Re: The future of DebConf, online lessons from the pandemic [Was: Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel]

2021-05-14 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
]] Bernelle Verster > For me it's less about duplicating the obvious things we expect - > more interaction with faces through video, for example, and more about > finding out the needs we were trying to express/address with the > different things we did. We may end up at the same solutions, but

Re: The future of DebConf, online lessons from the pandemic [Was: Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel]

2021-05-14 Thread Bernelle Verster
On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 3:39 PM Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote: > > > > On Friday, May 14, 2021, Bernelle Verster wrote: >> >> >> I think it is possible to have a significant social aspect both on- >> and off-line that complement each other, to have local 'mini-DebConfs' > > > which ensures t

The future of DebConf, online lessons from the pandemic [Was: Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel]

2021-05-14 Thread Bernelle Verster
Thanks for this discussion, this is something very close to my heart. On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 12:46 PM Paul Sutton wrote: > > > > > > On the other hand, if the mission of the conference is promoting > > Debian around the globe, with carbon emissions, pandemia, etc. we > > should also consider a m

Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel

2021-05-14 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Hi, Em 14/05/2021 07:35, Héctor Orón Martínez escreveu: However, I think DebConf has lost the point a long time ago. I believe DebConf should be the venue to discuss Debian project matters and enable teams and developers with plans, roadmaps, help to coordinate the project, etc. After all this

Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel

2021-05-14 Thread Paul Sutton
On the other hand, if the mission of the conference is promoting Debian around the globe, with carbon emissions, pandemia, etc. we should also consider a more fragmented conference, localized in different areas/continents. Maybe it would make sense to run all those piled up DebConfs the same y

Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel

2021-05-14 Thread Héctor Orón Martínez
Hello, On Thu, 13 May 2021 at 08:52, Andreas Tille wrote: > I admit my gut feeling is not very good about this long term fixing. > Its announced now and its possibly my fault that I did not joined the > discussion, but fixing locations 3 years in advance seems not very good > to me. Its divergi