
On Thu, 13 May 2021 at 08:52, Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:

> I admit my gut feeling is not very good about this long term fixing.
> Its announced now and its possibly my fault that I did not joined the
> discussion, but fixing locations 3 years in advance seems not very good
> to me.  Its diverging from our usual election process.  Conditions might
> change and competing offers are ignored for a very long time.
> Just mentioning my gut feeling without any criticism at the choice
> itself but I'm betting we'll get lots of discussion about this (by
> ignoring the unacceptable comment about Kosovo on debian-discuss).

I concur with Andreas. I understand local teams placed a bid and I
thank them that they are willing to organize the conference, pandemia
is delaying and piling up the conferences...
... and this could be a cause of stress on the conference organizers.

However, I think DebConf has lost the point a long time ago. I believe
DebConf should be the venue to discuss Debian project matters and
enable teams and developers with plans, roadmaps, help to coordinate
the project, etc. After all this is the Debian developers conference.
The real question should not be, where is DebConf going to be in year
XY, but where are we able to gather Debian developers and team members
to push forward the distribution and prepare for next releases.

On the other hand, if the mission of the conference is promoting
Debian around the globe, with carbon emissions, pandemia, etc. we
should also consider a more fragmented conference, localized in
different areas/continents. Maybe it would make sense to run all those
piled up DebConfs the same year? (Maybe this is tad late now, after
the announcement)

Disclaimer - These are no strong opinions, just some food for thought.

Have a nice day,
 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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