- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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urt the most in developing
countries: non-techies gets discourages to use Debian at all, or when
using it may apply security fixes less often.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Description: signature
to its size - which just happens to be expressed in discussions as "can
it fit on a single CD?".
The _default_ Debian desktop is what we implicitly recommend for our
non-technical users, no matter the wealth of alternative offers we have.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - ide
Quoting Olav Vitters (2014-08-08 15:51:13)
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 03:26:20PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> I wonder if you still missed my point: Concern is not if computers
>> are capable of reading DVDs, but the *bandwith* burden of installing
>> and maintaining a
Quoting Samuel Thibault (2014-08-08 16:19:28)
> Jonas Smedegaard, le Fri 08 Aug 2014 16:11:58 +0200, a écrit :
>> The following is on a wheezy chroot:
>> root@bastian:/# aptitude install task-gnome-desktop
>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
Quoting David Weinehall (2014-08-10 22:59:45)
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 11:10:50AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> The issue here really is "how big is it?" rather than "hos many disks
>> [of which kind] does it fit onto?".
>> "
Quoting Olav Vitters (2014-08-11 11:21:14)
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 11:10:50AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Quite a few places in the World have poor and/or expensive internet
>> access. Larger default desktop will hurt the most in developing
>> countries: non-techie
DebianParl is a blend, yes, but currently not defined by metapackage(s)
so cannot technically be included in tasksel.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
[x] quote me freely [ ] as
se" to offer "Debian Edu" in
debian-installer to get some "educational software" - I would expect to
get a Debian Edu system.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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y. In such a case, it makes sense to omit the
> desktop selection after such a blend is selected, or at least let the
> blend define the default.
Good point!
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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fumbled with a few ideas in the past that seems to fit perfectly to
above (e.g. a dead-simple videophone "PhoneHome" dialing a hardcoded
number, or a party jukebox with a touch keyboard (no avoid spilling
liquids into a real keyboard, or a gaming box to pacify visiting kids,
Blends#Terminology and that you
therefore really a generally reusable Blend (sparked by personal _needs_
which I see as a perfectly fine drive for creating a Debian Blend).
I am sorry if I twisted your meaning.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Description: signature
Source: tasksel
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA512
Seems most sensible to me that package task-german recommends iswiss,
similar to how task-english recommends both american and british.
- Jonas
Version: GnuPG v1
Package: task-danish
Version: 3.29
Severity: normal
Tags: l10n
Hash: SHA512
Both hunspell-da and myspell-da satisfies the functionality of a danish
dictionary usable with Iceweasel, Icedove and LibreOffice.
Difference between those packages are, I believe (I wi
Package: di-netboot-assistant
Followup-For: Bug #759424
Hash: SHA512
Attached is a patch believed to fix all issues related to new syslinux:
* Lookup pxelinux.0 in /usr/lib/PXELINUX (not only /usr/lib/syslinux).
* Lookup only BIOS binaries (not accidentally
ripts. What is currently possible is only the latter: Spawn a shell
script late in the install process to replace init-related packages
already installed by debian-installer.
Please Cc me, I am not subscribed here.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 4084
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 12:49:58)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-21):
>> Attached is a patch believed to fix all issues related to new syslinux:
>> * Lookup pxelinux.0 in /usr/lib/PXELINUX (not only /usr/lib/syslinux).
>> * Lookup only BIOS binaries (n
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 13:13:05)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-23):
>> Quoting Erich Schubert (2014-11-23 09:50:12)
>>> 1. There is a wide consensus that Debian continues to allow other
>>> init systems.
>>> 2. The installer (currently) does insta
Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-23 13:05:36)
> Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 12:49:58)
> > Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-21):
> >> Attached is a patch believed to fix all issues related to new syslinux:
> >>
> >> * Lookup pxelinux.0 in /usr/lib/
Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-23 13:05:36)
> Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 12:49:58)
>> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-21):
>>> Attached is a patch believed to fix all issues related to new
>>> syslinux:
>>> * Lookup pxelinux.0 in /usr/lib
Quoting Wouter Verhelst (2014-11-23 14:15:27)
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 02:02:57PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 13:13:05)
>>> Well, I'm really unsure what you're calling inaccurate in the third
>>> point.
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-23 14:31:00)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-23):
>>> If you're unhappy about the initial systemd installation, that's too
>>> bad, because we're not going to change debootstrap, especially not
>>> at this late stag
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Hi Cyril,
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-25 18:31:33)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-25):
>> August 8th, Debian began supporting¹ choice among several init
>> systems. August 21st, Debian changed² default init.
>> To me, flexibility is an important feature of Deb
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-25 19:50:48)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2014-11-25):
>> Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-25 18:31:33)
>>> I'm not sure why people seem to believe that broadcasting a call for
>>> tests through their blog, Planet Debian, various Debian m
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2014-11-26 00:31:18)
> I'll probably stop replying here since I feel like I'm repeating
> myself over and over and over and over again.
You didn't repeat youself. Thanks for spelling out your opinions to me.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard
Package: flash-kernel
Version: 3.97
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch
Hash: SHA512
Please add below patch to flash-kernel, to support the A64 Teres-I board
found in Olimex's Teres-I DIY laptop.
Mainline linux 4.16 and newer includes the referenced DTB.
Mainline u
control: reassign -1 u-boot-sunxi
control: retitle: u-boot-sunxi: A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 Rev. K cannot load linux
Reassigning to package u-boot, since (if I read the provided log
messages correctly) the failure is in u-boot before even loading linux
at all.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard
Package: flash-kernel
Version: 3.99
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA512
Editing by hand the configfile /etc/default/flash-kernel
and then running "dpkg-reconfigure flash-kernel" bogusly presents string
"quiet" regardless of actual content in the configfile.
Pressing e
anges to the GPL are allowed?
> At least the English variant of the GPL is 'official' and is not to be
> changed, so what about changing the quoting signs into
> entities?
Some very narrow interpretation of "not to be changed" disallow making
the text into a PD
Please do tell if there is interest in that, and how I can help there.
(I tried in the past on my own, but ran into issues with documented test
routines for fonts being obsolete/broken - so I would need a bit of
guidance to help)
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-ark
any reason for concern here specifically. Maybe if you shared your
concerns in more detail, I am happy to reflect on them.
[ I am not subscribed: please cc me on replies ]
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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[ I am not subscribed: please cc me on replies ]
Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2020-03-28 18:45:56)
> Holger Wansing wrote:
> > However, I did some tests, and I managed to get a netboot-gtk
> > mini.iso image built with only this font packages:
> > fonts-android-udeb (appa
use it).
If I get something working, I will try share it with Debian friends in
India to try get a feel for how it might be sensible to proceed more
generally. Or maybe I will simply take it one locale at a time, get in
touch with each, and have them help evaluate, just as you suggest :-)
[ I
releation from depends to recommends.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Description: PGP signature
nce we can get this fixed for Buster?
Perhaps someone in debian-in can help answer above?
An alternative is for Gujarati to use fonts-noto. If relevant, then
I'd be happy to extend the fonts-noto udeb as needed, but it needs
someone who actually understand Gujarati to proof-read if using
> things changed for fonts apparently.
> Gujarati is no longer usable, all glyphs are replaced by TOFU placeholder
> signs.
> Jonas Smedegaard proposed to switch to noto-fonts as an alternative.
> He uploaded a new version of that udeb to unstable just some
[re-adding bugreport as cc]
Quoting Holger Wansing (2018-12-07 14:26:52)
> Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting Holger Wansing (2018-12-07 08:39:23)
> > > With commit
> > > "Replace ttf-freefont-udeb by fonts-freefont-udeb as the former has been
> > >
Package: task-german
Version: 1:2-31
Severity: minor
Hash: SHA512
Package task-german depends on aspell-de-alt, which describes itself as
a "dummy transitional package" which can be safely removed.
task-german should instead depend (directly) on aspell-de-1901.
Package: installation-reports
Followup-For: Bug #916822
Hash: SHA512
This bugreport seems relevant to reassign to package u-boot,
since (if I read the provided log messages correctly) that
the failure is in u-boot before even loading linux at all.
- Jonas
ted and recommended packages are different things.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Description: signature
Package: flash-kernel
Followup-For: Bug #931195
Hash: SHA512
2 months have passed by with this issue solved in git but no release.
What is missing for a release to happen?
- Jonas
Package: task-xfce-desktop
Version: 3.32
Severity: important
Hash: SHA1
task-xfce-desktop depends on xfce4. While that may seem the very
purpose of this package, it causes problem when e.g. wanting the XFCE
desktop environment but not GStreamer0.10.
See bug#77
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2015-07-13 16:46:11)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2015-07-13):
>> Package: task-xfce-desktop
>> Version: 3.32
>> Severity: important
>> task-xfce-desktop depends on xfce4. While that may seem the very
>> purpose of this package, it ca
Package: di-netboot-assistant
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA1
Package currently suggests dhcp3-server which does not exist.
It should instead suggest isc-dhcp-server.
- Jonas
- -- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
APT prefers unstable
APT polic
therefore that such flag currently (with arguably buggy debootstrap)
only need to affect the later APT calls within /target.
Regards, and thanks a lot for all the great work on the installer,
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
ou are better versed in this than me, but if it makes you sleep better
at night then you hereby have my blessing for moving on with your
(snipped) draft agenda for this :-)
I can offer to debug should that be needed (see bug#803769 for a summary
of my capabilities in that regard).
- Jonas
I.e. need not delay the transition and need only be
discussed with those directly involved - no need for distro-wide
discussion of that :-)
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2015-11-11 17:07:45)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2015-11-10):
>> I've hit a bug¹ in a non-package part of Debian, identified that it
>> is tied to variations not in package releases but web-facing parts of
>> official Debian:
Quoting Karsten Merker (2015-11-12 21:32:27)
> Control: reassign -1 src:debian-installer
Thanks for reassigning, Karsten.
As mentioned on d-devel, I intend to try gather debugging info, but
haven't found time yet for doing that.
[more comments below...]
> Jonas Smedegaard wrote
Quoting Karsten Merker (2015-11-14 01:02:54)
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:23:40PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting Karsten Merker (2015-11-12 21:32:27)
> > > Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > > [d-i on an Allwinner A20-based Olimex LIME2]
> > >> Board b
Quoting Karsten Merker (2015-11-12 21:10:42)
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 05:07:45PM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> > Jonas Smedegaard (2015-11-10):
> > > I've hit a bug¹ in a non-package part of Debian, identified that it is
> > > tied to variations not in package
Source: debian-installer-netboot-images
Version: 20150422+deb8u2
Severity: serious
Justification: Policy 4.2
Hash: SHA1
debian-installer-netboot-images source package is less than 6k in size.
Clearly the main part of the resulting binary packages come from
Package: src:debian-installer
Severity: important
Hash: SHA1
debian-installer-netboot-images currently violates Debian Policy by
fetching debian-installer images over the network during install - see
I believe¹ that debian-installer produces th
Quoting Didier 'OdyX' Raboud (2015-12-07 12:52:26)
> Control: tags -1 +wontfix
> Le dimanche, 6 décembre 2015, 18.02:48 Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
>> debian-installer-netboot-images source package is less than 6k in
>> size. Clearly the main part of the resultin
Quoting Ansgar Burchardt (2015-12-07 14:50:32)
> Jonas Smedegaard writes:
>> debian-installer-netboot-images currently violates Debian Policy by
>> fetching debian-installer images over the network during install -
>> see bug#807168.
>> I believe¹ that debia
Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2015-12-07 15:13:51)
> Quoting Ansgar Burchardt (2015-12-07 14:50:32)
> > Jonas Smedegaard writes:
> >> debian-installer-netboot-images currently violates Debian Policy by
> >> fetching debian-installer images over the network during ins
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2015-12-07 15:49:42)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2015-12-07):
>> debian-installer-netboot-images currently violates Debian Policy by
>> fetching debian-installer images over the network during install -
>> see bug#807168.
> You do realize that de
but custom files are
installed instead. I intend to work around that e.g. in DebianParl, so
expect a bugreport on that when I get around to it (if someone haven't
beaten me to it).
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Websit
each single font part of the Noto deb. What do the debian-installer
team consider useful?
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
[x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private
Package: debian-installer
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA256
On weekly snapshot of Stretch netinst image downloaded today, choosing
an install in danish with full disk encryption, I notice that at the
screen informing about the many hour long security wipe of the tar
Package: debian-installer
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA256
Using weekly netinst image downloaded today, failed right after
partitioning for full-disk-encryption, reporting that debootstrap
returned error 127.
Last messages on screen 4 were these:
INFO: Menu item
Quoting Christian Perrier (2016-11-18 09:11:00)
> Le 17/11/2016 à 15:32, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
>> Quoting Harshula (2016-11-17 14:58:33)
>>> On 19/09/16 02:07, Christian PERRIER wrote:
>>>> I'd be happy to do this, however the fonts-noto-hinted-udeb package
Quoting Christian PERRIER (2016-11-19 07:23:20)
> Quoting Harshula (
> > On 18/11/16 22:12, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > > Quoting Christian Perrier (2016-11-18 09:11:00)
> >
> > >> Chagning the D-I font to Noto for all languages hasn't
Quoting Christian PERRIER (2016-11-19 12:17:00)
> Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (
> > > Another is in one of the D-I packages : changing the file that
> > > mentions what fonts are used depending on the locale. This is not yet
> > > committed as I
/DebianInstaller/GUIFonts - the
scripts at the bottom - but they seem outdated or insufficient: Current
g-i ISO do not not contain the program gtk_font_tester.
Can someone help me how to create font samples nowadays?
Kind regards,
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arki
Quoting Cyril Brulebois (2017-10-30 17:07:17)
> Jonas Smedegaard (2017-10-29):
>> The Noto font might be interesting to use in the graphical
>> debian-installer to have a uniform visual presentation across
>> locales. Since bug#837926 Noto is used for Sinhala and I curio
gt; send Enter
> screenshot
> Clearly not perfect but should just work reliably.
Thanks for trying - I really appreciate the effort. Unfortunately that
went pretty much over my head :-(
I will try make sense of it...
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Inter
- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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directly[1] or report your findings to
Hope that this helps,
- Jonas
- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
- Enden er nær:
", and
binary blobs are not software, then users of binary blobs are not *our*
users, and we don't favor them.
Let the flamewar continue - I promise to not respond any more to this
- Jonas
- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:16:02 +0200 Frederik Schueler wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 02:53:21PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > I honestly believe that moving linux-2.6 to non-free hurts our users
> > more than stripping non-free parts of the Debian-precompiled kernel.
Please ignore my post a moment ago. In a moment of carelessness I
forgot my promise of throwing no more flames in this thread :-(
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
- Enden er nær:
Package: tasksel
Version: 2.85
Severity: normal
I notice netatalk being dropped from file-server task in 2.85.
Maybe this is carefully thought out, I don't know. I don't know since
there is no reference to a bugreport or anywhere else this have been
I am the current package main
On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 01:20:35PM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Jonas Smedegaard, le Sat 20 Nov 2010 07:05:45 +0100, a écrit :
Maybe this is carefully thought out, I don't know. I don't know
since there is no reference to a bugreport or anywhere else this have
been discussed.
On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 03:35:56PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Even if the historical underlying network protocol, Appletalk, have
been abandoned by Apple for quite some time, netatalk also works on
top of tcp, and is is in active use among Macintosh users, I believe:
As subject says, maybe this issue is tied to APT/fakeroot bug#630591?
For d-shlibs I found a workaround of "fakeroot apt-cache ..." by
replacing with "fakeroot apt-cache --no-generate ..." which is supported
at least as far back as Lenny.
- Jonas
may similarly not care about backporting, but Debian
Policy is suite-agnostic in its requiring correct package dependencies.
Kind regards,
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
[x] quote me freely [ ] ask
Could it be reasonable to drop graphical desktops environments for
> one-CD installs? If you want a GDE, get the DVD. Or two or more CDs.
If those interested in the big desktop environments are ok using DVD,
what is then the problem in putting light desktop environment on CD1?
- Jonas
On 12-05-14 at 11:22am, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On May 14, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > It is my impression from my visits in the Fall (although I do not
> > have any hard data to support it) that in India and Indonesia
> > network access is generally so slow th
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