you don't need to update to the latest test kernel, just apply the acpi patch 
to the 2.4.20 kernel (there is a 2.4.20 acpi patch)

then compile the options you need into the kernel, since this is on a laptop, 
most of the kernel options you need can be compiled in with out to much worry.
after you do a: 

"make xconfig" 

then do a:

"make dep bzImage modules modules_install"

then move /arch/i386/bzImage to /boot/vmlinuzNEW

then create a new entery at the bottom of your lilo.config file in /etc. if you 
have a windows partition, enter the new linux kernel information before the 
windows information.

when you enter it, just copy the format of the other Linux entery, but where it 
says "vmlinuz" make it "vmlinuzNEW"
and where it says "linux" (at the lable portion) enter newLinux

then save the file and exit the editor then type "lilo" this will run the lilo 
set up script. after that restart your computer and you can now select the new 
kernel in the list at boot.
-------Original Message-------
From: Keefe Roedersheimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 12/07/02 10:16 PM
To: Laptop Debian <>
Subject: Updating Kernel

> Hi everyone,

    I am a newbie to Linux and Debian and I am trying to do a relatively
simple task. I am running woody with the bf24 option to get the 2.4.18
kernel. I need to update the kernel to 2.5.50 so that I can use some ACPI
features (particularly I need to access this script but everytime I compile the
new kernel it fails. I compiled the 2.4.18 kernel with no problems several
times. I downloaded the source for 2.5.50 from and attempted to
build the kernel both in the debian and standard manner after using
menuconfig (which worked fine). Several different versions of attempting the
compile made it fail in different ways, no rules for a certain .o file at
first and no several unknown references. Any ideas?
I also attempted to download the 2.5.50 patch and install it but I could not
even get any files patched, using the zcat syntax that I found online I have
not been able to figure out exactly how to do this. Do I need to get ahold
of some newer versions of certain programs to do this upgrade properly?
I appreciate any advice that you guys could send my way.
Keefe Roedersheimer

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