but when ever I
do an xconfig then do a make-kpkg kernel_image and then do a dpkg -i for the
resulting .de
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not get my
network to come back up.
my working kernel is the 2.4.18-bf2.4-xfs
my dmesg fro
Paul Hampson wrote:
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 01:51:32AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not
Paul Hampson wrote:
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 01:51:32AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not
/etc/modules.conf file .
also you have to have CONFIG_FILTER and CONFIG_PACKET
as yes ( Y ) ( networking opions )when you compile the
kernel .
--- Jeremy Petzold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to
get my sound working.
I was successful in
Mattia Dongili wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I have a realtek 8139 ethernet chip. and I have tried compiling the
driver into the kernel, I have tried making it a module. I have tried
other kernels that do not include ACPI
Young-Jin Lee wrote:
Hi, all.
I am new to Debian and I am looking for some help
installing Debian on my Thinkpad laptop.
What is the best strategy to replace the existing
RedHat Linux with Debian?
In other words, I already have linux partitions on my
laptop and I have downloaded one of mininum
Thanks to all for the help. I figured it out. it did end up to be
something in the in the network options. I could not find it so I just
compiled everything in that I knew for a fact was not needed.
it worked. tahnks alot.
kyi wrote:
I may be completly insane for doing this, but it makes sense to me. On
every system I own I make /home it's own partition (with LVM on my
desktop). This way I can completly reinstall the system, different
distro if I so wanted, and not loose any of my personal data.
- Jayson Garrell
I need some help. I have a cd-rw/dvd-rom on my laptop
I downloaded ogle, ogle gui is not working right in sarge so I got rid
of it while I test out the access.
I have access to the CD-RW functions, so I know my scsi emulation is
working, I made a directory /dev/dvd and ln -sf to /dev/scd0.
ahh...Sorry, that did not come out right.
my fstab SHOULD look like this:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
/dev/hda2 / xfs defaults0 0
/dev/hda5 noneswapsw 0 0
sorry for the multiple posts, I jacked up the first fstab listing, so I
sent a fixed one but left out the rest of the message. this will be the
last post of this. thank-you all for understanding (I hope you do at least).
I need some help. I have a cd-rw/dvd-rom on my laptop
I downloaded ogle
OK, got my fstab changed, thanks to all for the help, I changed to VLC
as ogle would just not budge
now I get this:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there
is a DVD in the drive, and that DVD ioctls were compiled
Jeremy Petzold wrote:
OK, got my fstab changed, thanks to all for the help, I changed to VLC
as ogle would just not budge
now I get this:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there
is a DVD in the drive, and that
Eric Sproul wrote:
I'm new to the list. I'm posting in hopes of finding some information
about a Cardbus network card I would like to use.
I have a Simpletech Net100 Communicator; it's a 10/100 NIC and 56K modem
combo. I can't find any documentation from Simpletech regarding the
chipset fo
Paulo Lopes wrote:
Jeremy Petzold wrote:
Paulo Lopes wrote:
Hi again,
my laptop does not have a serial DB9 port, only PS2, USB or FireWire...
I guess i'll keep changing the protocol on XF86Config-4 whenever i
need to use the wheelmouse...
very simple solution.
use the
I have no video.audio works, (I listened to stripes:-)) but that is
not as good as seeing a movie :-).
I have bused every dvd player and I get the same thing.
I have been using vlc as it seems to work the best, could it just be
that the libdvdcss is not as good as the newer versions of the
David LeCount wrote:
Hello. I just got my first laptop (an old one) and
installed Debian 3.0 on it. The default kernel didn't
support my soundcard, so I decided to upgrade. First I
tried 2.4.13 because I already had it downloaded on my
desktop, and then I tried 2.4.19. I compiled both as
debs. No
Jord Swart wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 09 November 2002 18:51, Nyk Tarr wrote:
On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 11:38:58AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have no video.audio works, (I listened to stripes:-)) but that is
not as good as seeing a movie :-).
I got dvd to work in vlc after doing the update. Xine still freezes my
system though.
I will try ogle soon but I need to install the right version of
libdvdcss...I wish they would sync with vlc :-/
don't worry about them. I have an HOzt1130 laptop and I get them. I run a
patched 2.4.19 kernel and I get them...it has not interfeared with my sound
(which if it is not working you willneed to apply the ACPI patch to your
kernel and compile ACPI in) or my DVD playback.
- Original Message -
did you do a "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" and a "dpkg-reconfigure
see if that fixes it.
also, what is your videocard? and how much ram does it have? X allows you to
specify more ram than your card actualy has if it is AGP and use system
resources to help in display.
- Ori
> I can attach a copy of my /var/log/XFree86.0.log, if you'd like. It's
> about 27KB.
that sounds good, go ahead and send it. how old is the laptop (just
wondering, not thjinking it might be a reason for any problems)
Mark Banschbachm spake:
> Greetings all !
> I am new to Debian although not new to Linux.. and I
> just did my first Debian in stall on a Toshiba 486 -33
> T4700CT Laptop. It has a 800 Meg HD 24 Megs Ram.. No
> CD.. No NIC/Modem Just a floppy and HD.. thats it.
> I downloaded all the f
try not using the kernel frame buffer. reconfigure the xserver-xfree86
package and when you get to the part that asks about the framebuffer, say
no. see where that gets you. some times that could hose your system.
- Original Message -
From: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED
Sony makes good notebooks, but the picture book is very small and if you are
doinf programming, you should get somthing in the fx series
I use an HPzt1130 (to get sound you need to add the acpi patch and compile
all acpi into the kernel...a lot of laptops are like this)
- Original Message
are you having troubles? tell us what is the problem...some problems are
- Original Message -
From: "Ron Daisy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:45 AM
Subject: COMPAQ EVO N1015V
> Is some one succeeded to install debian on a Compaq EVO N1015N Laptop
issue since it worked fine before.
- Original Message -
From: "Darin Strait" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Thinkpad 770ED, Debian Sarge, new XFree 4.2.1
> I tried t
> > and:
> > HorizSync 28-49
> > VertRefresh 43-72
> >
> > to:
> > HorizSync 30-70
> > VertRefresh 50-90
> BTW, as far as I know, laptop screens don't care about sync and refresh
> at all.
true, however XF86.org suggests that for LCDs.
yes...ATI is well supported by X...you caneven get direct support from the
kernel I think (not sure if it is ATI ingeneral or a spesific ATI card)
- Original Message -
From: "Sergio Alonso Manzanedo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian-laptop"
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 9:44 AM
add the acpi patch to your kernel and compile all acpi drivers in. your
sound will work like a charm.
- Original Message -
From: "churro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 8:19 AM
Subject: sound on an HP pavilion zt1135
> Hi everyone..
> anyone have problems with th
well, I do not know how to configure ACPI with out recompiling the kernel.
go into the top level directory of your kernel source, do a make xconfig, go
to the bottom of general setup enter the ACPI menu, activate everything
except teh second option (somthing about the processor only) save the
wow...you have 2 laptops!!!
anyway...knopix is awsome except that the sound did not work on my laptop
and I could just not stand listening to the repeating (lo-lo-lo-lo) as it
choked on Loading desktop or what ever it is. and the frigen script would
not workj for me...I wish that knopix just had a
dri comes with x-window-system. I don't understand why you are having
troubles unless you are using an unsupported card.
- Original Message -
From: "Christian G. Warden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Preben Randhol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Debian Laptop"
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 1:09
> I'm thinking about picking up a used Sony Vaio PCG-GR100K, but I'm
> concerned about running Debian successfully on it.
> - Has anyone been able to do so?
I am sure they have
> - Specifically, apparently this series uses a USB floppy drive (and maybe
> CD too). How would I boot and begin insta
no, I mean he get the netboot files on a computer on his network then
install the base system and run through the rest of the setup. doesn't
debian have that sort of install anymore?
- Original Message -
From: "David B Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 5:12
you need to patch the kernel with the ACPI patch and then compile all the
ACPI options(except one near the top of the list that blanks out the rest)
into the kernel. then you will magicly have sound as long as you have your
sound module and sound support set as modules or compiled in.
- Origina
no no...what you see in the kernel is APCI...it is diffrent than ACPI.
- Original Message -
From: "Ivar Alm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Intel(r) AC'97 Audio Controller - SigmaTel Codec
At 20:24 2002-11-25, Jeremy Pet
dohok...I was the victom of my own warning :-p...get teh APCI patch.
- Original Message -
From: "Fedor Karpelevitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jeremy Petzold'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: RE: Intel(
> > You have to apply it in Your kernel source-tree. Get it from
> > http://acpi.sourceforge.net
> > and patch Your kernel... After that You will find an extra menu option
> > ACPI and Your powermanagement will work.
> > If You don't know how to patch, jus
that could be cause by your sound server settings, try increasing the
latency, also, have you installed all the ALSA utilities and alsa m odules
for sound programs?
- Original Message -
From: "Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
well, officialy, ACPI does not exist in Linux, however, there is a kernel
patch for it and it will be in the 2.6 kernel due out art the begining of
next year. as far as the powerdown functionality of the ACPI function, I do
not know, I needed ACPI to get sound and that is all I care about. I am sur
you don't need to update to the latest test kernel, just apply the acpi patch
to the 2.4.20 kernel (there is a 2.4.20 acpi patch)
then compile the options you need into the kernel, since this is on a laptop,
most of the kernel options you need can be compiled in with out to much worry.
after you
On Saturday 10 May 2003 10:32 am, flubie wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anybody here succeed in installing ACPI on Compaq Presario 1400?
> I recompiled 2.4.20 kernel with ACPI included (not as a module), and it
> seems that ACPI is recognized, but Laptop Battery in KDE gives me the
> following message:
> Jeremy,
> The link you added is very exciting. I have a Gateway solo1200
> w/celery850MHz cpu. I am going to try the patch and see if I kill the box!
> :) Would you say that this howto is okay for newbies to follow if they
> : don't
> already know how to patch kernel source?
> http://ww
> I really am not sure I know all that. This is where I am confused after
> reading your first email. I haven't tried it yet due to this :) I have
> never attempted a patch before, so step by step on the three patches would
> be a grand assist. I've looked at some of the patch stuff, and it loo
Hubert Chan wrote:
"Jeremy" == Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jeremy> As you can see I have a VIA AC97 Audio Controll
Hubert Chan wrote:
"Jeremy" == Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jeremy> As you can see I have a VIA
I have been trying to fix my sound problems on my
zt1130 Pavilion notebook. the solution found was to hack the ACPI code and then
compile the kernel.
I have hacked the code correctly, but when ever I
do an xconfig then do a make-kpkg kernel_image and then do a dpkg -i for the
resulting .de
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not get my
network to come back up.
my working kernel is the 2.4.18-bf2.4-xfs
my dmesg from
Paul Hampson wrote:
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 01:51:32AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not
Paul Hampson wrote:
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 01:51:32AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I was successful in getting my sound working (thank you Max). but now,
as with other kernel compiles with diffrent versions, I can not
/etc/modules.conf file .
also you have to have CONFIG_FILTER and CONFIG_PACKET
as yes ( Y ) ( networking opions )when you compile the
kernel .
--- Jeremy Petzold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to
get my sound working.
I was successful in
Mattia Dongili wrote:
I have compiled a new kernel with ACPI support to get my sound working.
I have a realtek 8139 ethernet chip. and I have tried compiling the
driver into the kernel, I have tried making it a module. I have tried
other kernels that do not include ACPI,
Young-Jin Lee wrote:
Hi, all.
I am new to Debian and I am looking for some help
installing Debian on my Thinkpad laptop.
What is the best strategy to replace the existing
RedHat Linux with Debian?
In other words, I already have linux partitions on my
laptop and I have downloaded one of mininum C
Thanks to all for the help. I figured it out. it did end up to be
something in the in the network options. I could not find it so I just
compiled everything in that I knew for a fact was not needed.
it worked. tahnks alot.
with a subject o
kyi wrote:
I may be completly insane for doing this, but it makes sense to me. On
every system I own I make /home it's own partition (with LVM on my
desktop). This way I can completly reinstall the system, different
distro if I so wanted, and not loose any of my personal data.
- Jayson Garrell
I need some help. I have a cd-rw/dvd-rom on my laptop
I downloaded ogle, ogle gui is not working right in sarge so I got rid
of it while I test out the access.
I have access to the CD-RW functions, so I know my scsi emulation is
working, I made a directory /dev/dvd and ln -sf to /dev/scd0.
I ed
ahh...Sorry, that did not come out right.
my fstab SHOULD look like this:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
/dev/hda2 / xfs defaults0 0
/dev/hda5 noneswapsw 0 0
sorry for the multiple posts, I jacked up the first fstab listing, so I
sent a fixed one but left out the rest of the message. this will be the
last post of this. thank-you all for understanding (I hope you do at least).
I need some help. I have a cd-rw/dvd-rom on my laptop
I downloaded ogle,
OK, got my fstab changed, thanks to all for the help, I changed to VLC
as ogle would just not budge
now I get this:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there
is a DVD in the drive, and that DVD ioctls were compiled
Jeremy Petzold wrote:
OK, got my fstab changed, thanks to all for the help, I changed to VLC
as ogle would just not budge
now I get this:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there
is a DVD in the drive, and that
Eric Sproul wrote:
I'm new to the list. I'm posting in hopes of finding some information
about a Cardbus network card I would like to use.
I have a Simpletech Net100 Communicator; it's a 10/100 NIC and 56K modem
combo. I can't find any documentation from Simpletech regarding the
chipset for
Paulo Lopes wrote:
Jeremy Petzold wrote:
Paulo Lopes wrote:
Hi again,
my laptop does not have a serial DB9 port, only PS2, USB or FireWire...
I guess i'll keep changing the protocol on XF86Config-4 whenever i
need to use the wheelmouse...
very simple solution.
use the wheel
I have no video.audio works, (I listened to stripes:-)) but that is
not as good as seeing a movie :-).
I have bused every dvd player and I get the same thing.
I have been using vlc as it seems to work the best, could it just be
that the libdvdcss is not as good as the newer versions of the
David LeCount wrote:
Hello. I just got my first laptop (an old one) and
installed Debian 3.0 on it. The default kernel didn't
support my soundcard, so I decided to upgrade. First I
tried 2.4.13 because I already had it downloaded on my
desktop, and then I tried 2.4.19. I compiled both as
debs. Now
Jord Swart wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 09 November 2002 18:51, Nyk Tarr wrote:
On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 11:38:58AM -0500, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
I have no video.audio works, (I listened to stripes:-)) but that is
not as good as seeing a movie :-).
I got dvd to work in vlc after doing the update. Xine still freezes my
system though.
I will try ogle soon but I need to install the right version of
libdvdcss...I wish they would sync with vlc :-/
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [
don't worry about them. I have an HOzt1130 laptop and I get them. I run a
patched 2.4.19 kernel and I get them...it has not interfeared with my sound
(which if it is not working you willneed to apply the ACPI patch to your
kernel and compile ACPI in) or my DVD playback.
- Original Message -
did you do a "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" and a "dpkg-reconfigure
see if that fixes it.
also, what is your videocard? and how much ram does it have? X allows you to
specify more ram than your card actualy has if it is AGP and use system
resources to help in display.
- Ori
> I can attach a copy of my /var/log/XFree86.0.log, if you'd like. It's
> about 27KB.
that sounds good, go ahead and send it. how old is the laptop (just
wondering, not thjinking it might be a reason for any problems)
with a subject of "unsubscribe
Mark Banschbachm spake:
> Greetings all !
> I am new to Debian although not new to Linux.. and I
> just did my first Debian in stall on a Toshiba 486 -33
> T4700CT Laptop. It has a 800 Meg HD 24 Megs Ram.. No
> CD.. No NIC/Modem Just a floppy and HD.. thats it.
> I downloaded all the f
try not using the kernel frame buffer. reconfigure the xserver-xfree86
package and when you get to the part that asks about the framebuffer, say
no. see where that gets you. some times that could hose your system.
- Original Message -
From: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED
Sony makes good notebooks, but the picture book is very small and if you are
doinf programming, you should get somthing in the fx series
I use an HPzt1130 (to get sound you need to add the acpi patch and compile
all acpi into the kernel...a lot of laptops are like this)
- Original Message
are you having troubles? tell us what is the problem...some problems are
- Original Message -
From: "Ron Daisy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:45 AM
Subject: COMPAQ EVO N1015V
> Is some one succeeded to install debian on a Compa
issue since it worked fine before.
- Original Message -
From: "Darin Strait" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Thinkpad 770ED, Debian Sarge, n
> > and:
> > HorizSync 28-49
> > VertRefresh 43-72
> >
> > to:
> > HorizSync 30-70
> > VertRefresh 50-90
> BTW, as far as I know, laptop screens don't care about sync and refresh
> at all.
true, however XF86.org suggests that for LCDs.
yes...ATI is well supported by X...you caneven get direct support from the
kernel I think (not sure if it is ATI ingeneral or a spesific ATI card)
- Original Message -
From: "Sergio Alonso Manzanedo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian-laptop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2
add the acpi patch to your kernel and compile all acpi drivers in. your
sound will work like a charm.
- Original Message -
From: "churro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 8:19 AM
Subject: sound on an HP pavilion zt1135
> Hi everyone..
> anyone ha
well, I do not know how to configure ACPI with out recompiling the kernel.
go into the top level directory of your kernel source, do a make xconfig, go
to the bottom of general setup enter the ACPI menu, activate everything
except teh second option (somthing about the processor only) save the
wow...you have 2 laptops!!!
anyway...knopix is awsome except that the sound did not work on my laptop
and I could just not stand listening to the repeating (lo-lo-lo-lo) as it
choked on Loading desktop or what ever it is. and the frigen script would
not workj for me...I wish that knopix just had a
dri comes with x-window-system. I don't understand why you are having
troubles unless you are using an unsupported card.
- Original Message -
From: "Christian G. Warden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Preben Randhol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Debian Laptop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, Nove
> I'm thinking about picking up a used Sony Vaio PCG-GR100K, but I'm
> concerned about running Debian successfully on it.
> - Has anyone been able to do so?
I am sure they have
> - Specifically, apparently this series uses a USB floppy drive (and maybe
> CD too). How would I boot and begin insta
no, I mean he get the netboot files on a computer on his network then
install the base system and run through the rest of the setup. doesn't
debian have that sort of install anymore?
- Original Message -
From: "David B Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, Nove
no no...what you see in the kernel is APCI...it is diffrent than ACPI.
- Original Message -
From: "Ivar Alm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Intel(r) AC'97 Audio Controller - SigmaTel Codec
you need to patch the kernel with the ACPI patch and then compile all the
ACPI options(except one near the top of the list that blanks out the rest)
into the kernel. then you will magicly have sound as long as you have your
sound module and sound support set as modules or compiled in.
- Origina
dohok...I was the victom of my own warning :-p...get teh APCI patch.
- Original Message -
From: "Fedor Karpelevitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jeremy Petzold'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 6:25
pm, Maximilian Pascher wrote:
> > You have to apply it in Your kernel source-tree. Get it from
> > http://acpi.sourceforge.net
> > and patch Your kernel... After that You will find an extra menu option
> > ACPI and Your powermanagement will work.
> > If You don'
that could be cause by your sound server settings, try increasing the
latency, also, have you installed all the ALSA utilities and alsa m odules
for sound programs?
- Original Message -
From: "Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
well, officialy, ACPI does not exist in Linux, however, there is a kernel
patch for it and it will be in the 2.6 kernel due out art the begining of
next year. as far as the powerdown functionality of the ACPI function, I do
not know, I needed ACPI to get sound and that is all I care about. I am sur
you don't need to update to the latest test kernel, just apply the acpi patch to the
2.4.20 kernel (there is a 2.4.20 acpi patch)
then compile the options you need into the kernel, since this is on a laptop, most of
the kernel options you need can be compiled in with out to much worry.
after you
91 matches
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