>>>>> "Raul" == Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Raul> (1) a good mail client (e.g. a properly configured mutt)
    Raul> will give you the option of respecting reply-to, or ignoring
    Raul> it.

 I use Gnus, and used `G p' in the *Groups* buffer to set the group
 properties of this mail group, adding:

 (to-address . "Debian Developers' Forum <debian-devel@lists.debian.org>")

 ... to the list.  Now when I push the follow-up key, that's the only
 header that gets inserted.  It omits the uneccesary `Cc:' list, so
 people won't get two copies.

    Raul> (3) a good mail client can thread duplicate replies
    Raul> together, making them easy to manage.

 Gnus can be configured to drop or elide duplicate messages, based on
 the Message-Id: header that `sendmail' (and probably other mailer
 daemons) adds.

    Raul> A really good email client would probably have a mechanism
    Raul> for indicating that the previous message's author prefers to
    Raul> receive list mail only via the list address.

 It supports a `Mail-Replys-To:' header, which many people set to

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0.32 AMD K5 PR-133

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