Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration

1997-05-27 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
ROTECTED] Or should I make a digest and forward to them? Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.2 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

cgiwrap_3.5-1_i386.deb is available

1997-05-27 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
still reading the programmer and policy manuals.) You can find cgiwrap_3.5-1_i386.deb at:> This is my first try at a package, so let me know if there is anything about it that's not up to specs. :-) Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL

Re: wget... (was: Where is the mysql package?)

1997-06-01 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
d fill in the length and width attributes of an img tag, so that the browser will be able to preformat text around areas where a not-yet-arrived picture will be. `imgsize.el` is on my www page; click my forehead. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Por

1.2.X -> 1.3 upgrade report

1997-06-04 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
nded on `cron`, which for some reason wasn't installed...?? I don't have any idea where it went. I re-installed it, and `innd` configged. Who knows, huh? I have not rebooted yet. I might wait for deity before I do. ;-) It will be good to have packages install in the proper sorted order, ???

1997-06-04 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I keep seeing icmp packets leaving my system, in the `diald` Dctrl packet Q, from "", and I don't know what they are from. Any ideas? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36

sendmail/deliver missing .dsc files

1997-06-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Both bo/source/mail/{sendmail,deliver}* are missing the .dsc files, at Is there not one for those, or is it lost? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FRO

`cgiwrap` packaged

1997-06-07 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
right now; if anyone would like to look over the .deb, it's available through the URL in my .signature. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING

Re: How do we encourage bug reports?

1997-06-10 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
tion. (not the man-db ones, just per-package manuals.) -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

File Locking

1997-06-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I want to learn how to set up a news box, so I'm going to fill a partition with a spool. (I wonder if I'll have it working by dark?) Footnotes: [1] I'm a beginner C programmer... strike that. Not programmer, but code reader, or person who attempts to understand code. ;-) [

Re: File Locking

1997-06-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Christian> Karl, thanks for the nice summary! You're welcome. :-) Christian> On 16 Jun 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote: >> ** Publib looks like it might already be t

File Locking

1997-06-19 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
veral more locking programs' source code, and read what I can get ahold of on the subject. `movemail', `lockfile', `maillock' (where can I find that?), `newslock' `qpopper', `sendmail', `libuuid', `sysid',... anything else I should read? -- Ka

Re: Policy wrt mail lockfile (section 4.3)

1997-06-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Rob> I think flock can fail across NFS in certain situations, but Rob> I'm no locking expert. You can read the man page to open(3) for a partial explaination. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <

Re: Policy wrt mail lockfile (section 4.3)

1997-06-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
ck for any file, not just mail spools. How does DCE do it, I wonder? I found libuuid in the ext2fsprogs. What's a lockd do? I will search for that today. Christian> We'll also provide "modules" for Perl/Python/etc. Can you use SWIG for that, once we make a .so? --

Re: Policy wrt mail lockfile (section 4.3)

1997-06-22 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
putting newsgroups and email in the same interface. And, in XEmacs, it's fully MIME capable, with sound and pictures and everything. (I've got to quit advertising.) Footnotes: [1] It's also in Emacs. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> finger or ytalk: ht

Re: Policy wrt mail lockfile (section 4.3)

1997-06-22 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
ng, and lets us Miquel> safely share mail over NFS. A bit (a bit?!) of a hack, Miquel> though. May we have it? Please? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> finger or ytalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Portland, OR USA Debian GNU

Re: Summary: File locking discussion

1997-06-22 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
not there anymore; I guess I can put it back up though. I'm not really certain that it's correct. It is very untested. Using `system' to call procmail's `lockfile' is a simpler solution, from perl or shell scripts. It will work fine from C too. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EM

Re: klogd?!

1997-06-22 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
a file is gone that it's trying to write on? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> finger or ytalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail

Re: NFS lockfiles etc: alpha implementation

1997-06-24 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
istian> module if it is compatible to this library and adopt it Christian> if necessary. This should be packaged up, too. Does anyone know how to call C functions from perl? That would be the best way, wouldn't it? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: End of Documentation Discussion

1997-06-27 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I used to be able to read gzipped html files with Netscape, but now it puts up a download dialog. I don't know how to make it able to pipe them through gzip again. Is it something to do with the MIME files in /etc? -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> finger or ytalk:

Re: Looking for help. . .

1997-06-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
tell `fdisk' (the Linux one) to just turn it into an ext2fs partition. That's what I did about 2 years ago. I've never regretted it. Welcome to the Debian GNU/Linux 'volunteer fire department'! Learn how, and grab a package. :-) -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Documentation stuff

1997-06-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
... what about the ability to install a documentation server on a LAN too? Jim> 7) Cacheing - I'm going to split the cacheing in dwww into a Jim> separate package. That way, it should be easy to improve it, Jim> not use it, or use something like squid instead. Ok here.

Re: End of Documentation Discussion

1997-06-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
y print it? :-) If you want a printed copy, you start with the texinfo source, and make a dvi from it. I think that TeXinfo is better thought out, by people with far greater experience, than Linuxdoc SGML is. It can't be that hard to learn, either. If you can write a program, you can wri

Re: fixhrefgz, boa

1997-06-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
This is from the `boa' README.debian: Transparent compressed file support --- Boa supports transparent access to gzipped files and on the fly decompression of the served html pages. No references need to be changes to .gz. If a file with the extension .html cannot

Re: fixhrefgz, boa

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> Karl M Hegbloom writes: Karl> This is from the `boa' README.debian: Karl> Transparent compressed file support Karl> --- Boa supports transparent Karl> access to gzipped files and on the fly decompression of the

`boa' vs `apache', running from x?inetd.conf, mime-types, mailcap

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
browsing C or perl source, I can press a few keys, and have the info manual to a libc or perl function in a second window in under a second. (I can put the cursor on a word, and with a few keystrokes, have W3 fetch its definition from the online dictionary, too.) Fernando> 7) A default searching/indexing engine should be Fernando> chosen. It would be marked standard, but not Fernando> important. Caching would be an option too. Yes. Jim Pick's `dwww' is the best one going. There's no reason why info files cannot be indexed also. With `gnuclient', info URI's could be opened in an emacs if that is the user's preference. (Koalatalk someday. ;-) ) -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133

Re: Summary of the html/info/webserver/whatever mess

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
ssing which documentation Christian> format we use, though a few people think that we are). He was summarizing so we would know he was following along, and to relay back to us what he got from it. It didn't have to "bring us forward". -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M.

Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
lot of packages installed, and it takes a lot of processing to open it with a file manager, web browser, or dired. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING L

Re: Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Jellinghaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Andreas> should we change this for 2.0 or 2.1 ? 2.0! -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD

Re: Debian Policy based on the wrong technical assumptions

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
er swapped a lot less, I was able to run X windows and XEmacs then. The jump from 12Mb to 16Mb wasn't quite as dramatic, but did make a noticable difference. :-) So, for the people with ancient 3 year to 5 year old computers, we'll need to package docs in html. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

Re: `boa' vs `apache', etc.

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
s or XEmacs KMH> are... Fernando> But you can erase the compiled info files and update the Fernando> index. That is what I meant. Yes, I suppose... but if Emacs or XEmacs is installed, they'll "Depends:" on the info manuals too, won't they? KMH>

Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
groups ? I just discovered "/usr/share/keytables/hypermap.m4". It's a really good keymap! With that, emacs will see {M-S-!}, {M-S-<} and {M-S->} on a linux console tty! Finally! The m4 macros it uses look like the right way to do this. I bet similar macros could d

Re: RfD: Debian is not randomly installing services

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> James R Van Zandt writes: James> However, a relative newcomer might want to change his James> answers (having learned things since answering the first James> time). ! You're kidding! ;-) -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) http

Re: remote shell command authentication ...

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
ail to the lists that we expect may be FAQ information? -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
; documentation Brian> he's looking for when going into /usr/doc, so why does a Brian> large directory make any difference? It takes a long time to grind through a very full directory, and for software to cons up lists of the files there. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M.

Re: fixhrefgz unnecessary when fixing web-browsers in the correct wayR

1997-06-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
oc/thing.html and the mod_rewrite will make it so `apache' will grab that if it exists or grab thing.html.gz if /that/ exists, and failing either, will grab, where the similar thing happens; the docs there can be gzipped as well. -- mailto:[EMA


1997-12-03 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I wonder if anyone else has seen this: ? Perhaps Diety should become a part of that? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Linking (ld) problem with package.

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I'd be interested in reading the solution, just for the knowledge. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Debian Commercial Support

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
lp and learn. If nothing else, for the next year an a half or so, I'd like to watch and see how it's done. [ Just bought Richard Stevens `APIUE'. ] -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0

Re: Technical Support Database suggestion..., CL-HTTP-P

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
s written for it that perform this sort of duty. Please look into it with me. ... and there are other links off my page that may or may not be of interest. Footnotes: [1] I think it would be neat to upgrade the

Re: RFC: Deb 2.0 testing process

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
would be more useful. The checklist format might work well. Perhaps it should become part of the developer and packager's guide(s) or the policy manual. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0.32 A


1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "bruce" == bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: bruce> Oops, I left an SMTP command at the end of that bruce> message. Did you see it? I thought you were jesting with us. We'll never quit. :-) -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Need someone to take some of my packages.

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Wichert> Take a look at the code I made for lockvc 3.0. It handles Wichert> both shadow and normal password (and mixed Wichert> shadow/non-shadow) passwords well. And it's in a seperate Wichert> sourcefile so it's easy

Re: `COAS'

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Behan" == Behan Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Behan> Karl M. Hegbloom wrote: >> >> Perhaps Diety should become a part of that? Behan> *sigh*... not diety, Deity. Behan>^^ Behan>

Re: lockfiles and mutual exclusion

1997-12-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
another. `dpkg' and `dselect' make a lock file; I know because I've tried to start it while it's already running on another tty, and it told me. :-) Footnotes: [1] Not necessarily a sensible editor. [2] There's a few other things in there you might like to hav

Re: Libc6 2.0.5c has a leak in inet_ntoa

1997-12-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> any news on libc6 2.0.6? an ETA, perhaps? David Engel posted a week or so ago saying he's packaged it, and gave a URL. I went and got it, and have been running it since with no apparent problems. Maintainer: David Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Source: glibc Version: 2.0.6-0.2 I'm not ad

Package ordering for `dselect'?

1997-12-12 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Adam" == Adam P Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Adam> [...] w/ pkg ordering stuff apparently coming in and (?) Adam> dselect being dropped as the default installation Adam> mechanism. Can someone add the package ordering to `dselect', so we'll have that until `deity' is

Re: ppp's ip-{up,down} and possible utilization of 'run-parts'

1997-12-15 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Adam" == Adam P Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Adam> Maybe I should submit this as a wishlist to the bug system, Adam> but I was interested in getting some comments first. Red Hat 5.0 has a complex network configuration setup... I didn't have time to look it over in detail, b


1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
[ sent to debian-devel, and bcc'd to the local user's group ] Please direct me to where I ought to be asking this question so that I'm most likely going to get an answer, if here's not the place. I'm working the examples in "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", by W. Richard Steve

Re: Debian Administration tool

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Brian" == Brian Bassett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Brian> The current plan calls for three interfaces (text-based Brian> curses, X, and Web/CGI). `deity' works on console, xterm, and X. Perhaps you can utilize that toolkit? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the

Re: redirecting stderr to memory

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Enrique> Any ideas? `publib' has some editor buffer stuff in it... could you use that somehow? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
wnpp> o Removed perl documentaion from works in progress, as the wnpp> provided manpages are sufficient. There really needs to be a `perl-info' package, with the Perl TeXinfo docs in it. `cperl-mode' in the emacs editors has the ability to look up perl functions in the info. It's ind

`cvs add' is dumping core

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Has anyone else had trouble with `cvs add' dumping core? I've tried upgrading to the latest `diff', various libc6's, and the hexagram key. Nothing helps. What could be wrong with it? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-

Re: header munging, mail reader configs, Gnus propaganda

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
A really good email client would probably have a mechanism Raul> for indicating that the previous message's author prefers to Raul> receive list mail only via the list address. It supports a `Mail-Replys-To:' header, which many people set to "never". -- mailto:[

Re: Taking over production of emacs20 package.

1997-12-16 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Raul" == Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Raul> Hmm.. seems like XEmacs should Provide: auctex. I can't see Raul> any formal problem if auctex is installed as a separate Raul> package as well... [Why someone would want to is beyond Raul> me.] There's support for t

Re: libc/378: Why isn't STREAM_MAX == FOPEN_MAX?

1997-12-17 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
E"? Yes, according to X/Open. I've corrected this in the development version now. Thanks, [...] From: Ulrich Drepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: libc/378: Why isn't STREAM_MAX == FOPEN_MAX? To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)

Re: ["Gonzalo A. Diethelm" ] Re: Moving topics from debian-private (was Re: SPI money out)

1997-12-17 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "James" == James Troup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: James> Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> When doing 'g'roup reply in elm, the e-mail of the person goes >> into the "To:" header and list address (along with all other >> thread participant's adresses) to "Cc:" he

Re: XEmacs elisp packages (was: Service registration)

1997-12-17 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Information on how to become a beta tester may be found in the FAQ. There are some exciting changes taking place! -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0.32 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM

Does `dpkg' track the installation date of a package?

1997-12-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I wonder if `dpkg' tracks the installation date of a package, whether it should if it doesn't, or why it doesn't if that is the case. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

[SL Baur ] Schedule & version number change, new mailing list

1997-12-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I hope this doesn't bug anyone too much... I think it's relevant to the current Emacs/XEmacs threads, and adds better information to my last message in that thread, the one about unbundling elisp packages from XEmacs. This arrived a while after I'd posted that. --- Begin Message --- There has

Re: Does `dpkg' track the installation date of a package?

1997-12-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Todd" == Todd Graham Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Todd> Count mine as one vote for a new LOG_DEBIAN facility. And while we're at it, let's make one for HTTP also. Anything else? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Tr

Re: Moving topics from debian-private (was Re: SPI money out)

1997-12-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Kai" == Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Kai> Remember there are people that can't stand Emacs. Bliss. :-) -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: 2.0.32, XNvidia, Vtk

1997-12-19 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Arto" == Arto Astala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Arto> When configuring kernel it asks if I want to make boot disk. Arto> I did want. Then it asks something like "Hmm. You seem to Arto> have new superformat, want to use it?" and I felt I'm taking Arto> risks already and I do

Re: potential mayhem with trial libc6 package and kernel-headers

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Bart" == Bart Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bart> Particularly if they happened to have a fully unpacked and Bart> configured kernel source tree in /usr/src/linux . Bart> * Poof * Perhaps the `kernel-headers' install script ought to look for an existing /usr/src/linux

IconPath, menu

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I've created a directory "/usr/X11R6/icons" for my own use. I think that we need to have something like that, and a keeper of the icons. All of the mini icons and whatnot from the various packages ought to be consolidated into one icon package. I think it should be someone who likes to draw

"/etc/" ordering

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I was just trying to compile `browser-history', and the following thing happened: make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/debian/Work/browser-history' gcc -ansi -O -Wall browser-history.c -o browser-history \ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lX11 ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/libc5-compat

debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
SPI $Id: browser-history.c,v 1997/12/20 17:44:18 karlheg Exp $ Any ideas? -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0.32 AMD K5 PR-133 pgpzxhtol5jIs.pgp Description: PGP signature

Intent to package: `cvsweb-1.0'

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom

menu: suggestions - extending the menu files

1997-12-20 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
It occurs to me that the menu files ought to have fields for: Xresources to get `xrdb -merge'd when the program is launched. (lazy eval) (and removed perhaps, on the delete window hook? Does the X server gc?) Menu font, color, icon, a predicate for when it's greyed off (think scwm) XTerm

Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
e version of your package? The version of the package. Note that I use `dpkg-parsechangelog', rather than the simpler: LINE=$(head -1 changelog) VERSION=$(expr $LINE : '.* (\(.*\))') ... since I thought that the reason for using `dpkg-parsechangelog' was so folks could exper

Re: Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
wnpp> o Steve Kostecke has adopted wnpp> linuxlogo. Uh, I was told I could take the package, and have uploaded. Steve, you can have it, if you like; I learned from repackageing it, perhaps you'll get something from it too. Let me know. -- TO UNSUBSCR

Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Joey> Karl M. Hegbloom wrote: >> Note that I use `dpkg-parsechangelog', rather than the simpler: >> >> LINE=$(head -1 changelog) VERSION=$(expr $LINE : '.* (\(.*\))

Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Joey> However, on second thought, using dpkg-parsechangelog is Joey> unappetising. Not only does it print out this annoying error Joey> message, but it takes a about a second to run. (on a p166) Joey> Since debian/rules files t

Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-24 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Joey> expr "`dpkg-parsechangelog`" : '.*Version: \(.*\).*\nDistribution:' I can't get that to work. I have much better luck with `gawk'. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Tr

Re: Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux

1997-12-24 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Steve" == Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> Steve, you can have it, if you like; I learned from >> repackageing it, perhaps you'll get something from it too. Let >> me know. Steve> All of this for such a small package... If you've already Steve> done the w

Re: Emacs20 and mail file locking.

1997-12-25 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Rob> OK, then I'll assume that we want to hack emacs to use Rob> liblockfile. This requires repeatedly calling touchlock() to Rob> keep the lockfile from being deleted during the period when Rob> the lock is being held. I th

Re: Immutable files

1997-12-25 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Topi" == Topi Miettinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Topi> Matthew Wilcox writes: >> >> From a security point of view, it might be considered >> worthwhile to install system executables (particularly the suid >> ones) and then mark them immutable. Topi> Sounds like a

Re: Emacs20 and mail file locking.

1997-12-25 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
... more to say, now that I read what I wrote... I don't think that the dot locking done by `movemail' is nfs-aware. You'd need to use libnfslock for that, I guess, or patch `movemail'. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e

ldconfig, dangling symlinks - solution

1997-12-25 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
The reason that ldconfig is reporting `file not present' is that a package has installed shared objects without also installing the symlinks. `ldconfig' makes the symlink when it's run, and when the package is uninstalled, it removes the file pointed to, but not the symlink. -- TO UNSUBSCRI

Re: slib and Debian ?

1997-12-27 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I installed the slib-2c0, and applied the patch to ice-9/slib.scm, and made a symlink: total 7 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 Nov 12 08:23 1.2 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 Nov 27 12:51 app lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Dec 25 20:17 slib -> /usr/lib/slib/ -rw-r-

Re: slib and Debian ?

1997-12-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Jim" == Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Jim> Here's a possible slibconfig script with support for Guile in Jim> it: I think you forgot to make the symlink: ln -s /usr/lib/slib /usr/share/guile/ -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EM

Re: Emacs20 and mail file locking.

1997-12-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Rob> Assuming you're right, and movemail is used for all mail Rob> locking, then if we patch movemail to use liblockfile, we Rob> should be fine. I volunteer to try rolling those patches into XEmacs 20.5. I think that configur

Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy.

1997-12-28 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Along with this, in the similar thread, I think we should set aside a place in our "/usr/src/" for the building of Debian packages, using `cvs-buildpackage'. (which I promise to _try_ and grok this week.) How about... "/usr/src/debian/{build,work}"? It would be good to put into policy a nam

Re: my user on my box!

1997-12-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Jon" == Jon Björklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Jon> What I want is to get my user named ceed to be as powerful as Jon> root but at the same time it shouldn't be root. There are several ways of doing that. `secure-su' lets you set things up so that certain users can `su' to bec

Re: my user on my box!

1997-12-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Marcus> If you want to give ceed access to floppy, cd, sound and Marcus> other, add "ceed" at the end of the appropriate lines in Marcus> your /etc/group file. This file controls the access for Marcus> common files and

Re: Intend to take over wmaker, application?

1997-12-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Joey> Marcelo E. Magallón wrote: >> my name is Marcelo Magallón, and I'd like to take over the >> maintainance of wmaker Joey> Yay!! Maybe we'll get a new version now. :-) Yes! When I tried it, the icons it made where like s

`dpkg' severe bugs list is long.

1997-12-29 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Is there any reason why the fixing of the several severe bugs against `dpkg' is being put off? It installs everything under UID 1000, which could be problematic anywhere but on a home machine. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Troubl

Re: Yet another glibc pre-release

1997-12-30 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Stephen> David Engel wrote: >> Use -profile instead of -pg/-lc_p when profiling, e.g. $ gcc >> -profile -o t t.c Stephen> Thanks! That makes it a gcc bug instead. :) (-profile is Stephen> not mentioned anywhere in

Re: kernel headers---FAQ

1998-01-01 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "adavis" == adavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: adavis> I was able to install using adavis> --ignore-depends=linux-kernel-headers-2.0.32. I had to do the similar thing, and found that I also had to update the symlinks "/usr/include/{asm,linux}" by hand. I have the symlink "/usr/

Re: menu: suggestions - extending the menu files

1998-01-02 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "joost" == joost witteveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: joost> Uhm, there's a slight problem with ifeq($visable, joost> "false",...). If we assign booleans to the string variables joost> ($visable etc are essentially strings), then I'd prefer joost> them to by default to have

Re: Re^2: dhelp 0.2 - a online help system

1998-01-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Marco" == Marco Budde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Marco> We could write a converter :)? I'd rather see a unified interface for that sort of thing than a kludgey converter converter scheme. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: cron jobs more often than daily

1998-01-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
This section is in my "/etc/crontab"... I see no problem with it. Perhaps there ought to be a thing like the script that updates inetd.conf for the crontab. I would also like an "/etc/cron.scripts" directory. #-- postgresql begin 0 4 * * * postgres/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/do.mainte

Re: cron jobs more often than daily

1998-01-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Christian" == Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Christian> The solution presented in 3.3.7 is that the "owner" of Christian> the conffile (cron in that case) provides a utility Christian> (like install-info, for example) through which other Christian> packages ca

Re: Re^2: dhelp 0.2 - a online help system

1998-01-05 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Christian" == Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Christian> If someone wants to do this with me, just drop me a Christian> note. I'm just waiting for volunteers... I would like to help, but I don't think I've got the skills it would require right now. I'll try and take

Re: Emacs20 and mail file locking.

1998-01-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Rob> Maybe you already knew this, but I just got around to looking Rob> at the movemail source for emacs 20, and it really looks like Rob> movemail already knows how to handle liblockfile. Check out Rob> MAIL_USE_MAILLOCK and

Re: Is there a maintainer for the install doc?

1998-01-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
You could use m4. There's an article about doing that in the Linux Gazette: [1] Hope this helps. Footnotes: [1] URL located from `browser-history'! (Grin. It works!) -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegb

Re: Guile question: What was bug #14213???

1998-04-07 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Jim> [1 ] Jim> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes: >> The changelog lists only a bug number, with no description of >> what the bugs were. They are no longer in the bug

Why isn't "/var/run" drwxrwxrwt ?

1998-04-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Why isn't "/var/run" set like "/tmp"? Shouldn't user-run programs be able to write a pid file there? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is the `scsh' licence DFSG compliant? Please advise.

1998-04-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
Attached is the COPYING file from `scsh-0.5.1'. May this program go into "main"? That would be wonderful. I would like to package `guile-scsh' as well. It bears the similar licence. COPYING Description: Binary data

How to install editor lisp files?

1998-04-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
There's some Emacs Lisp that I neglected to package with `scsh'. I would like to know how to go about having dpkg install it. What is the procedure? Where do I stow it, and how do I register it with both emacsen? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe

Re: #19519: tmpreaper: Will not remove dirs

1998-04-10 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
[ Please remove CC's of impertinent replies to the bugs address. ] Summary: `tmpreaper' will not remove empty dirs because the atime gets changed by `ls' or any touch of the directory. I've been asked to implement an option to delete empty dirs with (>= mtime+grace now). There is some diff

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