
Em 14/05/2021 07:35, Héctor Orón Martínez escreveu:

However, I think DebConf has lost the point a long time ago. I believe
DebConf should be the venue to discuss Debian project matters and
enable teams and developers with plans, roadmaps, help to coordinate
the project, etc. After all this is the Debian developers conference.
The real question should not be, where is DebConf going to be in year
XY, but where are we able to gather Debian developers and team members
to push forward the distribution and prepare for next releases.

So, do you mean Europe/USA/Canada?

On the other hand, if the mission of the conference is promoting
Debian around the globe, with carbon emissions, pandemia, etc. we
should also consider a more fragmented conference, localized in
different areas/continents.

Isn't it called MiniDebConf?

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Debian Developer
Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
Site: http://phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

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