First, I believe there is a 'free' version of MySQL. -- There is a different 'agreement' that comes with Debian. Second, MySQL may not be the best but a lot of packages already use it. I have it on my machine for that reason. Third, it would be great for SOMEBODY to do a comparison of the CURRENT offerings. What works with the current stuff will make the difference in my mind. Lastly, I'm on the practical side. If MySQL works and solves a problem then that's enough for me.
Gregory Wood *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 5/11/00 at 2:47 PM Dariush Pietrzak wrote: >> MySQL is faster and I believe easier. I doubt he would need transactions >it ain't easier. >> just to log Web stats. >why use tools that are weaker and non-free when you can use better and >open-source? >and when he'll need better sql server one would have to install another >sql server for that another job? >speed may be an issue when just logging web stats. you're right. > > > >-- >To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] >with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]