Michael Holzt wrote on Sun Jun 16, 2002 um 12:53:19AM:
> I really like my 'Quietsche-Tux'. Btw, i'm very certain that HP
> used them first last year. I had to swap a debian CD for one.
> I think the opionions here are very different. The fact that some
> people dislike this toy does n
Would any participant of the Release Party
(http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/party/) like to be picked up somewhere
between Karlsruhe and Hanover and travel with a car? Gas is too
expensive nowadays to afford the travelling costs just for one person.
Alfie: sch
* Noel Koethe [Sat, Aug 24 2002, 10:19:23PM]:
> Grisu, your times are missing. Please add them.
> Wednesday for setting up the booth
And joining tutorials when the job is done, imho. I could appear maybe
to the lunch time.
> Thursday
> complete day:
> Andreas Müller
* Dominik von Wyl [Mon, Jan 13 2003, 09:15:28PM]:
> > für diese Gruppe ist die Installations-CD nicht DAU-sicher genug.
> > Diese sollten besser eine Knoppix nehmen und diese installieren..
> Ach übrigens,
> ich habe bei mir Knoppix mit dem Installskript auf die Platte
> installiert,
* Sven Hoexter [Thu, Jan 23 2003, 09:31:13PM]:
> > Ich meine eine (x)dialog Oberfläche für Knoppix, die die CDs erzeugt
> > und brennt. Nichts mit 'fat', nichts mit 'Windows', nichts mit '10
> > Seiten' oder 'Aufwand'.
> Ahh and where do you want to store the iso? AFAIK on the fly
* Sven Hoexter [Fri, Jan 24 2003, 09:50:56PM]:
> > Why? For the compression utility? In the last version (in Sid), there is
> > a more efficient tool that does not need to keep the whole image in the
> > memory while compressing it.
> I thought that you have to write the whole iso somewhe
* Alexander Schmehl [Wed, Feb 19 2003, 09:11:00AM]:
> > > Of course I we should show Knoppix on request, but AFAIK Knopper will
> > > have his
> > > own booth on the CeBit.
> > He will? Cool.
> Knopper mentions this on his Page: hall 11, booth 42... 42? Cool!
IIRC the booth of Rhe
* Sven Hoexter [Wed, Apr 16 2003, 07:57:20PM]:
> Eduard: The only minor issue I have is a missing space between the "de" and
> the "-" in the language selection screen right at the beginning. Is this a
> bug or a feature? Anyway not realy important.
Bug. Needs to be fixed. Same with ker
* Sven Hoexter [Sun, Jun 01 2003, 11:53:40AM]:
> Again a few words on the "Jugendsch(m)utzgesetz"
> I decided that all "games and eductional software" will stay so I'm feeling
> sorry for all underaged people. Please take your parents with you so that they
> can grab a CD for you at the
* Sven Hoexter [Mon, Jun 02 2003, 08:01:45AM]:
> > Why don't you include his other backports? A new version of XFree86 will
> > be useful for a lot of people. And KDE 3.1 from kde.org, too.
> 1. Every backport or new upstream version is a few kb or even mb larger so
> we would have to s
* Michael Bramer [Thu, Jun 05 2003, 10:08:40AM]:
> > english. I don't know about a Debian release where you have the language
> > you choose during the base install after the reboot.
> IMHO Eduard had fixed this in some version? Eduard?
No, I suggested it and made a patch but it was
Moin Petter!
Petter Reinholdtsen schrieb am Thursday, den 05. June 2003:
> base-config on the other hand is fixed to handle translations, so this
> part of the problem is fixed (is Sarge and Sid, not Wood).
Did anyonene try to replace base-config with the Sid version in a Woody
basedebs chain? Do
* Martin Schulze [Tue, Jun 10 2003, 07:42:47AM]:
> Acrobat should not be included. xpdf should be fine, though.
Here we disagree, xpdf is not always fine.
However, Acroread must not be included when we add anything writting PDF
files to the media (say, Ghostscript).
* Christian Weerts [Fri, Jun 13 2003, 08:54:40PM]:
> please take a look at the Covers and comment on them.
To Frontcover:
the left bottom corner looks a bit empty. I suggest either placing a
meta-logo (like PC-CDROM known from game packages) there, or Linux and
Credativ logos. They do
* Andreas Mueller [Fri, Jul 04 2003, 07:58:48PM]:
Summary for english speaking folks...
> >Von: Ralf Nolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Datum: Fr, 4. Jul 2003 19:42:59 Europe/Berlin
> >An: Andreas Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Cc: Michael Meskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
* Michael Banck [Sat, Jul 05 2003, 09:08:44PM]:
> On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 08:50:34PM +0200, Josef Spillner wrote:
> > Ralf mentioned that instead of going to the official social event, members
> > of
> > KDE, GNOME and Debian are invited to gather in the restaurant "Zur
> > Suedstadt"
* Martin Schulze [Tue, Jul 29 2003, 12:39:00PM]:
> Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> > I was informed by a user about two things that should be changed in the
> > debian.html of the LinuxTag CD:
> >
> > -) My address is the first in the list. Although I don't care being
> > contacted primarily f
* Michael Banck [Sun, Apr 18 2004, 06:30:51PM]:
> > > Classic, 31-6101;
> > > Excellent, 31-6501;
> > The later is also not bad but I would prefer the slim one.
> Please keep us irc-users in mind: The slim one has not enough space for
> the full name and the nick, I'm afraid :)
* Geert Stappers [Tue, May 18 2004, 10:12:51AM]:
> It will take an investement of 10, one for each arch outside ia32,
> Compact Disc Recordables (CD-Rs). That way we will known we
> have an ISO image for the architecture and can show
> that we support the non ia32 architectures.
> (No me
* Martin Michlmayr [Tue, May 18 2004, 09:59:27PM]:
> * Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-18 22:11]:
> > Are you trolling?
> >
> > Sarge is not even out, so how could we "support" amd64? I don't think
> ...
> > alioth anyway. So I don't see where we 'fail to support AMD64 nativel
* Michael Banck [Tue, May 18 2004, 11:03:25PM]:
> > What he means is that people will ask why sarge won't release with
> > official amd64 support.
> Why would that need "some FAQ with good answers written by amd64-port
> experts"? It's pretty obvious that the amd64 port was not initia
* Martin Schulze [Sat, May 22 2004, 08:58:52PM]:
>Etwas näher dran und von der Messe aus sehr einfach zu finden ist
>das "Scheck-In Center" am Mendelssohnplatz. Hat am Samstag
Kleiner Hinweis: Der 5-Sterne-Chinesisch-Restaurant im Schek-In-Center
ist auch empfehlen. Nicht der al
Moin Sebastian!
Sebastian Raible schrieb am Freitag, den 28. Mai 2004:
> My personal feeling still is: There is no room for Microsoft at LinuxTag.
> They
> don't fit in and they don't have the right to be there. That is because of
> how they treated and still tread the community, Free Software
* Alexander Schmehl [Tue, Jun 29 2004, 12:23:04AM]:
> - Booth people didn't note down when they sold something or collected
> donations, which made the final bill really hard
Possible solution: create a mark/token (eg. a ticket made of hard
plastic) and give it to few people (2..4) th
* Alexander Schmehl [Thu, Jul 01 2004, 11:14:33PM]:
> > Arne and IIRC Roland (at least two of the really big guys :-) managed
> > to tape the beamer to the booth walls' top last year quite good. You
> > could easily pass in front of the beamer's screen wihtout disturbing
> > the screen.
contacts to them, it's worth to try
BTW: it seems that I could come to Linuxtag too, you can count on me as
helper in presentations, "sales" and similar. And of course I will
modify the windows utility for this years CD.
having discussed about the new lt2k1-CD with ref and Joey on #debian.de
yesterday, we decided that in the current situation (BF's not ready and
probably won't be to the right time), the best solution is to use a
Potato-CD similar to the last year ones. Some upgrades should be on this
Jens-Dietrich Neppe wrote on Sat Jun 09, 2001 um 11:01:47PM:
> I hope mor people will vote for one of the front sides of the cover(cover_one
> or cover_two)!
No, really: Outlook Express is an excellent newsreader.
But you should not use it as a newsPOSTER
Stefan Gybas wrote on Wed Jun 13, 2001 um 10:37:36AM:
> - pppoe
Please the lattest version, 3.0-2
> - libapache-mod-ssl (non-US)
Either we leave "apache-ssl" here, or we take "apache" and additional
"libapache-mod-ssl" - which alternative does work better?
> - zip (why was it removed
Michael Bramer wrote on Thu Jun 14, 2001 um 08:33:26AM:
> can someone write a TOP-Level-README with
> - some Install problems
> - some note about a live after the LTCD? (like apt-setup, apt-setup)
I am going to rewrite the README from the last year(german). There would
be following s
Eduard Bloch wrote on Thu Jun 14, 2001 um 09:18:29AM:
> I am going to rewrite the README from the last year(german). There would
> be following sections:
> - Disclaimer, some words about sponsors
> - Hints how to setup this woody system (eg. setup problems, pits and fal
Michael Bramer wrote on Thu Jun 14, 2001 um 08:43:28AM:
> I planing to get it from:
> debian-non-US/pool/non-US/main/m/mozilla/mozilla*0.9.1*deb
> with this, mozilla is the fourth sid-'package' on the CD.
Please don't take them. This packages does not support https (even if they
Eduard Bloch wrote on Thu Jun 14, 2001 um 01:31:39PM:
Second preview:
> http://people.debian.org/~blade/lt2k1/debian-setup-faq.de.html
> To sponsors: please have a look on the first section and make comments
> if you don't like something there.
> Status:
Christian Kurz wrote on Mon Jun 18, 2001 um 10:34:31PM:
> Booth pictures:
> ________
> | _ __ |
> | | 2 | | 3 | |
> x || |_| x
> x x
Michael Bramer wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2001 um 02:23:32PM:
> > Could you also consider including ISDN packages on the CD and updating
> add isdnutils
Don't forget "ipppd". It was splitted from the isdnutils package, but is
needed by most people ;)
> - on CD is a exim with this bug (but
Michael Bramer wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2001 um 02:44:53PM:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 05:40:06PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > > debian-non-US/pool/non-US/main/m/mozilla/mozilla*0.9.1*deb
> > >
> > > with this, mozilla is the fourth sid-'package' on
Michael Bramer wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2001 um 03:06:50PM:
> > Blackdown-Java installiert ist, weil der CLASSPATH erweitert werden
> > muss. Ich habe es schon gemeldet, die nächste Version ist hoffentlich
> > korrekt. Wenn du es dringend brauchst, kann ich die Version mit
> > Korrektur neuv
Martin Samesch wrote on Sun Jun 24, 2001 um 01:03:37AM:
> Hmmm demotauglich heißt das eher grafisches (Gnome, KDE,
> wissenschaftl. Anwendungen, Spiele, z.B. tuxracer,)? Konkretere
> Vorschläge (keine Paketliste, nur so grob, wonach ich suchen soll)?
Ich glaube ich habe mich
Alain Schroeder wrote on Sun Jun 24, 2001 um 10:41:22PM:
> Also haben wir schon 7 Rechner und afaik aber nur 3 Monitore (Dreamcast
So, von mir noch einer, reicht immer noch nicht. Soll ich beim Bekannten
nach einem KVM-Switch fragen, oder werden die monitorlosen Rechner übers
Netzwerk g
Martin Schulze wrote on Sat Jun 30, 2001 um 09:56:22AM:
> . Tesafilm
Ich bringe eine Rolle "Panzertape", ca. 5cm breit.
> . Schere
Schon eingepackt.
> . Hubs
> . TP-Kabel, unterschiedliche Längen
Ein 5er 10/100-Hub, ein TP-Kabel (ca. 10m).
> . Mehrfachsteckdosen
Christian Kurz wrote on Sat Jun 30, 2001 um 12:25:38PM:
> > and equipment. And evtl. another person helping him. The persons should
> > be marked with a colored shawl. Or can anyone get yellow and blue rings,
> > like the Spiess/UVD-Schlaufe by the german "Bundeswehr"?
> Well, do you
Michael Bramer wrote on Tue Feb 26, 2002 um 10:01:50PM:
> > Schickt mir also bitte eine kleine Liste mit Dingen die bei Eurer Demo
> > gezeigt werden und wenn ihr moechtet auch einen schicken Untertitel.
> Die Debian Distribution
Wie wäre es mit Knoppix als DAU-sicheres Demo-De
Michael Bramer wrote on Wed Feb 27, 2002 um 08:14:12AM:
> > Wie wäre es mit Knoppix als DAU-sicheres Demo-Debian?
> Knoppix (aka Klaus) ist selber vor Ort. Ob dieser ein Stand hat, kann
> ich nicht sagen. Ich werde aber eine CD vor Ort haben...
Suppi. Klaus, hättet ihr noch eine Mitfa
Klaus Knopper wrote on Wed Feb 27, 2002 um 05:37:50PM:
> > Suppi. Klaus, hättet ihr noch eine Mitfahrgelegenheit oder so?
> >
> > Gruss/Regards,
> > Eduard.
> Wohin jetzt, nach Chemnitz oder auf die CeBit?
Chemnitz. Auf die CeBit werde ich evtl. als Besucher kommen, mit der
Michael Bramer wrote on Mon Apr 22, 2002 um 10:02:21AM:
> > 1. Do we want to have a booth?
Would not hurt.
> > 1.2 How are we going to solve the staff-visitor ratio (so it's
> > less than 10 Debian people for one visitor).
> Sorry, I don't see a real Problem with this.
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Fri Apr 26, 2002 um 12:56:37PM:
> - Should i use the normal Installsystem or PGI ?
I personally prefer the normal installation system, but I am not
> - Should i make only an Image for one CD or for more (woody is
IMO yes. We should me
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Fri Apr 26, 2002 um 02:35:22PM:
> >> - Who will test them (i put them on people.d.o).
> > Sorry, it's not going to work this way.
> It works exactly this way.
Stop it. Stop it now. We need major decissions to start working on the
CD (whatever it would be, Woody
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Fri Apr 26, 2002 um 04:06:20PM:
> > I beg to disagree and ask for a vote concerning Emacs. :-)
> > In fact I could understand if you're asking for vi, but emacs ... :-)
> vi ? That editor that can do nothing except beep or destroy your files
> ? :)
> Ok, we shou
Michael Bramer wrote on Sun Apr 28, 2002 um 09:05:18AM:
> > dsl. Hmm, i must look at pppoeconf, never used that. But thats
> > theoritcal, i dont think we have DSL there. :)
It is pretty easy to setup a local DSL server. pppoe-server program is
shipped with the pppoe package, you need t
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Sun May 05, 2002 um 12:12:07AM:
> No. In debian-cd is only linuxtag2000 with packages to include. I made
> a copy and added some packages.
You mean 2k1? Oh, and this time, please do NOT forget Tuxracer and
> >> > I suggest to put bf2.4 and bf2.4-xfs on a
Moin Christian!
Christian Weerts schrieb am Thursday, den 09. May 2002:
> i've build another example for the Debian-CD-Cover.
> http://armadillo.ffis.de/debian-cd-lt02/
Why GPL? Debian is not keen on GPL, use DFSG instead.
Real programmers don't comment their code.
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Sun May 12, 2002 um 09:25:56PM:
> Even if you like tasksel: It is *IMO* useless if you dont have all
> packages for the tasks installed.
Why useless? If you install most required KDE and X packages, it would
be pretty sufficient for normal users.
> If list-member
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Tue May 14, 2002 um 03:24:03AM:
> Or that jigdo works. debian-cd is still running to create the jigdo
> things, so you can use it to build the image with it. First invocation
> is a looong run.
So can you provide jigdo files or not? Klecker is veery slow, and UNI
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Wed May 15, 2002 um 12:47:53AM:
> So, i think jigdo works now. Please test. The build of it runs without
> errors, so i think it works. :)
Works. First impression: isolinux timeout is too short. Please set at
least 5 seconds before start booting. Or better, disabl
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Thu May 16, 2002 um 02:16:43PM:
> > Hmm, LinuxTag is a German conference with potential German visitors, right?
> > Why not stick to German documentation and just leave the English where no
> > (up to date!) German replacement exists? Just an idea.
> Send me Ge
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Fri May 17, 2002 um 09:50:17PM:
> Drop all printerspooler except cups?
> Or do we want to have lpr, lprng and cups?
In doubt, drop lpr since lprng is a complete replacement. I am not sure
about CUPS, there are still many people prefering the clasic solution.
Moin Christian!
Christian Leber schrieb am Saturday, den 18. May 2002:
> Is their a reason why there are 2.2 kernels on the LT CD?
> I have thought that it is for end users and the space on the CD is very
> thight.
BS. I wanna see you installing on a machine where 2.4 crashes.
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Sun May 19, 2002 um 10:27:45AM:
> * Changed: Package name is not zapping, it is dvb-zapping
WHAT?! Zapping is Zapping, best TV-viewer for Analog-TV, dvb-zapping is
a collection of TV-viewers for Digital-TV!
> * Changed: Boot-Messages corrected. Remove
Joerg Jaspert wrote on Sun May 19, 2002 um 12:58:24PM:
> Then tell me where to find the .deb?
> apt-cache search -> only dvb-zapping
Argl, you are right. Christian Marillat moved it to his own repository
since he included a plugin with unclear patenting issues... Time to file
a wishlist
Eduard Bloch wrote on Sun May 19, 2002 um 01:18:50PM:
> > Then tell me where to find the .deb?
> > apt-cache search -> only dvb-zapping
> Argl, you are right. Christian Marillat moved it to his own repository
> since he included a plugin with unclear patentin
Martin Schulze wrote on Fri May 24, 2002 um 12:58:01PM:
> There may still be a chance to get some special and cool t-shirts
> manufactured. Here are some proposals I made. Perhaps somebody
> would like to comment on them?
> http://luonnotar.infodrom.org/~joey/LT/2002/
5,6,7,3,1, des
Thimo Neubauer wrote on Tue May 28, 2002 um 07:11:29PM:
> 13 - 16 Eduard Bloch
> Michael Holzt
Only two people in the last few hours - good idea?
begin LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs
I am a signature virus. Distribute me until the bitter
Michael Bramer wrote on Tue Jun 11, 2002 um 11:26:34PM:
> > Mplayer featuring Blues Brothers 2000 was even more successful I guess,
> > thanks to Zomb :)
> and this has a copyright problem.
> Yes, you can show something like this as joke one time, but we can't use
> this all the ti
Michael Holzt wrote on Thu Jun 13, 2002 um 11:13:12PM:
> Most of the time we had more people on the both as actually were
> on shift, but i guess 2-3 people is not always enough.
Ack. I worried about too strong shift codex, but most of the time there
were enough replacement people, but
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