Hello tranlsators,
I have a little problem configuring kbabel to use the right encoding for
my language (Romanian / ISO-8859-2 ) b/c there is no iso-8859-2 option
in kbabel... I had this setting in woody, but I have installed sarge
recently and I can reproduce that setting.
What do I have to in
I saw that the italian (and other ones) team translated "mac-fr3" as
"French (Mac, alternative), but OTOH the french team translated it as "
Mac (French, type 3)"...
1 - Wouldn't it be a good ideea to have an unified translation?
2 - Does everybody (Bob-user) know about type 3 / alternative layo
I just had a great ideea about how (I think) we can solve the
maintainer/translator communication problem. I didn't followed the whole
thread, but I don't want to froget this...
Scenario: there is a central _virtual_ repository (maybe using a special
tool, not svn, let's call it svn-po) that is
Denis Barbier wrote:
Right. Note also that original keymap name should always be listed,
so that one can run 'loadkeys mac-fr3' by hand after reading this
That's a big oops, 'cause _most_ of the translation do no inlcude
this... (this was the way I did it in the first place, but chang
Christian Perrier wrote:
Below are the goals I think are reasonable for the d-i l10n team:
-keep 1st stage translations as complete as possible. Idealistically,
you can try to always stay at 100% there.
I'm seriously hoping that English strings won't move too much except
for the two recent packages
t POT or PO files.
# Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shadow_debian\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-03-30 11:25-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-05-18 02:28+0300\n"
Luk Claes wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Dear maintainer of xtell and Debian translators,
The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is fixed to
5 feb 2005.
Please fix this! Later says "14 feb 2005: deadline for receiving
translation updates"
Of course, if
Christian Perrier wrote:
Quoting Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Then please add 'jfs' for the Spanish translation too.
And, guess what, "bubulle" for French...:-)
As usual, this will be donne in coordination with the French team. As
far as I have seen, Sean, all people who ha
Christian Perrier wrote:
Quoting Clytie Siddall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Do I hold the record yet for dumb questions about a Debian .po file? :D
Nope. You just ask questions that every translator asked himself
before you but never asked because being afraid of looking stupid..:-)
She reminds me of mys
Hello all,
While I was trying to reduce the number of unknown words with zinosat's
scripts I found that the original files contained inconsistent ways of
writing words:
$ cat ro.po | perl -s ../../scripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck/extract_msg.pl
-msgid | grep -E "CD.?ROM" | wc -l
Hello all,
The RO-Team is close to finish the translation of Deabian Installer
(dpkg is the last prick) and I was wondering what should we do in order
to have the manual translatable through the ubiquitous PO format.
I had a favourite quote, but I fo
Frans Pop wrote:
On Friday 29 April 2005 08:25, Christian Perrier wrote:
What encoding should be used for the text version of the manual?
unfortunately iso-8859-2 is wrongly thought of covering Romanian due to
Å and Å (s with comma, not s with cedilla and t with comma, not with
Christian Perrier wrote:
Because shadow 4.0.3 upstream had no it translation at all.
The whole translation is in the Debian patch which we include only at
build time nowthis is what confuses seppy's scripts.
Dennis, a solution could be to "manually" apply all patches names
debian/patches/1* bef
Yiannis Thomaidis wrote:
I'd like to ask the community about the difference in meaning between
"boot parameter" and "boot argument" in English language. I want to
translate these in greek language. If there isn't any difference I can
translate the same. Otherwise I have to use different words f
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
Hello all,
I'm going to make an upload for all gksu related packages for
translation sync only most probably on sunday and will then request the
release team to accept the packages for sarge.
I've made a report on what's the state of the translations if I would
get all
On 5/17/05, Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Em Seg, 2005-05-16 às 23:57 +0300, Eddy Petrisor escreveu:
> > msgid ""
> > "The X authority file i am trying to create for the target user already"
> > "exists! This is highly suspi
On 5/19/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [1] http://dutch.debian.net (I think these scripts are in the process of
> > being merged into the Dennis' scripts?)
> It's a long time since we discuss this..:-)
> Martin did some work in the dl10n Alioth project and I curren
On 5/22/05, Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've added to the wiki [1] a proposal tag called "NEW" that should cover this.
Update: added some tags that were here, too:
This might interest the following teams and others:
Tagalog, Indonesian, Brazilian and SV (sorry I couldn't find the name)
-- Forwarded message --
From: Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 25, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: [L10N] Will an upload of dpkg be con
-- Forwarded message --
From: Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jun 3, 2005 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: temporary update page
To: Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On 6/2/05, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Sent to both Pootle (translate proje
On 6/3/05, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 03/06/2005, at 7:47 AM, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> >> My language team (she says grandly, all two of us!) have come up with
> >> a temporary way to track who has translated what files, currently the
> &
On 6/3/05, Jean Christophe André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eddy Petrisor a écrit :
> > ok, then you should create a mailing list
> This one is on its way:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=307112
You should get sustainers for that request,
I just added a new proposal tag for coordination on the
l10ncoordination page [1] : REV.
Please see details and comment if you feel is necessary.
Information added follows:
* Meaning review
* The mail contains a review of a translation
* Used to draw attention to the t
On 6/5/05, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 05/06/2005, at 9:45 PM, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Fellows, for those of you who don't follow -www and/or -release.
> >
> > The contact for the release annoucement transltion is Matin
> > Schulze. Please note that the mails below men
On 6/13/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the third call for this.
> Up to now, the following people and/or team have not shown sign of
> life (there may have been some omissions by me, though...this is all
> manual work..:-))
Christian, will you send a result of that l
> Wrt to the msgid:
> gobble replaced file `%.255s'
> Konstantinos
I agree with Konstantinos on this issue (and his proposal) and I would
like to add a few other remarks that I gathered during the painful
translation of dpkg before sarge's release:
(I left my angry comments in there,
On 6/14/05, Scott James Remnant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One can include the comments in the source files (a rather recent post on
> > d-i18n gave the required syntax), then they can appear as automatic
> > comments in the pot file.
I will take this task for dpkg; I cursed to many times at
> I agree with you on that, but I would like to remind you
> that the message-ids technically are POSIX/C and not
> English.
That is a wrong assumption; the template could be in Spanish,
Romanian, or Dutch, it does not matter
OTOH, POSIX/C is _not_ a language, but a standard. And we are talking
> > > Correct, it's a syscall. This error is reporting the
> > > failure of a syscall, so has to use the name of the
> > > syscall that failed, obviously.
> >
> > In the version whoever will try to fix the error gets, yes.
> > In the version the user gets, no. System calls don't mean
> I guess
> My point is: the messages can be rephrased so that they express the
> same thing, but the message is clearer, more correct from an English
> grammar POV and easier to translate.
apparently I need a grammar checker, too :D
On 6/17/05, Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > martin> Juste a stupid idea: I know Christian is dreaming of
> > martin> setting up a pootle server on debian machines to ease
> > martin> translation works. What about using pootle for the
> > martin> interface?
Why more di
> So, I'd like to offer this task to some of my fellow translator
> colleagues.
> For this, you need to:
> -have a very good knowledge of l10n issues in general and the use of
> gettext tools (msgmerge, msgcat, etc)
still have to work a little in that field
> -have a good practice of CVS o
> > I'd like to help with this. Is there currently any work to do? I've looked
> > at the bugs of some of the packages and found only resolved l10n bugs.
> No, these packages are supposedly up-to-date (unless I've missed some
> l10n bugs...which may have happened but is not very likely).
> > http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/level2/POT/
> >
> > or are those the stable ones, and I have to look somewhere else?
> You have the vi files here:
> http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/level2/files/vi/
> >
> > (I want to apply this to the other D-I levels as well, if possible
On 7/11/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I read some mails about pootle, rosetta and other web translation
> > interfaces. If debian like to use something like this for the debian
> > packages descriptions too, I don't like to wast my time in this
> > project.
> As far as I s
As I have said in at a previous time, I have started working on adding
comments in the dpkg code, in order to add automatic comments to the
translatable strings.
Unfortunately, I was caught in other issues with some translation
sychronizations, and have halted a little the work. Also, the
On 7/26/05, Jacob Sparre Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> > 2) in some languages forms like "3 installed packages", "1
> > installed package" and "6 installed packages" need three
> > different forms for th
I have found two issues in the strings in DI, yesterday, while trying
to update the RO translation:
The string:
"When your computer boots, you will be able to choose to load one of these
operating systems or your new system."
Shouldn't this be:
"When your computer will boot, you wil
On 7/27/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Eddy Petrisor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Hello,
> >
> > As I have said in at a previous time, I have started working on adding
> > comments in the dpkg code, in order to add automatic comment
On 7/27/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 03:50:56PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > > Please take care of doing *real* translations of timezone names in
> > > your updates for D-I level 1 files.
On 8/3/05, Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 05:10:38PM +0300, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> [...]
> > 3) in some cases the messages are so cryptical that rephrasing them would
> > be a
> > much better solution than adding automatic comments
I have encountered a small problem. In Romanian the names for
languages are written with a small letter at the begining, but proper
names are written with an initial capital letter.
I was wondering if Bookmal and Nynorsk are just some
dialects/languages or are they comming from names of so
> Hope it helps,
> Bjørn - nb translator, working peacefully with the nn translators ...
Thanks Bjørn, Peter.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
On 7/25/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A Debian Installer beta release is likely to happen "soon". Though no
> timeline has been scheduled yet, I recommend translators to behave as
> if a short timeline had been setup.
> This is on purpo
On 8/5/05, MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> =?UTF-8?Q?=7C=7C_=E0=A4=B8=E0=A5=8D=E0=A4=B5=E0=A4=95=E0=A5=8D=E0=A4=B7_?=
> =?UTF-8?Q?=7C=7C_svaksha_?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > T24gOC81LzA1LCBNSiBSYXkgPG1qckBwaG9uZWNvb3AuY29vcD4gd3JvdGU6Cj4gPiBTR1ZzYkc4
> > Z1JYWmxjbmxpYjJSNUxBb0tTU0JvWl
On 8/5/05, Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I committed this to d-i today:
> Index: debian/anna.templates
> ===
> --- debian/anna.templates (revision 29726)
> +++ debian/anna.templates (working copy)
> @@ -26,7
> A quick test on dpkg-1.13.10 by running
> perl -pi -e 's/ohshite\(_\((".*?")\)/ohshite($1/g' */*.? dselect/*
> shows that removing _() in ohshite calls removes 273 messages (on a
> total number of 999 messages), and I for one won't miss them ;)
> If you are willing to make these changes, please
On 8/17/05, Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> > On 8/3/05, Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 05:10:38PM +0300, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > &g
On 8/23/05, Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear debian administrators,
> on behalf of some debian translators and internationalizers, I would like to
> ask you how we could install the pootle software somewhere on the debian
> machines.
I would like to inform you all that there is
> Until we find a better place, a temporary version is held at
> http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/ (HTML)
> http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/i18n.en.pdf (PDF)
> http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/i18n.en.txt (TXT)
> Please correct the typos, spelling error
On 8/23/05, Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Until we find a better place, a temporary version is held at
> > http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/ (HTML)
> > http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/i18n.en.pdf (PDF)
> > http://people.de
On 8/23/05, Denis Lackovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like to inform you all that there is also another great l10n
> > framework. It is used by the Croats and developed by Denis (in CC). He
> > said that he hopes to have it available in a public CVS tree in about
> > 2 weeks.
> >
> > It
On 8/23/05, Eugeniy Meshcheryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 23 серпня 2005 о 16:49 +0300 Eddy Petrisor написав(-ла):
> > On 8/23/05, Eddy Petrisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Until we find a better place, a temporary version is held at
> > > &g
On 8/23/05, Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 05:00:29PM +0300, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> > On 8/23/05, Denis Lackovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I would like to inform you all that there is also another great l10n
> >
On 8/23/05, Yavor Doganov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 16:49:03 +0300, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
> >> Please add to the editors page that gtranslator does NOT support
> >> plural forms correctly.
> >> (It merges the translations and the ms
On 8/24/05, Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 07:09:55PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> > On Tuesday 23 August 2005 18:44, Yavor Doganov wrote:
> > > Both tools seem very useful, although I think their purpose is quick
> > > translation and results are sometimes far fro
On 8/23/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also note that kbabel is sometimes unstable (the latest versions are
> > quite unhappy if one changes the project configuration options at a
> > later time, not the first use).
> >
> > I am personally unhappy with all of the tools list
On 8/23/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Eddy Petrisor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > Until we find a better place, a temporary version is held at
> > > http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/d-i/i18n-doc/ (HTML)
> > > http://people.debian.o
Hash: SHA1
Hello again,
I have found more similar messages (maybe they can be contracted into one):
„ Package %s is not installed.\n”
„Package `%s' is not installed.\n”
Maybe it can be fixed.
Isn't there a possibility to autodetect simillar messages? I am th
Hash: SHA1
(adding i18n to cc as there are things which might be clarified by them)
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, the last translator for the adduser debconf templates
> for languages ko and ro cannot be determined.
> The English templat
Dear Debian I18N people,
I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating
ppp already includes cs.po da.po de.po es.po fr.po it.po ja.po nl.po pt.po
pt_BR.po ro.po ru.po sv.po tr.po vi.po.
So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be
contacted sep
Dear Debian I18N people,
I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating
ppp already includes cs.po da.po de.po es.po fr.po gl.po it.po ja.po nb.po
nl.po pt.po pt_BR.po ro.po ru.po sv.po ta.po tr.po vi.po.
So do not translate it to these languages (the translators wil
Christian Perrier wrote:
Of course, some of this work (for example Release Notes) can be done after
the release since it doesn't affect it. However, the manual is bound to be
present in the CD-ROMs somehow. Isn't it?
IIRC, the "enough complete" translations will be on the CDs. Other
63 matches
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