#include <hallo.h>
Michael Bramer wrote on Thu Jun 14, 2001 um 08:33:26AM:
> can someone write a TOP-Level-README with 
>  - some Install problems 
>  - some note about a live after the LTCD? (like apt-setup, apt-setup)

I am going to rewrite the README from the last year(german). There would
be following sections:
- Disclaimer, some words about sponsors
- Hints how to setup this woody system (eg. setup problems, pits and falls)
- most parts of the user-howto from the last year
  - updates to it, about apt-setup, dpkg-reconfigure, apt-cache etc.
- most parts of the debian-user-de FAQ from the mailing list

"AOL ist sowas wie die AOK der Internet-Provider."
        -- Peter Berlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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