It went very well; I missed a few packages, and had to go back for a few things, then `dpkg --configure --pending` three or four times, while sorting out dependencies.
I'd installed the experimental shadow packages, and `dpkg` wouldn't let me upgrade, since `shadow-login` was an essential package. I used '-r --force-essential' to remove the old one, then installed the new, no problem. I guess that works fine as long as you don't pull the rug out from under yourself... you have to put it back before you land. Secure-su failed to configure, complaining about diversions (and `gnu-su`), which I don't understand yet. I went in and put things right by hand (sort of, I think...); it's still not configured according to `dpkg`. There is no man page for dpkg-divert??? I will look again. It is a mystery. I used XEmacs-20 and 'ediff' to merge in the .dpkg-inst changes to many of the config files. I was able to update my "passwd" and "group" files, as well as "/etc/init.d/boot". I had some oddball gid's that I had to change to match the standard groups file, and a few odd userid's too... It was simple to `chown`/`chgrp` the directories, since it was 'majordom' and 'postgres' that were different from the standard of reference on this particular computer. After I cleaned up the "passwd" and "group" files, running `shadowconfig on` worked fine. XDM is functional also, and so is `xlockmore`. I don't know if turning the :!:'s to :*:'s in "/etc/passwd", and "/etc/group" helped the config or not. I just did that as a matter of course while the system was unshadowed and I was editting in them. `innd` depended on `cron`, which for some reason wasn't installed...?? I don't have any idea where it went. I re-installed it, and `innd` configged. Who knows, huh? I have not rebooted yet. I might wait for deity before I do. ;-) It will be good to have packages install in the proper sorted order, finally. -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.2 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .