Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 11:15:06PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote: a couple of obvious mistakes. > @line = split /:*:/ ; @line = split /:\*:/ ; > create the table and index in postgres: i should have tested the table creation before posting it. CREATE TABLE requests ( server varch

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:10:29PM -0400, Chris Wagner wrote: > For elementary or trivial purposes, MySQL's speed makes it worth it. > Especially for webstats. perhaps. it's a matter of preference. i'd rather sacrifice a little speed and gain a lot in flexibility and reliabilityand gain all

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Wagner
At 09:23 PM 5/11/00 +1000, Craig Sanders wrote: >it's faster for some things, but i find it really clumsy and difficult >to work with. postgres' psql is vastly superior to the mysql admin tool >- and from what i hear, psql is supposed to be even better in the new >version 7. I was only considering

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 07:23:45PM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote: > > another way to do it is to write a small perl (or whatever) program > > which reads apache log entries on stdin and injects them into a database > > - should be less than 20 lines of perl using DBI. > >but the problem is, i c

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Gregory Wood
First, I believe there is a 'free' version of MySQL. -- There is a different 'agreement' that comes with Debian. Second, MySQL may not be the best but a lot of packages already use it. I have it on my machine for that reason. Third, it would be great for SOMEBODY to do a comparison of the CURRENT

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Dariush Pietrzak
> MySQL is faster and I believe easier. I doubt he would need transactions it ain't easier. > just to log Web stats. why use tools that are weaker and non-free when you can use better and open-source? and when he'll need better sql server one would have to install another sql server for that anot

Re: raid

2000-05-11 Thread Gregory Wood
I used Mylex in the past. If this card is similar then all the raid functions are handled by the card. That means your Linux box doesn't know it's talking to a raid system. However, you still have to have a driver to tie the card to the operating system. I install such a system a couple of year

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
> > another way to do it is to write a small perl (or whatever) program > which reads apache log entries on stdin and injects them into a database > - should be less than 20 lines of perl using DBI. > but the problem is, i cant code in PERL :-( any good souls out there who have the free t

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 11:35:45AM +0200, Dariush Pietrzak wrote: > > is there anybody here doing that ? > > i.e., piping apache logs directly to MySQL ? also, can anyone suggest > > to me any app w/c converts > > and puts apache logs in MySQL tables ? > Well, debian's got it all covered: >

Re: can apache log to MySQL ?

2000-05-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 06:15:27PM -0400, Chris Wagner wrote: > At 11:36 AM 5/10/00 +0200, Dariush Pietrzak wrote: > >btw, why do you choose mysql? it ain't free, it ain't any good > >try Oracle, Sybase, PostgresSQl, > >they are ok, and Postgres is free > > MySQL is faster and I believe easier.

Re: raid

2000-05-11 Thread elyograg
At 12:51 PM 5/10/2000 -0700, you wrote: Hello, I'd like to configure raid 1 using the frozen 2.2 with a Mylex raid card (acceleraid 150). Do I need the raid-1 kernel module? Also, do I need the raidtools and raidtools2 packages? Thanks in advance. If you have a hardware RAID device, and it's s