Hubert Chan wrote:
Hash: SHA1

"Jeremy" == Jeremy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeremy> As you can see I have a VIA AC97 Audio Controller. My sound is
Jeremy> not working although I have installed all the AC97 sound drivers
Jeremy> tghat were included in the set-up of the 3.0 bf2.4 Iso.

Run lsmod to make sure the modules are loaded. What sound drivers did
you install? Alsa or the plain kernel drivers? You may also want to
run dmesg and see if it spits out any useful error messages. Also, any
use who needs to use sound must be a member of the "audio" group.
I have added my self to the audio group before I wrote to the group. I have installed the OSS modules and the other related drivers for AC97 sound, including the VIA chip drivers. ALSA would not install. I am not at my PC right now, but I will check dmsg and make sure the modules are installed.

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