boot fails due to timezone problem!

2006-01-03 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Since my last update (mixed testing/unstable), my laptop fails to boot with the error: "Checking root file system.../: Superblock last mount time is in the future". This appears to be an error with the date rather than the file system. During boot, the system seems to assume that the hardware clo

Re: kernel image lilo?

2006-01-17 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Eildert Groeneveld wrote: > Hello > > on a Dell laptop I want to install the stock Debian linux-image-2-6-15. > Everything goes fine, the only problem is that the install procedure seems to > think that I am using lilo, but actually I using grub. lilo is not installed > as a package and also /

Sony VAIO T-series?

2004-11-18 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
I'm considering purchasing a VAIO T150 laptop. However, I've been unable to find any information on Linux compatibility for the series. Is there anyone on this list who has one and has a moment to summarize their experience installing Debian on it? thanks, - jason -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

cardmgr, usbmgr, and hotplug

2003-01-30 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
? Should I? thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck

Re: netgear MA401

2003-01-31 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
J. Volkmann wrote: Hello, I am trying to get a netgear MA 401 to work on a toshiba 3000-512. I had it running once, but I killed the kernel modules so I have to do it again. Unfortunately I do not recognize what I did back then. To remove it, I deleted the /lib/modules and the /etc/pcmcia and r

Re: Touch Pad Drivers

2003-02-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Carl Baldwin wrote: Are there any XFree86 drivers that handle touchpads specifically. I poked around the XFree86 site for a while and couldn't find anything. Specifically, I would like to be able to scroll with the touch pad. Also, I remember being able to do this with an older laptop, I would

Re: setup apm for 'battery low' warning on textconsole

2003-02-13 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
mi wrote: Hello, while i was roaming on a textconsole, and the laptop only on battery, the machine suddenly powered off. Leaving it badly with filesystem checks. Now i wonder how to get a 'battery critical' warning yonder there ? Here's some junk from my .bashrc to color the shell pr

Re: DELL Inspiron and some problems

2003-03-02 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Alex Malinovich wrote: On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:01, Karsten Rothemund wrote: Hello * I have a big problem with a DELL Inspiron 8100. After nearly a year working with this machine running Debian Woody, I suddenly had some problems with the fans. After a suspend-to-RAM, and the wake-up 5 Minutes

Re: Color bash prompt in function of the charge of battery (acpi based)

2003-03-04 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
;]; then PS1="\[\e[\${APM_COLOR}m\]\h\$\[\e[0m\] " else PS1="\[\e[1m\](\$APM_AC\$APM_PERCENT%)\h\$\[\e[0m\] " fi fi Fabio Sirna wrote: I do some change on the bash script that I've posted few days ago. This works better. It must be in the .bashrc. .,-

Re: Mouse

2003-03-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Robert wrote: I'm having trouble getting the touchpad on my laptop to work under debian woody My laptop is a Gateway Solo 1200, and it has a synaptic when i used dpkg-reconfigure on xserver-xfree86 and set it up as a default ps/2 mouse, the cursor only moved about in about a 640 x 480 section

Re: grub on ext3

2003-03-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
mi wrote: Does anybody know if grub can boot a kernel from an ext3 rootfilesystem, ( with a /boot directory) - or if it's necessary to have an ext2 /boot partition then ? Didn't found anything explicitly in the docs... As an ext3 filesystem can be mounted as ext2, I would think grub wouldn't

Re: OK... Newbie gives up and needs a little help... Dell Inspiron 8200 with Nvidia GEForce 440 GO...

2003-03-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Peter S. Hayes wrote: OK... I give up trying this without a little help... I'm trying to get Debian Linux (woody...2.4.18) onto my Dell Inspiron 8200 with the NVidia GE Force 440 Go video card (64 MB) of memory. I have run through the installation a couple of times (each time the installati

Re: How to setup for multiple nics?

2003-03-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Chris Hoover wrote: Hello, I have a question, I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 that has a 10/100 nic and a wireless nic. I use this system both at work and home. When I am at work, I am hard wired, but wireless at home. Is there anyway to set the bootup so that it only activates the 10/100 nic

Re: XFree86.4.3.0 and some more

2003-03-17 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Anders Malmberg wrote: Hi! I installed XFree86.4.3.0 last week because this version supported my ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 screen. I have some problems after this. (I am able to run startx and everything looks nice that far :) 1. The session manager is lost somewhere... When I log on I only reci

Re: USB mouse not working in woody2.4

2003-03-28 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Ben Southwood wrote: All you Gurus: I can't work this out! (neither can Google!) Well, I'm definitely not a guru, but I'm using a USB mouse on Debian, and can try to point out what is different in my setup. My USB mouse does not work. The lights are on but nobodies home... but lsmod s

Re: Install question 3.0r1

2003-04-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
John Plummer wrote: Just replaced Suse 7.3 on an HP 5425 Notebook with Debian 3.0r1. The install went well except I guess I missed something. The Logitech USB mouse does not work. I suspect the USB ports are not turned on. Is there a straightforward way to init those ports now and get

Re: Install question 3.0r1

2003-04-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
John Plummer wrote: Jason, I appreciate the advice. The sparse setup on the HP notebook bios has no USB options. When running modconf only the following categories of modules are available: block net fs cdron misc Within the 'misc' modules, only

Re: Forget the modem, other questions

2003-04-25 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Jacob Tennant wrote: I have given up on the modem on my laptop so I have a few other smaller questions. First, I am very new to linux so I need very descriptive replys, so you might reply directly to me. 1. Which of the 3 windows manager (gdm,kdm,xdm) uses the least amount of system resources?

Re: PCMCIA and ISA relation

2003-05-08 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Jeff wrote: After fighting this for a few hours, I got a my custom kernel I did not include ISA Bus support nor ISA Plug-n-Play support. I didn't think I needed that on what i thought was a purely PCI system. Well, apparently there is a relationship between the PCMCIA Cardbus and the

Re: Infamous Mouse Wheel Problem

2003-06-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
#x27;imps/2' for the protocol and see if your trackpad/eraser/whatever works without an external mouse connected. That's all I can think of right now. Eagerly awaiting being able to scroll through documents without moving my arms/wrist, Dan The easiest solution is to get a USB mouse. This whole mess stems from the fact that you can only have one PS/2 pointer and the internal device is a PS/2 pointer. You can have all the USB pointing devices you want. -- jason kraftcheck

Re: Dell 8000 problems -- 4-way split screen

2003-06-13 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Nori Heikkinen wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to install debian on a Dell Inspiron 8000. It's being a little less cooperative than the desktop systems I'm used to! My main problem right now is that on the console (i haven't even gotten X up yet), the screen is normal for the top quarter, and then

Re: can't bring up eth0 correctly

2003-06-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
charles yoo wrote: I just went through my woody install on Inspiron 8200. On the initial installation, it gets its ip via dhcp. All good. I did an apt-get for the 2.4-18 kernel, recompiled it with some changes, restart and no more. On ifconfig I see lo and eth0, but I don’t get anything.

Re: can't bring up eth0 correctly

2003-06-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
charles yoo wrote: I should have written /etc/network/interfaces. In reading a few things on the net, a lot of people suggested to have the autho eth0 commented out. This is for a laptop. I'm coming from redhat, and once dhcp is set, you can more or less leave it that way. All that I'm trying

Re: ATI Mobility RADEON 7000

2003-07-29 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Rene Cunningham wrote: On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 07:51:23PM +0300, gustavo wrote: Ive got an R40 with a Radeon M6 7000. xfree86 natively supports this card with the vesa driver. If you want 3d acceleration you need to follow this good tutorial. Tho

Re: No fsck in battery mode

2003-09-02 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
reter (the shell) to determine which libraries the script depends on. -- jason kraftcheck

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22

2003-09-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn wrote: On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Ben wrote: These are the relevant modules (wrt. the usb mouse) lsmod shows on my laptop (acer tm 634), kernel 2.4.19: mousedev3736 0 (unused) hid17892 0 (unused) usbmouse1784 0 (unu

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Shyamal Prasad wrote: "Bob" == Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bob> ben wrote: >> if i enter modconf on my latest compile no usbmouse shows up, >> however if i lsmod it appears. I am still not sure if this is >> the problem as my kernel 2.4.18 (bf24) has this module lo

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Shyamal Prasad wrote: "Bob" == Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bob> ben wrote: >> if i enter modconf on my latest compile no usbmouse shows up, >> however if i lsmod it appears. I am still not sure if this is >> the problem as my kernel 2.4.18 (bf24) has this module lo

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ben wrote: things are getting messy here. Thanks to everyone that has replied, I greatly appreciate your replies, however the messages are getting confused. I have reposted this to try and clear things up a little. I do not have usb-ohci installed. I am running an Asus laptop with Intel chipse

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ork then? Does it start working when you load usbmouse? thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ben wrote: note 1 : the mouse works fine in kernel 2.4.18, but not in kernel 2.4.22 - on the same machine. Have you tested without X or gpm running? When I upgraded to 2.4.22 I noticed some issues when X tried to open /dev/input/mice before mousedev was loaded. note 2: lsmod while running

PCTEL 2304WT winmodem on Inspiron 4100

2002-10-07 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
lier on a Dell Inspiron 4100 before I go messing with my kernel again. Or at least maybe someone can confirm that the driver works at all with an Inspiron 4100. thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck

Re: New user question....

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ajTreece wrote: I've just completed an install on my Fujitsu laptop and was just wondering... There will be times when I will use an external monitor with the laptop. How do I change Gnome / X11 config to go from 800x600 to 1280x1024? Assuming you have multiple resolutions specified in y

PCTEL 2304WT winmodem on Inspiron 4100

2002-10-07 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
lier on a Dell Inspiron 4100 before I go messing with my kernel again. Or at least maybe someone can confirm that the driver works at all with an Inspiron 4100. thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New user question....

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ajTreece wrote: I've just completed an install on my Fujitsu laptop and was just wondering... There will be times when I will use an external monitor with the laptop. How do I change Gnome / X11 config to go from 800x600 to 1280x1024? Assuming you have multiple resolutions specified in your

cardmgr, usbmgr, and hotplug

2003-01-30 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
? Should I? thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: netgear MA401

2003-01-31 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
J. Volkmann wrote: Hello, I am trying to get a netgear MA 401 to work on a toshiba 3000-512. I had it running once, but I killed the kernel modules so I have to do it again. Unfortunately I do not recognize what I did back then. To remove it, I deleted the /lib/modules and the /etc/pcmcia and re

Re: Touch Pad Drivers

2003-02-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Carl Baldwin wrote: Are there any XFree86 drivers that handle touchpads specifically. I poked around the XFree86 site for a while and couldn't find anything. Specifically, I would like to be able to scroll with the touch pad. Also, I remember being able to do this with an older laptop, I would l

Re: setup apm for 'battery low' warning on textconsole

2003-02-13 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
mi wrote: Hello, while i was roaming on a textconsole, and the laptop only on battery, the machine suddenly powered off. Leaving it badly with filesystem checks. Now i wonder how to get a 'battery critical' warning yonder there ? Here's some junk from my .bashrc to color the shell promp

Re: DELL Inspiron and some problems

2003-03-02 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Alex Malinovich wrote: On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:01, Karsten Rothemund wrote: Hello * I have a big problem with a DELL Inspiron 8100. After nearly a year working with this machine running Debian Woody, I suddenly had some problems with the fans. After a suspend-to-RAM, and the wake-up 5 Minutes la

Re: Color bash prompt in function of the charge of battery (acpibased)

2003-03-04 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
en PS1="\[\e[\${APM_COLOR}m\]\h\$\[\e[0m\] " else PS1="\[\e[1m\](\$APM_AC\$APM_PERCENT%)\h\$\[\e[0m\] " fi fi Fabio Sirna wrote: I do some change on the bash script that I've posted few days ago. This works better. It must be in the .bashrc. .,-''-

Re: Mouse

2003-03-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Robert wrote: I'm having trouble getting the touchpad on my laptop to work under debian woody My laptop is a Gateway Solo 1200, and it has a synaptic when i used dpkg-reconfigure on xserver-xfree86 and set it up as a default ps/2 mouse, the cursor only moved about in about a 640 x 480 section o

Re: grub on ext3

2003-03-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
mi wrote: Does anybody know if grub can boot a kernel from an ext3 rootfilesystem, ( with a /boot directory) - or if it's necessary to have an ext2 /boot partition then ? Didn't found anything explicitly in the docs... As an ext3 filesystem can be mounted as ext2, I would think grub wouldn't car

Re: OK... Newbie gives up and needs a little help... Dell Inspiron8200 with Nvidia GEForce 440 GO...

2003-03-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Peter S. Hayes wrote: OK... I give up trying this without a little help... I'm trying to get Debian Linux (woody...2.4.18) onto my Dell Inspiron 8200 with the NVidia GE Force 440 Go video card (64 MB) of memory. I have run through the installation a couple of times (each time the installation

Re: How to setup for multiple nics?

2003-03-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Chris Hoover wrote: Hello, I have a question, I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 that has a 10/100 nic and a wireless nic. I use this system both at work and home. When I am at work, I am hard wired, but wireless at home. Is there anyway to set the bootup so that it only activates the 10/100 nic wh

Re: XFree86.4.3.0 and some more

2003-03-17 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Anders Malmberg wrote: Hi! I installed XFree86.4.3.0 last week because this version supported my ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 screen. I have some problems after this. (I am able to run startx and everything looks nice that far :) 1. The session manager is lost somewhere... When I log on I only recieve

Re: USB mouse not working in woody2.4

2003-03-28 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Ben Southwood wrote: All you Gurus: I can't work this out! (neither can Google!) Well, I'm definitely not a guru, but I'm using a USB mouse on Debian, and can try to point out what is different in my setup. My USB mouse does not work. The lights are on but nobodies home... but lsmod shows: Mo

Re: Infamous Mouse Wheel Problem

2003-06-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ol and see if your trackpad/eraser/whatever works without an external mouse connected. That's all I can think of right now. Eagerly awaiting being able to scroll through documents without moving my arms/wrist, Dan The easiest solution is to get a USB mouse. This whole mess stems from the fact that you can only have one PS/2 pointer and the internal device is a PS/2 pointer. You can have all the USB pointing devices you want. -- jason kraftcheck -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dell 8000 problems -- 4-way split screen

2003-06-13 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Nori Heikkinen wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to install debian on a Dell Inspiron 8000. It's being a little less cooperative than the desktop systems I'm used to! My main problem right now is that on the console (i haven't even gotten X up yet), the screen is normal for the top quarter, and then re

Re: can't bring up eth0 correctly

2003-06-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
charles yoo wrote: I just went through my woody install on Inspiron 8200. On the initial installation, it gets its ip via dhcp. All good. I did an apt-get for the 2.4-18 kernel, recompiled it with some changes, restart and no more. On ifconfig I see lo and eth0, but I don’t get anything.

Re: can't bring up eth0 correctly

2003-06-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
charles yoo wrote: I should have written /etc/network/interfaces. In reading a few things on the net, a lot of people suggested to have the autho eth0 commented out. This is for a laptop. I'm coming from redhat, and once dhcp is set, you can more or less leave it that way. All that I'm trying to

Re: ATI Mobility RADEON 7000

2003-07-29 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Rene Cunningham wrote: On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 07:51:23PM +0300, gustavo wrote: Ive got an R40 with a Radeon M6 7000. xfree86 natively supports this card with the vesa driver. If you want 3d acceleration you need to follow this good tutorial. Those in

Re: No fsck in battery mode

2003-09-02 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
(the shell) to determine which libraries the script depends on. -- jason kraftcheck -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22

2003-09-09 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn wrote: On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Ben wrote: These are the relevant modules (wrt. the usb mouse) lsmod shows on my laptop (acer tm 634), kernel 2.4.19: mousedev3736 0 (unused) hid17892 0 (unused) usbmouse1784 0 (unused)

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Shyamal Prasad wrote: "Bob" == Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bob> ben wrote: >> if i enter modconf on my latest compile no usbmouse shows up, >> however if i lsmod it appears. I am still not sure if this is >> the problem as my kernel 2.4.18 (bf24) has this module load

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-10 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Shyamal Prasad wrote: "Bob" == Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bob> ben wrote: >> if i enter modconf on my latest compile no usbmouse shows up, >> however if i lsmod it appears. I am still not sure if this is >> the problem as my kernel 2.4.18 (bf24) has this module load

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ben wrote: things are getting messy here. Thanks to everyone that has replied, I greatly appreciate your replies, however the messages are getting confused. I have reposted this to try and clear things up a little. I do not have usb-ohci installed. I am running an Asus laptop with Intel chipset a

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Does it start working when you load usbmouse? thanks much, -- jason kraftcheck -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: usb mouse not recognised in kernel 2.4.22 (continued)

2003-09-11 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
ben wrote: note 1 : the mouse works fine in kernel 2.4.18, but not in kernel 2.4.22 - on the same machine. Have you tested without X or gpm running? When I upgraded to 2.4.22 I noticed some issues when X tried to open /dev/input/mice before mousedev was loaded. note 2: lsmod while running 2.4.

Re: Dualhead on laptop

2003-10-24 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Nicolas wrote: Anyone get an exernal monitor working as a second screen (not twinview) with geforce2go (or what ever card you have)? I tried as in the nVidia doc, but without success. If I don't specify "screen 0" or "screen 1" in the Device section, the second monitor don't receive signal. I

Re: add kernel modules

2003-11-06 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
is appreciated. I'm not familiar with the current installer (been a while since I installed on a new box), but the following has worked for me in the past: - do ctrl-alt-F2 to switch out of the installer to a console - if necessary mount the partition where you have tulip.o - insmod tulip.o

Re: hardware acceleration for GeForce2Go -- GL_EXT_bgra not supported

2003-12-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Philipp Bliedung wrote: Hi, How can I activate hardware acceleration for my GeForce2Go Grafikkarte -- Dell Inspiron 8100 ?? When I try to start Americas Army ( i get this error message: ~/programs/armyops$ ./armyops GL_EXT_bgra not supported - bailing out. History: Exitin

Re: How to make touchpad more responsive?

2003-12-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Pål Dahle wrote: Hi all, I have a Dell D600 running under kernel 2.4.23 and XFree86 4.3.0 The screen resolution is 1400x1050. Great machine, but there is one thing irritating me alot: To move the pointer across one of the screen diagonals using the touchpad I have to slide a finger across the pa

Re: wireless keyboard and mouse usb

2004-03-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Jesús Pérez wrote: > Hi, > > how can install wireless keyboard and mouse usb in my laptop ? > > laptop: Aspire 1400LC > debian sid > kernel 2.4.25 Nothing special about wireless. To setup a USB mouse and keyboard: If you are not set up yet to use US

Re: Dualhead on laptop

2003-10-24 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Nicolas wrote: Anyone get an exernal monitor working as a second screen (not twinview) with geforce2go (or what ever card you have)? I tried as in the nVidia doc, but without success. If I don't specify "screen 0" or "screen 1" in the Device section, the second monitor don't receive signal.

Re: add kernel modules

2003-11-06 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
is appreciated. I'm not familiar with the current installer (been a while since I installed on a new box), but the following has worked for me in the past: - do ctrl-alt-F2 to switch out of the installer to a console - if necessary mount the partition where you have tulip.o - insmo

Re: hardware acceleration for GeForce2Go -- GL_EXT_bgra not supported

2003-12-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Philipp Bliedung wrote: Hi, How can I activate hardware acceleration for my GeForce2Go Grafikkarte -- Dell Inspiron 8100 ?? When I try to start Americas Army ( i get this error message: ~/programs/armyops$ ./armyops GL_EXT_bgra not supported - bailing out. History: Ex

Re: How to make touchpad more responsive?

2003-12-05 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
Pål Dahle wrote: Hi all, I have a Dell D600 running under kernel 2.4.23 and XFree86 4.3.0 The screen resolution is 1400x1050. Great machine, but there is one thing irritating me alot: To move the pointer across one of the screen diagonals using the touchpad I have to slide a finger across the

Re: wireless keyboard and mouse usb

2004-03-16 Thread Jason Kraftcheck
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Jesús Pérez wrote: > Hi, > > how can install wireless keyboard and mouse usb in my laptop ? > > laptop: Aspire 1400LC > debian sid > kernel 2.4.25 Nothing special about wireless. To setup a USB mouse and keyboard: If you are not set up yet to use US