Yes, Yahoo unfortunately ended free service at January 3. New API requires registering the application and has unknown restrictions which probably will lead the weather plugin to DoS situation, because if developer registers API to get a key then that limitation will be applied to each user of that API so may be soon exceeded.
Abother issue that new Yahoo API requires digital signature for each request which in turn will involve libssl with all their restrictions. Unfortunately all weather providers now made their API available via some kind of registration. We can force each user to register but that will be pretty inconvenient for users. Another approach is to register some token for LXDE developers public e-mail but if (for example) 500000 users will use the plugin and we set update time once in two hours, that will make 500000/120=4000 requests per minute, which exceeds number for any free subscription which definitely makes the plugin unusable at all, so this approach is not a way to go. Thus I have no idea what else to do except to remove the plugin from distribution.