Up until yesterday, I was using konqueror here at work, and it was wonderful.
Then, after apt-get'ing yesterday's updates, everytime I try and surf the
web through the authenticating proxy here at work, it returns this error
(when it would normally be popping up the username/pass box):
Up until yesterday, I was using konqueror here at work, and it was wonderful.
Then, after apt-get'ing last Thursday's updates, everytime I try and surf
web through the authenticating proxy here at work, it returns this error
(when it would normally be popping up the username/pass box
Whew. Just looking for some validation in my life :-) As long as I'm not
the only one having the problem, I know it's not something I jacked up.
Well, I'm off to file a bug report. I already did on the KDE side, but
afaict, nobody's even looked at it yet :-( Oh, well. I can stand galeon for
I saw a message last week for all of us authenticating proxy users to
upgrade. Well, I did, and I have the same problem. Was the fix repealed?
Or is something else wrong?
To repeat, the exact error is:
Unsuported action
Unknown authorization method!
A non-kmail related answer is to run your own smtp server. Using exim,
restricted to only localhost, allows you to send mail no matter who you are
dialed up to, or connected to via ethernet, or whatever. The only
configuration for your mailer then is to set the reply-to based on which
account you
So, I'm trying to send email to a domain that uses exim with kmail, and it
consistenly rejects my email saying that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an invalid
Since this is the only email address that I have this problem with, I assume
they turned on some sort of spam protection that looks at an
On Tuesday 13 March 2001 13:39, Bart Oldeman wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, David Bishop wrote:
> > So, I'm trying to send email to a domain that uses exim with kmail, and
> > it consistenly rejects my email saying that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an invalid
> > domain. Si
On Tuesday 13 March 2001 16:54, Rogerio Brito wrote:
> On Mar 09 2001, Malte Cornils wrote:
> > The Debian sid (unstable) Xfree4.0.2 version does not offer the
> > Render extension (which is necessary for AA) when you use a
> > non-Radeon non-Rage128 card (like all Mach64-based cards).
> Uh
Digging around on bugs.kde.org, I found out that the problems I'm having with
my xinerama setup are due to a bug in my xserver, specifically the render
extension. The (terse) reply is "disable the render extention". So. How in
the heck do I do that without uninstalling the entire xfree packag
Having just recieved a Handspring Visor for graduation, I was of course eager
to try it out with linux :-) However, there seems to be a slight derth of
information on how to integrate a palm-like device with KDE. Most sections
of the manual that have to do with syncing a visor with
If you install kdm, but haven't rebooted, you need to run /etc/init.d/kdm start
as root. You will then see the login window he was referring to. Otherwise,
just reboot the machine.
On Tuesday 20 March 2001 11:44, Whit wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 07:23:09AM +0100, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> >
arch 2001 16:15, Whit wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 11:59:47AM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > If you install kdm, but haven't rebooted, you need to run /etc/init.d/kdm
> > start as root. You will then see the login window he was referring to.
> > Otherwise, just reboot
On Thursday 22 March 2001 02:42, Thierry FLORAC wrote:
> Hi,
> I was currently using Debian potato, updated with KDE-2.1 packages for
> Potato from kde.debian.net.
> I have upgraded to KDE-2.1.1 this morning, and now I have a problem with
> Konqueror, which don't want to handle my proxy authentif
Sorry to bother you guys about this again, but I just did a full apt-get update
and konq is still broken wrt authenticating proxies. This is regarding #21832
that I filed a while ago. I've noticed other bug reports regarding
proxies have been closed, but not mine. Also, as was und
Can anyone tell me if this is accurate? There's some stuff on there that I
think konq supports, but it's coming back as Property Not Supported. Is it
a bug in the jvavscript, a bug in konq, or is it correct?
tler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2001 00:12 schrieb David Bishop:
> > Can anyone tell me if this is accurate? There's some stuff on there that
> > I think konq supports, but it's coming back as Property Not S
So, now that 2.1.1 is out, which supposedly has the fix for the annoying
"proxy auth" bug, and the kde I get in debian/sid is supposedly 2.1.1, why
do I still have the same annoying problem? I'm running the latest version
of everything (i.e., done the apt-get update/upgrade thang), and it is still
On Wednesday 04 April 2001 14:52, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 03:49:05PM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > So, now that 2.1.1 is out, which supposedly has the fix for the annoying
> > "proxy auth" bug, and the kde I get in debian/sid is supposedly 2.1.1
On Wednesday 04 April 2001 15:03, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > what version are you running. 2.1.1 did not fix the problem..it wasn't
> > > *supposidly* fixed until the other day.
> > >
> > > kdelibs (4:2.1.1-3)
> > > kdebase (4:2.1.1-3)
> > >
> > > Ivan
> >
> > Ack, sorry about that. I
On Wednesday 04 April 2001 15:22, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > Damn. I dunno if you follow kfm-devel (it's not like you have a ton of
> > free time), but a guy just posted a short patch that commented out the
> > offending line(s). I don't suppose you want to fork the entire konq
> > codebase and k
On Thursday 05 April 2001 04:00, Thierry Florac wrote:
> "Ivan E. Moore II" a écrit :
> > > > what version are you running. 2.1.1 did not fix the problem..it
> > > > wasn't *supposidly* fixed until the other day.
> > > >
> > > > kdelibs (4:2.1.1-3)
> > > > kdebase (4:2.1.1-3)
> > > >
> > >
FYI, the latest kdelibs package has fixed the whole auth proxy problem. Thanks
to all who came up with ideas (esp. working ones ;-) and Ivan for packaging up
the fix so quickly. I can finally use our OC3 to surf the web! Woohoo! =-)
On Tuesday 10 April 2001 20:24, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 07:12:39PM -0700, Doug Byfield wrote:
> > On Tuesday 10 April 2001 18:29, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > As it stands now I
> > > have alot on my plate with new X4.
On Thursday 12 April 2001 20:02, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > Do you have a "template" or something we can work off of? If you had a
> > standard
> here is one for konqueror I just threw together..probably still needs some
> tweaks...but it's short sweet and to the point.
> Ivan
So, call to ar
3 April 2001 13:12, David Bishop wrote:
> >3) A (probably) short list of people willing to help out
> Add me to that list, however How do we test the man page from Ivan's template
> once we have written it? I think the syntax is easy enough, I just want to
> know what its going to look like i guess.
> Dave
I've now upgraded to kde 2.2 alpha, and it shows :-) I've already submitted
a bug report against kmail, but before I did the same against quanta, I
wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong. First off, it doesn't
look like quanta has been updated to use the newest qt libraries. Is th
Sorry, I got caught up playing around with my new kde and forgot to send this
out. :-) Below is the list of bins that still need man pages. I'll claim
the libarts stuff, as it's related and should be easy, please email me with
what you claim, so as to avoid duping work. Completed man pages ca
On Saturday 14 April 2001 00:28, Ben Burton wrote:
> If you can hang out a couple of days, Quanta has just made a new release
> which I will be packaging shortly.
> > quanta, I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong. First off,
> > it doesn't look like quanta has been updated to use
On Saturday 14 April 2001 12:55, Doug Byfield wrote:
> On Saturday 14 April 2001 01:36, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > Ok...just got done uploading the latest -pretty-much-alpha1-packages-
> > to
> >
> > deb http://people.debian.org/%7Erkrusty/ kde2.2/$(ARCH)/
> > deb http://pandora.debian.org/%7E
Works here at home. I'll try it at work tomorrow, but it's looking good :-)
On Saturday 14 April 2001 18:59, Ben Burton wrote:
> Okay, the new quanta release is in incoming.. please let me know if the
> problem persists (ak, I sound like I'm flogging paracetamol..).
I figured that "task" package would consist soley of the documention that it
installs into /usr/share/doc. So someone installing task-anti-aliasing would
get a nice large "LOOK IN /USR/SHARE/DOC" and the really nice, step-by-step
howtos and whatnot that you included. Then, if they said that t
Okay, so I've got artsc-config, artsd, artscat, and artsdsp done. However,
I'm stuck on artsplay. What does it do, exactly? There is no documentation
on it (duh) and afaict, it doesn't support any sort of commandline help
switch (--help, -h, -?, and --h don't work). Using a google search, I
It's still crashing, with the debug output below. Should I send a bug report
to kde, the quanta developers, here, or what? I'm afraid my ignorance is
showing :-) Note this crash happens when trying to open any html file, not
just one in particular. Also note, that I was *not* trying to open
I was wondering if, as a boon to the kde developers, all "pre-unstable"
snapshots (of kde 2.2alpha specifically) could be built with debugging
support. I've been trying to be a good end user and file bug reports on
crashes and whatnot, but with the binaries stripped, oftentime I know it's
On Friday 20 April 2001 10:12, Steffen Evers wrote:
> > I copied a perfectly working potato & kde2 installation from my portable
> > to a partiotn of my desktop through NFS.
> > Now it all works but kdm (and xdm).
> > When I start the service (./kdm start ) it propose me to enter the login
> > &
On Friday 20 April 2001 17:31, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > Actually, the problem I've had with this lately, is with ssh. That whole
> > compiled with different ssl thingy. My solution has been to simply
> > remove ssh from the afflicted machines, as kdm trys to start ssh-agent,
> > and as there i
Your problem is that you installed libssl096. I would be willing to bet
dollars to donutholes that you have ssh installed, and that startx is dying
while trying to start the ssh-agent. If you run ssh from the command line it
will come back with an error about mismatching libssl's. The quick
I've been volunteered to be the debian man pages writer/coordinator, though
as far as I know, I'm the only one doing it :-) I'll send you a quick
followup email with the man pages I've written so far attached (I don't want
to clutter the list), but you should be warned that I have made them
Is there a limit to how large a single directory can be?? I was copying a
large number of iso's into a directory to be shared via samba on my local
network (one of those virtual cd programs for the kid's games), converting an
NT box to linux+smb, when I ran into a problem. About a dozen iso's
On Monday 07 May 2001 07:23, you wrote:
> > P.S. While this isn't *directly* kde-related, I was using konq to copy
> > the files... :-P
> hmmm - does it work without konq?
> if not, i would strongly suggest a file system check. many programs
> report "disk full" (i guess, that's what the kernel
On this subject, has anyone found something for Linux that replicates the
functionality of UniversalScroller (http://www.bebits.com/app/1359) which
duplicates Logitech's Mouseware. Basically, clicking and holding the middle
mouse button allows you to scroll up and down using normal mouse movem
Try this: apt-get install kdelibs3
and see what happens. After that works, go back and do the apt-get install
task-kde again.
On Tuesday 08 May 2001 10:41, Yuri Leikind wrote:
> Hi all,
> I decided to install kde on my potato, added
> deb http://kde.tdyc.com/debian potato m
On Thursday 24 May 2001 10:28, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> I really like being able to thread messages on lists, but reading through
> them is next to impossible. I just finished re-reading the help files but I
> don't see any way to read the mail without jumping wildly through out r
On Thursday 21 June 2001 08:57, Regnat Nikolaus wrote:
> What's the proper way to get flash running with konqueror? I tried the
> following: jre1.3 (from blackdown), the flash files copied to the
> /usr/lib/netscape/plugin dir. Konqueror setup found the plugins (after
> scanning), but flash still
On Tuesday 26 June 2001 07:12, Jens Hoffmann wrote:
> Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > I compiled it like this:
> > > # ./configure -gif -system-zlib -system-libpng -system-libmng
> > > -system-jpeg # make symlinks src-moc src-mt sub-src
> > > and copied the newly compiled l
> >
> >so your not buildi
Yep, my pluginviewer works great now (using Jen's recompiled qt package).
Now I'm curious, what debian/kde apps *use* qt-gl? Is it more common than I
know? 'Cuz I'm not thinking of anything off the top of my head. Daggon
it, my needs come first! *grin*
"To me vi is Zen. To use vi
Sounds great. Though I'm sure you've thought of it, maybe have one of those
"notes" that dpkg uses when a user install libqt-gl, saying VERY LOUDLY that
they'll have to change the linking option for any qt-gl apps, and emails it
to them if they have their priority level too high. Other than t
beta1 is really nice. kdelibs is in incoming and kdebase is
> on it's way up right now.
> Ivan
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 09:10:45PM -0600, David Bishop wrote:
> > Sounds great. Though I'm sure you've thought of it, maybe have one of
> > those "
So, I'm now running beta-1 on my box, and enjoying the hell out of all the
nifty new options (and speedups, thanks!). All of the crash bugs I was
having with alpha2 in the kcontrol panel are gone, they all work (pretty
much, I have a reproducible bug I'll be filing in a minute) flawlessly.
On Thursday 28 June 2001 02:40 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > So, I'm now running beta-1 on my box, and enjoying the hell out of all
> > the nifty new options (and speedups, thanks!). All of the crash bugs I
> > was having with alpha2 in the kcontrol panel are gone, they all work
> > (pretty much
On Thursday 28 June 2001 03:30 pm, Dan Berdine wrote:
> When I try to update to the kde2.2beta1 with dselect, all the beta
> packages depend on kdelibs3 >=2.2-cvs20010622-1 but kdelibs3 isn't
> updated beyond 2.1.2. I'm using http://http.us.debian.org/, should I
> be looking at a different mirror?
On Thursday 28 June 2001 04:23 pm, David Bishop wrote:
> Yes, let me reiterate that everything else is going swimmingly (my
> respect-o-meter for all kde hackers is shooting through the roof).
> However, please note when you set up the proxy, make sure it's
> authenticati
, Jun 28, 2001 at 04:37:37PM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > On Thursday 28 June 2001 04:23 pm, David Bishop wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Yes, let me reiterate that everything else is going swimmingly (my
> > > respect-o-meter for all kde hackers is shooting through the
On Thursday 28 June 2001 18:28, Jens Hoffmann wrote:
> On Friday 29 June 2001 01:37, David Bishop wrote:
> > Let me be so crass as to follow-up my own email, "initializing" .kde
> > didn't fix anything. I was able to goto debian.org from the splash page
> >
I would suggest debian-user, as I don't see how KDE relates to your question.
Have fun!
On Friday 29 June 2001 02:45 am, Heidelinde Meier wrote:
> Hello!
> Perhaps my question is not too difficult for you to answer:
> I want to create more than 5000 new users on my system.
> Because there are
It's just my week to discover bugs :-) This is what I get while trying to
install the latest kdm from incoming. I can't imagine what I'm doing wrong,
and since I'm always right/perfect, it must be your fault *grin*.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/david/tmp# dpkg -i kdm_2.2.0-0beta1-1_i386.deb
The konsole now defaults to having no history, so it's not the keys, you just
need to go into the settings and set the history from "1" to whatever (usually
1000 for me). I don't remember exactly which menu it's in, and I just finished
uninstalling everything having to do with kde in an attemp
1:49PM -0500, Tom Joseph wrote:
> Um, couldn't you just remove ~/.kde ...? Does KDE keep per-user config
> stuff anywhere else?
> --Tom Joseph
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, David Bishop wrote:
> >
> > The konsole now defaults to having no history, so it
On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 01:07:58PM -0600, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 01:01:34PM -0600, David Bishop wrote:
> >
> > All ready tried that, didn't help. But I also have a lot of left-over
> > packages from ald versions of kde lying around,
Yep, I do know that... Which is why when I thought it was my personal conf, I
'mv .kde .kdebackup'ed instead of 'rm -fR .kde'. When that didn't fix
anything, I moved it right back. I can test software *and* keep my config
On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 03:40:22PM -0500, Tom Joseph wro
On Saturday 30 June 2001 08:57, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 04:51:59PM +0200, Jens Benecke wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 12:01:33AM -0700, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > I noticed several of the KDE packages seem to have overlapping files..
> >
> > Worse, some
That is *definetly* the problem, after extensive testing, and now I have the
auth_proxy setup at home to prove it. Ivan, I've setup squid with
authentication, and you can use it to test (in case you haven't had time in
the last couple days to do it yourself). Email me privately and I'll get yo
Haven't tried noatun yet, and with most everything else, I've been seeing
speedups, but as for the x-terminal-emulator, try looking in
/etc/alternatives for x-terminal-emulator and seeing if 1) it is there and 2)
that it's pointing to konsole. However, I just looked and on my box it's
On Saturday 30 June 2001 18:30, Dan Berdine wrote:
> On Saturday 30 June 2001 07:37 pm, David Bishop wrote:
> > Haven't tried noatun yet, and with most everything else, I've been
> > seeing speedups, but as for the x-terminal-emulator, try looking in
> > /etc/alter
But now in the help screen. This is 100% reproducible on my system. Open
any kde app, select help->contents. Wait for it to load, the click on
"introduction". Then click on "next". The viewing window will go blank and
an error message pops up saying "the process for the help protocol died
On Saturday 30 June 2001 20:57, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, David Bishop wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing this?
> Yup.
Then I'll file a bug report with the kde guys. Thanks for the conformation.
On Sunday 01 July 2001 08:37, Jonathan Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> after I upgraded to x4.1.0, kde2 wouldn't start anymore. I found out, that
> some files had moved to other directorys and got 'startx' working.
> But kdm still isn't working. I then looked through the files located in
> /usr/X11/kdm but
On Monday 02 July 2001 11:26 am, Arne Scheffler wrote:
> Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 04:15:29PM +0200, Arne Scheffler wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>I follow this list a while and I know about the pure_virtual problem
> >>with libqt and libqt-gl.
> >>My Problem is that I only got libqt
On Tuesday 03 July 2001 01:19 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> ok all you kde junkies...anyone know how I can setup a default bookmark
> list so that upon installation a user will have a few bookmarks (ie things
> like www.debian.org/debianplanet/etc...)?
> Ivan
I'll say the obvious one: kde.theme
On Tuesday 03 July 2001 02:25 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 02:46:23PM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > On Tuesday 03 July 2001 01:19 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > ok all you kde junkies...anyone know how I can setup a default bookmark
> > > lis
On Wednesday 04 July 2001 14:30, uhlhorsr wrote:
> I just upgraded my potato box to testing and am having problems getting kde
> set up. I noticed there is no task-kde in testing (correct?). So I manually
> picked the kde debs with dselect. I got kdm running fine, but when I try to
> login via kdm,
I would suggest installing task-kde-devel and kdevelop, and go from there.
They should get all you need :-)
On Monday 09 July 2001 20:21, John Batistic wrote:
> I have purchased the KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible by Arthur Griffith.
> In trying to work through the first tutorial I fi
Typical troubleshooting for dcop involved shutting everything re: kde down,
then blowing away everything kde related in /tmp, mv'ing .kde to .kdeback and
recreating it to see if that helps (if not, just mv it right back), doing a
dpkg --purge on the kdebase & kdelibs debs and reinstalling them,
This is just a pre-emptive feature request: Ivan, please include the patches
by Dawit Alemayehu wrt proxy and https in your 2.2beta packages. I know
sometimes debian packages are base source + patches and I'm hoping this will
be one of those times :-) The benefits are that many, many, corpor
works. I'll go back to sleep now..
On Tuesday 17 July 2001 09:00 am, David Bishop wrote:
> This is just a pre-emptive feature request: Ivan, please include the
> patches by Dawit Alemayehu wrt proxy and https in your 2.2beta packages. I
> know sometimes debian packages are base s
I can confirm this with the latest 2.2beta packages.
On Thursday 19 July 2001 01:30 am, Rogério Brito wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask you to see if Konqueror is rendering my diary
> (http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/diary/) as justified text or if
> it is only showing up as
Have you upgraded since? There was a bug there for a couple days where this
happened, fixed since. OTOH, you might have found a new one :-)
On Friday 20 July 2001 12:54 pm, Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
> Hi list.
> Since I upgraded last week (sid/unstable) there's a little problem with
> kmail. It
On Saturday 21 July 2001 02:15, Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
> > Have you upgraded since? There was a bug there for a couple days where
> > this
> > happened, fixed since. OTOH, you might have found a new one :-)
> Well. I've upgraded just some seconds ago. But it stays at it is. Maybe
> I should ste
Hash: SHA1
Being somewhat new to this stuff, how do I check that the gpg signature on an
email matches that of the public key fingerprint registered with debian when
you become a developer? I.E., assuming Eray *does* finally make it through
the new-dev proces
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 26 July 2001 02:26 am, Felix E. Klee wrote:
> Hi,
> on my Potato system with the latest KDE 2.1-installation and the debian
> XFree86 4.0.3 packages installed I have trouble with certain key-events
> in konsole: even though I selected
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 26 July 2001 04:08 am, David Dayan-Rosenman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to upgrade to KDE 2.2beta but I don't quite know how to proceed.
> Could anyone help me with an apt line ? or with a quick explanation of CVS
> ? Or with a link to nay of t
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 26 July 2001 05:30 am, c wrote:
> The option to select a single or double click
> desktop launch method exists when installing
> KDE for the first time but where is that
> setting located after installation ?
> --markc
It took me a coupl
Hash: SHA1
> > I've found that I have to play around with the setting of $TERM, the
> > keymaping of konsole, depending on what shell I'm using, and also what OS
> > (bash on solaris works different when I'm telneted to a sun box than it
> > does in linux). Howe
Hash: SHA1
> are you using a proxy? I know there are still some bits that have been
> fixed since the version your running...
> Ivan
Does this mean that there is a version of the kdelibs (not yet packaged) that
makes https work with authentication proxies?
Hash: SHA1
> So, for the moment at least, I've just turned off TLS support and
> everything works ok.
Didn't help my "not-through-an-authenticating-proxy" problem. Oh, well.
- --
"To me vi is Zen. To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan.
Hash: SHA1
you need not only the libs, but the dev stuff. Easiest thing to do is just
apt-get install task-kde-devel. That will give you all you need.
On Friday 03 August 2001 08:37 am, Emil Wilmanski wrote:
> Hello
> I'm using Debian with KDE v.2.1.1 and
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 03 August 2001 09:34 am, Kolja Brix wrote:
> Hello!
> Am Freitag, 3. August 2001 18:54 schrieb David Bishop:
> > you need not only the libs, but the dev stuff. Easiest thing to do is
> > just apt-get install task-
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 06 August 2001 05:43 am, David Morgan wrote:
> Has anyone succeded in getting the Debian Potato packages of KPilot and
> KOrganizer to work together, i.e. to sync from KOrganizer to and from the
> Pilot?
> I've looked on this list and on th
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 06 August 2001 20:34, tluxt wrote:
> I tried something like this - I did the dist-upgrade, but didnt use -fuy.
> I then ran dselect and let it install sone packages it wanted to.
> I then ran tasksel, selecting to install:
> 1. X
> 2. GUI -
Hash: SHA1
All the ? icon means is that it doesn't have it's own icon. I'm not sure how
to fix that, but it isn't affecting you :-) I just tried, and while I don't
think the sound played (I'm also listening to Radiohead via xmms-arts, so I
can't say for cer
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 17 August 2001 12:33 am, Mike Williams wrote:
> Using konqueror under KDE 2.2, I can no longer access HTTPS sites. For
> instance, when I attempt to access https://sourceforge.net the following
> error is reported:
> kio (KRun): ERROR:
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 08:52 am, Gilger.John wrote:
> G'Morning Wondrous Wizards,
> I recently upgraded to Sid and KDE 2.2. My printer, which worked
> perfectly with Woody and KDE 2.1 doesn't want to play with Sid and KDE
> 2.2. I used Apsfilter to setup my /etc/printcap file (if that has
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:40 am, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Horrors, the best part of upgrading kde 2.2 doesn't seem to have
> materialised, there isn't the audiocd: ioslave installed.
> Is there a nice easy apt-get style or even hard and difficult way of
> installing it?
> Jonathan Ridd
> Would it be better to change from lpr to lnprg or cups?
Yes :-) Switching to cups is painless, and easy. If this is a home pc,
apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client kups, configure the server by going to
localhost:631, and configure kde to use the localhost cups server. I use it
at both wo
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 01:15 pm, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 01:14:56PM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > > Would it be better to change from lpr to lnprg or cups?
> >
> > Yes :-) Switching to cups is painless, and easy. If this is a home pc,
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 02:01 pm, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> > > Horrors, the best part of upgrading kde 2.2 doesn't seem to have
> > > materialised, there isn't the audiocd: ioslave installed.
> >
> > I have the same problem : In konqueror In get "file or directory /
> > doesn't exist" (in f
Well, after searching around, I can't find anything regarding running
external scripts with cups. The only *workaround* I can find would be to
somehow make a "filter" that every job passes though, which runs your script.
I would be willing to bet that it's just an oversight on my part, and a q
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On Friday 21 September 2001 05:58 am, Volker Schlecht wrote:
> A few weeks ago, I reported bug #108698 against konqueror, which has
> been tagged unreproducible by Ivan. I have since waited for 2.2.1 to
> be released, hoping that they would silently fi
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On Friday 21 September 2001 08:53 am, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 06:39:01PM -0400, David Kuntz wrote:
> > I'm in - anyone have a paypal account we can use, maybe?
> Unfortunately, I don't. Neither do I have a credit card, =;)
> L
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On Friday 21 September 2001 09:36 am, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 10:12:46AM -0700, David Bishop wrote:
> > On Friday 21 September 2001 08:53 am, Jens Benecke wrote:
> > > On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 06:39:01PM -0400,
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