On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 09:36:18PM -0700, PCMan wrote:
>Hi all,
>Sorry for the late reply. I no longer actively work on LXDE due to real
>life issues.
>However, I still have access to the project github.
>If others are interested in continuing the development, I'm more than happy
>to add them
Thank you very much for the patch.
Applied it, it looks fine.
Hello dear Paul and all Release Team!
>Can you at least please comment on this bug? Do you recognize it? Can
>you reproduce it (I would guess not, seems like this would make lxde
>nearly useless for everybody)? *If* lxde is nearly useless for
>everybody, I'd like to know, then I think we should
Although it appears there is another way to make that, just for LXDE,
using file /etc/xdg/lxde-mimeapps.list. May be it will be the best way
after all.
>> Since evince is automatically installed, it's "just" a matter of setting
>> evince as the default application for PDF - as you already have tried to :-)
Well, if evince is installed then it should exist in the XDG MIME
database and therefore it should be present in the "Open with ..." f
>You can test it by installing the version from unstable.
It is not in unstable yet, see
control: tags -1 - bookworm sid + bookworm-ignore experimental
Could you explain, please, how this issue is an RC bug if sid contains
version 1.1.1o and 3.0 version is only in experimental? And how should I
do and test required changes if said version is not in sid at all?
Thank you everyone for the analysis. Will check how to make it work
correctly, let fix it on the next upload.
--- lxpanel-0.10.1/debian/changelog 2021-02-07 00:12:25.0 +0200
+++ lxpanel-0.10.1/debian/changelog 2021-04-17 13:22:04.0 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+lxpanel (0.10.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Making lxpanel-dev package Multi-Arch: no (Closes: #985517).
+ -- Andriy
--- lxpanel-0.10.1/debian/changelog 2021-02-07 00:12:25.0 +0200
+++ lxpanel-0.10.1/debian/changelog 2021-04-17 13:22:04.0 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+lxpanel (0.10.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Making lxpanel-dev package Multi-Arch: no (Closes: #985517).
+ -- Andriy
Thank you very much for finding this. I just tried to make lxpanel-dev to
be 'Multi-Arch: same' but apparently I was wrong and it should be marked
'Multi-Arch: no' instead, leaving its dependency on lxpanel as it used to
control: retitle -1 ITA: clipit -- lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
control: owner -1 !
I've missed the point when this package was orphaned. I have a desire to
pick it up since I use it all the time and developers didn't abandoned
it. Let return it back into Debian on next cycle. Thank you.
control: reassign -1 lxpanel 0.10.1-1
Thank you for reporting this and investigating on it. As much as I can
see the root issue is that an icon on a panel does not work without a
working x-www-browser alternative installed. That can be solved with
adding a line
TryExec: /usr/bin/x-www-browser
I'm agree, ClipIt needs some alternative. Although from what I saw about
Diodon it integrates into GNOME desktop and as such it will bring start
of bunch of GNOME services (dconf, zeitgeist) which are not started by
the ClipIt of course. Not very good for a desktop environment which is
intended to
Thank you for reporting that issue. I would like to ask you for few more
details if that is possible. First od all I would like to see output of
the command (when issue happens):
ls -lR $HOME/.config/lxpanel/
Another this I would like to know is content of few environment variables
such as XD
control: tags -1 + moreinfo
control: notfound -1 libfm/1.3.1-1
I'm afraid your files were corrupted. This mentioned API stays the same
since FmFolderView API was introduced in version 1.0.1 of LibFM and it is
still the same in fm-folder-view.h:
control: reassign -1 xfce4-panel
This is an issue from file /usr/share/applications/panel-desktop-handler.desktop
which should contain 'OnlyShowIn=XFCE;' line but it does not have one.
Dear maintainer of xfce4-panel, please, handle this issue. Thank you.
control: tag -1 + moreinfo
>From your report it seems you have not installed recommended package
lxhotkey-plugin-openbox, without which you can use only command line
interface for this application. Please, confirm that. Thank you.
Andrew Lee has written on Friday, 29 January, at 19:05:
>What's your opinion on this MR? I'll accept related MR for libfm-qt if you
>accept this here for libfm.
I thought if we should make it more flexible in a way to test for version
and use one or other switch to command but couldn't
>It is not solution for Debian. Lxde just needs rebuild with gtk3 libs,
>it'senough for fix this bug. I will do NMU after bullseye release if
>maintainer won't do it.
I'm against just rebuilding everything against GTK+ 3.0 and abandoning
GTK+ 2.0. While version 3.0 still have some ad
>I've prepared an NMU for lxtask (versioned as 0.1.9-1.1) and uploaded
>it to DELAYED/14. Please feel free to tell me if I should cancel it.
Thank you very much. There is an issue with GIT which we tried to fix
and failed. It was what delayed the actual fix for so long. After all it
was decided to
>However, this behaviour is still incorrect and unacceptable for many
Yes, I completely agree that is a bug. Whole reason why I asked you to do
this was to get a bit more details for fixing it. Thank you very much for
your help.
Well, in case if it just exits then probably path in main window became
invalid and therefore window was closed.
Please, look in the settings, what is your choice on the option 'When
removable medium unmounted:'? Is it 'Close tab containing removable
medium' probably? It yes then try to change it
control: tags -1 fixed-upstream
>Upstream LXTerminal has fixed this issue in the following commit:
Thank you very much for pointing on that.
Then it will be fixed on next upload which I hope happens soon.
You have written on Friday, 14 February, at 20:39:
>The new repository[1] that was supposedly fixing this bug report
>doesn't even include the upstream sources (or their git history).
>It's a plain packaging repo with only the debian/ directory.
>I don't see how that's supposed to fulf
>Personally, I was surprised that LXDE was kept in Debian; I thought it
>was going to be replaced by LXQt. Are you planning to keep LXDE in
Actually LXDE and LXQt are just similar but pretty different desktop
environments and not every LXDE user may feel happy to be forced to use
Hello Andreas!
Thank you very much for the patch. It appears you've done all the
work and it worked like a charm. All porting guide steps are handled,
I've rechecked that. Thank you very much.
With best regards,
Hello Andreas!
You have written on Sunday, 26 January, at 10:36:
>Control: severity -1 serious
>On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 08:27:57PM +0200, Andriy Grytsenko wrote:
>> Thank you for this notice. I will try to find a way and handle this
>> situation ASAP, it's
control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Could you, please, clarify if this old issue ever happens again or not?
Thank you very much.
Could you, please, provide output of command 'xset q' on your system?
This seems to be similar to bug reported against at-spi2-core package
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=918776 but with another
problem produced. I would like to hear if this problem is still present
or reproducible on your system. Let us know, please.
>Thanks for fixing the weather applet by using the OpenWeatherMap API.
>Here's another problem though:
>When I start my LXDE session the weather applet does not show the
>temperature etc., but rather says that weather information for my
>location is not available.
Thank you for your report. Actua
I believe the mentioned file is appropriate for libnotify-bin and isn't
appropriate for lxpanel package since lxpanel does not interact with the
daemon directly.
And thank you for a notice about dependencies. Both libnotify-bin and
notification-daemon are added as Recommended by lxpanel now.
>Tryed with version of libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 from stable, same problem.
>I have 2 PC, both with Debian testing and Fluxbox as DE, pcmanfm crashes
>on both opening that folder.
Could you put said file somewhere so I could experiment with it and find
a soultion if possible, please?
>Thread 30 (Thread 0x7f681634a700 (LWP 24728)):
>#0 0x7f6816c292c0 in ()
> at
>#1 0x7f682029812d in ()
> at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0
>#2 0x7f6820298bd8 in gdk_pixbuf_loader
Nicola has written on Saturday, 26 January, at 11:30:
>Bug still exists. Opening a folder with many subfolder and files pcmanfm crash
That is pretty bad. Thank you for such a notice. I would be glad if you
could help with trace debug, please. For that you have to install debug
symbols for both lib
Yes, Yahoo unfortunately ended free service at January 3.
New API requires registering the application and has unknown restrictions
which probably will lead the weather plugin to DoS situation, because if
developer registers API to get a key then that limitation will be applied
to each user of tha
Hello Adrian!
Thank you very much for pointing on this issue, will work on it ASAP.
control: severity -1 wishlist
Thank you very much for reporting this.
Actually this is not a bug but rather a missing feature. Therefore I
change it into wishlist issue.
Thank you for a NMU but that isn't needed, I think 1.3.0 will come pretty
soon where this issue is fixed.
I've tested this again recently and it appeared the behavior depends on
the terminal in use - some terminals work just fine and some don't work.
Could you verify if that is the same for you or not, please? If it is,
then this issue should be addressed to terminals where it ceased to work
lately (su
Thank you very much for reporting this. Actually "eject" should be a
dependency of libglib2.0 what isn't the case. Will add it into libfm
dependencies on next package release soon.
control: reassign -1 pcmanfm
control: affects -1 + lxde-common
Thank you for the report.
Actually you reported three issues into one, that is not an appropriate
way to do reports.
In regards of exact issue. Wrapping is done by the desktop manager in an
obvious reason - the text does not fit into
control: reassign -1 lxpolkit
Thank you for reporting this.
Your issue seems as a lxpolkit configuration problem. Could you, please,
look if there aren't two lxpolkit processes running at the moment when
you are logged in?
Could you also check if there is a policy kit agent checked on in the
control: reassign -1 lxpolkit
Thank you for reporting this.
This seems to be an issue with policy kit configuration, when it comes
from xrdp it conflicts with one coming directly on desktop. Need a bit
more of investigation.
Dear Jonathan,
could you clarify your issue a bit more, please?
For me it seemed as if display manager started a wrong session. It would
be pretty helpful to see list of running processes when the issue happens.
The best you can do is to use 'ps -fx' command and then quote its output.
Thank you
control: tag -1 jessie
control: fixed -1 1.2.5-1
Thank you for reporting this, although I'm not sure if it's still
reasonable to backport it into Jessie at this point.
Unfortunately, I cannot determine where the crash happens, from your data.
Could you, please, gather a crash debug info and give me access to it?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for this notice. I will try to find a way and handle this
situation ASAP, it's really complicated one, I cannot disagree.
Actually this is a bug in gtk-doc, see
It should be fixed by gtk-doc upstream if I read that bugreport right,
although it's workarounded by libfm upstream, see the latest commit
b072ee0400432d72fdf86ba9fed74a7e0ec11ec1 in the libfm upstream GIT.
Package: debian-maintainers
Severity: normal
Annual ping it is.
Description: Digital signature
control: fixed -1 libfm/1.2.5-1
Actually, if you would do proper bootstrapping described in details at
https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBootstrap page then there will be no FTBFS
at all (stage1 build will build all packages fine then stage2 build will
build rest of them, no FTBFS). Package libfm is r
Thank you for noticing. I'm going to release 0.12.0 version soon, just a
bit more testing needed to be sure it's stable enough. :)
Both bugs in BTS will be fixed, as well as found ones since 0.11 versions.
control: fixed -1 libfm/1.2.5-1
Alf Gaida has written on Saturday, 8 July, at 20:58:
>Package: libmenu-cache-dev
>Version: 1.0.3~7-g4695338-1
>Severity: important
>just a reminder - we talked about in October/November last year.
I hope you've read about proper way of bootstraping which is expla
Thank you very much!
Package: pcmanfm
Version: 1.2.5-2
Version: 1.2.3-1.1
Severity: serious
Tags: upstream security
The socket placed in /tmp is predictable and public-writable. Therefore
if one user placed a symlink to another socket instead of socket for
another user then said another user will either be unable to u
Package: libmenu-cache3
Version: 1.0.2-2
Severity: serious
Tags: upstream security
The socket placed in /tmp is predictable and public-writable. Therefore
if one user placed a symlink to another socket instead of socket for
another use then said another user will either be unable to get menu, or
.patch from upstream
+(Closes: #849356, #851748, LP #1558407).
+ -- Andriy Grytsenko Mon, 24 Apr 2017 23:02:01 +0300
menu-cache (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Merging upstream version 1.0.2 (LP: #1635438).
diff -Nru
>This is due to shipping a non-deterministic build config log. I
>don't believe shipping this file is very useful so we can simply
>drop it.
Yeah, that was my fault, I've tested build issues and forgot to remove
that log. Unfortunately it was too late to push update when I've noticed
>the two bug https://bugs.debian.org/858567 (just fixed in a very
>recent upload) and https://bugs.debian.org/857795 are not present in
>the initial upload of the according package version, only in the
>recent BinNMUs. So I wonder if these issues might stem from a recent
>build toolchai
Thank you for reminding on that, will look at it ASAP.
Thank you for reporting this. It made me to wonder what may cause this.
No idea so far. Will try to reach some free computer to investigate but
currently don't have any estimate on that. I also would think about some
systemd integration. If you can get a log which would shed any light on
the issue
control: tags -1 + jessie moreinfo
Have you tried to install version 0.9.3-1 from Stretch? I've not managed
to reproduce your issue yet but I suspect it is fixed in newer versions,
and it might be some configuration issue from MATE desktop as well.
This is pretty much bad news, since libfm-extra4 was not changed at all
since version 1.2.0, so apparently something went bad in menu-cache-gen.
Only noticeable change was debug build was disabled, that makes it faster
but at cost - instead of tests and soft-failure a crash will appear. The
most pr
Thank you very much for information provided. I sincerely hope the issue
is now fixed, the version 0.9.3-1 is now in unstable. I would be glad and
grateful if you install the package and check if it's fixed (it can be
installed on either stable, testing, or unstable). I would like to ask
you to tes
Actually I've tried version 1.2.3 (downgraded both libfm and pcmanfm) and
behavior is the same. It seems something else is wrong, will test further
this issue.
>Here is an example of what is shown in a tooltip:
>> Battery 0: 97% charged, 0:00 left
>> Energy full design: 56160 mWh
>> Energy full: 40930 mWh
>> Energy now: 39900 mWh
>> Power now:12804 mW
>> Current voltage: 12.178 V
Thank you very much for pr
control: reassign -1 lxde-common 0.99.2-2
Thank you very much for reporting this. It appears due to repackaging of
lxsession package, so lxde-common misses two dependencies now. Will fix
it ASAP.
Thank you for a suggestion. While using new libs might be an advantage,
libvte-2.91 uses GTK+ 3.0, while until now lxterminal package was using
GTK+ 2.0 (as well as rest of LXDE components). Switch to GTK+ 3.0 is not
much desirable since LXDE is positioned as a lightweight environment but
GTK+ 3.0
Thank you very much for a suggestion. Fairly sensible.
Ah, forget about previous message, found the problem.
Thank you for a report, fixed version will come soon.
>Package: openbox-lxde-session
>Version: 0.99.2-1
>Severity: grave
>When trying to install openbox-lxde-session package, dpkg fails with an error
> dpkg: error processing archive .../openbox-lxde-session_0.99.2-1_all.deb
> (--unpack):
> trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/lxsession
So it appear it was your local cache somehow broken and nobody (not even
yourself) cannot reproduce the issue, right?
If so, then this issue should be closed as not-reproducible. Thank you.
Package: openbox-kde-session
Version: 3.6.1-3
Severity: grave
After installing package openbox-kde-session one would expect to have a
GUI session available. Although it isn't. It fails on running the file
that executes session:
root@ag:/# openbox-kde-session
/usr/bin/openbox-kde-session: 20: exe
control: fixed -1 0.8.2-1
Thank you very much for reporting this issue. I believe mentioned problem
is fixed in version 0.8.2-1 which is currently in testing, and few other
problems should be fixed in upstream sources, a new version that includes
those fixes is going to be released soon.
control: reassign -1 libmenu-cache-bin 1.0.0-1
control: fixed -1 1.0.2-1
This issue is definitely a bug in menu-cache implementation, it somehow
updates only one cache file if something changed and forgets all others.
Thank you very much for reporting this issue, and I would like to cheer
you up s
Package: debian-maintainers
Severity: normal
Annual ping it is.
Description: Digital signature
Thank you very much for sharing thoughts, I will keep that in mind.
control: reassign -1 lxde-common
Thank you very much for reporting this. Apparently this issue is coming
from the fact there is no lxde-session package which is named lxde-common
and therefore many are confused because lxde package is just metapackage
with components but session files itself.
>I just went to fix a reproducibility issue in foxeye, but I got stuck when
>I couldn't regenerate configure from configure.ac as the autoreconfing
That is pretty much strange since I've added --with autoreconf to the dh
options in debian/rules and ran pbuilder against sid, then autoreconf
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: lxhotkey
* License: GPL
* URL: https://git.lxde.org/gitweb/?p=lxde/lxhotkey.git
* Programming Lang: C
I intend to add lxhotkey source package into Debian.
For now it contains only CLI but later it will contain (either or both)
GTK+ and Qt GUI.
Package: openbox
Version: 3.5.2-8
Version: 3.6.1-2
Severity: important
The openbox package in Debian does not support startup notifications and
such behavior creates big problems, especially on slow machines, tablets
and devices like Raspberry Pi, because users cannot see if application
they tried
Thank you very much for a fix, will add it on next upload!
Well, while your point is right, removal of system-tools-backends will
broke LXDE usability because there is no other alternative package to
manage users - other known users management tools are integrated into
GNOME and KDE, and gnome-system-tools is only standalone package which
can be used in an
Oh, great! Thank you very much for the backtrace and steps provided.
I hope to get it fixed soon!
Thank you very much for the backtrace provided, I'll start from it and
let you know when fix is available.
I completely agree with blaming upstream to be ignorant so renaming the
package would be wise when working with such upstream.
I also think this bug severity is 'important', not 'normal' since it
affects usability of package, at least it confuses users. If I was the
maintainer of this package then
>I just see that pcmanfm is now in version 1.2.4-1.
>I have upgrated it.
Well, while 1.2.4 upstream version has many bugs fixed, I'm afraid this
particular one wasn't touched in that update so still would need some fix
and your backtrace input would be very appreciated.
Well, you might be right
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Thank you for reporting this. Could you provide more information, please?
Which parts of LXDE are not translated and what language you expected to
have in use?
control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Thank you for your report. Although I don't see what exactly did you
mean? What exactly goes wrong?
Thank you for reporting this. If this problem still exists then quote
output of 'xrandr' command here, please, for further investigation.
control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Thank you very much for reporting this. I would like if you could provide
a bit more of useful info, such as a backtrace on the crash. You can read
more at https://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace and relevant -dbg
packages for PCManFM are pcmanfm-dbg, libfm-dbg, libf
control: tags -1 unreproducible
Thank you for your report. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your issue
on my Debian Jessie machine. Was your file really deleted before you
copied a new one in place of it? Were there any warnings about the file
already exists? Frankly, I see no way how destroyed f
control: severity -1 important
This bug, while afecting usability of the system, still does not make it
completely unusable, therefore, according to the BTS policy, should have
another severity, see https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities as
a reference.
And since there was no solution f
control: reassign -1 lxde-metapackages 6
Thank you very much for making such suggestion, the lxde actually can be
ran without openbox, yes.
Unfortunately, this exact suggestion is wrong as lxde-common is not a
WM-independent package, it actually isn't a common package needed to run
with any WM bu
Package: debian-maintainers
Severity: normal
Annual ping it is.
Description: Digital signature
control: tags -1 + patch pending upstream
Thank you very much for this fast patch! It will be included into next
release of the package which I hope may happen soon.
Package: src:openbox
Version: 3.6.0-2
Severity: minor
The upstream released version 3.6.1 of Openbox recently which fixes ABI
incompatibility of version 3.6.0 so bumbed ABI number of libobrender to
32. Thus fix for https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788520
made by patch in 3.6.0-2 b
control: tag -1 + fixed moreinfo
Well, this very much likely is fixed now, we just need a feedback reply.
Thank you.
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Pedro Ribeiro has written on Saturday, 20 June, at 17:04:
>I don't know if the lib was updated, or if something in my system
>changed, but now it appears to be working correctly.
>I can confirm I'm not crazy though, I'm pretty sure that for months it
>didn't work.
Well, last fixes on that matter
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