On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 11:15:06PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:

a couple of obvious mistakes.

>       @line = split /:*:/ ;
        @line = split /:\*:/ ;

> create the table and index in postgres:

i should have tested the table creation before posting it.

CREATE TABLE requests (
  server varchar(127) DEFAULT '',
  bytes int4 DEFAULT 0,
  remoteuser varchar(15) DEFAULT '',
  filename varchar(200) DEFAULT '',
  remotehost varchar(150) DEFAULT '',
  remoteip varchar(15) DEFAULT '',
  status int2 DEFAULT 0,
  timeserved datetime DEFAULT now(),
  contenttype varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
  urlpath varchar(200) DEFAULT '',
  referer varchar(250) DEFAULT '',
  useragent varchar(250) DEFAULT '',
  usertrack varchar(100) DEFAULT ''


craig sanders

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